Ebb and Flow

We can support you through this process by bringing back self-love & self-care.

At Ebb and Flow we mentor people to trust & tune into their self-awareness, to understand their highs and lows & skills necessary to navigate the waves of their current life.


So grateful for these beautiful words from another amazing and gorgeous soul.
Thank you # # #

Photos from Ebb and Flow's post 14/03/2023

Well team I have re-injured my back and have had some pretty dark times while I am recovering.

When I am in constant pain and cannot do much at all it is very hard for me to be in a clear and positive mindset.
Yesterday was a very rough day. I was overthinking a lot and the emotions that came with it, just had to flow.

However today is a new day.
As I was scrolling through FB these memes came up.
Yes it is what it is and I need to stop stressing as much and just because I have negative thoughts doesn't make me a negative person.
I am a human being and I need to stop putting this immense pressure on myself.

I needed this reminder so badly. Thank you universe # # .
Hopefully this is a reminder for some people reading this too.

Kia kaha everyone have a wonderful day.


This is a great way to move your energy through your body and home.

When we are noticing that we are feeling a bit stuck with decisions, heavy in the body, and just feeling like our minds are all over the show.

Start removing the stagnant energy.
- This can be done by decluttering your mind through a journal. It could be writing down your thoughts that are either holding you back or just letting out whatever is on your mind onto paper.
- Moving your body whatever this looks like for you.
- Cleaning, moving your furniture around your house or taking things out that no longer serve you.

I talk a lot about energies through my readings.
If you want to know more about energies feel free to DM :).


Beautiful words from a beautiful soul # # #.
Thank you :)

If you want an intuitive reading DM me xx


I totally love this.
Gratitude is so so important.

What are you grateful for??


I feel that at times we are often putting our energy into things that are not that important for oneself.

If we go back to the basics then we are not competing who has the next best "thing", or who has the "most" friends.

Remember to not throw all your energy into things that cannot be changed. There is no point stressing about these things nor putting wasted energy into it.
Put your energy into yourself as you are the only person that can 'change' you no one else can. People will always have opinions but just remember that is their opinion it is not your own.

Keep it real, be humble and be kind people!!
You just don't know who will need that next hug, next smile, next kind gesture that you are willing to give.
Live from your heart and listen to yourself!

Have a fantastic weekend :)


1 more space for a 50% off reading.
Dm me if you want to know more about them :).


Be in quick if you want 50% off your reading.
I only have a few spots left :)


With the current circumstances that is happening in our country right now this is a good reminder to be kind, have empathy and look out for one another.
I have been feeling so many raw emotions this week and I have had to let them come and go. Life is all about the ebbs and flows and learning to navigate through these emotions rather than ignoring that they are not there.
But remember to be grateful for what we do have.
Hold on tight to the ones we love and be grateful they are still with us.


Moving forward with Ebb and Flow my website will be taken down for a while.

Future bookings can be done through:
- Cell phone - text 022 306 8601
- Email - [email protected]
- Ebb and Flow FB page under bookings.

If you have any questions regarding my services feel free to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you all for your patience during the last few months :).
I am excited to get Ebb and Flow up and running.


Hey everyone.

I am back up and running :)
In celebration of this I am going to offer the first 5 people to book a reading with me a 1/2 price special.

Energy readings will be $55 instead of $110
Intuitive reading will be $27 instead of $55

Have a fantastic long weekend and I cannot wait to connect with you all.


Hey everyone.
I am coming on here to say sorry that I have been missing in action.
I am taking sabbatical leave at the moment as I am going through a lot of changes in my personal life.
My aim is to start back up and running in the new year when everything has settled down.

I have had a lot of interest in my readings. I just want to let you all know I will be doing half price on them in the new year. Stay tuned.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


# # #


Hey everyone.
Sorry I have been quiet on here.
I have needed the time to focus on myself and to be the best version to give my all to you :).

I will be back soon with some exciting changes happening :).
I will be taking appointments very soon too.

Watch this space :) xx


This one relates to one of my posts I did earlier this week.

Just something to ponder on.

# # #


Have a fantastic weekend everyone :)


I feel at times we need to be in control of every aspect of our lives. To the point we are creating more stress for ourselves.

We have these high expectations of ourselves and what we should be doing and then getting mad at ourselves when we have 1 bad day. Then we start overthinking and it is hard to get back to the mindset you were in let alone the drive.

I get it I am this person from time to time.
This is purely from my experience and has taken me many different directions to get here.

BUT over time and I am still learning this -
I am surrendering and letting go of the control I have around food and instead listening to what my body tells me.
I am creating this healthy relationship between my body and mind.
I am listening to my body in a respectful manner and redirecting my thought process into a healthier mindset. (I have a limiting belief around what I should look like - whole new topic).

What would happen if you surrender to the control that you really cannot control?

What would that feel and look like for you??

Whatever you do please be KIND to yourself!!

Image Credit: John Caswell/Caswell Images


It is ok to not know all the answers. (Our sub-conscious mind likes to over analyze everything).
It is ok to sit back and listen to your energy and intuition.
It is ok to sit in silence and listen to what you are being told.

Just sit back and trust the process.


That is why being KIND to OURSELVES is so important.
Slowing down and processing what is happening when you feel like you are spiraling or you are easily overwhelmed.
Having quality time for yourself where you are doing things that you enjoy (self-care).

Honestly being kind to myself is one thing I can struggle with from time to time.
I have 10 million things going on at once and with a back injury you can imagine how frustrated I can get.

When I am struggling I am very aware of it and I will do these things;
I sit down and journal my thoughts/ideas (getting it out on paper means getting it out of my head, therefore the energy starts shifting and I can really feel it moving).
I spend time for just quality ME time.
I go and move my body in nature.
Spend time at the beach - I LOVE the beach it is so cleansing.

All in all I balance my mind, body and spirit.

How do you balance your mind, body and spirit?


Mentoring vs. Coaching:

I did a lot of reflection around the words coaching and mentoring. I sat in this energy for some time and asked myself, "What does Coaching vs. Mentoring mean to me?"

For these reasons alone I am in the process of changing my coaching words to mentoring.

Below is a list of what they mean to me:

I am not a coach:
-I do not coach you and tell you what to do.
-There is no template/guide on my holistic approach.
-I don't give you deadlines to make.
-There is no set expectations to meet only what you want out of my mentoring.
-I do not yell/ or talk to you on the side-line instead we are on this path together to learn and grow alongside each other.

I am a mentor:
-I listen to understand.
-I give strategies and techniques for you to do in your own time and if you do not do them, then that is up to you..
-I do not make you do anything you do not want to do. But remember what we put in is what we get out of it - Everything takes time and hard work.
-We go as slow or fast as YOU want and or need to go.
-I am guided by you and where your energy is - which then guides me on how to support you.

It is not quick fix it is a lifestyle change.
You just need to trust the process!!!

If this sounds like the guidance and support you need. DM me and we can sort out where to go from there.

Image Credit: John Caswell/Caswell Images


This right here is the ultimate goal.

Awareness is also the key on how we respond.

Once we begin to understand what is triggering us to have these negative thoughts and feelings it becomes easier on how we respond to them in a healthier way.

Through my Life mentoring we go through whatever it is that is holding you back to be a happier version of yourself. This could be blocks, triggers, trauma, and or limiting beliefs.
We work together to support and guide you to shift out of the lack mindset into a positive one.

If this sounds like something you are looking for DM and we can have a chat :).


"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending" Motivational Life

Change for most of us can be daunting.
Especially when we have already created habits that are not aligning with our true self. It is hard to break these habits (which is another topic altogether), or the self doubt creeps in that plays on our minds which creates us to overthink and then change becomes overwhelming and nothing changes.

When we want to change an aspect of our life; change jobs, relationships, buy/rent a house and so forth. We more so than often start self-sabotaging our thoughts even when we think we are not we can in some way or another. Like fore example playing it down, telling yourself your not worthy of change, it is too hard and what I am doing is easier but not necessarily making me happy I am just getting by. I will start tomorrow which by the way tomorrow never comes only TODAY exists.

See these words have a weighted energy behind them and you sit in this lower vibration when we think like this.

So instead of focusing on the negatives aspects whether you think you are or not, focus on how you can make that change.
Set expectations that are achievable for you.
Remind yourself you can do anything you put your mind to.

Yes you will need to step out of your comfort zone but that is what makes it scary and exciting all at the same time. Be aware of how you speak to yourself too, stop the self-sabotaging and replace it with words that resonate and align with you! Light that fire in the pit of your stomach!

Yes life is challenging and it will throw you curve balls but it is how you navigate through those situations that will create your outcome. NEVER GIVE UP!!
NEVER for one moment think/believe you have failed, because you have not!!
If you want change/s you will have to work hard for them and it is no one else's job to make that change for you.

REMEMBER we cannot change others that has to come from within!

It is never to late for change!!

Image Credit: John Caswell/Caswell Images


This is one of many techniques I use with clients. I support them to get out of their own heads.

This is where people are creating scenarios up in their own mind that has not happened yet. Then they get more in their own head if it doesn't play out the way they intended. Then they are already mad or confused and cannot snap out of the anger or whatever emotion is coming up!

When this is happening I suggest to people when they can start to see that they are thinking about something that hasn't happened yet or are just in their own head. I get them to think (in their head) get out of my head and visualize the cords cutting from that thought.
The more you do this the more you are aware about being in your own head and the less you will do it.

This does work I used to be that person whom was in her head heaps. But not anymore I have found a lot of techniques that work for me and it may just work for you too.

Through my Intuitive Life Coaching. We work together and come up a range of techniques that are designed just for you! Not one person is the same and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

If this sounds like you book an appointment and lets work together to create some amazing magic.


Everyone and I mean everyone can create their dreams they want and make them come true. To reach the life you have always wanted or dreamed about.

If you want something so bad go and get it!!

Stop telling yourself the same story. "I'm not worthy enough, I am not good enough, I can't get that it is out of my price range, that won't happen to me good things never come my way", and so forth.
You are right!! It won't happen because you are blocking yourself and making this your reality. Just get out of your head and start living your dream life.

Sounds to easy you say, well it quite simply is but you need to work for it!
Do not wait around for things to appear in your lap nothing will happen or it may eventually like years.

You want change be the master of your creation and WORK FOR IT!!
There will be blood, sweat and tears but when you achieve your dream you will be darn proud of how you got there.
It won't happen over night but it will happen!

Change your mindset, for example, if it is out of your price range, tell yourself I can afford that and start making a plan on how you are going to achieve said thing and then action it. I am worthy of this and I am going to show everyone that say I can't that I can!!

Team it is all about action, set goals that are realistic to achieve and it doesn't matter how small they are, the outcome will be the same. There will be set backs and that is life, but do not let that put you off or slow you down.

You have already built your dream reality in your head, now go and get it!!


This is my journey it is raw and long!

I've been quiet over the last few days due to everything that is going on with me regarding my injury.
I have had a lot of time to reflect, to tune in with my emotions and how I have taken in the whole process.

The easiest way to describe being in severe pain is going through a grieving process.
The first week I was in shock, second week I was sick with a terrible bug and 3rd week I was dealing with what was happening and then the fourth week rolls round and I was so down, it was raw and I had to face some facts about how I was actually coping.
I was in my head a lot - for me to get out of it I had to spend some time off social media and really appreciate what I have and not what is happening to me. It was about accepting the now and not the end process and to really take each day as it comes.
So you see these thoughts and emotions happen to all of us. We are all human and face challengers all very differently.

For me it was about the process, actually listening to my body and how I delivered those emotions and thoughts to the ones I love.
It was about accepting that I needed help from family and friends to really uplift me and to tell me everything is going to be ok.
It was about getting off my back side and actually doing something about it rather than sitting in my self pity.

After I reflected on all of these factors there was a lot of tears and so many things surfaced that I had to face that I was trying to sweep under the rug.
For people that don't know me I had a back fusion done 4 years ago and that was one of the lowest points in my life. It was a traumatic experience, so to go through this all over again brought up a lot of emotions that I had stored away. It reared its ugly head again now because I never fully tackled the emotions, how it made me feel and how it affected me not only physically but mentally too.
Which sweeping under the rug was not working as we all know that it doesn't. WE need to go inward and work through the process not ignore all these important contributions to how we feel.

Dealing with this in my present moment I do have the tools and knowledge to move forward with a positive mindset with the help of family and friends. Off course some days are easier than others, that is just life.

The point of my post is whatever you are going through it is a journey, life isn't easy BUT you are never alone!
With the right support you can get through anything but the first step is to actually speak up and tell that one person you need help.
Be kind to yourself and to have compassion for your body and what it has been through to get you to where you are today.

This is so important for me to share, that all of this is NORMAL and YOU are never alone!!!
We learn and we grow :)

It is hard to keep this short so I will stop there. But if you need support through a mindset change, or just to get some clarity please do not hesitate to contact me.


Compassion not only for others but also for ourselves.

I feel and see it too often that we lack so much confidence in ourselves and we forget the most important person is us first and foremost.
Don't beat yourself up when things get tough. Be kind to yourself, give yourself time to breathe and look in the mirror and say to yourself "I am strong and I love who I am".

If you are lacking confidence within yourself or are completely lost and need guidance.
DM me we can totally work together to find out whatever it is that is holding you back for shining that beautiful light that has just dimmed along the current waves of your life.
Remember everything we go through whether we want to or not are lessons. It is how we choose to act on those lessons that will create an outcome.


This is a really good lesson for all.

When I saw this quote I was like yes this is what I have been feeling lately and this is my story. I felt the pull to share it with you all!

I am dealing with a Lumbar sprain for the last 3 weeks. I have asked myself this question, "Why is this happening to me?" I started to go down that spiral of negative energy that was not serving me at all. I was mad with everyone and took my anger out on my love ones.
After some reflection, I then said to myself what lessons do I take out of this? I thought about it and health is one of the lessons for me, take time for just me, to rest and NOT to overdo it, so listening to my body.

I feel that when we are in that negative space it is so hard to see these lessons that are being taught to us.

What this message meant to me was that I just need to sit in that space and literally pull back the layers. Feel the emotions that come up and journal them until they are out of my space. To start creating a new positive space and a way to move forward that is serving me for the greater good.

Feeling the emotions is so important and one I cannot stress about. As well as how we deal with these emotions is just as important.

Everything has a purpose!
And there is no right nor wrong way.
Listen to your gut feelings and intuition that is your guidebook!


"THE FIRST STEP towards getting somewhere is to decide you're not going to stay where you are" - J. P. Morgan

This is the ultimate truth. You cannot reach your goals or dreams if you just stay in limbo.

The SECOND STEP is to action what you have decided. Make small goals to reach your dream goal. Every little thing you do towards that goal makes a difference. Remember along the way there may be speed bumps but that is ok because they are there for you to learn and to push passed all the bs.

I am not saying it is easy but man is it rewarding when you have seen the change/s you have wanted for so long.

I can help you get to where your heart desires and to support you to make your goals a reality.

DM and we can make a plan together :).


Something to ponder on today!!

"Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not" - Deepak Chopra

" Self-care is not shelfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel" - Elenor Brown

If you need any guidance or support DM me and I can support you through this process :)


Especially now more than ever it is so damn important.
With so many illnesses going around it is our bodies way of telling us to take the time for just ourselves and rest, heal and let go what does not serve us.
Honestly we need to get out of our own heads and stop worrying about mundane things that do not matter as much as resting our physical body and mind.

What the last few weeks especially the last 4 days have taught me is rest, rest and rest some more. I have never slept so much in the last 4 days than I can even remember.

Did I feel guilty? To be honest yes I did but then I physically couldn't do anything about it so I gave in and I took the time for me so I could get better.

Rest is definitely the best medicine there is!!

LOOK AFTER YOURSELF so you can look after others!!

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Opening Hours

Monday 7pm - 9pm
Tuesday 7pm - 9pm
Wednesday 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 7pm - 9pm
Friday 11am - 4:30pm
Saturday 11am - 2:30pm

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