Birth and Bloom NZ

Online Holistic Birth & Postpartum Course
Dunedin Hypnobirthing Classes
Birth and Postpartum Doula


Ever tried to fit your baby into the perfect 9:30-10, 12-2, 4:30-5, 7-7 routine?! You know the one I’m talking about? The one that all these other babies seem to being doing perfectly and google tells you your baby should be doing too? 🫢

Sorry to break it to you but it’s a load of 💩!

Every baby, particularly as a newborn, has very different sleep needs and patterns. This means what your baby does can look VERY different to the next.

Now I’m not saying these routines don’t work, because for some, they do! And even in my e-books I use them as a starting point!

But the reality is, it’s based on the *average* baby, and not many of us have the *average* baby 🫣

What is normal then?

✨ shorter lunch naps
✨ later/earlier bed times
✨ 6am starts
✨ nap timing changing depending on the day!

And so many more!

Save this for a reminder for later 🤍😴

Photos from Birth Becomes You's post 24/08/2024

Oxytocin vibes 💕


Every baby is different! You may sit there with a pregnant friend who is being booted and kicked constantly whilst your baby likes a good old wiggle in the bath at night! Both are fine, it's about getting to know YOUR baby. Similiarly, if you are on your second or third pregnancy, even that baby will have a different pattern to their siblings.

From 16 – 24 weeks you should feel your baby move more and more until 32 weeks. After 32 weeks, movements should stay roughly the same until you give birth.

It's important to get to know your baby's regular pattern of movement. Our Kicks Count Wristbands can help you do this

Contact your maternity unit immediately if your baby’s movements have changed. This could be an erratic increase or a slow down/reduction. Midwives and doctors are there to help you - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

❌Don't put off calling until the next day or wait until your next scheduled appointment.

❌Don't worry about phoning, it's important for your doctors and midwives to know if your baby’s movements have changed. They'll be happy to hear from you.


The Truth About Waters Releasing (because nothing breaks)💧

Movies always show labour starting with a big gush of waters and a mad dash to the hospital. But guess what? That’s super rare!

Here’s what you need to know:
Did you know? 80% of women go into labour within 12 hours of their waters breaking, and 95% within 24 hours.

There’s often concern about infection after the waters break. Studies show that the longer you wait, the higher the risk of infection. But here’s the catch – the more vaginal exams you have, the greater the risk of infection. So, after your waters break, vaginal exams should only be done if absolutely necessary.

Look out for signs of infection like discoloured fluid (green or brown), a foul smell, or fever. But most of the time, when your waters break, it’s clear fluid, and labour progresses naturally.

💦 What happened when your waters broke? Share your experience below! 👇🏼👇🏼


Why 10cm Dilated Doesn’t Always Mean It’s Time to Push

We often hear that once you’re 10cm dilated, it’s time to start pushing. But birth isn’t just about numbers, it’s about tuning into your body and your baby. Just because you’ve reached full dilation doesn’t mean your body or baby is ready to begin the pushing stage.

Instead of focusing solely on that 10cm mark, consider these intuitive factors that can help you stay in rhythm with your body:

🌿The Urge to Push
Your body often knows best. Many women experience a strong, involuntary urge to push when the time is right. Trusting this natural instinct can be more effective and less exhausting than pushing just because you’ve reached full dilation.

🌿 Baby’s Position
Sometimes, even at 10cm, your baby might still be getting into the optimal position for birth. Giving your body time to adjust and allowing your baby to move into place can make pushing easier and reduce the risk of interventions.

🌿 Listening to Your Body
Beyond the numbers, how do you feel? Are you comfortable and relaxed? Are you feeling an increase in pressure or the need to bear down? These sensations are your body’s way of guiding you. Take deep breaths, stay in tune, and allow your body to lead the way.

🌿Rest and Patience
Sometimes, your body just needs a little more time to gather energy before the final stage. Resting during this period can conserve your strength and make the actual pushing phase more effective and less tiring.

Remember, birth is a unique journey for every mum. Trusting your body and going with your instincts can make a big difference. Your body and baby know what to do, and by listening to those inner cues, you can help things flow more smoothly and naturally.


Breastfeeding is often seen as something that should come naturally, but in reality, it's a skill that both you and your baby learn together. Anthropologist Dana Raphael(author of The tender gift of breastfeeding), emphasised that breastfeeding is a learned behaviour, not just an instinctual one. It takes time, patience, and support to get it right, and that's perfectly okay.

To help you on this journey, here are three of my "wish I had known sooner" tips to make breastfeeding smoother and more enjoyable for both you and your baby:

🌿Seek Support Early: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from a lactation consultant, doula, or breastfeeding support group. Getting the right support in those early days can make a world of difference.

✨ Practice Skin-to-Skin Contact: This simple yet powerful practice helps stimulate your baby’s natural feeding instincts, making it easier to latch on and feel secure.

💜 Be Patient with Yourself: Remember, it’s a learning process. If things don’t go as planned right away, take a deep breath and try again. You and your baby are in this together.

Breastfeeding is a journey and with anything in life nothing is linear!

Share any of you favourite tips in the comments👇

Photos from Letitia Louise Photography's post 05/08/2024

Amazing way to celebrate world breastfeeding week in Dunedin


I'm excited to invite you to the upcoming Postnatal Me Expo on the 3rd Aug, where we'll explore all things postpartum!

I will be talking about Thriving in Postpartum at 11.55am, plus check out the line up of all the wonderful specker.

Also stop by my table for a chat about postpartum care, and recieve a FREE Nurtured Postpartum ebook. Plus, you'll have a chance to win THE REVIVAL KIT - POSTPARTUM RECOVERY from Viva la V***a!

See you there
Jessica x

Guest Speakers
10:15-10:30 – Well Child Providers (Plunket & Te Kaika)
10:40-10:55 – Nutrition, Caren (Empower Me Fitness) & Jema Shaw (Te Kaika)
11:05-11:20 – Pelvic Health, Ainslie (The Core Centre)
11:30-11:45 – Postpartum Exercise, Caren (Empower Me Fitness)
11:55-12:10 – Thriving Postpartum, Jessica, Birth & Bloom
12:20-12:35 – Postpartum Care, Dr Lauren Fisher
12:45-1:00 – Maternal Mental Health, Renee, Plunket


🌟 Join the 3-Day Birth Confidence Challenge! 🌟

Ready to feel confident and empowered 💪for your birthing journey? I’m excited to invite you to our 3-Day Birth Confidence Challenge! Let’s dive in together and make your birth experience amazing.

Day 1: Assemble Your Dream Team💃
We’ll chat about building the perfect support team to cheer you on and be there every step of the way. Think partners, doulas, and friends!

Day 2: Create Your Birth Environment🌿
Learn how to set up a calm, loving space that makes your birthing experience peaceful and comfortable. From lighting to scents, we’ve got you covered.

Day 3: Holistic Preparation🧘‍♀️
Explore holistic techniques and practices to connect with your body and baby. We’ll cover everything from breathing exercises to mindset tips.

✨ This challenge is all about giving you the tools and confidence to approach birth with joy and calm. ✨

Click the link below👇 to join the challenge and get started.

Much love,
Jessica x

Birth + Postpartum Doula
Hypnobirthing Educator
Mama of 2


I truly believe that if we have unresolved trauma from a previous birth, it is highly likely that we will carry that trauma (this looks and feels different to each person) into our next birth. If you haven't yet heard about healing birth practitioners, then check them out.

My next cohort of Healing Birth Practitioner trainees are nearing the end of their 10 weeks training with me. As their final assessment task, they are required to hold an Unravelling Your Trauma session with someone, and to gain feedback from the person they worked with.

If you are interested in having a session with one of my fabulous team of trainees, this is a really wonderful win-win opportunity. The session would take place via Zoom (so it doesn’t matter where in the world you live), and is likely to last around 2 hours. The Healing Birth trainee will support you to talk through your story, help you unravel it so that you can gain a clearer understanding of why you have been left feeling the ways you do about your birth, and offer you some tools for ongoing processing and healing. They will also send you a follow-up email which covers any suggested tools, resources, instructions etc that were discussed.

In exchange, you are asked to fill out a feedback survey for them, and give them a small koha/donation.

Please DM me with your email address if you are interested in taking advantage of this offer. I will then put you in touch with one of my trainees and the two of you can arrange a time for the session that suits you both.

If you are someone who is potentially keen to do my Healing Birth Practitioner Training yourself, and you have your own story of birth trauma, putting your hand up for one of these sessions can be a really helpful way to gain deeper insight into the training before making a call about it (it’s also really good to have had an opportunity to work through your birth trauma before commencing the training).

My next Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme starts on September 2nd 2024. To find out more about this and other trainings I offer, go to my bio Linktree 💜 You can also DM me to enquire about training with me and to be added to my mailing list 😊


You might hear "Hypnobirthing" and think it's only for a specific type of birth.
But actually, it's beneficial for anyone, no matter what your birth plan looks like. Hypnobirthing goes beyond just informing you, it's about fully preparing you for a positive birth experience💜

Antenatal courses are great, but Hypnobirthing really prepares you with the deeper tools for labour. It’s about giving you the techniques to stay calm and in control, with breathing, self- hypnosis and relaxation techniques.

You’ll also learn how to speak up for what you need, understand your body and how to work WITH 💃 it during labour, and see how your birth partner can support you throughout the different stages.

Hypnobirthing is about making sure you’re not just going through the motions, but actually feeling prepared and positive.

Come along to a group Hypnobirthing class in Dunedin and let's get excited about birth together!

NEXT CLASS STARTS 17th AUG - 4 spaces left 💃



A great wee mini-film, that really highlights our need for a community during our pregnancy and postpartum 🦋Which is at the heart why I have created the Birth & Bloom Collective - your birth and postpartum course and community


Join the FREE Birth Confidence Online Workshop to get the support and tools you need to feel ready and empowered for your big day.

🗓 When: Thursday 30th May
🕡 Time: 6:30 pm
📍 Where: From the comfort of your home (link sent after you sign up)
Visit to save your spot

What we’ll cover:
✨ Creating a Positive Birthing Environment: Simple tips to make your space feel just right.
🤝 Building Your Birth Team: How to choose the right people to support you.
🧘 Holistic Preparation: Practical advice for your body and mind to help you thrive.

Ready to feel confident and supported? Don’t miss this workshop!

Save Your Spot: Visit
Got questions? Just DM me! 💌

Can’t wait to share this journey with you!
Jessica x
Birth & Bloom NZ

Photos from Birth and Bloom NZ's post 26/05/2024

🦋Are you ready to approach Birth and Pospartum with confidence and holistic support?

Join the Birth & Bloom Collective! Created by Jessica—A Holistic Birth & Postpartum Doula and Hypnobirthing Educator, Mama of 2, this course supports your journey from pregnancy through to postpartum.

What You’ll Discover:

🌿Self-Paced Video Modules: Explore foundational topics like positive mindset, hypnobirthing, and traditional postpartum preparation at your own pace.

🌿Practical Skills: Master techniques such as relaxation, breathing techniques, acupressure, light touch massage, and much more to help you prepare for a positive birthing experience.

🌿4 Weekly Zoom Calls: Connect and learn with a community of supportive mums during our interactive sessions.

🌿Comprehensive Workbooks: Guides for birth and postpartum planning.

🌿Private Facebook Group: Share experiences and tips with a community of like-minded mothers.

🌿Year-Long Access: Revisit and explore the materials for a full year, ensuring you feel supported throughout your journey.

Whether it's your first or fifth birth, the Birth & Bloom Collective provides all the tools and support you need for a positive birth and postpartum experience.

🌟 Ready to join a community of empowered mamas to be? Enroll today and start your journey to a confident and holistic birth!


💃Spaces are limited - next intake starts 3rd June 2024

Visit to find out more ✨


Hey everyone! 🌸 With Mother’s Day around the corner, I'm excited to share a special give-away for the mamas-to-be!

🎉 Win 1 of 2 spaces in the Birth & Bloom Collective! 🎉

Birth & Bloom Collective is a holistic online course designed for both birth and postpartum preparation. It features video modules, comprehensive workbooks, and 4 weekly group calls. These sessions allow us to dive deep into the material, practice techniques, and provide community support—all at your own pace. The next course is starting on 28th May 💜

How to enter:
-Pop a 💜 in the comments
-Tag as many wonderful women as you’d like in the comments below.
-Re-share this post to help me find a deserving mother who would benefit from this incredible gift.

🌟 Winners will be announced this Sunday at 8 PM

Heads up: This giveaway isn't affiliated with Facebook or Instagram. Watch out for fake accounts; winners will be announced directly here. Good luck!💕


🌿 Module One: Cultivating a Positive Mindset
Discover physiological birth insights, overcome fear cycles, and master breathing,relaxation and hypnobirthing techniques.

🌿 Module Two: Holistic Birth Skills and Partner Support
Learn acupressure, light touch massage, rebozo skills, and other techniques to enhance partner involvement and support during labour.

🌿 Module Three: Intuitive Birthing
Prepare with birthing preferences, active positions, and stages of labour and how to apply your holistic skills confidently, so that you feel calm and empowered.

🌿 Module Four: Peaceful Postpartum
Focuses on postpartum rituals, nutrience, physical recovery, and emotional well-being to support your transition into motherhood.

✨PLUS we have a private Facebook Community and 4 weekly zoom calls to connect and support one another into this motherhood journey


I literally call this a "hug in a mug", because that's what if feels like, grounding, warming and a bit of self-care. Turmeric is a beautiful anti-inflammatory spice that is used in alot of Ayurvedic postpartum healing recipes.

700 ml milk - I use plant base milk as you can reheat some later
100 ml water
3 tsp turmeric fresh or powder
2 tsp fresh ginger
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp fennel seeds, lightly crushed (optional)
A pinch of black pepper (to enhance turmeric absorption)
4 chopped dates
1 Tbs Honey or more to taste
Optional: 1 tsp vanilla extract or a pinch of cardamom for extra flavour

🌿Warm the Milk: In a small saucepan, gently heat the milk to just below boiling.
🌿Mix Spices: While the milk is warming, mix the turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, crushed fennel seeds, and black pepper in a small bowl.
🌿Combine: Once the milk is warm, whisk in the mixed spices. Keep the heat low and stir continuously to avoid lumps and ensure even mixing of the spices with the milk.
🌿Sweeten: Add honey and stir in the vanilla extract or cardamom if using.
🌿Serve: Pour the latte into a mug through a strainer to remove any large spice particles. (though some like to have abit of the ginger/turmeric in their cup 🙋‍♀️)
*save the rest in a glass bottle and reheat when needed
*makes about 3 cups

💜This latte with fennel not only enhances the flavour but also offers benefits like aiding digestion and potentially supporting lactation, making it a great choice for nursing mamas🤱.


Experiencing fear as your birthing day gets closer is a normal and natural part of the journey. It's a response from our primal brain, designed to keep us alert and cautious. But, this instinctive fear doesn't have to overshadow your birth experience.

Here are a few ideas to help you move through fear and build your confidence...

🌿 Embrace holistic tools: Techniques like mindfulness, gentle yoga, and calming breathwork can help soothe your mind and keep you grounded.

👭 Surround yourself with support: A nurturing birth team can make all the difference. Whether it’s a doula, your partner, or a trusted midwife, ensure you have people who uplift and reassure you.

🧘 Prepare holistically: Mentally, emotionally, and physically preparing yourself for birth isn't just about attending antenatal classes (Although Hypnobirthing is a great place to start 😊 ). It's also about connecting with yourself and your baby, building resilience, and fostering a positive mindset.

By acknowledging and addressing your fears with the right support and preparation, you can step into your birthing experience feeling empowered and in control. Remember, you are strong, wise and powerful, and ready to navigate this incredible journey. ✨

Let me know in the comments any fears that came up for you can how did you move through them 🌿


Photos from Letitia Louise Photography's post 01/05/2024

The lovely and talented Letitia Louise Photography has put together some local birth and postpartum services to help support expecting and new mama. I had the honour of being apart of Letitia's second (amazing/wild) birth story 💜


Love this:
“Giving birth is priestess work; it requires a woman to pass through a painful and dangerous initiation in which she journeys to the threshold between worlds and risks her own life to help another soul cross over.”
~ Jalaja Bonheim, Ph.D.

“Giving birth is priestess work; it requires a woman to pass through a painful and dangerous initiation in which she journeys to the threshold between worlds and risks her own life to help another soul cross over.”

~ Jalaja Bonheim, Ph.D.

Art by Claudy Doula Du Coeur

Photos from Birth Becomes You's post 16/04/2024

Now this is Partner Support💜intuitive connection, holding space and practical support. This is what I teach in Hypnobirthing Classes 🌿 because team work, makes dream work in the birthing space ✨


These are beautiful and high quality bibs 💜


🌟 Hurry, before it’s too late! 🌟

Hey there! With my maternity leave just around the corner, and a recent concussion slowing things down a bit, I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for your incredible support on MTG!

Now’s your chance to stock up on all your favorites before they’re gone! Our inventory is running low, so don’t miss out on grabbing our cuddly, teething bunnies, reusable breast pads, bows, and bibs—all at a fabulous 25% off!

But hurry, this special sale ends April 15th at 11:59 am! Don’t wait!
Shop at and snag your goodies now! 🛒


LOVE this birth video, such a difference from what we are conditioned to believe ALL births are like 💪


"My first birth experience was traumatic, I felt lost and overwhelmed, unsure how to navigate it all."

As a birth doula and Hypnobirthing educator, I often hear similar stories from mothers. But alongside those tales, there's a committed: 'Next time, we'll be more prepared"

That determination inspires me to think about how we can prevent birth trauma. It's what fuels my passion for supporting mothers through childbirth.✨

For first-time mums preparing for birth, here are some tips:

🌿Build strong, collaborative relationships with midwives and healthcare providers. Open communication and mutual respect create a supportive birth environment where your voice matters.

🌿Embrace mindfulness and relaxation techniques, like those in Hypnobirthing. They're great for managing pain and anxiety, and they help you feel calm and empowered during labour.

🌿Create a personalised birth plan to express your preferences. This ensures your unique needs are respected, empowering both you and your birth partner.

🌿Look after your emotional well-being with self-care practices. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family to nurture your journey

Your first birth is NOT be a Dress rehearsal for your second! You can have a positive and empowering first birth, where you are feeling informed, supported, respected in how and where you CHOOSE to birth your baby 💃

If you would like to learn some kick-ass tools to help harness and tap into your inner birthing confidence, join the next intake of Hynobirthing


Leo Clark Ocean & Vienna Summer May 💜 My talented friend Sonia captured some gorgeous photos of our family over the weekend ✨️


It's common to hear, "I don’t need a doula; I have a supportive partner!" Understandably, partners may worry about being overshadowed. Yet, even with a supportive partner, doula care enhances the birth journey. Here’s why:

🌿We equip your partner with knowledge to support you both physically and mentally through the birth.
🌿We address any concerns or queries you have about the birth and immediate postpartum period.
🌿We ensure you both have the necessary information to make empowered decisions, understand medical procedures, and communicate effectively with healthcare providers.
🌿We offer an extra pair of hands, allowing your partner to take breaks, step out if needed, or bond with the newborn.

Doulas complement the support from partners, ensuring you’re fully nurtured and supported throughout your birthing journey. ✨


April is C-section Awareness Month, a time to honour and acknowledge the sacred journey of mamas who undergo cesarean births. 🌼

Regardless of whether it is planned or emergency, they are an intense surgical procedure (literally going through 9 layers of tissues to birth baby) and they carry their own set of experiences and recovery journeys.

April is C-section awareness months, so let's support one-another on this journey into motherhood. Whether it’s sharing stories, offering support, or educating others, every action helps to break down misconceptions and shine a light on the diverse experiences of childbirth.

If you or someone you know is navigating the post-C-section path, remember, it's not just about physical healing but also emotional support and care. 💖


Hey expecting mamas! 👶✨

Just a gentle nudge to remind you: in the whirlwind of preparation and anticipation, don't forget to take care of YOU. Your wellbeing is just as important as the little life you're nurturing. 🌸

Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential. Whether it's a quiet cup of tea, a relaxing bath, a walk in nature, or simply resting when your body asks for it, listen to what you need and give yourself that kindness. 🍵🛁🌿

You're doing an incredible job growing a human, so remember to pause and recharge. Your health and happiness are vital, not just for you, but for your baby too.

Take care, lovely. You deserve all the kindness you're giving to your growing baby. 💖


“In life and in birth we can do hard things, especially when we have the support of a good team. Having a doula on your birth team is always a good idea in my opinion.

This mom was so strong as she worked through these contractions and was well supported by her doula Terri from Colorado Caring Doulas. As a birth photographer & doula it’s always so much fun to get to work with a fellow doula at a birth. I was lucky enough to be shooting video as well as photography at this birth which is something I absolutely love to do!”

Stunning image and words by Jessica of

Jessica is also a BBY Certified Birth Photographer


Think hypnobirthing is just for hippies? Not at all! It's actually for anyone who wants a bit more calm and confidence during their birth experience – no matter how you plan to have your baby.

Hypnobirthing is like a set of tools to help keep you calm and in control, no matter where or how you're giving birth. Hospital, birthing centre or home, these tools work everywhere!

It's not all about chanting and incense (though I personally love that stuff); it’s really practical tools like breathing, self-hypnosis, relaxation exercises and mindset shifts that can make a real difference. Whether you're preparing for a natural birth, an assisted birth, or a C-section, hypnobirthing has something to help everyone feel more prepared and positive.

Curious? Drop a comment or check out our classes. Let’s get everyone on board with easier, calmer births. 💪

Here's to keeping it real for all kinds of births ✌️☮️

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Dunedin Hypnobirthing and Postpartum Support

My name is Jessica, I live in Dunedin with my husband and our 2 amazing kids. I’m a hippie at heart with a love of nature, nutritious food, aromatherapy and of all things holistic. I am a qualified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, Postpartum Doula, and Beauty & Massage Therapist.

I believe your birthing experience is one that you will remember forever, and it’s not enough to just hoping you will have a positive birthing experience. Whether you are choosing to have an un-medicated home birth, a planned hospital birth or cesarean-birth, the techniques you learn in HypnoBirthing will give you the confidence to feel empowered with you birthing choices, help you to remain calm, relaxed and staying in-tune with your body throughout your pregnancy and birth.

In many cultures, there is a 40 day postpartum period for rest, recovery and nourishment. This “sacred window” honours the profound changes that are happening in a woman’s body after giving birth, physically, mentally and emotionally. My role is to make sure you are feeling supported, nourished, and confident in finding your own unique parenting style.


Videos (show all)

✨ EPIC BIRTH VIDEO ✨ I can’t even explain how I love this video as it shows real birth and the highs and lows of a norma...
There is no moment more precious in this life than the first meeting of mom and baby 💕Midwife : @lindseymeehleis Photogr...
✨️Birth & Bloom Collective.✨ A holistic online course created especially for mamas-to-be like you, aimed at supporting y...
Hi 👋 welcome to the Birth and Bloom Community ✨️
THIS QUOTE (from @mama_wilder) I heard it several days ago and haven’t stopped thinking about it since!.Video: @wildoakb...
BIRTH AFFIRMATIONS ✨️Having a few positive birthing affirmations can really help to move through the intensity of the su...



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