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Phull tipnu pap hoina kamila marnu pap ho.
Maya garnu pap hoina dhokha dinu pap ho.

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आफ्नु देश भाषा धर्म संस्कृतिलाई माया गर्नु जगेर्ना गर्नु नै देशप्रेम हो भनेर सिकाउदै बडा बा ! 19/12/2022

आफ्नु देश भाषा धर्म संस्कृतिलाई माया गर्नु जगेर्ना गर्नु नै देशप्रेम हो भनेर सिकाउदै बडा बा ! आफ्नु देश भाषा धर्म संस्कृतिलाई माया गर्नु जगेर्ना गर्नु नै देशप्रेम हो भनेर सिकाउदै बडा बा ! ...

World Most Beautiful Country Nepal 🇳🇵🇳🇵#shortvideo #shorts 19/12/2022

World Most Beautiful Country Nepal 🇳🇵🇳🇵#shortvideo #shorts World Most Beautiful Country Nepal 🇳🇵🇳🇵


यसको नाम के हो थाहा छ ? यो क कसले देख्नु भएको छ ? क कसले प्रयोग गर्नु भएको छ ?

अब आईपीओको १० प्रतिशत विदेशिएका नेपालीलाई || Nepal Times 04/11/2022

अब आईपीओको १० प्रतिशत विदेशिएका नेपालीलाई || Nepal Times अब आईपीओको १० प्रतिशत विदेशिएका नेपालीलाईFor the latest news visit advertisements e-mail us at [email protected] News cont...

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नेपालका पाँच खतरनाक ठाँउहरु।।5 Dangerous Places Of Nepal।।FOF Nepal नेपालका पाँच खतरनाक ठाँउहरु।।5 Dangerous Places Of Nepal।।FOF Nepal।। ...

हर्क साम्पाङ राईको सनसनीपूर्ण खुलासा : कोशीको पानी ल्याउन एक अर्ब नदिए जनता ल्याएर सिंहदरबार घ 17/08/2022

हर्क साम्पाङ राईको सनसनीपूर्ण खुलासा : कोशीको पानी ल्याउन एक अर्ब नदिए जनता ल्याएर सिंहदरबार घ Program: Janata Janna ChahanchhanPresenter: Rishi Raj DhamalaGuest: Harka Sampang RaiVideo By: Prime Times Television (HD)CONCEPT/PRESENTER Rishi Raj Dhamal...


एकजोर परेवाको जोडी रुखको हाँगामा बसेका थिए
ति दुई बसेको नजिकबाट एउटा मान्छे आउँदै गरेको देखियो।

पोथी परेवाको मनमा केहि शंका उब्जियो र उनले भाले परेवालाई भनिन: यहाँबाट छिटै उडौ नत्र यो मान्छेले हामीलाई मार्दिन्छ।

भाले परेवाले लामो सास फेर्दै बिश्वासको साथ पोथी परेवालाई भन्यो: नियालेर हेर त उसको हिडेको स्टाइल , अनि उसले लगाएको पोषाक हेर। उसको अनुहारमा शालीनता झल्किरहेकोछ उसले हामीलाई किन मार्छ..? उ भलाद्मी जस्तो देखिन्छ ।

भाले परेवाको कुरा सुनेर पोथी परेवा चुप लागि ।

जब त्यो मान्छे उनीहरुको नजीक आइपुग्यो, अचानक उसले आफ्नो गोजिबाट एउटा ग्याटिस निकालेर भाले परेवालाई मार्‍यो.. बिचारा त्यो भाले परेवाको जिन्दगी त्यही गयो।

असहाय पोथी परेवा त्यहाँबाट भागेर आफ्नो ज्यान बचाइन र रुन थालिन उनको दु:खको कुनै ठेगाना छैन बिचरी अब उ एक्लि भइ एकैछिनमा उनको सारा संसार बर्बाद भयो।

त्यसपछि पोथी परेवा उनको अनुरोध लिएर रुदै राजाकहाँ गइन र राजालाई सारा घट्ना सुनाइन ।

राजा धेरै दयालु स्वाभावका थिए ।

राजाले तुरुन्तै आफ्ना सिपाहीलाई त्यो शिकारीलाई समातेर ल्याउन आदेश दिए।

तुरुन्तै शिकारीलाई समातेर राज दरवारमा ल्याइयो
डरको कारण शिकारीले आफ्नो अपराध स्वीकार गर्‍यो ।

त्यसपछि राजाले परेवालाई नै शिकारीलाई सजाय दिने अधिकार दिए र उसलाई भने: "यो शिकारीलाई जे सजाय दिनु छ तिमिले दिन सक्छौ, र तत्काल तिमिले दिएको सजायलाई कार्यान्वयन गरिने छ।"

पोथी परेवाले सारै दु:ख मनले भनीन: "हे राजन, मेरो जिबनसाथी त यो संसार छोडेर गई सक्यो जो अब कहिले फर्किएर आउँदैन, त्यसैले मेरो विचारमा यस निर्दयी शिकारीलाई यति मात्र एउटा सजाय दिनुहोस् कि यदि उ शिकारी हो भने उसले हरेक समय शिकारीको पोषाक लगाएर हिंड्नुपर्छ ।
र यो सभ्य भएर हिड्ने पोषाक उसले खोल्नुपर्छ।
किनकि आफुलाई सभ्य देखाउदै लगाएर हिडेको पोषाकको पछाडि धोकाले जघन्य कर्म गर्ने हरु नै सबैभन्दा खराब हुन्छन्।

त्यसैले साथिहरु तपाईंका वरिपरि सभ्य भएको नाटक गर्ने बहुरुपिया धोखेबाजहरुबाट सधैं होसियार रहनुहोस्..
सतर्क रहनुहोस र आफ्नो साथै परिवारको ख्याल राख्नुहोस। यस कथाले मन छाेयाे🙏

naag panchami 02/08/2022

Naga Panchami Story

Human beings soon after stabilizing from nomadic venture started the ritual of worshipping the nature and everything that was helpful to them in one or another way. It helped them construct a system that was derived from the beliefs in social organizations, local cults and deities. Humans thus started exploring nature and started sorting a culture to abide by. Things like sun, river, mountain and snake have been thought of as important element of simultaneous existence since then. Snake worship has also been a part of the culture of India ever since then. Nag Panchami is one of the most important festivals in India celebrated to commemorate the existence of the snake god.

Celebrated on the fifth day of the moonlit-fortnight in the month of Shravan according to the Hindu calendar, this festival falls in the month of July /August according to the Gregorian calendar. It is celebrated in various parts of the country amongst the community where it has been prevalent for long. The grandest celebrations can be seen in the southern India and in the states of Bengal and Maharashtra. The festival has religious significance too. It is believed that Snakes have been the savior of human race from the wrath of demons and also, that the earth is balanced on the head of on Shesh Naag. There are also several legends and stories associated with the festival, one of the most important one is given below.

Stories & Legends Of Nag Panchami
It is said that long before Aryans arrived in India, a clan named Nagaas lived in India. It was a highly developed clan. It is said that the snake-worship amongst the Nagas, was extremely popular and it can be proved according to the evidences derived from the Indus Valley civilization of 3000 B.C. After the Naga culture gradually got incorporated into Hinduism, the Indo-Aryans also gradually accepted many of the snake deities as their God too. The prominent Cobra snakes mentioned in the Puranas that are to be worshipped are Anant, Vasuki, Shesh, Padma, Kanwal, Karkotak, Kalia, Aswatar, Takshak, Sankhpal, Dhritarashtra and Pingal. However, some of the historians claim that they were not snakes but Naaga Kings of various kingdoms which were worshipped as Gods.

It is also a popular belief amongst people in Hindu religion that thousand-headed Shesh Nag who symbolizes Eternity holds the entire spherical earth on it head. Also, that it is the resting couch of Lord Vishnu, one of three most important gods of Hindu religion. In Jainism and Buddhism snake is regarded as sacred creature with divine qualities. It is because some ancient texts say that a Cobra snake saved the life of Buddha and the Jain Muni Parshwanath.

Stories of snakes association with Hindu gods also enhance the stature of these reptiles in Hindu culture. A popular legend says that the elder brother of Lord Krishna, Balram was the incarnation of Seshnag on earth. Snake is also given due importance because it is considered to be the ornament of Lord Shiva around his neck. The celebration of Nag Panchami in the month of Shrawan (considered as the month of Lord Shiva in Hindu religion) also explains the deep association of Shiva and commemoration of snake as his companion.

It is believed that even the ancient architecture exhibit the evidence of the importance of snakes in the Indian culture. On the caves of Ajanta, the images of the rituals of snake worship have been found. Even Indian literature is full of stories of the virtue of snake. The famous author Kautilya, in his "Arthashastra" has given detailed description of the cobra snakes. It is said that it was also the wide belief of people in ancient India that if they worship snake, they won't cause harm to them and their family. So, there is no one specific legend to why the Naga Panchami started in India, it is being for too long due to the religious significance and social importance of this unique reptile.

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Full Audiobook: श्रीमद भगवद गीता (1-18) | नेपाली भाषामा | Shreemad Bhagwat Geeta | Nepali Language 14/07/2022

audio book

Full Audiobook: श्रीमद भगवद गीता (1-18) | नेपाली भाषामा | Shreemad Bhagwat Geeta | Nepali Language ADHAYA DURTAION0:00- Adhya 11:6:47- Adhya 24:12:58- Adhya 36:00:52- Adhya 46:30:09- Adhya 56:52:54- Adhya 67:29:44- Adhya 77:54:22- Adhya 88:17:30- Adhya 98:...

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$70 Buddha Air Flight to Pokhara 🇳🇵 I travelled the Pokhara from Kathmandu, the easy way. I had originally planned to do this trip by road, which would have taken 8 hours. However, when I disco...

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असार १५ 29/06/2022
तामाङ बस्ति रहेको चिनकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो जिल्ला जहा बस्छन लाखौ तामाङ समुदाय 05/06/2022

तामाङ बस्ति रहेको चिनकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो जिल्ला जहा बस्छन लाखौ तामाङ समुदाय तामाङ बस्ति रहेको चिनकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो जिल्ला जहा बस्छन लाखौ तामाङ समुदायफेशबुक India, we now ha...


कता गयो नाम, कता फालेउ मान,
इतिहास पल्टाई हेर,
थियो नेपाल एक जमानामा सबैको गौरव अनि शान !



बाबुराम भट्टराई र प्रचण्डले रोल्पाबाट बन्दुक पड्काएर बनाएको देश हैन यो ! केपि ओलिले चौध बर्ष जेल बसेर पनि बनाएको हैन यो देश ! शेर बहादुर देउवाले डडेलधुरा बाट राजनीति गर्दै उनको जिब्रोमा करेन्ट लगाएर पनि यो देश बनेको हुँदै हैन ! कमल थापाले ब्याडमिन्टन र टेवल टेनिस खेलेर यो देश बनेको हो भनेर कसैले सम्झेको मात्रै छ भने त्यो गम्भीर बिमारी हो !

यो टुक्राटुक्रा परेको राज्यलाई एउटै मालामा उनेर सिङ्गो नेपाल देश बनाउने वीर स्वभिमानी श्री ५ पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले बनाएको देश हो यो ! आज यिनैले गर्दा माटो खोज्दै रुनु परेको छैन हामीले ! उनी नेपाल नाम गरेको घर बनाउदा बनाउदै मरे, हामी उनैले बनाएको घर भत्काउदै मरिरहेका छौ !

ज्ञानेन्द्र शाहले नाच्दा सातो जाने गणतन्त्रले बेवास्ता गरेपनी, हरेक स्वभिमानी नागरिकले "पृथ्वीजयन्ती" तथा राष्ट्रिय एकता दिवस भब्यरुपमा मनाऔ !

राजावादी हरुले श्री ५ पृथ्वीनारायण शाहलाई आफ्नै मात्र नसोचुन, अनि गणतन्त्रवादी हरुले दुश्मन नठानुन !

Legend of Nepal 11/01/2022

BEGENING OF SHAHA DYNASTY,A forgotton fact by history of Nepal

In the 1500s, Yashobramha Shah of LAMJUNG(son of King Kulamandan Shah) was enthroned in the principality of Lamjung. The rulers of the neighbouring principality of Ligligkot, n
ow in Gorkha, were Ghale people. They had a tradition of choosing a ruler every autumn by way of a running race open to everyone. Whoever won the race was to be
come ruler for a year. However, DRAVYA SHAHA ,younger son of LAMJUNG was not a physically robust man and so he tricked his way to the win with the backing of the Bhattarai, Aryal, Adhikari, Pant and the Acharya clans of Bahun. He then did away with the tradition of choosing a ruler every autumn. He ruled in a brutal way and executed anyone who suggested the reinstatement of the running race[citation needed]. By the time of Dravya Shah's death in 1570, the running race tradition was but a memory among the people. Dravya Shah had used the Magar army to invade neighbouring states and his successors continued this aggression to increase the kingdom's territory.

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Jay Nepal 🙏🇳🇵
सम्बन्धित सबैको ध्यानाकर्षण हुन जरुरी छ ।


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