DNA Diagnostic

DNA Diagnostic

DNA Diagnostic, a pioneer in clinical laboratory services, delivers routine and special diagnostic tests in hematology, biochemistry and microbiology.

Wide range of tests are performed upon clinicians' requests such as cultures, homonal assays, CLIA etc.

Man 'recovering well' after pig kidney transplant 22/03/2024

A 62-year-old man is said to be recovering well and should leave hospital soon, after getting a new kidney from a pig that was genetically modified to reduce the risk of the organ being rejected.

Man 'recovering well' after pig kidney transplant


सिकल सेल एनिमिया को उपचार परीक्षण सफल।।
नेपालमा थारुहरुमा देखिने रक्तअल्पता को प्रमुख कारण सिकल सेल डिजिजको निदानका लागि exa -cell therapy काे सफल परिक्षण ले सम्पूर्ण समुदायलाई राहत मिल्ने छ। नेपाल मा पनि यो उपचार पद्धति भित्र्याउन सरकार ले पहल गरोस्।

Sickle Cell Salvation: The Victoria Gray Interview

In an exclusive interview with GEN’s editorial director, Kevin Davies, PhD, and GEN‘s senior editor, Uduak Thomas, Victoria Gray, the first patient in the exa-cel therapy trial for sickle cell disease, shares her story of being diagnosed at three months, years of living with debilitating pain and doctors’ visits, and her remarkable recovery following her treatment.

Read More: https://ow.ly/GJev50QCPBt

One month after experimental pig heart transplant, doctors say they see no signs of rejection or infection 20/10/2023

One month after an experimental procedure to transplant the heart of a genetically modified pig into a patient with end-stage heart disease, doctors say the heart is functioning on its own and shows no signs of rejection.

One month after experimental pig heart transplant, doctors say they see no signs of rejection or infection

Do antibiotics ruin your gut health? 04/09/2023

Some people are very susceptible to damage in [their] microbiome from antibiotics, and their ecology of their microbiome will change dramatically and never return to what it was before the antibiotic dose

Do antibiotics ruin your gut health?

अस्ट्रेलिया: विश्वमै पहिलो पटक महिलाको मस्तिष्कमा जिउँदो जुका - BBC News नेपाली 29/08/2023

अस्ट्रेलिया: विश्वमै पहिलो पटक महिलाको मस्तिष्कमा जिउँदो जुका - BBC News नेपाली रातो रङ्गको परजीवी ती महिलाको मस्तिष्कमा दुई महिनादेखि बसिरहेको हुन सक्ने चिकित्सकहरूले ठानेका छन्।

Two research teams detail advancements in transplanting pig kidneys to humans, marking key steps on path to clinical trials 17/08/2023

New advancements in transplanting pig kidneys to humans, detailed by two separate research teams on Wednesday, mark key steps forward in the evolving field of xenotransplantation, the use of non-human tissues or organs to treat medical conditions in humans.

Two research teams detail advancements in transplanting pig kidneys to humans, marking key steps on path to clinical trials

प्रजननको दुर्लभ अवसरको बाटो पहिल्याइदिने एक महिला वैज्ञानिक 08/03/2023

कृत्रिम गर्भाधानको उपाय पत्ता लगाउने महिला वैज्ञानिक जसले संसारलाई दुर्लभ प्रजननको अद्भुत उपहार दिइन्

प्रजननको दुर्लभ अवसरको बाटो पहिल्याइदिने एक महिला वैज्ञानिक

विश्वभरि पुरुषमा शुक्रकीटको मात्रा निरन्तर घट्नुका ५ कारण - BBC News नेपाली 22/01/2023

विश्वभरि पुरुषमा शुक्रकीटको मात्रा निरन्तर घट्नुका ५ कारण - BBC News नेपाली विगत केही दशकमा विश्वभरि पुरुषमा शुक्रकीटको सङ्ख्या र गुणस्तर दुवै नाटकीय ढङ्गबाट घटिरहँदा विज्ञहरूले चिन्ता प...

How one woman's 'immortal' cells changed the world 21/01/2023

Immortal line of cells

How one woman's 'immortal' cells changed the world


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DNA Diagnostic, Tikapur

India facing a 'pandemic' of antibiotics-resistant superbugs 11/10/2022

Antibiotic resistance: A silent pandemic

India facing a 'pandemic' of antibiotics-resistant superbugs

How do I spot bowel cancer in my poo? 06/10/2022

You should be looking out for blood in your poo as well as bleeding from the bottom.

How do I spot bowel cancer in my poo?

Cancer-killing virus shows promise in patients 24/09/2022

A new type of cancer therapy that uses a common virus to infect and destroy harmful cells is showing big promise in early human trials...

Cancer-killing virus shows promise in patients


बिरामीहरुको सुबिधालाई मध्य नजर गरी, यस डि. एन. ए डायग्नोष्टिक ( DNA DIAGNOSTIC) ले टिकापुर अस्पताल मेन गेट अगाडीको भवनमा सेवा बिस्तार गरेको सबै सेवाग्राहीहरुलाई जानकारी गराउँदछु।

New findings reveal how recovery progresses following inflammation triggered by injury or illness 29/08/2022

Inflammation is the body’s first line of defense, occurring as droves of immune cells rush to the site of injury or acute illness to make repairs and stem further damage.

New findings reveal how recovery progresses following inflammation triggered by injury or illness New findings reveal how recovery progresses following inflammation triggered by injury or illness

Lengthening a woman's fertility may extend her life as well, research finds 29/08/2022

You are a product of an oocyte (an immature egg) that was growing in your grandmother's womb.
Here's how...

Lengthening a woman's fertility may extend her life as well, research finds

You have a doppelganger and probably share DNA with them, new study suggests 26/08/2022

You have a doppelganger and probably share DNA with them, new study suggests Sometimes when Charlie Chasen or Michael Malone would be out and about on their own in Atlanta, people would mistake one for the other.

हृदयाघात के हो ? कसरी जोगिने ? 29/06/2022

हृदयाघात के हो ? कसरी जोगिने ? नयाँCity झन् नयाँ उपनिर्वाचन २०७६ निर्वाचन २०७९ निर्वाचन चुनाव २०७४ FIFA Worldcup 2018

‘I feel reborn after pioneering gene-editing treatment’ 21/02/2022

सिकल सेलको उपचार सफल।

‘I feel reborn after pioneering gene-editing treatment’

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