Meno Thrive Hub

Supporting You to Thrive During Perimenopause, Menopause and Beyond!! Join the Waitlist!


🌸 Exciting Research Alert! 🌸

Did you know that estrogen-alone therapy could reduce breast cancer risk? Estrogen is anti-inflammatory and previously was used to treat breast cancer🎉 Let's dive into the findings of a recent meta-analysis!

🔍 Purpose: In a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials, researchers explored the impact of estrogen-alone therapy on breast cancer incidence.

📚 Methods: The study included randomized trials that used estrogen only hormone therapy, and examined breast cancer outcomes. Researchers analyzed data from 10 trials involving 14,282 participants and 591 breast cancer cases.

💡 Results: Data from all trials, showed that estrogen-alone therapy was associated with a significant reduction in breast cancer incidence (overall RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.65-0.91, P = 0.002).

🎯 Conclusion: This comprehensive analysis of randomized clinical trials provides strong evidence that estrogen-alone therapy significantly decreases breast cancer risk.

Stay informed, stay empowered! 💪

Study Details: doi: 10.1007/s10549-024-07307-9. PMID: 38653905

Hashimotos Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid for Hashimotos Disease 01/06/2024

Discover the power of nutrition in supporting immune function in Hashimoto's! Learn which anti-inflammatory foods can be helpful and which to avoid.

Hashimotos Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid for Hashimotos Disease Discover the best Hashimoto's Diet to manage symptoms and support thyroid health. Learn about foods to eat and avoid for a healthier lifesty


🌟Testosterone for Perimenopausal Women! 🌟

💊 Studies have shown that TTh can significantly improve libido/s*xual desire in women experiencing s*xual issues.

🔍 Research published April 2024 aimed to explore the safety of TTh, especially concerning cardiovascular health and breast cancer and the results are in!

📊 Using a large database, the study found that 16 783 women aged 18-55 receiving topical or injectable testosterone therapy had:

✅ Lower risk of major adverse cardiac events (heart attack, stroke, or death)
✅ Reduced risk of blood clots like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE)
✅ Decreased risk of breast cancer

⚠️ However, it's essential to note that the risk of excess hair growth was higher in women undergoing TTh.

👩‍⚕️ Clinical Implications:
This study adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the safety of TTh for women experiencing s*xual dysfunction.

🔎 Conclusion:
TTh appears to be a safe and effective option for improving s*xual function in perimenopausal women, with promising findings regarding cardiovascular health and breast cancer risk.

If you're curious about TTh or struggling with s*xual dysfunction, talk to your healthcare provider to see if it's the right option for you!

Study info: doi: 10.1093/jsxmed/qdae032. PMID: 38459625.

Understanding Premature Ovarian Insufficiency: Everything You Need To Know 18/05/2024

Learn about premature ovarian insufficiency. It impacts 1:100 women before age 40.

Understanding Premature Ovarian Insufficiency: Everything You Need To Know In this guide you will learn about premature ovarian insufficiency: including the symptoms, how it is diagnosed, fertility impacts and treatment options. Get the support and knowledge you need.What is POI or Premature Ovarian Insufficiency?Ovarian function persists for most women into the 40s, with....

Joint Pain and Menopause: Causes and Effective Treatment 05/05/2024

If you're experiencing joint pain in perimenopause/menopause and and wondering what will help, check out our post!

Joint Pain and Menopause: Causes and Effective Treatment Learn how hormonal changes during menopause can lead to joint pain, and discover effective treatments and lifestyle changes to manage it.

Photos from Meno Thrive Hub's post 30/04/2024

🧠 Menopause and Depression 👇

The menopause journey isn't just about hot flashes and night sweats – it can also bring big emotional shifts. These are real, and hormonally driven. It's not simply a sign of weakness or busyness or stress.

🔬 This research paper analyzed 17 studies with 15,893 women, evaluating the risk of depression across menopausal stages.

📊 Key Findings: Perimenopausal women faced a higher risk of depressive symptoms compared to premenopausal women. However, no significant difference was found between premenopause and post-menopausal women.

🛑 Limitations: Varying criteria for menopausal stages and depression measures affected the study's consistency. There are no standardised ways of looking for depression across menoapusal staged. It also had limited longitudinal data, looking at resolution or persistance of symptoms or duration fo symptoms in perimenopause.

💡 These findings stress the importance of screening and support for depression in perimenopausal women. It also is important for health providers to consider hormones and perimenopause in women presenting with depression, low mood, sadness, flatness, lack of energy etc and to offer appropriate treatment.

We love supporting your mental health and wellbeing.
Drop a ❤and share with your


Natural Vaginal Dryness Treatment: Restore Comfort and Confidence in Menopause 30/04/2024

Vaginal dryness is one of the most persistent and progressive menopausal symptom.

Find our about how hormones, moisturisers and lifestyle changes can reduce dryness, restore moisture so you can be feel comfortable and confident.

Natural Vaginal Dryness Treatment: Restore Comfort and Confidence in Menopause If you're experiencing va**nal dryness, explore the causes of va**nal dryness and discover natural va**nal dryness treatment solutions.


Experiencing cravings during menopause? 🌸 Learn what causes them, the influence of hormones and discover effective ways to reduce them!

Visit our website to read more for helpful tips.

Share your experience in the comments below!

Histamine Intolerance and Menopause: How to Tackle This Heightened Sensitivity 14/04/2024

Have you heard of Histamine Intolerance🤯 and do you know it can be aggravated by hormonal changes at perimenopause?

🔍 Histamine intolerance occurs when your body has difficulty breaking down histamine, leading to a buildup of this compound in your system. This can trigger a range of symptoms like headaches, skin issues, rashes, flushing, palpitations, digestive problems, and more.

Food can be a significant source of increased histamine load, so eating a low-histamine diet can help.

Additionally HRT can be helpful at reducing see-saw fluctuations in estrogen and histamine.

Read more about histamine intolerance in perimenopause and how you can reduce symptoms.

Do you experienced histamine intolerance? 🤔 💬

Histamine Intolerance and Menopause: How to Tackle This Heightened Sensitivity Understanding the relationship between histamine intolerance and menopause could be the key to effectively managing your symptoms.

Photos from Meno Thrive Hub's post 08/04/2024

👇Can HRT help with gum troubles after menopause? Let's find out!🦷💁‍♀️

🔍 This study looked at how HRT affects gum health in women who've gone through menopause:

🔹 Women without gum issues didn't see much change with HRT.

🔹 But for those dealing with stage II gum problems, HRT seemed to be a game-changer! Inflammation markers dropped after one and two years of treatment.

🔹 Plus, women with gum issues who took HRT had better gum health and stronger bones that hold the teeth in place after two years compared to those who didn't.

🔹 Bonus: HRT improved the state of gum and bone health in women with gum disease after 2 years.

Exciting news if you're looking to keep your smiles bright and healthy!
Keep smiling, drop your comments and follow for more updates!

🔗For more info see: Man Y et al. Hormone replacement therapy and periodontitis progression in postmenopausal women: A prospective cohort study. J Periodontal Res. 2024 Mar 24.


Perimenopause and Itching Skin – Causes and Treatments 04/04/2024

🌸 Say hello to your skin's perimenopause journey! 🌸

As our bodies undergo hormonal shifts, our skin can become a bit of a drama queen, causing itchy skin. 🙄

Lower estrogen levels can lead to loss of skin moisture and oil production, dryness, loss of elasticity, and even thinning of the skin. Plus, collagen production slows down, contributing to prone to itching and sensitivity.

Read more on the blog to find out top tips and treatments for perimenopausal dry skin.

Perimenopause and Itching Skin – Causes and Treatments Wondering how to deal with the perimenopause and itching skin changes that come with it? Well, you just landed at the right spot!


🧠Menopause Hormone Therapy and Brain Health! 💊🧠

Memory & verbal issues are common symptoms we see in clinic among perimenopausal women. 🤓 Today we're diving into the latest research findings! 🚀

🔍 We know that from lab experiments, estradiol is neuroprotective. This meta-analysis published March 2024 reviewed data from 34 randomized controlled trials!

🔬 The analysis reveals different hormone formulations and treatment timings are important for shaping cognitive outcomes. Here's the lowdown:

🌟 Surgical menopause? Estrogen-only therapy boosts global (overall) cognition! 🧠

🔑 Timing is everything! Starting estrogen therapy in midlife or near menopause onset improves verbal memory! 💬

⏳ Late to the hormone party? Unfortunately, late-life initiation didn't show the same memory magic. 😞

Estrogen-progestogen therapy for natural menopause seemed to lead to a decline in cognition scores. Yikes! However the studies were too small to provide a separate breakdown of different progestogens (synthetic progestins vs. natural progesterone)☁️☁

⏰ When it comes to timing, midlife estrogen-progestogen therapy make much improvement, but late-life initiation appeared to give memory a little boost! 🚀

🔍Overall, the story's far from over! These findings hint at a complex relationship between MHT and cognition, with more differentiation between types of estrogens, types of progestogens and delivery type ie oral vs transdermal needed, as well as data on length of treatment, and absorption/hormone levels. So much yet to be worked out!✨

Check out more: Boneu et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of menopause hormone therapy on cognition. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2024.1350318.


💚 The quality of your plant-based diet appears to affect your risk of hip fractures 🦴🌿

🔍 Researchers reviewed diets and hip fractures from the Nurses' Health Study data from 1984-2014, analyzing the diets of 70,285 participants.

🥗 Two plant-based diet indices were used: the healthful Plant-Based Diet Index (hPDI) and the unhealthful Plant-Based Diet Index (uPDI).

Long-term adherence to these diets showed no significant link to hip fracture risk. H

However, recent intake revealed some interesting findings!

📉 The healthful Plant-Based Diet Index - hPDI was associated with a 21% lower risk of hip fracture,

📈The unhealthful Plant-Based Diet Index - uPDI showed a 28% higher risk of hip fractures.

🤔 What does this mean? It suggests that recent dietary choices plays a role in hip fracture risk. 🔄

📚 Dig into the full study: Plant-Based Diets and Risk of Hip Fracture in Postmenopausal Women PMID: 38421643,
DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.1107



🍇 Unleash the Power of Resveratrol! ✨

🌟 Resveratrol, is turning heads in the anti-aging game! 🧬⏳And what exactly is anti-aging, it's about slowing ageing processes related to disease and reduced ability to function as we age.

Ageing is a result of oxidative stress, low-grade inflammation and cell death alongside an accompanying hormonal dysregulation and gut microbiome dysbiosis (imbalances).

🌿 Epic Epigenetics:
Resveratrol can affect your genes, which genes are translated into proteins and which do not. It's a game-changer! This happens through a variety of mechanisms to block or increase gene expression.🧙‍♀️✨

🧬 DNA Dance: Resveratrol doesn’t change our DNA sequence but upregulates genes that support health and longevity such as SIRT1 and supports repair via autophagy or immune cell destroying of tired/abnormal cells 🎶💃

⏰ This paper highlighted the myriad of studies that via epigenetics, resveratrol could play an important role in:
😊healthspan extension
🧠neuro-protection from neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons,
🦴reduced osteoporosis,
❤️increase nitric oxide production, essential for a healthy cardiovascular system
💪reducing frailty by increasing muscle strength.

👩‍🔬 Do you want to dig into the science? Check out the full paper for all the juicy details! 📚🤓

Anyone for a blueberry! 🚀 ✨ Drop your thoughts 💖🔓


Insomnia and Perimenopause: 9 Top Tips to Support Sleep 05/03/2024

⏰💤 Unlock the power of quality sleep! 🌙

✨ Addressing sleep issues isn't just about feeling well-rested? It's a vital investment in your overall health. 🌈 Here's why taking the time to sort out your sleep is absolutely worthwhile:

1️⃣ Heart Health: Poor sleep has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Prioritize your sleep to give your heart the care it deserves! ❤️🛌

2️⃣ Immune Boost: Quality sleep is your body's natural immune booster. Adequate rest helps fend off illness and keeps your immune system in fighting shape. 🦠💪

3️⃣ Mental Wellness: A good night's sleep is a game-changer for mental health. It enhances mood, reduces stress, and supports cognitive function. 🧠💆‍♀️

4️⃣ Weight Management: Lack of sleep can disrupt cortisol and insulin regulation as well as leptin and grehlin - hormones related to energy storage, hunger and satiety or fullness. This contributing to weight gain in perimenopause. In our lifestyle medicine clinic we cannot address weight without addressing sleep. 🍏⚖️

5️⃣ Productivity & Focus: Quality rest enhances productivity, sharpens focus, and boosts overall cognitive performance. It's your secret weapon for conquering the brain fog that can hit you at the most inconvenient times! 🚀📚

I'd love to hear your favorite sleep tips below. And remember to each out to your healthcare provider if your poor sleep is getting the better of you💤🌟


Insomnia and Perimenopause: 9 Top Tips to Support Sleep If you're having trouble sleeping, find out the connections between insomnia and perimenopause and how to best support you for a good night's sleep.


🌜 Navigating the perimenopausal sleep struggle! 💤

✨ I wanted to talk about the real challenges many of us face as we journey through this phase of life. 🚺

Hormonal fluctuations can wreak havoc on our sleep, causing temperature dysregulation, heavy periods, reflux, and frequent bathroom trips, all conspiring to interrupt those precious Zzzs. 😴🌡️And leaving us energy deprived and exhausted in the morning.

One key player in this sleep saga is the decline in progesterone, our calming hormone. With fewer ovulatory cycles, we experience a reduction in progesterone production, leaving us longing for that soothing influence. Even if we do have ovulatory cycles, the progesterone production is often lower, making it harder for our brains to settle for sleep.🌸

And let's not forget the impact of declining estrogen on our circadian rhythm, making it a nightly challenge to both fall and stay asleep. 🌙⏰

Sleep during perimenopause really can be a rollercoaster experience! 🎢

💪 There are a number of effective strategies out there. Here are just a few of the things you can take that will actually support the sleep processes in your body.

Tart Cherry contains high levels of tryptophan which is a precursor to Melatonin and using it does improve sleep time and quality.

Magnesium has also been shown to support sleep for women in perimenopause.

Melatonin can also be a good support as with estrogen decline there is a decline in melatonin production.

Body identical hormone replacement therapy can be great if despite all these supports, your hormones are playing havoc with your sleep. They top up your own hormones (estradiol and progesterone) to support the body and brain to regulate sleep.

If you're struggling with sleep, self-care and being compassionate with yourself is essential. 🌺💆‍♀️ If only I could sleep anywhere like my cat!

Share your favourite sleep tips and experiences below!


What are the 3 Stages of Menopause? 22/09/2022

There are typically 3 stages of menopause: Perimenopause, Menopause and Postmenopause.

Perimenopause marks the beginning of changes in reproductive function, but often the first symptoms are more general such as acne, headaches, breast pain, fatigue, sleep changes, change in mood and anxiety.

Many women are surprised to find out that many of the symptoms they began to experience in their late 30s and 40s are related to early perimenopause. These symptoms are caused by higher estrogen and a relatively lower progesterone.

In later perimenopause women the menstrual cycle lengthens and women often experience symptoms of low estrogen such as hot flashes, va**nal dryness painful urination and s*x or recurrent urinary tract infections.

Menopause has occurred when you have not had a period for more than 12 months. The average age of menopause is 51 years.

Post menopause is the stage after menopause and it is the phase of the rest of your life. Without hormone replacement therapy, it is a low estrogen, low progesterone state with increased risks of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis.


What are the 3 Stages of Menopause? Menopause is a natural change of life that begins when ovarian hormone production slows. This article describes what are the 3 stages of menopause. It is

Chronic BV Diet: How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis 20/09/2022

Have you ever wondered if the food you eat contributes towards your recurring bacterial vaginosis?

A number of recent research studies show that diets high in plant food and plant fiber are at lower risk for recurrent bacterial vaginosis and lower risk of difficult to treat BV.
Particularly helpful include diets:
💛high in folate - ie leafy greens, seeds, beans, fruit
💚high in vitamin E - sunflower seeds, nuts
💙high in calcium - seeds, beans, lentils, almonds, calcium enriched plant milks, low fat dairy.

Additionally women following a ovo-vegetarian diet seem to have the lowest rates of bacterial vaginosis. That is a vegetarian diet that includes egg.

Women who get recurrent or more severe and difficult to treat bacterial vaginosis consume higher added fats in their diets from fast foods and processed foods, meat and full-fat dairy.

Overall the research suggests a diet high in plant food and fiber such as a whole food plant based diet supports a healthy va**nal microflora.

While changing your diet is no guarantee to cure your BV by itself, it does
❤️provide the right micronutrients,
💛reduces inflammation
💚provides fiber and prebiotics for your microflora
💙increases lactobacillus species and promotes 🧡microflora diversity.

These features will help maintain a balanced microflora and means you are less likely to have relapse with repeat overgrowth of BV-associated bacteria.

To read more about a chronic BV diet check the post at

Chronic BV Diet: How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis Discover which types of food makes the best chronic BV diet to prevent and treat bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is influenced by the va**nal


Lets talk about Polycystic o***y syndrome (PCOS).

It is a common women’s health issue with reproductive, metabolic and psychological features.

It affects 8-13% of reproductive-aged women, but up to 70% of affected women are undiagnosed.
💛Reproductive features include; irregular menstrual cycles, facial hair or increased body hair, infertility and pregnancy complications.
💚Metabolic features include; insulin resistance (IR), metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors
❤️Psychological features include; anxiety, depression, body image concerns,
Women with PCOS can also present with experience negative impacts of s*x life and relationships.

An integrative approach to PCOS takes a bio-psycho-social approach.
💛Biological approaches includes; dietary changes, exercise, sleep management, inositol, metformin and other meds.
💚Psychological approaches include; management of stressors, treatment of mood disorders.
❤️Social approaches include; s*x or relationship counselling , reducing work stressors, improving social support, group support.


Can probiotics and prebiotics help treat recurrent bacterial vaginosis?
Yes, both can.
Bacterial vaginosis can be resistant to treatment due to
❤️Antibiotic resistance
💚BV Biofilm creation
💜Recolonization from your partners intimate microflora
💙Failure of the va**na to be colonized by lactobacillus after treatment.

Probiotics containing Lactobacillus can help disrupt the BV biofilm, and re-colonize the va**na. Probiotics taken orally impair BV recurrence after treatment.

Prebiotics via a diverse plant diet or via a va**nal gel also promote the proliferation of lactobacillus.


Lets talk about food and bacterial vaginosis.

The food we eat influences the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis. This may be through the delivery of adequate nutrients + prebiotics and the influence food has on the microbiome + reducing inflammation.

Women at lower risk of BV are those whose diets are higher in
❤️folate (leafy greens),
💚vitamin A (orange veg) and
💜calcium (leafy greens, salmon, soy, dairy).

Also women with the lowest risk of BV consume an ovo-vegetarian diet high in:
💙green, yellow and starchy vegetables,
💛other vegetables,
💚whole grains and

Women at highest risk of BV where there is a dietary pattern containing frequent consumption of:
*solid oils,
*sweets + desserts,
*red meats,
*fried potatoes,
*refined grains,
*organ meats,
*sweet drinks.

Diets rich in plant fibers are likely to reduce the risk of BV infections by affecting the microflora through more Lactobacillus-dominant profiles and positively impacting va**nal health.

A whole food plant based diet promotes a healthy microbiome as it contains diverse plant foods providing fibers and prebiotics as foods for the healthy bacteria in our microbiome.

Some excellent dietary prebiotics to incorporate into your diet include:
💙Chicory root - this contains inulin, comes in the form of a coffee-like drink.
💛Dandelion greens - also a great source of inulin
❤️Jerusalem artichoke - inulin
💚Garlic, leeks and onions are rich in inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
💜Asparagus - inulin
💙Barley and oats - beta-glucan and resistant starch
💛Apples - pectin.

Feed your microbiome plant foods to reduce BV recurrence and support treatment success.


Lets Talk about bacterial vaginosis.
BV is the most common infection caused by va**nal microflora dysbiosis. It affects approximately 25% of women.

Treatment is usually with antibiotics which is effective in approximately 80% of cases but 50% of women have a recurrence of BV by 12 months.

There are a number of ways to manage recurrent bv using integrative medicine.
My top tips include:
💛Eating a wide range of plant foods which function as prebiotics for lactobacillus.
💙Using a pH-lowering va**nal gel such as Lactigel, boric acid suppositories of vitamin C suppositories.
💜Using a probiotic especially one with Lactobacillus crispatus or Lactobacillus reuteri.
💚Using a pre-biotic va**nal gel.

**nahealth **namicrobiome **namicroflora **namicrobiota


Shoutout to all the mamas who had broken sleep last night and are now up today doing all the things.

Shoutout to all the mamas whose toddlers are stretching their capacity to love.

Shoutout to all those mamas who are juggling so much... home, work, kids.

Shoutout to all those mamas who are really struggling, but whose children are at the centers of your hearts.
💛You are amazing.
💜You are not invisible.
💙You are building a better world.

I see amazing mothers everyday in clinic.
Today I just wanted to let you know that someone sees the amazing work you are doing.
❤️It is worth it.
💚It can be so hard.

Surround yourself with a team to give you the support your need to thrive, be that family, friends, doctors or therapists who can help on this bumpy, wonderful journey of parenting.


we love to talk about Good Mood Food.

The Smiles and Calm trials out of the Mood & Food centre @ Deakin University are showing great results in terms of modifying diet to improve mood.

Eating diverse plant foods, supplies essential nutrients to the brain, feeds a diverse, healthy gut microbiome and switches on anti-inflammatory genes both of which contribute to improving your mood.
Top tips include:
1. Eat a whole food dietary pattern such as the Mediterranean diet of a whole food plant based diet.
2. Focus on eating a rainbow of fruit (3) and vegetables (6) eat day
3. Eat whole grains (5–8 serves per day)
4. Include legumes (3–4x/wk);
5. Eat raw, unsalted nuts daily;
6. Eat fish (2x/wk);
7. Eat minimal lean red meat, chicken, eggs.

Small changes matter.

Photos from Meno Thrive Hub's post 07/08/2022

Hope all you breast feeding mamas have had an amazing week! It can be exhausting work continuing to grow your baby once it's on the outside. Eat plenty of delicious nutritious foods, plenty of sleep and if not some sunshine at least some fresh air.

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