Bhagawat geeta"

Bhagawat geeta"

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तस्य सञ्जनयन्हर्षं कुरुवृद्ध: पितामह: |
सिंहनादं विनद्योच्चै: शङ्खं दध्मौ प्रतापवान् || 12||

Then, the grand old man of the Kuru dynasty, the glorious patriarch Bheeshma, roared like a lion, and blew his conch shell very loudly, giving joy to Duryodhan.

(Bheeshma was aware that Duryodhana had no chance of victory as the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna was on the opposite side. However, he understood his grand-nephew’s anxiety and to cheer him up he blew his conch shell loudly. In olden days, blowing of the conch shell in the battlefield signaled the start of the war. This also conveyed to Duryodhana that Bheeshma was ready to lead the Kaurava army and he would fight dutifully and spare no pain.)



अयनेषु च सर्वेषु यथाभागमवस्थिता: |
भीष्ममेवाभिरक्षन्तु भवन्त: सर्व एव हि ||

(Therefore, I call upon all the generals of the Kaurava army now to give full support to Grandsire Bheeshma, even as you defend your respective strategic points.)


very helpful to increase religious knoledge💞💞



अपर्याप्तं तदस्माकं बलं भीष्माभिरक्षितम् |
पर्याप्तं त्विदमेतेषां बलं भीमाभिरक्षितम् ||

(The strength of our army is unlimited and we are safely marshalled by Grandsire Bheeshma, while the strength of the Pandava army, carefully marshalled by Bheem, is limited.)


अन्ये च बहव: शूरा मदर्थे त्यक्तजीविता: |
नानाशस्त्रप्रहरणा: सर्वे युद्धविशारदा: ||

(Also, there are many other heroic warriors, who are prepared to lay down their lives for my sake. They are all skilled in the art of warfare, and equipped with various kinds of weapons.)


भवान्भीष्मश्च कर्णश्च कृपश्च समितिञ्जय: |
अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च सौमदत्तिस्तथैव च || 8||

(There are personalities like yourself, Bheeshma, Karna, Kripa, Ashwatthama, Vikarn, and Bhurishrava, who are ever victorious in battle.)


Bhagawat geeta" CHAPTER 1, VERSE 7
अस्माकं तु विशिष्टा ये तान्निबोध द्विजोत्तम |
नायका मम सैन्यस्य संज्ञार्थं तान्ब्रवीमि ते ||
(O best of Brahmins, hear too about the principal generals on our side, who are especially qualified to lead. These I now recount unto you.)


Bhagawat geeta" Chapter,1 Verse 4

अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भीमार्जुनसमा युधि
युयुधानो विराटश्च द्रुपदश्च महारथ: || 4||

Bhagawat geeta" Chapter,1 Verse 5

धृष्टकेतुश्चेकितान: काशिराजश्च वीर्यवान् |
पुरुजित्कुन्तिभोजश्च शैब्यश्च नरपुङ्गव: ||

Bhagawat geeta" Chapter,1 Verse 6
युधामन्युश्च विक्रान्त उत्तमौजाश्च वीर्यवान् |
सौभद्रो द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्व एव महारथा: || 6||

(Behold in their ranks are many powerful warriors, like Yuyudhan, Virat, and Drupad, wielding mighty bows and equal in military prowess to Bheem and Arjun. There are also accomplished heroes like Dhrishtaketu, Chekitan, the gallant King of Kashi, Purujit, Kuntibhoj, and Shaibya—all the best of men. In their ranks, they also have the courageous Yudhamanyu, the gallant Uttamauja, the son of Subhadra, and the sons of Draupadi, who are all great warrior chiefs.)


Bhagawat geeta" Chapter 1, verse 3
पश्यैतां पाण्डुपुत्राणामाचार्य महतीं चमूम् ।
व्यूढां द्रुपदपुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता ।।
Duryodhan said: Respected teacher! Behold the mighty army of the sons of Pandu, so expertly arrayed for battle by your own gifted disciple, the son of Drupad.


Bhagawat geeta" Chapter,1 Verse 2
सञ्जय उवाच ।
दृष्ट्वा तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं दुर्योधनस्तदा ।
आचार्यमुपसङ्गम्य राजा वचनमब्रवीत् ।।
Sanjay said: On observing the Pandava army standing in military formation, King Duryodhan approached his teacher Dronacharya, and said the following words.


Bhagawat geeta chapter 1, verse 1
धृतराष्ट्र उवाच |
धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः |
मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत सञ्जय ||1||
Dhritarashtra said: O Sanjay, after gathering on the holy field of Kurukshetra, and desiring to fight, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do?


Geeta Chapter 10, Verse 39
यच्चापि सर्वभूतानां बीजं तदहमर्जुन |
न तदस्ति विना यत्स्यान्मया भूतं चराचरम्
I am the generating seed of all living beings, O Arjun. No creature moving or non-moving can exist without me.


1. Arjuna
Arjuna is the central figure of the Gita. He is Krishna's disciple, and asks for the deity for help when he has to fight his own family in order to take command of a kingdom that is rightfully his brother Yudhishthira's. He is one of the five Pandava brothers, and next in line to take over Hastinapura. At first, Arjuna is weak of heart, unsure how he can fight his kin for a kingdom. But Krishna shows him that fighting and ruling is his cosmic duty.

2. Bhisma
Bhisma fights against Arjuna, as one of the elders of the opposing Kaurava family. Arjuna and Sanjaya make it a point to extol Bhisma's courage and will.

3. Ananta
Ananta is the cosmic serpent that is often seen with Vishnu as part of his avatar.

4. Aryaman
Aryaman is mentioned in passing in the Gita as a God in the Vedas who was an ancestor of mankind.

5. Ashvatthama
Ashvatthama is also mentioned in passing in the Gita, and should be noted only as a great archer and warrior, who is Drona's son.

6. Brahma
Brahma is one of the most revered Hindu deities, and is also known as the Creator. Brahma shouldn't be confused with Brahman, which is a concept, as opposed to a manifested deity.

7. Buddha
Krishna makes reference to the Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautama Shakyamuni, who renounced all material possessions and his worldly life to seek enlightenment. He found nirvana in the course of his journey during the sixth century B.C.

8. Dhritarashtra
Dhritarashtra is the king of the Kurus. Blind since birth, he serves as the king of Hastinapura, but is not the rightful ruler. The Gita begins with Dritarashtra aiming to keep the kingdom in the hands of his family, and willing to battle against Arjuna, the rightful heir, in order to keep it. Dhritarashtra's sons are the Kauravas, who fight against Arjuna and his Pandava brothers.

9. Drona
Drona is the general of the Kaurava army who fights against Arjuna and his Pandava brothers.

10. Duryodhana
Duryodhana is the son of Dhriharashtra, who tries to bequeath him a kingdom which isn't rightfully his. Duryodhana, then, is the antagonist of the upcoming battle documented in the Gita, and Arjuna's chief enemy in battle.

11. Gandiva
Arjuna's bow, gifted from the deities, is called gandiva

12. Garuda
Garuda is the eagle which serves as the deity Vishnu's form of transport

13. Indra
Indra is mentioned in the Gita as the god of battle.

14. Janaka
Janaka is referenced by Krishna as a king in ancient times who was wise, ruled effectively, and found a saatvic way of presiding over his people.

15. Kauravas
The Kauravas are the sons of Kuru, or rather the sons of Dhritarashtra. Duryodhana and his brothers are the Kauravas and they fight against Arjuna and the Pandavas.

16. Krishna
Krishna is technically an incarnation of Vishnu, and is the main character of the Gita. Here in battle, he serves as Arjuna's charioteer, and comes to earth precisely to help Arjuna see his dharmic duty. In the Gita, Krishna asserts full ominpotence as the ultimate deity, and reveals both his human and most divine form. Krishna's name literally means 'The Dark Lord.'

17. Madhava
Madhava is another name for Krishna.

18. Manu
Manu is known as the father of the human race, or the "first man" of mankind.

19. Pandavas
The sons of "Pandu" are the Pandavas, and include Arjuna and his brothers Bhima, Nakula, Sahadeva, and Yudhishthira. Arjuna and the Pandavas have to fight the Kauravas for the kingdom of Hastinapura because the Pandavas have the rightful claim to it. The Pandavas are considered the forces of good in this battle, while the Kauravas are considered the forces of evil.

20. Pritha
Pritha is mentioned in passing as Arjuna's mother.

21. Rama
Rama was the son of Dasharatha and the king of Ayodha. He is famous for being the titular hero of the Ramayana, who slayed the demon Ravana to rescue his wife Sita. Rama, like Krishna, is an incarnation of Vishnu.

22. Sanjaya
Sanjaya is the wise sage who recounts the Gita epic to the blind king Dritarashtra, who cannot witness what is happening on the battlefield.

23. Shiva
Shiva completes the "Trinity" of deities with Brahma and Vishnu -- and is also known as the Destroyer.

24. Vishnu
Vishnu is the Preserver, responsible for maintaining the cycle of dharma and karma in the world -- and thus comes to the earth in various incarnations, including Krishna, to right the balance of good and evil.

25. Yudhishthira
Arjuna's brother, and the rightful heir to the kingdom.


Difference between Bhagavad Gita and Shrimad Bhagavatam😊😊

The Bhagavad Gita, which was spoken by Lord Krishna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, is the most famous book in the entire universe because it is spoken by God Himself. Bhagavad Gita is a part of the Bhishma Parva (the 6th part) of the Mahabharata. The Bhagavad Gita consists of 18 smaller chapters and is around 700 verses. It was also written by Sage Vyasa (who composed the entire Mahabharata). One may go to any part of the world and one will find that everywhere the glories of the book are sung. Any serious seeker of the Absolute Truth will not be unaware of the exalted nature of the divine book. Since the Bhagavad Gita was spoken on the battlefield to induce Arjuna to fight, it is concise in nature and many higher transcendental exchanges of love are not discussed. These topics are discussed in detail in the Srimad Bhagavatam, which is considered the graduate study of the Bhagavad Gita.

The Srimad Bhagavatam is generally mistaken to be the same as the Bhagavad Gita. Srimad Bhagavatam or the Bhagavata Purana is the 5th major Purana amongst 18 different Puranas. It is considered to be the essence of all the Vedas. The Vedas are compared to a desire tree because of all kinds of knowledge that one may desire, are available in them. It contains 12 different parts (skandhas) and around 18,000 verses. Similar to the other Puranas, the Srimad Bhagavatam is written by Sage Vyasa. Sage Shuka, who was Vyasa's son, recited the Bhagavatam to King Pariksh*t who was cursed to die in 7 days, by Sage Shrungi.


Difference between Bhagavad Gita and shrimad Bhagavatam😊😊

The Bhagavad Gita, which was spoken by Lord Krishna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, is the most famous book in the entire universe because it is spoken by God Himself. Bhagavad Gita is a part of the Bhishma Parva (the 6th part) of the Mahabharata. The Bhagavad Gita consists of 18 smaller chapters and is around 700 verses. It was also written by Sage Vyasa (who composed the entire Mahabharata). One may go to any part of the world and one will find that everywhere the glories of the book are sung. Any serious seeker of the Absolute Truth will not be unaware of the exalted nature of the divine book. Since the Bhagavad Gita was spoken on the battlefield to induce Arjuna to fight, it is concise in nature and many higher transcendental exchanges of love are not discussed. These topics are discussed in detail in the Srimad Bhagavatam, which is considered the graduate study of the Bhagavad Gita.

The Srimad Bhagavatam is generally mistaken to be the same as the Bhagavad Gita. Srimad Bhagavatam or the Bhagavata Purana is the 5th major Purana amongst 18 different Puranas. It is considered to be the essence of all the Vedas. The Vedas are compared to a desire tree because of all kinds of knowledge that one may desire, are available in them. It contains 12 different parts (skandhas) and around 18,000 verses. Similar to the other Puranas, the Srimad Bhagavatam is written by Sage Vyasa. Sage Shuka, who was Vyasa's son, recited the Bhagavatam to King Pariksh*t who was cursed to die in 7 days, by Sage Shrungi.


Summary of Bhagawat Geeta

For those who haven’t had the pleasure of reading it, the Gita recounts a dialogue between Arjuna, one of five Pandava princes, and the Hindu deity Krishna, who in this epic serves as Arjuna’s charioteer. Arjuna and his brothers have been exiled from the kingdom of Kurukshetra for 13 years and cut off from their rightful heritage by another faction of the family; the Gita takes up their struggle to reclaim the throne, which requires that Arjuna wage war against his own kinsmen, bringing his considerable military skills to bear.

The story begins on the dusty plains of Kurukshetra, where Arjuna, a famed archer, is poised to fight. But he hesitates. He sees arrayed against him friends, teachers, and kin, and believes that to fight—and likely kill—these men would be to commit a grievous sin and could bring nothing good even if he were to win the kingdom back. Krishna chides him for his cowardice—Arjuna is from the warrior caste after all, and warriors are meant to fight—but then goes on to present a spiritual rationale for battling his enemies, one that encompasses a discussion of the karma, jnana and bhakti yogas, as well as the nature of divinity, humankind’s ultimate destiny, and the purpose of mortal life.


