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*पहिले नै समस्या! धेरै समस्याहरू *

मर्न कसैलाई मन पर्दैन तर प्रकृतिले मर्न बाध्य बनाउँछ। बूढो बन्न कोही चाहदैन तर प्रकृतिले बूढो बन्न बाध्य पार्छ। जनमा... र रोगबाट पीडित हुन कोही चाहँदैन, तर प्रकृतिले तपाईंलाई रोगहरू सताउन बाध्य पार्छ। यी समस्याहरु हुन् । तर धूर्त सभ्यतालाई वास्तविक समस्या के हो भन्ने थाहा छैन । उनीहरुले पेट्रोलको समस्या झेलिरहेका छन् । मात्र हेर्नुहोस। पेट्रोलको समस्या, तपाईंले अर्को समस्या सिर्जना गर्नुभयो। पहिले नै समस्या छ। तपाईंले तथाकथित सभ्यताले पेट्रोलको समस्या सिर्जना गर्नुभयो। यी मोटरसाइकल अघि जनता निकै खुसीसाथ बाँचिरहेका थिए । ढुवानी गर्थे । तर त्यहाँ त्यस्तो सभ्यता थिएन कि आफ्नो जीविकोपार्जनका लागि घरबाट सयौं माइल टाढा गएर काम गर्नुपर्छ। त्यसैले तपाईलाई गाडी चाहिन्छ। त्यसपछि तपाईलाई पेट्रोल चाहिन्छ। त्यसपछि तपाईलाई धेरै राम्रा सडकहरू चाहिन्छ। यति धेरै कुरा हुनेछ।

तर पहिले यो गाउँ थियो। तिनीहरूले यसलाई लिनेछन्, "यो आदिम हो।" तर आदिम रहँदा, तपाईं तथाकथित सभ्य बन्नुभन्दा धेरै समस्याहरू सिर्जना गरेर खुशी हुनुहुन्थ्यो। तपाईलाई पहिले नै समस्याहरू छन्, तर मानिसहरू यति धूर्त छन्, यति अन्धा छन्, तिनीहरूले वास्तविक समस्या देख्दैनन्। तिनीहरू कृत्रिम रूपमा समस्या सिर्जना गर्छन् र यसलाई समाधान गर्ने प्रयास गर्छन्। वास्तविक समस्यालाई छुनुको सट्टा, त्यो अलग राखिएको छ। भगवद्-गीताले भन्छ कि समस्या, समस्याप्रति धेरै सतर्क हुनुपर्छ। र त्यो समस्या के हो? उहाँ भन्नुहुन्छ, कृष्णले भन्नुहुन्छ, जन्म मृत्यु जरा व्याधि दुःख दोसानुदर्शनम्। वास्तविक समस्या के हो थाहा छैन । वास्तविक समस्या जन्म, मृत्यु, वृद्धावस्था र रोगको पुनरावृत्ति हो । यो एक वास्तविक समस्या

*बार्किङ वैज्ञानिक*

तथाकथित वैज्ञानिकहरू, तथाकथित दार्शनिकहरू, तिनीहरूको आधारभूत सिद्धान्त गलत छ, र तिनीहरूले केही सिद्धान्तहरू प्रस्तुत गर्दैछन् र मानिसहरूले स्वीकार गरिरहेका छन्। त्यो धोखा हो। उदाहरणका लागि, "जीवन पदार्थको उत्पादन हो" भन्ने वैज्ञानिकहरूको जिद्दी जस्तै। न त उनीहरूसँग अनुभव छ, न त प्रयोगशालामा कुनै प्रयोग गर्न सक्छन् कि पदार्थबाट जीवन उत्पादन गर्न सकिन्छ। तर हरेक बच्चालाई थाहा छ कि "मेरो बाबा जीवन हुनुहुन्छ र मेरी आमा जीवन हुनुहुन्छ, त्यसैले म त्यही संयोजनबाट उत्पन्न भएको छु। म पनि जीवन हुँ।" त्यसैले जीवन जीवनबाट आउँछ। बाबुको शव, आमाको शव निकाल्न सक्दैन। जुनसुकै मानिसले बुझ्न सक्छ। एकदम सजिलो। तर यी बदमाशहरू, तथाकथित वैज्ञानिकहरू, तिनीहरूले जीवन पदार्थबाट उत्पन्न भएको जिद्दी गरिरहेका छन्। जिद्दी गर्दै, सरल। तिनीहरूको एउटै विचार भगवान छैन भनेर प्रमाणित गर्नु हो। नक्कल।

त्यो डा. (अस्पष्ट) भन्नुभयो कि नक्कल भुंकने धेरै सराहनीय छ। मानिसहरु नक्कली बार्क हेर्न जान्छन्। यदि तपाईंले "यहाँ सबै जनावरहरूको आवाज नक्कल गर्न सक्ने विशेषज्ञ नक्कल गर्ने व्यक्ति हुनुहुन्छ" भन्ने साइन बोर्ड दिनुभयो भने, तपाईंले दस डलरमा टिकट किन्नुहोस् र जानुहोस् र यो मान्छे कसरी नक्कल गर्दैछ हेर्नुहोस्। तर भुकिरहेको वास्तविक कुकुरको वास्ता गर्दैनौ। यो स्थिति हो। वैज्ञानिक प्रगति भनेको नक्कल भुकाउनु हो। यति नै। कुकुर पहिले नै त्यहाँ छ। सबैले देख्न सक्छन्। भुक्ने त्यहाँ छ। तर यदि कुनै वैज्ञानिकले कुकुर भुक्ने तरिकाको नक्कल गर्न सक्छ भने ऊ उन्नत छ। पहिले नै जीवन लाखौं लाखौं जीवन उत्पादन भइरहेको छ। अब तिनीहरू जीवन उत्पादन जाँच गर्न जाँदैछन्। वा हामी हेर्छौं कि एक धूर्त वैज्ञानिकले भन्छ कि "अब मैले प्रयोगशालामा एक जीवन उत्पादन गरें।" "ओह, गजब!" त्यो ... वास्तविक जीवन जाँच गर्न जाँदैछन्, र केहि नक्कल जीवन उनले उत्पादन गरेको छ, उसले नोबेल पुरस्कार पाउँछ। यो चलिरहेको छ। यो चलिरहेको छ। जनताको पैसा खेर फाल्नु मात्रै हो । यति नै।

*बालविवाह राम्रो हुन्छ*

पहिले भारतमा कम्तिमा हाम्रो पालासम्म केटा र केटीको मन नपराएर विवाह हुने गरेको थियो । छैन। अभिभावकले निर्णय गरेको हो । त्यसैले... जसरी म पनि विवाहित पुरुष थिएँ। म विद्यार्थी छँदा बिहे गरेको थिएँ, के होला थाहा थिएन... तर अभिभावकले मिलाइदिनुभयो । मेरो कुरा के गर्ने, म तपाईलाई अर्को धेरै उत्कृष्ट उदाहरण दिन्छु, तपाईले डा. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद । उनी भारतका प्रथम राष्ट्रपति थिए... उनले आफ्नो जीवनी लेखेका छन्। आठ वर्षको उमेरमा उनको विवाह भएको थियो ।

यसअघि भारतमा यसरी नै विवाह हुने गरेको थियो । मलाई थाहा छ। मेरो ससुराको एघार वर्षको हुँदा बिहे भयो । अनि मेरी सासु सात वर्षकी हुनुहुन्थ्यो। देख्नुहुन्छ ? त्यसोभए वास्तवमा कुरो यो हो कि विवाहलाई "यि जोडीको जीवनमा खुसी हुन्छ कि?" हिसाबले लिइएको हो। यसरी विवाह हुँदै थियो । यस्तो होइन कि ठूली केटी, ठूला केटा सँगै मिल्छ, र उसले मन पराउँछ, उसलाई मन पर्छ। त्यसपछि फेरि उसले छोड्छ वा ऊ... यस्तो विवाह स्वीकृत

*करोडो परिवारका सदस्य कृष्ण*

यदुवंश, यिनीहरू कृष्णका सन्तान थिए। जसरी राजा आउँछन्, साथीहरू लिएर आउँछन्। त्यसोभए जब कृष्ण प्रकट हुनुभयो, उहाँले धेरै पत्नीहरूसँग विवाह गर्नु पर्यो किनभने यो कृष्णको सर्वोच्च अधिकार, सर्वोच्चता देखाउने चरण थियो। त्यसैले कृष्णलाई सहायता गर्न विभिन्न ग्रहहरूबाट देवताहरू पनि आए। त्यसैले यी देवताहरू कृष्णको परिवार बने। कतिपय महिला जनजातिहरू हुन्

Timeline photos 02/10/2022

[8/26, 10:24 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Taking Bath Once A Week*

While I was in India, in the beginning, so taking bath is very ordinary thing because even the poorest man will take early morning bath. But actually when I came to your country I saw that taking bath is also difficult thing. Taking bath, that is also not in practice. Perhaps once in a week. We are accustomed to see in India thrice in a day. And I have seen in New York that friends are coming to another friend's house because one has no facility for taking shower bath. So coming to a friend's house. Is it not? I have seen it. So the symptoms of Kali-yuga described that it will be very difficult also to take even bath. Snanam eva hi prasadhanam.

And daksyam kutumba-bharanam. Daksyam. Daksyam meaning, means one who is famous for his pious activities. He's called daksyam. Daksyam, this word comes from daksa. Daksa means expert. So daksyam kutumba-bharanam. In Kali-yuga, if a person can maintain a family... Family means wife and a few children, or one or two children. That is called family. But family does not mean in India like that. Family means a joined family. Joined family, the father, the sons, the nephews, the sister, husbands. They join together. That is called family. But in the Kali-yuga, it will be difficult even to maintain family. If one can maintain his family… In New York, when I was there, one old lady was coming. So he has, she had a grown-up son. So I asked her: "Why don't you get your son married?" "Yes, he can marry if he can maintain the family." I did not know that, that the maintaining of family is a difficult job here. I did not know that. So these are described in the Bhagavatam.
[8/27, 9:28 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Karna’s Immorality to See Draupadi Naked*

matrvat para-daresu: "Any woman who is not your wife, she should be treated as your mother." This is moral instruction. Matrvat. At the present moment, they have invented the word bahinaji, "sister." No. In the Vedic culture, there is no such thing as "sister." "Mother," that is Vedic culture. Because mother is always respected, so any woman, if she is called "Mother..." The brahmacari would go to the householder's house and address the ladies, "Mother. Mother, give us some alms." So from the childhood, a brahmacari is trained to address all women as mother. Therefore, when they are young, they cannot see women in any other way. This is Vedic culture.

So therefore it is said, asat. The woman, who is respected as mother, and this, in this assembly, Draupadi was to be naked by the order of Karna? It is uncivilized, unlawful. So Krsna remembered this. When Karna was killed, it was not... He was not killed lawfully because he fell down from his chariot, and he was trying to repair the chariot, and Krsna advised Arjuna, "This is the opportunity to kill him. Otherwise you cannot kill him. Kill him immediately." So when Karna protested, "Arjuna, what you are doing? I am not fighting. I am repairing my chariot and you..." So Krsna said, "Yes, you did unlawful action by making Draupadi naked. So you should be unlawfully killed. This is justice. This is justice to you."
[8/28, 9:50 AM] +977 984-6403652: *King Can Do No Wrong*

Just like "King can do no wrong." This is the British Constitution. You cannot accuse the king in any way, neither you can judge. That is British Constitution. Similarly, Krsna, as it is stated in the Isopanisad, apapa-viddham. He cannot be criminal like us. He's above. He cannot be charged with any criminal charges. Apapa-viddham. Papa does not touch Him. Although it appears that He is doing something which is papa, but that is not papa. We have to understand Krsna's position. Prakrteh param. That is... That means prakrteh param. He is not subjected to any sinful life. Therefore His name is Acyuta. Ratham sthapaya, sthapaya me acyuta. Acyuta means "one who does not fall."
[8/29, 11:43 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Krsna Attends to your Passing Stool and Urine*

Just like you have seen that the dog and the master. The master is so friendly to the dog out of love. It is a dog, but when it is passing stool, he's waiting. Why? Is the duty of the master to wait because the dog is passing stool? No. Out of love. Out of love. We can see from practical example. Similarly... The master may be a great millionaire, but still, he loves the dog so much that on the morning walk he takes his dog and the dog is passing urine... What, what business dog has got? To pass urine and stool and go this way and that way. But the master is attending. Similarly, God, or Krsna, is so affectionate that we have come here in this material world simply to pass stool and urine, still He's attending. Still, He's attending. Just imagine what merciful is Krsna.
[8/30, 3:25 PM] +977 984-6403652: *Krsna Is Conquered*

Krsna is Ajita. Nobody can conquer Krsna. Nobody can order Krsna. Nobody can supersede Krsna. Nobody is greater than Krsna. Nobody is equal to Krsna. Nobody is (more) powerful than Krsna. Nobody is richer. Everything... Krsna is the Supreme Being. Therefore His another name is Ajita. Ajita means... Jita means conquered. Ajita means who is never conquered. Krsna had so many fights with the demons.

Even in His childhood, the demons could not conquer over Krsna. Beginning from Putana, when He was only three months old, and up to the killing of so many other demons, Krsna was never defeated. That is the history. He was never defeated. Ajita. Therefore His name is Ajita. But Ajita becomes conquered. Ajita jito 'py asi. Although Krsna is never conquered, still, you can conquer Him. How? Simply by becoming His beloved devotee.
[8/31, 7:37 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Our Protection Will Not Help*

"If Krsna protects you, nobody can kill you." But if Krsna kills you nobody can give you protection. That is this, rakhe krsna mare ke, mare krsna rakhe ke. This is the... If Krsna desires to kill you, nobody can save you. Just like a big man, a rich man, is suffering from disease. All first-class physician, medicine, hospital, available for him, but still, he dies. That means Krsna desires that "This man must die." So these things will not help you. The so-called protective methods that we have discovered, they will be useless if Krsna does not desire that you should live. They will be useless.

Just like Ravana. He as very powerful. But when Krsna desired, Lord Ramacandra desired, nobody could give protection. He was a great devotee of Lord Siva, and he was praying Lord Siva, "Please come and save me in this danger." So Lord Siva did not come. And Parvati, Lord Siva's wife, asked that "Why is that? Your devotee, such a great devotee, he has served you so much, and now he is in danger. He is asking your help. You are not going?" And Lord Siva replied, "My dear Parvati, what shall I do? I cannot give him protection. It is not possible. Why shall I go?" So this is the position, that if God wants to kill you, nobody can give you protection. And if God wants to give you protection, nobody can kill you.
[9/1, 7:41 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Very Dangerous! Krishna Takes Away our Income*

Yudhisthira Maharaja indirectly inquired from Krsna that: "We are completely dependent on you, and still we are suffering materially so much, that our kingdom is taken away, our wife is insulted, we were attempted to be burned in a house." So Krsna said: "Yes that is My first business." Yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad dhanam sanaih. "If I specially favor anybody, then I take away all his sources of income." Very dangerous. Yes. I have got my practical experience in this connection. Yes. That is Krsna's special favor. I do not wish to narrate, but it is a fact. It is a fact. My Guru Maharaja ordered me when I was twenty-five years old that: "You go and preach." But I thought: "First of all, I shall become a rich man, and I shall use that money for preaching work."

So that's a long history. I got good opportunity for becoming very rich man in business. And some astrologer told me that: "You should have become like Birla." So there was some chances, very good chances. I was manager in a big chemical factory. I started my own factory, the business was very successful. But everything was dismantled. I was forced to come to this position to carry out my order of my Guru Maharaja. Akincana-vittaya. When everything was finished, then I took Krsna, that: "You are the only..." Therefore Krsna is akincana-vitta. When one becomes finished of all his material opulences.
[9/2, 7:45 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Krsna is L***y*

Just like He married 16,000 wives. When He married He was one, and 16,000 girls offered the surrender to Krsna that: "We are now kidnapped. If we go home, nobody will marry us." That is a strict Vedic system. If an unmarried girls goes out of home even for one night, nobody will marry her. Still it is going on. Nobody will marry her. So this is the old system. All the 16,000 girls who were kidnapped by Bhaumasura... So they prayed to Krsna and Krsna came, killed the Bhaumasura, delivered all the girls. So when Krsna asked them: "Now you can safely go to your father's house," they replied: "Sir, if we go back to our father's house, what will be our fate? Nobody will marry us. Because this man, this raksasa, they kidnapped us." "Then what do you want." " We want that You become our husband." So Krsna is so kind. "Yes." Immediately accepted. That is Krsna.

Now, when they were brought at home, not that 16,000 wives will have to wait for 16,000 nights to meet Krsna. Krsna expanded Himself into 16,000 forms, and constructed 16,000 palaces, and establishment, on each palace... The description is there in the... That is Bhagavan. So those rascals, they cannot understand. They criticize Krsna, that: "He was very l***y. He married 16,000 wives." Even if He's l***y, He's unlimitedly l***y. Because He's unlimited. Why 16,000? If He would marry 16,000,000s of wives still it is imperfect. That is Krsna.
[9/4, 7:15 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Srimati Radharani Has Purchased Krsna?*

Krsna is giving me opportunity to enjoy that material facility. Whatever I want, whatever I desire... Of course, I must deserve. First deserve, then desire. Suppose if I want to become king. So I must have pious activities behind me so that I can become king. But Krsna can fulfill. Whatever you want, Krsna can give you. Krsna can give you even mukti, liberation, the Mayavadis' mukti. But He does not give very easily bhakti. That He does not give. Krsna can give you all material gifts, even up to mukti if you want. But when He gives bhakti, oh, that is special consideration. Because when He gives somebody bhakti, He becomes purchased by the bhakta.

So therefore He considers, considers. Become... Krsna becomes a tool in the hands of bhakta. Although He's so..., the supreme powerful. Just like Radharani, the symbol of the topmost bhakti, Radharani. So She has purchased Krsna. She has purchased Krsna, She's so powerful. Therefore Vaisnavas, they take shelter of the lotus feet of Radharani so that if She recommends, "Oh, here is a nice devotee," Krsna has to accept.
[9/5, 9:01 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Ksatriya's Buisness*

Ksatriyas are allowed to go in the forest and kill some animal. Because he has to practice. So what kind of animal? Not the cows or simple animal. He must kill one tiger, one lion, one jungle boar. Ferocious, very ferocious animals, That was the ksatriya's business. Not that a rabbit (laughter) or an innocent bird, sports. This kind of sporting was not allowed. If you want to kill, you must kill one rhinoceros. Then one can understand that you have power of killing. That ksatriya used to do. Even, say, twenty-five years ago, Maharaja of Jaipur, he used to go into the forest every year and he would fight with a tiger, simply with a sword, simply with a sword. He would fight with a tiger in the jungle, and he was so expert, he would kill. And then the tiger would be brought in procession, in royal procession.

Because the king used to say, "This tiger is the king of forest, or the lion is the king of the forest. I am also king. So after his death, there must be a royal reception." So this was, the function was going on. So ksatriya means they used to kill, practice. Unless they practice, how they can kill? And now our president, they practice only smoking, (laughter) that's all. That's all. And when there is fight, he is in the chamber, safety chamber, and others are, the poor boys, they are called by the draft board, and go and fight. This is not ksatriya, These are sudras. Ksatriya, when there is fight, the king must come forward first. The other party's king also. The king will fight with king, and the soldiers will fight soldiers according to position. And when the king is killed, then victory is owned. It doesn't require that all the soldiers were killed. No.
[9/6, 9:16 AM] +977 984-6403652: *King Can Do No Wrong*

Just like "King can do no wrong." This is the British Constitution. You cannot accuse the king in any way, neither you can judge. That is British Constitution. Similarly, Krsna, as it is stated in the Isopanisad, apapa-viddham. He cannot be criminal like us. He's above. He cannot be charged with any criminal charges. Apapa-viddham. Papa does not touch Him. Although it appears that He is doing something which is papa, but that is not papa. We have to understand Krsna's position. Prakrteh param. That is... That means prakrteh param. He is not subjected to any sinful life. Therefore His name is Acyuta. Ratham sthapaya, sthapaya me acyuta. Acyuta means "one who does not fall."
[9/8, 7:33 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Strike-We Won't Work*

There is a story in the Hitopadesa: Udarendriyanam. Udara. Udara means this belly, abdomen, and indriya means senses. Udarendriyanam. What is that? All the different parts of the body, hands, legs, fingers and everyone, they held a meeting, that "We are working day and night, and this rascal abdomen is sitting down and eating only. (laughter) He is doing nothing. We are collecting everything, and putting into the stomach, and he is eating, very..., sitting nice. So strike: 'We shall not work.' So strike." Udara... Udara said, "All right, you strike. What can I do? I cannot work. You can strike."

So they did not work. Did not work means there was no food, no food given to the stomach. They..., gradually they became weak. The indriyas, the different parts of the body, they became weak, because if there is..., if you cannot eat, naturally you shall be... Then again, next meeting they held that "What is this? Why we are becoming weak?" Then they decided that "The stomach must be given, sir. We have to work." This is our position. Krsna is bhokta, and we are parts and parcel of Krsna. That means we have to work for Krsna. This is a fact. If you don't work for Krsna, then you'll starve. That is the position.
[9/11, 9:22 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Modern Hell*

In India, you'll find, all the important cities in India, they are on the bank of the Ganges, on the bank of the Yamuna, on the bank of the Narmada, Krsna, Kaveri, like that, all the important cities. And Canakya Pandita says that "Don't go to a town and city where there is no river and where there is no friend and there is no temple. Don't go to that city. If there is no river, no friend and no temple, then that is... A great city is a great forest." So that is forbidden. So we should be happy with these things. Cities and towns does not mean big, big slaughterhouse, cinema, brothel, and factories and all dirty things.

Here it is not mentioned. Here Kuntidevi says, ime jana-padah svrddhah supakvausadhi virudhah [SB 1.8.40]. He never... She never said that "These towns and cities are flourishing on account of having so many industries, slaughterhouse, brothels, cinema, clubs, nightclubs." Not like that. There was no such thing in those days. These are modern inventions to make the whole world hellish. Otherwise people would be... If you want to be rich, then you can get riches... Wherefrom? Vanadri-nady-udanvantah. From seas, from river, from hills. You can get valuable jewels, gems, pearls, from these natural sources. So India's wealth, formerly, it was depending on these things: gold, silver, jewels, pearls, silk—not industry. And from the forest, from the herbs, from food grains—all natural products.
[9/12, 7:43 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Where Is Your Napoleon?*

People are so rascal, they do not come even to see. They are so fallen down. They do not come. "Oh, what is this, Deity worship? Idol worship. Idol worship." They will worship Gandhi's statue and this statue, that statue, but when they are asked that "Come here and see the Deity worship nicely," "No, this is idol worship." We... I have seen in Calcutta that Sir Asutosh Mukherjee's statue there is in the Chowrangi square. So in the morning, these ordinary sweepers, they'll cleanse the statue with their brush, because the whole year, the crows have passed stool on the face. So it has become a very solid stool, fixed up. So... I have seen it, brushing like this. This is their arcanam. This is allowed. And if you worship the Deity, bathe the Deity, this is idol worship.

And that municipal brush, sweeping brush, and on the face of Sir Asutosh Mukharjee, brushing, that is very good. Just see how much rascal they are! In the morning this business is done. And in the evening all big, big men will come and flower him, garland him, full of garlands. And after evening, they'll go away, and again, next morning, the crows will pass stool. That kind of worship is accepted. And if we install Deity of Krsna and worship Him nicely—"These are for the fools and rascals, less intelligent." And he's very intelligent. This is going on all over the world. They are worshiping Napoleon. They are worshiping... I have seen in Paris, Napoleon's statue. "France and Napoleon, one." I asked them, "Where is your Napoleon? France is there, but where is your Napoleon?"
[9/14, 10:52 AM] +977 984-6403652: *How Spiritual World Looks Like*

Spiritual world is exactly like the material world, varieties. There is also house. There is also tree. There is also road. There is also chariot. There is... Everything is there—but without inebriety, without inebriety. There, cintamani prakara sadmasu kalpa vrksa-laksavrtesu surabhir abhipalayantam [Bs. 5.29]. For example, just like there is tree also. Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa. But they, those trees are not like this tree.

Suppose you, here, you want some fruit, say mango. You go to the mango tree, you taking mango, at the same time desire, "Why not little grapes?" But this mango tree cannot supply you grapes. But in the spiritual world you are eating mango, at the same time, if you desire grapes, the same tree will supply you. This is called desire tree. And... Some ideas of the spiritual world are there in the... Just like here, for light, you require sunlight, moonlight. But in the spiritual world, there is no need of sunlight, moonlight, because everyone is effulgent. By his own light he can see everything.
[9/15, 11:24 AM] +977 984-6403652: *It Is Not Yours*

Just like I give some carpenter some wood, some implement, and salary. And he makes a very nice, beautiful closet. To whom this closet will belong. To the carpenter, or the man who has supplied the ingredients? To whom it will belong? The carpenter cannot say that: "Because I have transformed this wood into such nice closet, it is mine." No. It is not yours. Similarly, who is supplying the ingredients, rascal? That is Krsna's. Krsna says: bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva... prakrtir me astadha [Bg. 7.4]. "This is My property."

You have not created this sea, the land, the sky, the fire, the air. It is not your creation. You can transform these material things, tejo-vari-mrdam vinimayah, by mixing and transforming. You take earth from the land, you take water from the sea and mix it and put it in the fire. It becomes a brick. And then you pile up all this brick and make a skyscraper building. But wherefrom you got this ingredient, rascal, that you are claiming this skyscraper yours? This is intelligent question. You have stolen the property of God, and you are claiming that it is your property. This is knowledge. This is knowledge.
[9/16, 10:56 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Bhisma, the Son of Ganga*

Ganges, Mother Ganges, left Bhisma's father. And Bhisma was raised by his father. He became grown-up. Again this father became captivated with Satyavati. Satyavati. Satyavati, before her marriage... Satyavati is the daughter of a fisherman. The fishermen... In your country there is no such distinction. But in our country there are classification. A fishermen, there is a class. So their girls and women, very well-figured, very enchanting figure. So Satyavati was the daughter of a fisherman, and Bhisma's father become enchanted. So he went to the fisherman. He was king. So "Give me your daughter. I shall marry." "Oh, you are already married. You have got son. Why shall I give my daughter to you?" "No, I am king. I shall maintain her." "No, no, No. I don't want to give." In India still, if a man wants to marry, and if he has got children by his former wife, people will hesitate to give him daughter, because there are stepsons. So nobody wants that "My daughter will be troubled by the stepson,—daughter. No." Still they are practiced. To marry for the second time becomes a problem. But nowadays these things are gone.

So the grown-up son, Bhismadeva, he understood that "My father is inclined to marry that girl." So he went to plead, canvass: "So why don't you give your daughter to my father?" "No, no, I cannot give my daughter to your father. You are his son. You will inherit the kingdom, and my daughter's son will not inherit. So how can I give my daughter?" So he said that "I'll not accept the kingdom. I promise that your daughter's son will inherit the kingdom." "No, no, no. Still I cannot." "Why?" "You'll marry. Then your son will be inheritor. My grandson will not be inheritor." He was calculating in that way, paka businessman. (laughter) So he promised that "You give your daughter to my father, and I promise that I shall not marry. So there will be no son. So naturally my stepmother's son will inherit the kingdom." Then he agreed.

So Bhismadeva's father, although it was little shameful that the son is canvassing for the marriage of father, still, he could understand that "My son is so sensible that I wanted to marry, and he has managed." So he gave him one benediction: "My dear son, you'll remain brahmacari, I can understand. But I give you one benediction, that unless you desire to die, you will never die."
[9/17, 11:15 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Maintain Good Health*

You must take care of your health. Yuktahara-viharasya yogo bhavati duhkha-ha. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, yuktahara. You should take food just to maintain your health nicely. Similarly, other necessities of body must be taken care of. If you become diseased, then how you can execute Krsna consciousness? Just like Brahmananda could not go today. So we must be careful. We should not eat more or less. Better eat less than eat more. You'll not die by eating less. But you may die eating more.

People die for overeating, not for undereating. This should be the principle. Here... Medical science always forbids not to eat more than you require. Voracious eating is the cause of diabetes, and undernourishment is the cause of tuberculosis. This is the medical science. So we should not take under, neither more. In children case, they can commit the mistake of taking more, but adults, they cannot commit. This mistake, taking more. Children, they can digest. All day they are playing.
[9/18, 11:48 AM] +977 984-6403652: *This Is Vaisnava Son*

Just like Prahlada Maharaja. Prahlada Maharaja was standing, and his father was being killed. Is it a very good thing? Suppose if I am here and somebody kills me, and if you do not protest, is it a very good business? People will be surprised that "So many disciples are there, and this man is being killed, and nobody do anything?" So from material point of view, Prahlada Maharaja could have asked Nrsimhadeva, "My Lord, do not kill my father." He could have asked, and immediately his request would have been granted. But he did not do that. He was standing and seeing. But he knows that "This killing of the body of my father is not killing. I shall save him. I shall save him." That he did.

When he was offered benediction, he did not take anything. He said, "My Lord, what shall I do, all this material benediction? I have seen in the case of my father. He was so strong that even the demigods were frightened for his presence. His position was so strong, and You finished it within a minute. So what is the benefit of taking? No, no. Please do not request me." But although he did not ask anything for his personal self, but he asked the Lord, prayed, that "One thing I request." "What is that?" "My father was a great demon, and he was against You. He has committed so many sinful life. So I know he'll have to suffer for these things. I request You to excuse him." This is Vaisnava son.
[9/19, 9:05 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Sastra Is A Lawbook*

What is sastra? Sastra means, is, the record of the statement of authorities. That is called sastra. Just like in law court, you put lawbooks. What is that lawbook? Lawbook means the statement of the authorities. Similarly, sastra... Sastra means sas-dhatu. Sastra. Sastra means weapon, and sastra means the lawbooks. So what is the lawbook? Lawbook means some authority which has given the law. So the government gives law. So similarly, sastra means the statement given by the authorities.

So Kunti is authority. Kunti is authority. How she has become authority? Because she has followed the authorities, Brahma, Narada, Svayambhu... Svayambhur naradah sambhuh kapilah kumaro manuh [SB 6.3.20]. Those who are strictly following the statements of the authorities, they are also authorities. Just like who is a lawyer? Lawyer is he who has studied law very nicely and following the law. That is lawyer, good lawyer. And third-class lawyer means one who does not know how to follow it. Good lawyer in the court—who can give reference from the lawbooks: "My Lord, you refer to such and such section of such and such law book, and you will find what I am stating." And the judge, when he sees: "Yes, it is all...," then his case is owned.
[9/20, 11:02 AM] +977 984-6403652: *What This Nonsense?*

Actually Krsna conscious person, he's kind to everyone. Why the animals should be slaughtered. Therefore our philosophy is no meat-eating. No meat-eating. You cannot. So they'll not hear us. "Oh, what this nonsense? This is our food. Why shall I not eat?" Because edhamana-madah [SB 1.8.26]. He's intoxicated rascal. He'll not hear the real fact. Just like in the state, because a man is lying street, poor man, has no help, can I kill him? Will the state excuse me? "No I have killed one poor man. He had no necessity. There was no need for him in the society. So why should he live?" Will the state excuse me that: "You have done very nice work."? No. That poor man is also the subject of the citizen of the state. You cannot kill.

Why not expand this philosophy, that the poor animal—the trees, the birds, beasts—they're also sons of God. You cannot kill. You'll be responsible. You'll be hanged. Just like by killing one poor man on the street you'll be hanged. Never mind it is poor. Similarly in God's eyes, there is no such discrimination. What to speak of God, even a learned man's vision, there is no such discrimination, "This is poor, this is rich, this is black, this is white, this is..." No. Everyone is living entity, part and parcel of God. Therefore Vaisnava is the only benefactor for all the living entities. They try to elevate. A Vaisnava tries to elevate all living entities to the platform of Krsna consciousness.
[9/21, 7:36 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Ca-ca-ca Ca-ca-ca: Don’t Waste Time*

Just like these frogs or toads, they're talking whole day and night, ca-ca ca, ca-ca ca. Actually we have got tongue, and these frogs, they have got also tongue. So they are using their tongue, ca-ca ca, inviting snakes: "Please come here and eat me." That is their business. Nature's way. So if we simply talk like the frogs without any krsna-katha, then we are inviting death very soon. So don't waste your time, ca-ca ca. That is my request.

It is our habit because we are no better than frogs also. We are also living entity. But we have got the chance to stop this ca-ca ca and chant Hare Krsna. This chance we have got. The frogs, they haven't got that chance. They cannot chant Hare Krsna. That is the difference between the frog and myself. So similarly, if we waste our time in that ca-ca ca, then we are no better than the frogs. We are no better than the frogs. So don't make ca-ca ca when you assemble together. That is my request. If you have got time, spare time, simply chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama... That should be your business.
[9/22, 9:07 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Painful. Let me Die Immediately*

Unless we are practiced to think of Krsna always, how at the time of death we can think of Him? Therefore Kulasekhara says:
krsna tvadiya pada pankaja panjarantam adyaiva me vissatu manasa raja hamsah prana prayana samaye kapha vata pittaih kanthavarodhana vidhau smaranam k***s te
[MM 33]
Maharaja Kulasekhara king, a great devotee, is praying to Krsna, "Krsna, this is the opportune time. Now I am healthy. I am quite in good health so let me die immediately, thinking of You, because my whole purpose is to think of You, of Your pastimes, at the time of death. So generally, at the time of death, kapha-vata-pittaih, the whole system becomes disarranged. There are coughing, there are headache, there is some pain, this is general system.

Sometimes they are so intolerable that the man who is going to die, he cries. The system within the body is so complicated that at any time it can be disarranged, and it becomes a great source of pain. So, at the time of death means, the arrangement becomes so dangerously painful, that one leaves this body, "No more." This is death. This bodily arrangement becomes so painful. Just like one commits su***de. When the situation is too much painful he wants a rescue by committing su***de. Similarly, when the bodily pains are too severe, then the living entity can not live in this body. Tyaktva deham, he gives up this body. So we have to give up this body, that we forget.
[9/23, 7:43 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Distill Liquor and Kill Animals*

surakrtam bhuta-hatyam. Surakrtam means things becoming impure simply by touching liquor. Liquor is so impure. Just like you have got a very big pot of milk, but if you put one drop of wine in it, it becomes immediately impure. You can analyze chemically—immediately impure. That sura, liquor, has become our daily affair. We are so impure. And bhuta-hatya, and killing of animals.

The modern civilization means large-scale arrangement for killing animals and large-scale arrangement for distilling liquor, especially in the Western countries. And India is also now following. So this is the position of the world. What is being condemned by Maharaja Yudhisthira, that, those items at the present moment are being encouraged by the government. This is the difference between this government and Maharaja Yudhisthira's government. You can just imagine.
[9/24, 10:54 AM] +977 984-6403652: *Austerity of Afghanistan Daughter, Gandhari - Part I*

Gandhari, she was the daughter of Afghanistan, Ghandahar. Still, the name is there Gandahar. Gandhar. Formerly the name was Gandhar. So Gandhari means the daughter of Gandhar country. So when she was informed that her would-be husband is a blind man-Dhrtarastra was blind from birth-so immediately she practiced austerity. Voluntarily she closed her eyes with cloth that she would also live as blind. "My husband would be blind. So, although I'm not blind, I must live also as blind." This is the beginning of austerity, Gandhari. So Gandhari was so faithful, one of the most exalted chaste wife mentioned in the sastras, Gandhari, that in all conditions she followed the husband. At last, when everything was finished in the Battle of Kuruksetra, no Kaurava, none of the sons or grandsons of Dhrtarastra was living, neither of the Pandavas, still, Gandhari was faithfully serving her husband.

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