All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC

All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC

It is the common platform of all nepali doctors to express ideas regarding the health situation and different medical complicancy to find out remedies.


Hybrid Operating Room

Photos from All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC's post 29/06/2019

Listeriosis is a series of diseases caused by the bacteria L. monocytogenes. There are two main types of listeriosis: a non-invasive form and an invasive form.

Noninvasive listeriosis (febrile listerial gastroenteritis) is a mild form of the disease affecting mainly otherwise healthy people. Symptoms include diarrhoea, fever, headache and myalgia (muscle pain). Invasive listeriosis is a more severe form of the disease and affects certain high risk groups of the population. These include pregnant women, patients undergoing treatment for cancer, AIDS and organ transplants, elderly people and infants. This form of disease is characterized by severe symptoms and a high mortality rate (20%–30%). The symptoms include fever, myalgia (muscle pain), septicemia, meningitis.

Photos from All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC's post 28/09/2018

Leprosy (Hensen disease)
It is the infection caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae. These bacteria grow very slowly and it may take up to 20 years to develop signs of the infection.
The disease can affect the nerves, skin, eyes, and lining of the nose (nasal mucosa). Usually, the affected skin changes color and either becomes:
-lighter or darker, often dry or flaky, with loss of feeling, or
reddish due to inflammation of the skin.

If left untreated, the nerve damage can result in paralysis of hands and feet. In very advanced cases, the person may have multiple injuries due to lack of sensation, and eventually the body may reabsorb the affected digits.

It’s easily treatable once recognized. Still, a lot of stigma and prejudice remains about the disease, and those suffering from it are isolated and discriminated against in many places where the disease is seen.
Hansen’s disease is treated with a combination of antibiotics. Typically, 2 or 3 antibiotics are used at the same time. These are dapsone with rifampicin, and clofazimine is added for some types of the disease. This is called multidrug therapy. This strategy helps prevent the development of antibiotic resistance by the bacteria, which may otherwise occur due to length of the treatment.

Photos from All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC's post 28/09/2018

Zoonotic diseases:
Those diseases which are transmitted from animals to humans are known as zoonotic diseases.These diseases, also called zoonosis, are transmitted to humans from mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. Large numbers of domestic and wild animals are the sources of zoonotic diseases with numerous means of transmission.

The viral outbreaks like Ebola, Zika, bird flu, swine flu and dengue fever are the examples of infections passed from animals to humans. Many zoonotic parasitic infections are also common in Nepal namely malaria, leishmaniasis, ascariasis and hookworms among others. Even HIV is believed to be transferred from chimpanzee.

Photos from All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC's post 28/09/2018

HT is another name for high blood pressure. It can lead to severe complications and increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death.
Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels. The pressure depends on the work being done by the heart and the resistance of the blood vessels.

Risk factors:
Size and weigh
Alcohol and to***co use
Existing health conditions (Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease)

A range of drug types are available to help lower blood pressure, including diuretics, thiazides, chlorthalidone, and indapamide
-beta-blockers and alpha-blockers
-calcium-channel blockers
-central agonists
-peripheral adrenergic inhibitor
-angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
-angiotensin receptor blockers

Photos from All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC's post 05/08/2018

Turner Syndrome:
It is a short stature, characterized by early loss of ovarian function( ovarian hypofunction or premature ovarian failure). Affected girl donot undergo puberty unless they receive hormone therapy and most are infertile. It's a kind of chromosomal abnormality/condition.

30% of female have extra folds of skin on the neck, puffiness or swelling of the hands and feet, skeletal abnormalities, or kidney problems. Level of intelligency has also been found to be linked upon it. Developmental delays, nonverbal learning disabilities, and behavioral problems prevalage in affected individuals.

It is related to the X chromosome, and this syndrome result when one normal X chromosome is present in a female's cells and other s*x chromosome is missing or structurally altered. Missing genetic material affects development before and after birth.

Untitled album 05/08/2018

Case of Congenital anomaly

Baby with one eye (Anophthalmia) and no mouth .
A rare amongst rarest case of congenital anomaly.

Birth Defects
While still in the womb, some babies have problems with how their organs and body parts form, how they work, or how their bodies turn food into energy. These health problems are called birth defects.

Types of Birth Defects
If a baby is born with a part of the body that is missing or malformed, it is called a structural birth defect. Heart defects are the most common type of structural defect. Others include spina bifid, cleft palate, clubfoot, and congenital dislocated hip .
When there is a problem with a baby's body chemistry, it is called a metabolic birth defect. Metabolic defects prevent the body from properly breaking down food to create energy. Examples of metabolic defects include Tay-Sachs disease, a fatal disease that affects the central nervous system, and phenylketonuria (PKU), which affects the way the body processes protein.
For people who want to become parents, it's important to know that some birth defects can be prevented. During a woman's pregnancy, taking
folic acid and getting enough iodine in the diet can help prevent some types of birth defects. But it's also important to realize that most babies born with birth defects are born to two healthy parents with no obvious health problems or risk factors.

Causes Birth Defects
In most cases, doctors don't know what caused a baby's birth defect. When the cause is known, it might be environmental (such as a baby's exposure to chemicals or viruses while in the womb), a problem with genes, or a combination of these things.
Environmental Causes
If a mother has certain infections (such as
toxoplasmosis ) during pregnancy, her baby can have a birth defect. Other conditions that cause defects include rubella and chickenpox (varicella).Fortunately, many people get vaccinated against these diseases so these infections are rare.
Also, alcohol abuse by the mother may cause
fetal alcohol syndrome, and certain medicines taken by the mother can cause birth defects. (Doctors try to avoid harmful medicines during pregnancy, so a pregnant woman should tell any doctor she consults that she's expecting.)
Genetic Causes
Every cell in the body has chromosomes containing genes that determine a person's unique characteristics. During conception, a child inherits one of each pair of chromosomes (and one of each pair of the genes they contain) from each parent. An error during this process can cause a baby to be born with too few or too many chromosomes, or with a damaged chromosome.
One well-known birth defect caused by a chromosome problem is Down syndrome. A baby develops Down syndrome after getting one extra chromosome. Other genetic defects happen when both parents pass along a faulty gene for the same disease.
A disease or defect also can happen when only one parent passes along the gene for that disease. This includes birth defects such as achondroplasia (a form of dwarfism ) and Marfan syndrome.
Finally, some boys inherit disorders from genes passed onto them only by their mothers. These defects, which include conditions like hemophilia and color blindness, are called X-linked because the genes are carried on the X chromosome.

Diagnosis of birth Defects
Via prenatal tests
Prenatal tests also can help determine if a mother has an infection or other condition that is dangerous for the fetus. Knowing about a baby's health problems ahead of time can help parents and doctors plan for the future.
It's important to remember that screening identifies only the possibility that a baby has a defect. Some women give birth to a healthy baby after a screening test shows that a defect may be present. If you're pregnant, talk to your doctor about any tests he or she thinks you should have.

Routine newborn screenings
With parents' permission, babies are tested after birth to screen for certain birth defects that need to be treated. In the U.S., exactly what a baby is tested for varies from state to state, although all states screen for phenylketonuria (PKU), congenital hypothyroidism, sickle cell disease, and about 30 other conditions. Parents should ask health care providers or the hospital nursery which tests their state does.

Prevention Of Birth Defects
Many birth defects can't be prevented, but a woman can do some things before and during pregnancy to help lower the chances of having a baby with a birth defect.
Before pregnancy, women should:
make sure their vaccinations are up to date
make sure they don't have any s*xually transmitted diseases (STDs)
get the daily recommended dose of folic acid before trying to conceive
avoid unnecessary medicines
If there's a family history of birth defects or a woman is part of a high-risk group, she should consider meeting with a genetic counselor to determine her baby's risk.

Photos from All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC's post 26/01/2018

Hydrocephalus is a condition that occurs when fluid builds up in the skull and causes the brain to swell. The name means “water on the brain.”
Brain damage can occur as a result of the fluid buildup. This can lead to developmental, physical, and intellectual impairments. It requires treatment to prevent serious complications.
Hydrocephalus mainly occurs in children and adults over 60, but younger adults can get it too. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) estimates that 1 to 2 of every 1,000 babies are born with hydrocephalus.
What Causes Hydrocephalus?
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flows through your brain and spinal cord in normal conditions. Under certainconditions, the amount of CSF in your brain increases. The amount of CSF can increase when:
a blockage develops that prevents CSF from flowing normally
there is a decrease in the ability of blood vessels to absorb it
your brain produces an excess amount of it
Too much of this fluid puts your brain under too much pressure. This pressure can cause brain swelling, which can damage your brain tissue.
Underlying Causes
In some cases, hydrocephalus starts before a baby is born. This can result from:
a birth defect in which the spinal column doesn’t close
a genetic abnormality
certain infections that occur during pregnancy, such as rubella
This condition can also occur in infants, toddlers, and older children due to:
central nervous system infections such as meningitis, especially in babies
bleeding in the brain during or shortly after delivery, especially in babies born prematurely
injuries that occur before, during, or after delivery
head trauma
central nervous system tumors
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
When hydrocephalus occurs in adults, CSF levels rise but the amount of pressure is usually normal. It still causes the brain to swell and can lead to impaired functioning. In adults, this condition usually results from conditions that prevent CSF from flowing. However, in some cases, there is no known cause.


why old people grow white hair?
=The root of hair contain pigment cells. pigment cell produce a chemical that give color to hair. The chemical which gives color is melanin. 2 types of melanin is found
dark and light
they blend in various proportions to give range of colours.

Photos from All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC's post 10/11/2017

Extracellular deposition of fibrillar proteinaceous substance
Abnormal protein produced in bone marrow and can be deposited in any organ.

आजैदेखि चिकित्सा शिक्षा अध्यादेश जारी, राष्ट्रपतिबाट जुनसुकै बेला खारेज हुनसक्ने, यस्तो छ अध 10/11/2017

Good news!! डा•गोबिन्द के सि को अनसनले सार्थकता पाएको छ। आसा छ यो अनसनले पुणबिराम पाओस। president बाट अध्यादेश जारी भएको छ।

आजैदेखि चिकित्सा शिक्षा अध्यादेश जारी, राष्ट्रपतिबाट जुनसुकै बेला खारेज हुनसक्ने, यस्तो छ अध काठमाडौँ : डा. गोविन्द केसीको माग अनुसार मन्त्रिपरिषद्ले  पारित गरेको चिकित्सा शिक्षा अध्यादेश राष्ट्रपति विद्यादेवी भण्डारीले आज जारी गरेकी छिन्। मन्त्रिपरिषदले पठाएको अध्यादेश १८  दिनदेखि राष्ट्रपति कार्यलयमा अड्किएको थियो। राष्ट्रपतिले नेपालको संविधानको धारा ११४ को उपधारा (१) बमोजिम अध्यादेश जारी...

Photos from All nepal physician and surgeon circle-ANPSC's post 10/11/2017

Heart failure:
pathophysiological state of impaired function
chronic form:congestive heart failure (CHF)

नेसनलको अस्पताल नै अवैध 23/08/2017

नेसनलको अस्पताल नै अवैध त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयले एमबीबीएस अध्यापन गर्न अनुमति दिएको राजधानीको घट्टेकुलोस्थित काठमाडौं नेसनल मेडिकल कलेजको शिक्षण अस्पताल नै नियमविपरीत सञ्चालन भएको पाइएको छ ।



Timeline photos 22/06/2017

Tumour and only tumour😀

Timeline photos 22/06/2017


Timeline photos 22/06/2017
Timeline photos 22/06/2017



let´s come out from manly world to the forming world




One of the cause of heart attack

Timeline photos 01/03/2017

Eyes muscles

Timeline photos 02/12/2016

रात्रि कालिन UCMS
all the medical and paramedical course are offered here it is only such a medical college in nepal.

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Gangrene#Dry and #wet
let´s come out from manly world to the forming world
One of the cause of heart attack
