Incredible Life

Intuitive oracle card readings. Daily oracle inspiration. Workshops and learning opportunities.




25 January...

Have you ever noticed a word or number that suddenly seems to pop up all over the place?

Maybe you you started thinking about a friend out of the blue, and then your phone rings and it’s that same friend.

What about having a song stuck in your head, then you turn on the radio and that song is playing.

Sometimes it’s easy to dismiss these things as coincidences... But just maybe these ‘coincidences’ are being orchestrated by the universe, just to let you know you are loved and everything is under control.


24 January…

Snakes are not exactly my favourite creatures, but we can still learn from them.

As snakes grow, they shed their old skin, and they have another new skin underneath.

As we grow we also shed things that are no longer serving us. Old habits and beliefs may have once been useful to us, but suddenly they’re irrelevant.

Sometimes we even ‘shed’ old friendships or relationships because we have moved on. This may not seem like a good thing at the time, but it’s often a sign that we’ve grown and are ready for the next stage in our lives.

Enjoy your shiny new skin! It’s a good thing.


23 January…

Everyone is able to receive messages from spirit. There are many ways that spirit communicate with us and sometimes it’s just a matter of learning how we receive what they’re saying.

Some people see things in their mind’s eye. This can be a moving image or a snapshot. It can be vivid or subtle - one isn’t necessarily better than the other.

Some people hear words, sentences or other sounds in their mind. When people talk about hearing from spirit it’s usually similar to the inner monologue that most of us have going on a lot of the time. It’s not usually a voice that you hear with your ears as if someone is talking to you… that is possible, but for most of us it’s rare.

Other times we just know things - it’s sometimes called intuition.

Spirit can also communicate through feelings, our senses of smell or taste, or other ways. How we receive these messages isn’t really important- what’s important is that we do receive them. Next time you see, hear or sense something that comes from out of the blue, pay attention. Ask spirit to clarify or tell you more. You might be surprised what you receive.


22 January…

Our dreams are often our brain’s way of sorting through recent events. Sometimes our dreams can be strange, crazy, or even amusing. Often these dreams are forgotten moments after we wake up.

Dreams can also be a way that we can receive spiritual communication. Often when we have these dreams we wake up knowing that there was something significant about the dream. Although dreams can be full of symbolism we often understand the message. If it’s not clear just ask for clarity. Some people like to keep paper and a pen near their bed do they can write down significant dreams before they are forgotten. Be open to receiving spiritual guidance and communication through dreams.


21 January…

Do you ever feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?

Sometimes we end up picking up and trying to carry problems that we shouldn’t be carrying. Other times we pick up other people’s problems like we can somehow solve them by worrying and losing sleep over them.

It is actually far more useful to ourselves and others to hand the problems over to the universe. It’s impossible to solve a problem by focusing on the problem… In fact, by focusing on the problem we can make it worse. Our thoughts and feelings are like magnets that attract more of the same energy.

You can intentionally lighten the load by focusing on what you want. Focus on finding a solution to the problems. Focus on feeling better. It may seem like you’re burying your head in the sand, but what you’re actually doing is changing your energy so you start attracting what you want rather than more of what you don’t want.


20 January…

You are here on Earth for growth and expansion. People grow and expand in different ways because they are here for their own experience. You can’t measure your own growth by comparing yourself to others because they are living a different life to you.

Enjoy the experiences that come your way. Have fun and enjoy the expansion of who you are.


19 January…

Have you ever heard people say “It is what it is”?

Often people say that when they are resigned to a situation being in a particular way.

Sometimes it can be helpful to accept things as they are, but other times just accepting what we see in front of us isn’t helpful at all. For example, it’s not helpful to just accept that we are sick, or broke, or unhappy in our job or relationships etc… it’s okay to want and expect things to be better, to always work out for us, to improve, to make us happy.


18 January…

Transcending means rising above. Sometimes this refers to rising above difficulties or challenges. To overcome problems we must first rise above them in our thoughts and emotions. This usually means changing our perspective and focus. It’s hard to solve a problem when you are caught up in the energy of the problem.

Have you ever experienced a grey and rainy day? Of course you have. Some people can even be affected by the weather and can feel a bit down, or even depressed. They are literally feeling ‘under the weather’. If we could get into a plane and rise above (transcend) the clouds, we would see that the sun has been shining the whole time. It’s a matter of perspective.


17 January…

Breathe? We do it all day and night. Nobody needs to tell us to breathe, it happens automatically.

Sometimes we need to be a bit more intentional. Take some time today to just breathe. Take some time for yourself where you can temporarily take a step back from everything you need to do, even just for a few minutes.

It’s a time for you to connect with your true self and with the Universe.


An oracle card for 16 January...

We all change and evolve. This happens naturally as we grow from baby to child to adult.

We also evolve our interests, or talents, our skills and the ways we relate to others. Alone the way we learn new things and we encounter different people and experiences that help shape us into the person we are today.

New experiences help us grow and discover more about ourselves. They teach us what we like and what we want to avoid, what we want more of or less of.

My challenge to you (and to myself too), is to have some new experiences just for the sake of it. Take the occasional risk, try a new flavour, listen to another station, go to a different supermarket, go to a different country…. You get the idea.


A card for 15 January…

Your life is like a symphony. Over the course of your life you have many experiences, you encounter many different people and you go through many feelings and emotions. Sometimes the symphony sounds light and joyful, other times it has a dark and moody sound.

Each of the experiences you have has different sounds, tempos and volumes. If your life was always perfect, your symphony wouldn’t sound as rich and interesting as a life where you’ve had ups and downs, great times and painful times.

We are here on Earth to experience all kinds of things. We are here to learn that we create our own reality, and part of that is experiencing things we don’t want so we can be sure of what we do want.
Enjoy the experience and continue to write your unique and beautiful symphony.


A card for 14 January…

When you were a child what did you imagine yourself doing with your life?

Chances are you imagined yourself doing amazing and fun things. Kids don’t worry about boring things like having the right qualifications or enough money.

Just for a little while let yourself imagine how you’d like your life to be. Don’t let logic get in the way too much, after all you’re just imagining. Just enjoy the feeling of living your dream life. Keep dreaming of the possibilities. Some of the ideas you have may just be there because The Universe has brought them to mind - therefore they can actually happen.


13 January…

Are you going with the flow, or are you trying to go against it?

A couple of years ago I did a kayaking trip on a river. Within minutes of starting it became apparent that I was now committed to the journey because of the flow of the river. I could have used all of my strength to fight against the current but it would have been hard work, exhausting and not much fun.

Going with the flow of the river was the opposite. It was easy, exhilarating (especially the rapids) and loads of fun.

If you seem to be constantly fighting and struggling against the current in your life, maybe it’s time to just stop. It means trusting that The Universe will take care of you. Trust that if you go with the flow, rather than against it, life will be easier and way more enjoyable.


An oracle card for 12 January…

Did you know that you can increase the good things in your life? When you appreciate good things around you, even small things, it causes you to attract more good things into your life.

When you’re enjoying yourself, notice how it makes you feel. Have you ever had a great day and you feel happy and like everything is right in the world? Ever noticed that other people around you, even strangers, seem to be smiling and helpful? That’s because your good energy is attracting more of the same.


An oracle card for 11 January…

Are you ready for adventure?

Do you dare to embark on a journey across uncharted waters?

The truth is that YOU are the only one writing the plans for your life. You are the skipper of your own ship. You will have experiences that are unique to you and you will make amazing discoveries as you go. Nobody but you can steer your ship.

What do you want to do with your life? What are your dreams? (Just focus on what you’d like to do, and try for a minute to ignore the logical part of you that wants to point out all the limitations, obstacles and fears).

Most of us don’t make massive and dramatic changes to our lives all at once, but we make dozens of small choices every day. Maybe you could make the intention to try some new things, to have some mini adventures - who knows where it could lead. What would happen if you try that new flavour of ice cream? If you decide to drive home a different route to usual? If you have a conversation with someone you wouldn’t usually talk to? You might discover something new, you might find something you enjoy, you might have an experience that changes your life… or not… Sometimes we might decide that something isn’t exactly what we want, and that’s okay too.


Apologies for a lack of posts the last couple of days. I’m taking a short break and will be back in a few days.


A card for 19 December…

You are never alone you always have support from The Universe. At times things go well and at other times things can be more difficult, but if you need help, all you have to do is ask. You can trust that things will always work out for you.


A card for December 18th...

You are a unique individual. There is nobody else exactly like you. Being different is okay, in fact it’s the only way to be true to yourself.


An oracle card for 17 December...

You are writing the story of your life. We cannot change the past, but we create our own future.

Imagine picking up a book about your life. What would you like future chapters to say? Allow yourself to imagine all the things you want to do, places you want to go, people you want to be with.
Imagine how living your ideal life would feel. Don’t worry about the ‘how’ or even the specifics, just take some time to notice how it feels. The more you focus on these positive feelings the more you’ll attract things into your life that match those feelings.


A card for 16 December...

We are all growing, it’s why we are here.

Just like plants, we all grow in different ways and at different rates. There are times when we appear to grow rapidly, and other times when it looks like nothing is happening. Growth can’t always be seen immediately though. Big, strong trees spend years growing long roots that seek out water and nutrients, they also anchor the tree in place so it doesn’t topple over as soon as the wind blows.


A card for December 15th…

What if I told you I can time travel?

In a way, we all can - in our memories that is.

Our memories can take us straight to thoughts and feelings from the past. Often the smell of baking transports me back in time to my grandma’s kitchen where she seemed to be constantly baking. Then there’s a particular shade of pink that reminds me of the taste of a horrible medicine I was given as a child.

I think we all enjoy a trip down memory lane from time to time.

What is the memories aren’t good ones?

Many times I’ve seen situations where children have had a fight or argument with someone. Their emotions are too big for them to talk about what happened, so we wait until they are calm. However, the moment they try to explain what happened their emotions are re-activated and they go straight back to the feeling of anger or injustice.

It happens to us all. Have you ever lay awake feeling embarrassed about something you regret saying 10 YEARS AGO??? Yup… you reactivated a memory.

Maybe you replay something someone at work said or did and next moment you’re plotting revenge? (Or at least imagining it)

If a negative memory comes up, as they do, try not to let it gain traction. Change your thinking to a more pleasant memory before the negative one can gain momentum. You will need to make a conscious decision to choose a better memory - IT REALLY DOES WORK!!


A card for 14 December…

Let your imagination go wild… 💭

Letting your imagination go wild can be an amazing, positive experience. What would it be like to live life with no limitations and unlimited resources? What would you do? What would you change in the world? What problems could you solve? 💡

Or maybe your imagination takes you to dark places where you imagine lack, problems, difficult people and situations etc. ⛈️

Maybe you start imagining amazing things, but straight afterwards you start to think of all the barriers and reasons why those things could never happen.

Your imagination is really powerful because you give power to the things you focus on. If you imagine things that make you feel great… keep doing it. But if your imagination doesn’t make you feel good, stop that train of thought as quickly as you can and change tracks to something more beneficial.




A card for 13 December…

What do you believe?

~You are absolutely 100% loved by the Universe… Believe it!
~You are a creative being that is creating your own reality…
Believe it!
~ You are totally amazing - no matter how you’re feeling right now…
Believe it!
~ You are worthy and deserving of good things.
Believe it!


Oracle card for 12 December.

When I pulled out this card my first thought was about how much I appreciate my friends. Without friends our lives just wouldn’t be as rich. It doesn’t matter if you have lots of friends or just a few, they all enrich us (and sometimes challenge us).

To my friends who see this - I appreciate you!! 💛


An oracle card for Sunday (Dec 11)

It’s time to expand your horizons. Do something you’ve always wanted to do, or make steps towards it. It might be something huge and exciting, or it might be something as simple as trying a different flavour. You are here to have lots of amazing experiences, to grow and to have fun.


Here’s a card for Saturday...

Are you seeing (and believing) illusions?

You may not think so, but most of us have been brought up to believe things about ourselves and others that are not actually true. The way we see ourselves can be very different to the way The Universe/God/Source Energy sees us.

Most of us think we have to act in a certain way or achieve certain things to be deserving of good things. Have you ever thought something like “Why are things so easy for him? He’s not even a nice person. He doesn’t deserve that.”

Newborn babies don’t have to act a certain way to be worthy of love. They don’t have to prove that they’re good enough to get people’s attention. The truth is, NOTHING CHANGED as we grew up.

You are worthy and you deserve the best! It may be hard to believe, but it is the TRUTH. Anything else is an illusion.

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