NKM Norske KvanteMedisinere

NKM Norske KvanteMedisinere

NKM er fagorganisasjonen for energi og informasjonsmedisin


Les om hva kvantemedisin er og tilbyr som behandlingsform

NKMs Årsmøte & Seminar 2024 - NKM 17/03/2024


NKMs Årsmøte & Seminar 2024 - NKM NKMs Årsmøte & Seminar 2024 ble avholdt 13. mars ved Olavsgaard hotell på Skjetten utenfor Oslo


Har du bruk for en terapeut i Bergensområdet så kan vi anbefale deg Dr. Petar Kocic på Filea Klinikken

NKMs Årsmøteseminar - NKM 16/01/2024

"Svekket Immunforsvar Etter Covid" er temaet for NKMs årsmøtesmeinar 13. mars.
Seminaret er åpent for alle terapeuter som er interessert i temaet.
Foredragsholder: Heilpraktiker Hans Stormer.

NKMs Årsmøteseminar - NKM

Årsmøte 2024 - NKM 16/01/2024

Onsdag 13. mars Årsmøte i NKM.

Årsmøte 2024 - NKM NKMs styre planlegger å avholde neste årsmøte 13. mars 2024 ved Olavsgaard Quality Hotel på Skjetten utenfor Oslo

NKMs Årsmøteseminar - NKM 16/01/2024

"Svekket Immunforsvar Etter Covid" er temaet for NKMs årsmøtesmeinar 13. mars.
Seminaret er åpent for alle terapeuter som er interessert i temaet.
Foredragsholder: Heilpraktiker Hans Stormer.

NKMs Årsmøteseminar - NKM

A Deeper View of Intuition - HeartMath Institute 13/01/2024

A Deeper View of Intuition - HeartMath Institute A Deeper View of Intuition “As more of humanity practices heart-based living, it will qualify the ‘rite’ of passage into the next level of consciousness. Using our heart’s intuitive guidance, will become common sense — practical intelligence.” Doc Childre, HeartMath founder We often hea...


Har du behov for en dyktig terapeut med lang erfaring i Stavangerområdet?
Da anbefaler vi deg Arild E. Nilsen i Sandnes:

Årsmøte 2024 - NKM 18/11/2023


Årsmøte 2024 - NKM NKMs styre planlegger å avholde neste årsmøte 13. mars 2024 ved Olavsgaard Quality Hotel på Skjetten utenfor Oslo

Pasientsikkerhetskonferanse 2023 - NKM 18/11/2023


Pasientsikkerhetskonferanse 2023 - NKM NKM deltok med 2 representanter på NAFKAM og SABORGS pasientsikkerhetskonferanse på Gardermoen 17. november 2023


Leter du etter en terapeut i Askim-området kan vi anbefale deg Anne Kari Lillestrand:


Heidi og jeg var på plass på pasientsikkerhetskonferansen denne uken for både å synliggjøre NKM og selvsagt å delta i dagsorden på feltet vårt. Heidi holdt innlegg om hvordan vår organisasjon tar vare på pasientsikkerheten :)

Tusen takk til alle som deltok på pasientsikkerhetskonferansen vår tirsdag 7. november. I alt 35 representanter fra utøverforbundene og skolene innen alternativ behandling var samlet på Gardermoen for deling og påfyll om dette viktige temaet.


Join Our Community for Conscious Evolution!

Get Access to Hours of Resources on Epigenetics, Quantum Physics, Consciousness & More ~

So what’s included with every membership? Whether you want to identify and overcome limiting beliefs, reprogram your subconscious, learn powerful self-healing techniques, or are simply following your own path of inner evolution, you will achieve your goals more quickly and effortlessly with these resources.



In the early 1900’s, Max Planck predicted the existence of a non-zero expectation value for the electromagnetic quantum vacuum energy density or zero-point energy (ZPE), which physical effects were later verified by numerous experiments such as the Casimir and dynamical Casimir effect. From the mechanics of a quantum oscillator, Planck derived the equation for an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation -known as the black body spectrum- and his solution had a non-vanishing energy term remaining at zero temperature, where the summation of all modes of oscillations diverged to infinity in each point of the field. This meant that even at zero temperature, there was an infinite energy density at each point in space.

Although the ZPE is essential for the mathematical consistency of quantum mechanics as it maintains the non-commutativity of the position and momentum operators resulting in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and therefore showing that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a consequence of the vacuum fluctuations, a common approach is to set artificially to zero this ZPE by placing the energy reference so that all ground state modes cancel out, The infinite source of energy becomes neglected by this renormalization, as if the quantum system was unplugged from its energy source. Under this picture, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is utilized to explain the origin of the quantum vacuum fluctuations, as there would be no other explanation for the origin of these oscillations, and this is a misunderstanding.

When properly accounted for, these vacuum fluctuations acting in a coherent regime, produce the rest mass of the protons, which is where most of the mass of the universe resides. Download the paper at the CERN preprint server to learn more - https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.8381114

Terapeuter - NKM 17/10/2023


Terapeuter - NKM


Bor du i Oslo-området og trenger en flink terapeut? Da anbefaler vi Sondre Fagerberg på Vekst og Balanse Klinikken


Har du behov for en terapeut i Oslo eller på Bømlo? Da anbefaler vi deg Anita Hus:


God sommer fra oss i NKM


Ser du etter en flink terapeut i Spydeberg området?
Da anbefaler vi deg Vibeke Berger Tunby:


Bor du i Fredrikstad-området og trenger en flink terapeut? Da anbefaler vi Heidi Ruud på St Croix Helsehus.


"The intelligence of the heart is the intelligence of the Universe to hold itself in unison."
– Joseph Chilton Pearce

We communicate through energy! The receptors read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound and radio frequencies, and if the receptor is attuned to the particular frequency it can alter the proteins and change the shape of the receptor. This is the one of the ways our cells are impacted by the vibrational Universe. “Thought waves” and “emotional waves” being of obvious importance in the field effect on biology. We are immersed in living fields of vibrational information.

Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses, alter protein shame and function, and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation morphogenesis (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, nerve growth and function.


Ser du etter en flink terapeut på Geilo? Da anbefaler vi deg Heidi Pukerud på Geilo Kvanteklinikk


You Are the ONE ~



And we communicate through energy!

The receptors read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound and radio frequencies, and if the receptor is attuned to the particular frequency it can alter the proteins and change the shape of the receptor. This is the one of the ways our cells are impacted by the vibrational Universe. “Thought waves” and “emotional waves” being of obvious importance in the field effect on biology. We are immersed in living fields of vibrational information.

Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses, alter protein shame and function, and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation morphogenesis (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, nerve growth and function.

The intelligence of the heart is the intelligence of the Universe to hold itself in unison.
– Joseph Chilton Pearce


Ser du etter en flink terapeut i området rundt Sperrebotn i Viken fylke? Da foreslår vi: Ellen Solberg ved Sperrebotn Naturmedisin:


Ser du etter en flink terapeut i Viken fylke?
Denne uken anbefaler vi Kari Mette Stang-Hansen fra Spydeberg: https://www.nkm.no/user/karimette.stanghansen/
