Triyog Health Club

Triyog Health Club

One of the prestigious learning society of Triyog High School.


Today, 28th July is world hepatitis day. On this occasion, we are writing about the same in order to raise awareness.

Hepatitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the liver. If not controlled it can cause scarring of the liver known as cirrhosis or fibrosis and it can also cause liver cancer. When the liver is scarred or liver cancer is caused due to hepatitis, it is fatal.

The types of Hepatitis are as follows:

1. Hepatitis A (Caused by the virus of the same name)
2. Hepatitis B (Caused by the virus of the same name)
3. Hepatitis C (Caused by the virus of the same name)
4. Hepatitis D (Caused by the virus of the same name)
5. Hepatitis E (Caused by the virus of the same name)

The main causes of hepatitis are as follows:

1. Intake of certain toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs etc.
2. Autoimmune diseases (When the body kills your own cells, thinking it is a foreign object)
3. Virus in case of viral hepatitis

Symptoms of hepatitis:

The symptoms of hepatitis are very similar to that of flu. Sometimes, patients don't even have symptoms at all. But some major symptoms are as follows:

1. Dark Urine
2. Pale Stool
3. Symptoms of Jaundice like yellow skin and eyes
4. Flu like symptoms
5. Excessive fatigue

Preventive measures of hepatitis:

1. In case of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B, get yourself vaccinated.
2. Don't share needles injected in your or others body with anyone.
3. Practice safe s*x methods.
4. Practice general good hygiene.

Hope you learnt something about hepatitis.

Thank You


Hello there!

The Triyog health club is one of the many learning societies of Triyog High School.

We focus on conducting activities that make students, teachers as well as many others aware about their health and also about how to improve it.

We also regularly interact with actual health professionals who impart their knowledge with us.

Thank You!