ISKGA Norway

ISKGA Norway

ISKGA Norway represents ISKGA Guides operating in Norway


Available for order, instead of the ISKGA ThrowTow, for ISKGA guides who have successfully passed their observation, a version with ISKGA Guide embroidered on the bag. Price is £105.00 plus P&P, as per every bag but this one will come with a unique ability to drag victims and casualty out of trouble very rapidly, all you need to do is add three table spoons of commitment and a sprinkling of realism to make this become a very effective rescue tool

ISKGA-håndboken 17/03/2023

Sammen med endel erfarne folk har vi nå laget en bok som tar for seg temaet turledelse i havkajakk.

ISKGA-håndboken koster ca. 200 kr og tar for seg følgende tema:

Sea Survival
Expedition Skills
Spiselige vekster
Risikovurdering og HMS

Boka kan kjøres her som ebok:

ISKGA-håndboken Denne boken er ment for deg som ønsker å lære mer om faget som guide i havkajakk, slik ISKGA vurderer det. Boken er obligatorisk lesning for de som ønsker å bli ISKGA-guide. Tema dekket i denne boken er navigasjon, kart, tidevann, sea survival, expedition skills, spiselige vekster, risikovurder...

Photos from ISKGA Norway's post 21/11/2022

A good start to the Incident Management module In Sardinia. Day one getting the basics right for combat rescues, trimming meat off the bone, reducing techniques down to the bare minimum so enhance speed and looking at other factors , such as cold water and other threats within the marine environment

Kvalvika by sea kayak (ISKGA guide training) 15/04/2022

Kvalvika by sea kayak (ISKGA guide training) 12 days of ISKGA (International Sea Kayak Guide Alliance) training ended with the participants planning and leading an overnight trip to Kvalvika in Lofoten....

Photos from ISKGA Norway's post 08/04/2022

Three days of expedition skills in Lofoten is over. Topics covered are relevant for leading groups in remote wilderness settings. ISKGA guides should be able to provide a wide range of services to the group such as protection from the elements, a rescue plan, potable water, fire and a warm meal, foraged if necessary.


ISKGA Norway is happy to strengthen the team with a new Costal Guide:

Kriki has been coaching and guiding sea kayakers in Norway since 2018. She has dedicated many hours on the water, as a sea kayaker, river canoeist, surfer, open-water swimmer and coastal lifeguard. She is a biologist and works as a teacher in sciences and outdoor skills.

“Guiding expeditions is to me the ultimate way to combine all the things I like best: planning the trip, exploring remote and new places, enjoying unspoiled nature, wild camping, foraging and being out on the water. By sharing my enthusiasm and skills I strive to inspire and give others the opportunity to explore more”

Kriki is also a BC Sea Kayak Leader and Wilderness First Responder. She coaches and guides for Norvantur, Norwegian Sea Kayaking, the Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) and the Norwegian Canoe association (NPF).
