The Animal Psychologist Tonje Eliassen

The Animal Psychologist Tonje Eliassen

Passionately devoted to give animals a voice and help animals and their owners understand each other!

Animal Communication is telepathic communication with animals. In my opinion this kind of communication is very much the same as communication between humans, except that it contains a lot more than just words. Animals also communicate using images, feelings, physical sensations, memories, sounds, smells and more. Every, single living being on this planet possess the great gift of telepathic commu





As I was contemplating this month’s candidates for Wild Wednesday, a photo showed up in my feed. It made me laugh and I decided Squirrel is the one! Check the comments to see the photo.


Squirrel looks at me to decide wether to stay or to find refuge up in the nearest tree. Her curiosity wins and she approaches me with the lightest footsteps. Her presence is graceful.

«I belong to the world down here and the world up there.»

She points at the trees.

«It is astonishing how everything looks different in those worlds, even though they are one and the same. It is an important reminder that our perspective should never be fixed in one position, because then we will miss out on all the other worlds.»

«Let me clarify. You live your life and you believe this is THE way to live life. Maybe you even judge others for doing it differently. I am not here to judge you for judging others, all I want is for you to reflect on this:

Out of all beings on this earth, there are billions of ways to live life. Billions of possibilities. Billions of mistakes to be made. Billions of ways to evolve. Now, when you apply that to your way of living, doesn’t your perspective come up a bit…short?»

«Again, I am not here to judge you. I am here to invite you to embrace the possibility that you can make small changes in your life and see a whole different life unfold. Maybe take your perspective up to the roof tops with me? I am always here to help those in need, all you need to do is call on me and ask me to walk by your side.»

«I’ll keep popping into your life to remind you of this possibility, but every time you tell yourself you’ll do it «later», the opportunities will not come as often. And one day, they might all be gone. I don’t want that for you! So remember my message to you the next time you see me and wonder ‘How can I change my perspective for the betterment of my life?’»

Squirrel jumps fast and gracefully through the grass and she doesn’t look back before she’s halfway up the tree. Her head pops out from behind the tree and she smiles.

«Until next time!»

And then she disappears into the green sea of leaves, high up in the tree.

(Photo by MrsBrown, Pixabay)

Understanding Animal Minds and Its Implications for Welfare 01/07/2024

🔸Understanding Animal Minds and Its Implications for Welfare🔸

Are you willing to rethink your relationship with the animal kingdom?


«In recent years, a wave of groundbreaking research has revolutionized our understanding of animal cognition, challenging long-held assumptions and reshaping the landscape of animal welfare. This cognitive revolution calls for a reevaluation of our role in nature as compassionate stewards rather than exploitive dominators.»

«Technological advancements have played a crucial role in propelling our understanding of animal cognition. Tools such as drones, artificial intelligence, bio-loggers, and acoustic monitoring devices have allowed researchers to observe and analyze animal behavior in unprecedented detail. These innovations have provided new insights into the lives and minds of animals, revealing their capacity for problem-solving, memory, and even emotional experiences.»

«The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness, signed by prominent neuroscientists, biologists, physicists, and philosophers, asserts that non-human animals possess the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states. This declaration challenges the historical view that animals are mere automata without feelings or self-awareness and calls for a more compassionate approach to animal welfare.»

«Philosophically, this discovery underscores the interconnectedness of all life forms and the shared capacity for consciousness. It prompts us to consider the ethical implications of our actions and to adopt a more holistic and compassionate approach to our interactions with the animal kingdom. By embracing the evidence of animal consciousness, we can create a more compassionate and ethical world for all living beings.»

«The cognitive revolution in animal research is not just a scientific breakthrough; it is a call to humanity to rethink our relationship with the animal kingdom. By embracing the evidence of animal consciousness, we can create a more compassionate and ethical world for all living beings.»

Understanding Animal Minds and Its Implications for Welfare The Cognitive Revolution


When Marshall came to me he had a different name. It felt like it didn’t resonate with who he was, so I just knew I had to find another name for him.

Only problem? I came up blank every time I tried.

At that time I lived with a man up in the mountains of Norway. His daughter lived in Chicago with her mother, stepfather and two twin sisters.

The twins were infatuated with Paw Patrol, and when we asked them (they were around 2-3 years old at the time) they immediately said his name should be Marshall.

So I asked Marshall and he loved it 😻


Have you ever seen a 🐠 drive a 🚗?




Doggo loves sleeping in the rain ☔️🐶😄

The Misunderstood Genius of Rats: Mental Telepathy & Beyond 24/06/2024

🔸The Misunderstood Genius of Rats: Mental Telepathy and Beyond🔸

It’s funny how synchronicities work; just the other day I was talking to my friend about rats and we shared stories of why they frightened us and why we don’t like them. And then, this article shows up in my feed!

Of course, the universe has a way to show me that all beings are worthy of our love and respect.

And now I feel bad I spoke so poorly about them!

Rats are peculiar animals and there is so much more than meets the eye.

Can you see beyond society’s villain stories of this intelligent and social animal?

Here’s a few take aways from the article if you don’t have the time to read it yourself:

«Take it from researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, who recently proved that rats, like humans, can imagine places they aren’t in. But that’s not all – rat brains can also perform mental telepathy, making them a truly misunderstood genius of the animal kingdom.»

«..rats have a reputation for spreading illnesses, but they aren’t inherently more disease-ridden than other animals. They’re even quite clean, often grooming themselves as frequently as cats»

«..they actually play important roles in various ecosystems, including seed dispersal and soil aeration»

«They display social behaviours like cooperation, empathy, and group communication, have excellent spatial memory, and can even be trained to press levers and push buttons»

Now, I encourage you to read the chapter called «The Science Behind Rat Telepathy» - it totally blew my mind (in a good way)!

The Misunderstood Genius of Rats: Mental Telepathy & Beyond Rats are one of the most intelligent creatures on earth. Here’s how they use mental telepathy and why they deserve more respect.


Who would you like to be for one day?

I’m curious to know what it’s like to be an octopus 🐙🤓


I guess Randy felt a bit..randy? 😜


Yep 🤣🤣🤣


Cats are probably not the best scientists 🤭

Are animals conscious? Some scientists now think they are 17/06/2024

🔸The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness🔸

I have written about this declaration a couple of times already, but I think we have come a great deal further when the mainstream media picks up on it - this time it is BBC. The bigger the media, the more people learn about this fantastic news;


(and deserve to be treated accordingly!)

The article has a lot of examples if you want to read about it.

If you’re not an avid reader, the article also has some visuals with interesting animal facts.

Are animals conscious? Some scientists now think they are A series of experiments have led a number of scientists to say animals may be conscious.




Was karma involved? 🤭😂


So true 🤭


I’ve just signed up for this year’s

🐾Animal Communication & Healer Summit🐾

where there are many established animal communicators sharing their knowledge - and it’s all for free!

Will you sign up too?

ACHS 2023 Home Page Learn how to access your natural abilities to communicate intuitively with animals to help your pets, to heal the planet, and to make your Animal Communication




I’m sooooo buying this costume for my daughter 🤣


I actually think that dog looks better than me when I’m out in public 🤭😂



I’m down with a fever today, so I’m not in the best shape to do a wild communication. But I have taken notes on your nominations for future Wild Wednesday’s 😉

In the meantime, enjoy this communication from last year 🪶


White Ravens with blue eyes are rare and beautiful.

Their wisdom is that of magic and seeing through the veil. Although few in numbers, they hold great power. If you want some magic in your life, I recommend reading its message to you.


(Hello my dear friend. I come to you today to ask if you want to share your wisdom with my community?)

My loved one. Of course we want to share our wisdom with you and your fellow travelers.

First of all, I can sense that there is a community of curiosity and an urge to learn more about the magic parts of life.

I am of course referring to the abilities you have forgotten reside in each and every one of us.
�They are as normal and mundane as using a vacuum cleaner or preparing food. Humans have invented terms like «woo woo», but we don’t appreciate talk like that - it is only meant to separate us from what is truly ours. No one can take these abilities away from you without your consent. Chew on that for a while, please.

The White Raven looks into the horizon while radiating a warm, loving and peaceful energy.

You need to be still on the inside.




And when you do, the Universe will speak to you. Or to say it in a more down to earth way; your animals will speak and you will listen.

Be still on the inside.

There is so much going on outside of you, dear humans. We understand how that is distracting you from owning your true self. This is by the way true in more ways than one, and it is our hopes and dreams that humans wake up to see and understand their full potential.

But little goes a long way, also when it comes to stillness. Maybe you can start with one minute and see how that feels? If you can do one minute every day, change is bound to happen. By taking baby steps towards your heart’s desire, there is nothing that can stop you from reaching that goal.

But I want you to remember one thing; the result is not the real goal here. The journey is.

So try to find joy and gratitude in where you are now, while dreaming wild dreams about where you are tomorrow (hint; the wilder, the better!).

We (the White Ravens) may be rare, but we are here to serve the great awakening. You can always call on us if you need our assistance. We can help you regain trust in your abilities, strengthen the bond with magic and help bring life to your wildest dreams.

(Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us, Raven ❤ )


How did Raven’s message resonate with you?

Will you try to be still for one minute today?

And maybe most importantly; what are your wildest dreams?

I’m here cheering you on, you can do it! (and I’ll also follow Ravens’s advice on being still for one minute, I have time for that 😉 )

May your day be magical!

With love,
The Animal Psychologist

(Photo by Mike Yip)

Animals self-medicate with plants—a behavior people have observed and emulated for millennia 03/06/2024

🔸Animals self-medicate with plants - a behavior people have observed and emulated for millennia🔸

The news about the wild Orangutan in Sumatra who applied leaves to treat its facial wound went viral.

But there are many stories about how humans learned to use plants as medicine by observing wild animals.

Please take the time to read the article if you want examples of animals using plants as medicine (they are very interesting!) 😃

Animals self-medicate with plants—a behavior people have observed and emulated for millennia When a wild orangutan in Sumatra recently suffered a facial wound, apparently after fighting with another male, he did something that caught the attention of the scientists observing him.

Photos from Unbridled LLC with Kim Hallin's post 02/06/2024

I have been following different people who advocate for wild horses and the natural behaviour of these majestic animals and this post made my heart sing ❤️

If you ever have the chance to observe horses in a herd, domestic or wild, please take the time to do so! It will bring you a deeper understanding which in turn will deepen the relationship you have with your horse(s).

I am curious to know what you have learnt when observing your horse? ❤️


Next week is ‘Wild Wednesday’ again and I would love to know which wild animal you want to hear from?

What animal do you absolutely love? Is there an animal that keeps crossing your path? Which animal do you feel curious about? 🐾🐾



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Monday 08:30 - 05:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
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