Yoga & Veganism

Yoga & Veganism

Yoga and Veganism shines a light, those who are on the path of Yoga which helps to opens the both phy

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 13/01/2024

I think winter Yoga is really yummy. Everyone else enjoy those nice long stretches poses to counter the cold, contracted stiffness of the body.



Posted • Lahiri Mahasaya Samadhi, Kashi 🙏😇

The holy city of Kashi was home to a great Indian Yogi, Guru named Lahiri Mahasaya.. and a disciple of the Kriya Yoga master Mahavatar Babaji. This yogi was the guru of Yogananda’s parents and when Shri Yogananda was a new born he received a special blessings from Lahiri Mahasaya himself.

The teacher who initiated Paramahansa Yogananda was Sri Yukteswar, its teacher was Lahiri Mahasaya and the teacher of all was Mahavatar Babaji.

The place in pictures is ‘Satyalok’ where the Energy levels speaks of the presence of the Samadhi Mandir containing ashes of Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya.

For the seekers on the path of Kriya Yoga, this place is must visit 🌸


Posted • महादेव ki nagari 🔱 - काशी - बनारस - बाराणासी 🔱✨

I’m happy and grateful about my trip to Kashi. Those sunrise at ghats, morning and night with cold breezes vibes differently. Ganga arati, street food, people around, narrow old streets, deeply rooted cultural heritage and century old traditions everything is beautiful there.

And most importantly, we were so fortunate to have a Special Darsan three times in this trip from the day 1 at Kashi Vishwanath Temple. Thank you, Kashi.


Lahiri Mahasaya Samadhi, Kashi 🙏😇

The holy city of Kashi was home to a great Indian Yogi, Guru named Lahiri Mahasaya.. and a disciple of the Kriya Yoga master Mahavatar Babaji. This yogi was the guru of Yogananda’s parents and when Shri Yogananda was a new born he received a special blessings from Lahiri Mahasaya himself.

The teacher who initiated Paramahansa Yogananda was Sri Yukteswar, its teacher was Lahiri Mahasaya and the teacher of all was Mahavatar Babaji.

The place in pictures is ‘Satyalok’ where the Energy levels speaks of the presence of the Samadhi Mandir containing ashes of Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya.

For the seekers on the path of Kriya Yoga, this place is must visit 🌸


Winter is here and here are a few Ayurvedic Spices to add to your shelves! ❄️ 🥶

Find the Doshas specific herbs & Spices to know
What suits you the most.

🌱 VATA: Ginger, Cumin, Black pepper, cinnamon, saffron and cloves.

🌱 PITTA: Cardamom, Coriander, fennel, mint, curry leaves

🌱KAPHA: Basil, Ginger, Turmeric, Cardamom, coriander, fenugreek, mustard, cloves, paprika, garlic, ajwain

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 06/10/2023

When an Individual has achieves complete understanding of her true self, she will no longer be disturbed by the distracting influences within and around her.

- The Yoga Sutras Of Pantanjali

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 17/07/2023

Start your day with a Personal Yoga Classes at home 🏡🧘‍♀️✨

➡️ Take time to breathe.
➡️ Take time to enjoying the moment.
➡️ Learn safe with proper alignment.
➡️ Have your questions answered.
➡️ Learn modifications and how to properly use props.
➡️ Learn how to link breath to movement.
➡️ Great for all experience level.
➡️ Deepen your practice at any level.
➡️ Addresses specific injuries or issues.
➡️ See greater positive changes.
➡️ Personal adjustment
➡️ Take time to be yourself

Self care with everything. 💎🙏

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 12/07/2023

In Yogasanas you must align and harmonize the physical body and all the layers of the subtle emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual body. This is integration.

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 04/07/2023

All life is yoga “ this is the quote of Sri Aurobindo, the master who channeled the Integral Yoga method. Sri Aurobindo became a yogi while he was in prison. He was a political prisoner for fighting to free India from England. His learning made me understand that being in peace, in harmony, in balance does not mean clapping the sun and being grateful! Learn even in the face of daily struggles, problems and challenges, it is possible to be in peace, harmony and balance. That’s why ‘ ALL LIFE IS YOGA ‘ to be present in life is to be in Yoga.

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 27/06/2023

is a revolved forward bending posture. It is a variation of forward bend,

It is one of the powerful hip and groin opener, it stretches the spine, shoulders and hamstrings, stimulates the digestive organs. And activate the Swadishthana Chakra, which is connected with the water element. The twisting element of the posture also stimulates the Manipura Chakra.

The Quadratus Lumborum (QL) is the deepest abdominal muscles. It’s located in your lower back on either side of the lumbar spine. It starts at your lowest rib and ends at the top of your pelvis. It’s common to have a pain here because you use this muscles to sit, stand and walk.

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 26/06/2023

With the first Yogi…


Anyone who practices can obtain success in Yoga. But not one who is lazy. Constant Practice Alone is the secret of success.

is one of the deepest hip openers in Primary Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.


The Practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo.


“ Here and now is where Yoga Begins “


For a better you and a 🌎💙


All life is yoga 🧘‍♀️


Yoga does not require flexibility, it gives flexibility to those who practice it 🧘‍♀️


Private Yoga Class 🧘‍♀️
Calm your body and restore your mind with Viparita Karani, often called “Legs up the wall” pose.
Viparita means “inverted” and Karani means in “action”. This asana can be done at the end of the yoga practice. It is very restorative and rejuvenating asana that both soothes and energies the body and the mind. However, it is very easier to hold for extended periods of time and so the practitioner may enjoy its fullest rejuvenating benefits.

This gentle asana will lengthen the backs of the legs and neck, open the chest, relieve lower back pain, re-oxygenate the blood and calm the nervous system. You can enjoy this asana with or without props. Like: yoga block, blanket, cushion or eye pillows. Get yourself anything you need to make yourself comfortable.

How to do:

1. Slide your hips a few inches from the wall or elevate your hips by placing a cushion or blanket under your sacrum.
2. Your hamstrings should feel comfortable, not stretched. You will be staying here for 10 min or more.
3. Breathe longer, calmer
4. Let it go of everything


If we decide to make spirituality our #1 priority in life then we can live a life with purpose and fulfillment.
It maybe hard to digest - that there isn’t any fulfillment in our outer world. The more you turn inward the greater the rewards, and the more you can find deep fulfillment. It’s not easy to look at ourselves without any sort of bias but to look within and be honest is how you grow.
Honesty is your best friend when it comes to spirituality ❤️

Spirituality is Fulfillment, there’s no other choice in our lives.

Living spirituality doesn’t mean you’re religious or even believe any sort of God, it means that you become more aware of yourself, your surroundings and the world.

We worked so hard to make money, to buy a car to buy a house, to travel a luxurious holiday. - Living in this world is also essential- because life is all about experiencing, exploring and learning new things.
But the feeling of living spirituality is priceless.

If you’re having difficulties in your life finding your purpose and fulfillment. I urge you to take a look inside of yourself and simply have a conversation with your self. Ask yourself if you want to make a change. It’s not too late to make a start even if you’re ignored yourself for too long. No more delays. 😊


In Our busy lifestyle, peaceful life is something everybody longs for . One can experience stillness through meditation, yoga, being with nature, reading pleasant book etc.

Take a moment of stillness in the present moment without thinking. Then there’s only awareness, when we become aware of people, things and places around us then there is the ability to perceive and understand the things without judgement or attachment to it.
In order to experience tranquility or peace of mind and improve overall health then the practice of stillness is very important.


First Of All We Will Discuss About The Connection Between Yogasana And Ayurveda 🌱

🧘‍♀️The term yoga means union. Union of the mind and the body. Many people confuse yoga as a form of exercise, it is not just a typical workout, but a holistic way of life with several practices like asanas, pranayama, meditation etc… So yoga is beyond asana.

🌱Ayurveda the holistic medicinal science or knowledge about life that explains herbs, wellness and medicines in the form of hymns. Also a philosophy of living life in a meaningful, healthy and useful way.

Traditionally, an Ayurvedic physician would suggest Hatha yogasanas as part of the treatment protocol. Ayurveda and Yogasana have been used together as complimentary systems of our evolution and development.

Ayurveda recognizes three doshas or energies in every individual : Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each person has a unique combination of these doshas, and imbalances in their proportion can lead to physical and mental imbalances.
Hatha Yogasana can be used to balance these doshas and promote overall wellbeing and promote movement so that toxins do not get clogged in the site of each dosha.

➡️ For example; Vatta is associated with movement, so gentle restorative yoga and grounding asana like paschimottanasana, balasana, surya namaskar, can help stabilize Vata imbalance.

➡️Pitta is associated with heat, so cooling asana like Chandra namaskar (moon salutations), Trikonasana, Bhujangasana, uttanasana can help balance pitta.

Kapha is associated with stability, so dynamic and energizing asana like adho mukha svanasana, surya Namaskar, Dhanurasana, matsyasana can help balance Kapha.

Based on the doshic balance of the person and the outside environment, ayurveda recommends different asanas and sequences for different seasons and times of the day.

Ayurveda and asanas are two practices that work well together to help our doshas in balance and improve our overall health. Ayurveda also discusses the medical benefits of each asana if you have certain health concern, then knowing the asana that can promote healing for you is also beneficial. 🧘‍♀️🌱


Today is National Yoga Day 🧘‍♀️


Today is National Yoga Day 🧘‍♀️

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 12/01/2023

Shiva Linga Mudra 🤲

Shiva Linga Mudra is a powerful hand gesture representing both masculine (shiva) and feminine (shakti).

The right hand with the upright thumb represent the masculine energy (shiva) and the left palm on which it rest is feminine energy (shakti).

How to do:
🧘‍♀️ Sit in a comfortable position erecting your spine in Padmasana or Ardha siddhasana.
🧘‍♀️Bring your left hand and rest near the abdomen area where the manipura or solar plexus meet. Keep all fingers together.
🧘‍♀️Make a fist with your right hand and place it on the left palm.
🧘‍♀️Raise the thumb of the right hand upward.
🧘‍♀️The thumb represents manipura chakra as well as the fire element associated with pitta, the dosha of digestion, absorption, assimilation and transformation.

Shiva is called Shiva the destroyer. Chanting AUM mantra is sacred to shiva and it is a mantra for letting go of all negative influences and awakening Agni.

This mudra is beneficial when we are experiencing exhaustion, lethargy from stress, anxiety and low energy.
🧘‍♀️This mudra can balance the body’s energy and maintain its correct balance along with chanting AUM which helps to overcome fear, anxiety and trauma.
🧘‍♀️The practice of Shiva Linga mudra is additionally said to assist flush out toxins from the body by increasing the fire element and also helps controlling digestion.

Shiva Linga mudra can be practiced in the morning and evening for 5-10 min.

Photos from Yoga & Veganism's post 11/01/2023

Ever thought about trying Best Friends yoga ? ✨

Get deeper into your poses and stretches with a best friend or yoga partner ; Standing forward bend

Today class is about Best friends yoga 🧘‍♀️


According to ayurveda onion is tamasic ( makes people irritable, agitated and aggressive ) in nature. And garlic to be rajasic ( energy draining, disturbed sleep and lethargy ) in nature.

It suggests that these are the negative Pranic food. As per ayurveda Both these ingredients produce excessive heat in the body.

Hence, those who follow the Spiritual path or yogic meditation practice, live in complete avoidance of consumption of onion and garlic. It is also said that onion and garlic have an adverse effect on one’s consciousness, where they can distract individuals focus and also result in an unstable intellect.

But Ayurveda also agrees that both garlic and onion have many health benefits when it comes to food and medicine. As onion and garlic are used in many Ayurvedic medicine. when used in right quantity can be beneficial to the body. In the wrong quantity it could be extremely harmful.

Photos from Isha Foundation's post 06/01/2023

Why onion is avoided in Yogic Culture ⬇️


Yoga and Ayurveda are sister Vedic sciences originated in India thousands of years ago. Both are interrelated branches of the same tree of Vedic knowledge that encompasses all human life and the entire universe.


नटरजासना - Lord of the dance pose

Dancer pose is also attribute to Lord Shiva who is called Lord of the dance.
This vigorous and beautiful pose I dedicated to Lord shiva, who is also the foundation and source of Yoga 🧘‍♀️❤️

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A regular yoga practice appears to correlate with increased wellbeing, including better sleep, better body, awareness, w...
Here’s a simple test to see if you’re fit!

