Vania Dunn - Coach, Auckland Videos

Videos by Vania Dunn - Coach in Auckland. Helping women create rhythms of self care to feel good in their skin and live a life they love.

Other Vania Dunn - Coach videos

Broke fast this morning with a bulletproof coffee Easy peasy ⬇️ Double shot espresso poured over top of a tbsp of butter and tbsp MCT oil Added an extra 50ml of hot water Blend for 10secs in the NutriBullet Then enjoy! Coffee by @havanacoffeeworks as always.

When the S%*# hits the fan! Can’t say I’ve had a night quite like last night, where my husband and I were literally going from one kids room to the next - from 10pm - 8.30am - rubbing backs, getting water, emptying buckets and bowls of 🤮, cleaning up floors, walls and bedding... There are so many other unexpected situations like this that happen in life and we have NO CONTROL over it. We just have to ride the wave. What does self care look like in these situations? I believe it looks like being kind to yourself and allowing yourself some slack to adjust expectations and routines to make way for what’s needed. Let’s change the Self care narrative! It’s not about self pampering (though that’s nice)… Its more about responding to your needs in a way that fills your cup, to keep you balanced, so that you can (eventually) show up for others. e.g. changing todays routine to include rest, so I’m available to keep holding that sick bucket for the kid down the hall… Ya get me?

How good was the kai at [pause] retreat 2022?! Nothing quite like stepping away from regular routines and out of the kitchen for 48hrs and being treated to this level of nutritious deliciousness. So good! 🤤 So… big question is, who wants in for [pause] 2023? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤓🙋🏼‍♀️😍 #pauseretreat #studio35 #studiothirtyfive #slowdown #food #foodporn #nutrition #healthcoach #lifecoach #christianwellnesscoach #retreat #retreatsinnewzealand

In all the shifts and stripping away that 2022 has brought, one of the things I’m experiencing is a greater sense of calm and anticipation as Christmas is approaching. And our Christmas tree is transitioning again too. There was a season pre-kids where the tree looked just as I wanted it 🎄 And then as my little people arrived I had to let go of control and wanting it to look how I wanted it. It was a season of beautiful hand made decorations from kindy and school. I actually feel a sense of loss that our Christmas tree is into a more grown up phase these days. Three teens and one tween and where the heck did those years go. I’m enjoying a slower pace this December. It’s necessary right now and I’m embracing it. Vx

[pause] retreat 2022 ✨ What a wild beautiful weekend of deep refreshment and connection. WAITLIST for [pause] 2023 is now open NOW, sign up so you don’t miss your chance to be part of our next retreat. Can’t wait to do this all again. Lesss go!

Pausing has never felt so good… This is just a snippet so far of [pause] retreat 2022. To say it has been blissful would be understatement of the year… #pauseretreat2022

Nourishing yourself can often bring thoughts of eating good food. And while that is absolutely true and important, nourishment should be more than just food for the body. There’s no hiding from stressful unexpected moments in life. But staying in a constant state of stress is not good for our wellbeing long term. To counter the stress and help bring it down, it’s important we learn how to properly nourish our hearts, minds and spirits also. What does that mean? What does that look like? Here’s some ideas: 📱 DISCONNECT. From your phone, or social media for a set time period. Or set specific downtimes to help keep yourself accountable. Take yourself away and sit in silence for 5-10 mins and do nothing. Take a shower and just stand under the water and be still. ✨ CONNECT. To yourself. Pick up a pen and journal. Allow yourself to process the circumstances you are in right now by mind dumping on paper. To others. Call a friend. Make a date to meet in person. 🌸 GRATITUDE. Start a new habit of writing down, or naming at least three things you are grateful for each day. Sometimes it’s hard to see the goodness around you if you don’t actively choose to look for it. 🔒 BOUNDARIES Take a look at your life and ask yourself - “do I create healthy boundaries for myself around the things I do and the relationships I have?” Look for where you are resentful. That’s often a sign of an area where you might need to address the boundaries you have in place. If you know you are needing help, that you are overwhelmed with life and health and feel out of control, book a free 30min call with me to see how I can help you get to the place where you feel nourished, empowered and in control again. The link is I have space for just 2 new clients to get started in July/August - so book a call now to see if we are a good fit to work together. Vania x

What’s your choice of self care when you just need to pause and switch off?

Babes, Do you need to Reset?

What self-care do you need to focus on today? What could be your “one thing”?

Babes it time to start celebrating your success and stop moving the goal post...

Just a wee reminder for you to create habits that help to reduce your overwhelm and create self-care patterns that give you margin in your life - with the goal of course that you have greater ability to show up in your life and do the things you want (and need) to do. What might that mean for you today?

Talking about how creating new habits is like bush crashing a new track, and setting cues and triggers to be successful in new habit formation.

Here’s your invitation to come and join us for our new Pilates barre classes. There’s space in tomorrow’s Monday morning class at 10.30am 👉🏻 Casual class $22 👉🏻 Intro package 2 classes for $20 (barre or mat) 👉🏻 or if you are already coming to classes at the Studio, use your existing package. Bookings More info pm me!

In reality what does showing up for myself look like? How do I make it happen when I feel so busy and overwhelmed with everything in my life? In reality, I’ve discovered there has to be an element of planning to keep the cogs turning. Here’s my thoughts... how do you make it work for you?

Keeping and reviewing your goals and showing up for yourself...

You know that time you went to an event where the dress code was “cocktail”, but you missed the memo and turned up in your street wear and THEN, in the formal award part of the night, you discovered you had to go up the front, in front of EVERYONE... tune in for the story!