Soma Yoga

Sharing the path of self enquiry & healing through the wisdom of the body. Yoga, Dance, Sound & More YOGA JOURNEYS term 3, 2022.


Each term, 4 x per year
Tuesdays 5:45pm
Starts Tuesday July 26th
(Please register by message)

Open Level
Each term 8 x Sessions, 4 x per year
Tuesdays 7.30pm
Starts Tuesday August 2nd
(Please register by message)


Intermediate Level
Each term 8 x Sessions, 4 x per year
Thursdays 5:45pm
Starts Thursday July 28th
(Please register by message)

Photos from Soma Yoga's post 23/07/2024


Starting in just 2 days 🔱 we are going to start our next Yoga Journey!

We'll be exploring the chakras, experientially. Each session will be mostly pranayama, flowing sequences, somatics & asana with the end part of the session in meditation & journalling.

Our theme will be embedded through the whole journey - and I'm sooooo excited - have you registered yet?


There are 2 main approaches to understanding and working with the chakras, one comes from at least 1000 year old ancient tantrik yoga and one is more modern from within the last 120 years or so. Neither is right or wrong, they are just different.

We'll be exploring the approach from my lineage, classical tantrik yoga.

Chakras are sometimes referred to as energy centres and are focal points for meditation within the human body, visualised as structures of energy - discs or floral diagrams made of light. They are located at points where a number of nadis (energy channels or meridians) converge.

Chakras are conceptual structures full of symbolism, but based in real human experience as their form reflects visionary experiences had by some yogis over thousands of years.

They occupy a space between conceptual and experiential, this space is sometimes referred to as the liminal space (between waking and dreaming), which tantrik yoga invites us to explore in many practices.

Simply bringing our conscious awareness to an energy centre is in itself a powerful practice, but we will be exploring a little deeper over our 8 week journey!

We still have a handful of spaces, so if you are feeling called, please come join us 🥰


Image from the book: MS Sanskrit by Svami Hamsasvarupa, 1900s illustration by Shri Swami Hansa Swaroop


Duke and I are getting amped for this Saturday with you all!

We have a beautiful series of practices lined up, both yogic and sufi.

We have a break scheduled in so we can enjoy some shared tea and chats and then re gather for more breath, meditation and mantra medicine!

The practices all together can be quite powerful 💥 and even though we'll go gradually, it may feel a bit intense, depending on how you're feeling on the day - so it's important to check in on how you are feeling as we go, and ease back or pause as needed.

So looking forward to this experience full of energy shifting, transformative and uplifting opportunities - yessss!

We still have a handful of spaces left if you haven't booked yet (link: )

See you at the studio!
Jasmin & Duke

P.S. bring a blankie for extra cosy!


Keep shining.

The drama, violence and darkly awful

Are all evidence that the world needs your light.


Meet Duke ❤

Duke has been a follower of the Sufi path for over a decade. He is most inspired by Idris Shah’s psychology of the heart, and Omid Safi’s insights on Sufism as a path of Radical Love. Duke’s practices include meditation, chanting, breathwork, song, and dance.

Duke is an inspiring facilitator who loves to amp up the sufi practices, bringing them to life with respect, love and enthusiasm.

We'll be following his guidance for all things Sufi in Breath, Meditation & Mantra on July 27th!

Can't wait and we'd love to have you join!

You can secure your spot here:


For thousands of years, yogis have been working the concept of the chakras, or subtle energy centres in the body to guide or support transformation on every level.

In this intermediate level (some experience of yoga would be good) journey we will be using the classical tantrik approach of my lineage, to direct awareness, build understanding and work both directly and indirectly with the chakras.

Using the system of the chakras, there’s opportunity to bring about change and increase or balance energy flow in any area of our lives - and we are going to be doing that with full embodied intention.

Over the 8 weeks of our Soma Yoga Journey, we’ll be working with specific sequences of Pranayama, Asana, Flowing Sequences, Mantra, Mudra, Meditation & Journalling.

I cannot wait for this exploration with you.
See you at the studio


Are you getting signs that you need to take some regular recharge time, just for you?

Maybe you're feeling run down, stiff, sluggish and forgetful? Or maybe you are sleeping poorly, emotionally charged, irritable and restless?

Or maybe you're just getting an overall sense of 'over itness', too much daily pressure, too much to think about and do.....?

Yoga may be exactly what is missing.

This practice is my sanctuary and has helped me through many a challenge, by it's nourishing, energy giving effects, it's relaxation and it's spaciousness.

It balances me, gives me calm and helps me sleep.

It gives me time away from my daily challenges, to focus on something else (tending to my body's needs for movement, stretching & strengthening) which naturally gives me a fresh perspective when I return to face the rest of my life again.

I think of each practice as making a deposit into my self care bank account, and the fuller it gets, the more I have to give - to what ever arises.

Soma Yoga & Soma Healing Journeys are starting back soon - are you feeling the call?

I look forward to welcoming you, or welcoming you back to this ultimate self care practice. No matter how experienced you are (from none - experienced yogi), I have just the yoga for you



Late JULY intake is getting busy with registrations - so grateful 🙏

I still have some availability if you're feeling called ❤



TUES 6PM | 75 min sessions | Starts July 30th
* 6 Spaces Available

TUES 7:30PM | 60 min sessions | Starts July 30th
* 3 Spaces Available

THUR 5:45PM | 90 min sessions | Starts July 25th
* Theme: Elemental Chakras

FRI 10am | 120 min sessions | Starts July 26th

FRI 1pm | 120 min sessions | Starts July 26th
*FULL: Waitlist [email protected]


Welcoming harmony and harmonics with my yantra (mandala) sadhana.


Being aware of the body's impulses for movement is awesome 💥

Responding to those impulses, with movement, even if it's in unexpected, organic ways, is a super power.


Our Yoga Journeys and Wild at Heart especially, reconnect us to that natural process of following our impulses with free movement.

Let's practice! ❤


Coming up this week:

Wild at Heart: Ecstatic Dance Dunedin
with me, Jasmin Amrita facilitating
THIS Friday 5th July 7pm


Aw, got this super special feedback after Saturday's Ayanaant Sound Journey!

Thank you so much - Heart is full

Photos from Soma Yoga's post 28/06/2024

💥 Epicness Alert 💥 Spaces are filling up for our end of year retreat, and the months are creeping along - so my excitement embers are starting to spark into little flames 🔥!

Today I welcome you to join if you haven't yet booked your spot. There are 3 lucky last days of our EARLYBIRD rate........🔥

Over the next few weeks I'll be introducing some of the incredible practices, and our amazing guest facilitators - tingles! (sneak peak below) ❤ all magical parts of this spacious, transformational and deeply restorative experience.

I'm honoured to be joined by these two amazing facilitators who I am also privileged to call my friends, and to hold space for you in our absolutely breathtaking location, immersed in the stunning nature and majestic views of Lake Tekapo!

I will be offering morning circles, Soma Yoga, Breathwork & Trauma Release sessions (as well as our fun retreat dance party) and more, Paul will be offering Bone Yoga sessions and 1:1 Bodywork sessions, and Kim will be bringing her Shamanic Energy Medicine and her Writing as a Spiritual Practice facilitation along.

More about Me and them in updates to come!

In the meantime, imagine pausing time......waking up to blissful views....letting us guide you through amazing self care practices.....exploring the surrounding nature (and jumping in the lake if you are keen!) and soaking in the out door hot tub.

Fill your cup! ❤Jump on the link and book yourself in for this epic and transformational opportunity!



Absolutely buzzing for Wild at Heart NEXT Friday July 5th!

I'll be sharing fresh tribal, bassy beats with some organic house and techno in there too! and I can't wait to hear them, and move and be moved in the studio with you dancers! As usual, we will start off slow and then build in tempo and bass and then slow down again, like a wave.

All welcome - See you on the dance floor!

Pic of my post dance glow from my last one 🥰

Psssst: spaces are already filling up, grab your spot and I'll see you there


All of my sessions are trauma skilled. My training + personal experience + always evolving teaching experience makes sure.

Trauma occurs as a result of a single, multiple or ongoing experiences of stress, that the system has not completely processed yet. In our high pressure culture, it's relatively easy and common to experience chronic stress (which shows up in a similar way to trauma), and trauma.

It gets stored in the body, in our tension patterns, our energy levels and our reactivity (among other ways).

If you want to work directly with trauma and/or chronic stress recovery, Soma Therapy may be the right fit for you.

Otherwise, know that in all my yoga and other sessions - you are welcome, in whatever part of your journey you are on.


Photos from Soma Yoga's post 24/06/2024

Tap into the wisdom of the body to:
✨ Regulate
✨ Release tension
✨ Build resilience

While cultivating:
💥 Strength
💥 Mobility
💥 Energy flow
💥 Balance
💥 Joy
💥 Inner peace
and 💥 Purpose

in the whole person.

Next intake starts July 25th - Find out more via my website

See you on the mat!



I used to teach yoga in prison.

YOGA IN PRISONS & THE RIPPLE EFFECT - New Journal Post alert ✏️

It was to groups of 20 men at a time. I was (and still am) a board member with Yoga Education in Prisons Trust and had plenty of experience with trauma skilled approaches as well as the best method of delivery for me & my context. So before going in, I was well prepped with what to expect, and yet I was still surprised every time I went....

Read the rest here:


Keep your inner fires 🔥 burning with Wild at Heart Whanau, with Adele Bertasso on this Friday 6:30pm at A Y U Community Space.

Love this pic of my beautiful friend Inara, in the flow


Yoga Nidra is one of my absolute favourite tools. It's the one that can reinforce to the nervous system how to let go and deeply relax. Much needed in todays world of sometimes stressful and constant, busy, busy.

It is a guided journey, using specific stages to bring us into the Alpha/Theta brainwaves, or the hypnagogic state. This is where we have access to the conscious and the unconscious mind.

Even though the goal is to stay aware through the process, it's totally normal that sometimes people will drift off towards sleep and 'miss' some of the prompts, but maybe they are being picked up by the subconscious anyway!

I like to combine this practice with the tool of sankalpa / intention setting because in this state the brain has a lot of plasticity. It's an ideal time to remind and reprogram our deeper layers to be working towards what we want in life.

This practice is a beautiful one to use regularly, but even once can have profound effects on our lives - especially for busy people.

I use mini nidra practices in every session, and regular, longer immersions of nidra throughout the year, including the upcoming Nidra Sound Journey, Ayanaant - (keen to book? it's on Sat June 29th at 7pm and I'll drop a link in the comments).

😊 Happy deep rest everyone! 😊


Fill your cup. ✨

Photos from Soma Yoga's post 12/06/2024

✨ We're going to be HERE DEC 5 - 8th for our 3x night Inner Alchemy Retreat! ✨

Here's some info about the area:

According to Ngāi Tahu mythology, Waitaha explorer Rākaihautū led a group of his people down the middle of the south island, digging the South Island freshwater lakes. His son, Rakihouia, led another group down the east coast of the South Island. Lake Tekapo was one of the lakes dug by Rākaihautū.

Lake Tekapo is protected from rough coastal weather by the Southern Alps, and the Two Thumb Range, which allows the area to enjoy some of NZ’s highest sunshine hours - we experienced many of those hours at the last retreat

Photos from Soma Yoga's post 10/06/2024

Stumbled across these pics today of my bedroom when I was working at this lovely but simple ashram in Tamil Nadu in 2011.

As you can see I made the 'walls' out of a scarf and I carefully mended this mosquito net until I had no bites at night. There was no glass on the windows and the monkeys and birds would wander through each day, looking for snacks or maybe just curious about how we lived.

We all lived in a daily routine of getting up super early for Satsang (meditation, chanting and philosophy discussion) then working and practicing throughout the day.

My whole life was filled with the holistic practices of yoga from dawn - sometimes woken by the peacocks, to dusk - when the fireflies would come out to play, casting their mesmerising reflections on the lake.

The yoga I'm talking about practicing all day was both on and off the mat. Karma yoga (selfless service), Bhakti yoga (devotion & love), Jnana yoga (Self reflection, philosophy & study), Nada yoga (the yoga of sound) and Raja yoga (asana, pranayama, meditation, chakra / kriya / energy work etc.).

Together, they made the holistic practice of the yoga that I am so honoured to be able to pass on to you.

On and off the mat, woven through all of those practices, is the practice of the meaning of yoga, and that meaning is UNION.

It can be a reminder that in our essence, we are not divided, mind is not divided from body or soul, I am connected to my self, and I am connected to you.

Each moment is an opportunity to remember this.

In that environment, it was easy to focus on yoga. Out here it becomes more challenging with more distractions and pressures - out here we need reminders.

So I offer you mine for today.



MATARIKI is the Pleiades star cluster and a marking of its first rising. It's the new year in the Māori lunar calendar, and coincides with Winter Solstice, which in many cultures has been a recognition of shortest day and longest night.

Traditionally both Matariki and Solstice have been a time for communities to come together and celebrate new beginnings. A time of remembrance, gratitude and peace. Matariki is a time to stop and hold reverence for the cycles of life and death. Both in nature, and personally, to acknowledge the passing of our loved ones.

Honouring this special time with ritual is a beautiful way to stay aligned with nature and our selves, to practice gratitude for what we have learnt and received and to re-align with our highest purpose with intention.

We'll be holding our special Matariki / Solstice ceremony this year on Saturday June 29th with Ayanaant Sound Journey (an experience of deep relaxation and embodiment while immersed in transformative sound), and you're invited to be a part of it. Bring your special sankalpa/intention of what you intend to bring forth for your life, or just arrive with an open heart and see what arises on the night.

Limited spaces for this immersion, so it's best to reserve your space soon.
We are looking forward to sharing this special ceremony with you


Humble brag time! But really, this is what keeps me going, hearing that it's helping you!

So grateful for your feedback, each piece helps my small biz to stay alive.



It can be lonely on the journey.

When you work for growth or for transformation, you change.

Some of the old ways won't fit anymore.

The people who grow too, will be there. But there will be some who won't.

That's why Sangha / Community is so important. Being around people who are walking the same path. We humans need others, we need company and support. Unity.

I am so grateful I have a tribe of you around me, near and far. In my sessions or here in the online world. Thank you for being a part of it.

Whether you know it or not, you inspire me, you motivate me and just knowing you are there gives me strength, and I KNOW I'm not alone in my journey.

Thank you,


Wild at Heart is just what it says on the box.
A place where you can let your inner wild out to play.

Grab your ticket and we'll see you on the dance floor, THIS FRIDAY 7pm, with Lili Eve on tunes💥💥💥

Yoga for Beginners Dunedin is the perfect way to learn the foundations and start or re-start a practice of yoga.With easy to use practices to build strength, function and ease in your body - from the first class! — Soma Yoga 02/05/2024

Lucky last few spaces on this EPIC course , if you've been thinking about starting or re-starting yoga, here is your first step!

Yoga for Beginners Dunedin is the perfect way to learn the foundations and start or re-start a practice of yoga.With easy to use practices to build strength, function and ease in your body - from the first class! — Soma Yoga Yoga for Beginners is the perfect way to learn the foundations and start or re-start a practice of yoga. With easy to use practices to build strength, function and ease in your body - from the first class! Click on the pic for more info!

Photos from Soma Yoga's post 01/05/2024

Availability update for sessions on this week:

⚡ Soma Yoga Journey: Intermediate Level, on Thursdays 5:45 starting tomorrow Thursday, with yoga, meditation & journalling ✨ 2 SPACES LEFT ✨

⚡ Soma Healing Journey: Women's Group, on Fridays 10am ✨ NOW FULL ✨ Registrations are OPEN for the next intake starting July 25th.

⚡ Wild at Heart: Ecstatic Dance This Friday 7pm ✨ HANDFUL OF SPACES LEFT ✨

Looking forward to connecting soon!

Photos from Soma Yoga's post 30/04/2024

Tension can get 'stuck' in the body.

And it can be released in layers.

Just like a snake who sheds her skin.

See you from this Thursday Soma Yogis 🐍

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Jasmin and collaborators share Yoga and other embodiment and empowerment tools so you can be the You you want to be in the world.

Our trainings & experiences offer release from daily aches and stresses, while educating and working with posture, breath, anatomy + biomechanics & movement, so you can prevent those aches & stresses in the first place.

Change starts when you take the first step.

InnerTuition tools are for your personal evolution, Inside + Out.

Videos (show all)

So great to meet 2 new groups last week!#grateful#lovemyjob#yogaforlife#dunedinnewzealand
Used for brain fog, memory, concentration, creativity and for improving symptoms of stress, anxiety & fatigue.Hakini mea...
Launching 4 amazing things this week🙏📍Thursday 5:45: ELEMENTAL CHAKRAS YOGA JOURNEY*Still have space for you!***check ou...
Such a special way to mark Matariki with you ✨ Thank you 🙏 We are so grateful.#gratitude #solstice #matariki #soundjourn...
So much dancing good times on the weekend for solstice 💥💥💥So grateful and inspired for next Friday’s Wild at Heart! I ha...
🔥🔥🔥You’re invited to Wild at Heart: Whanau this Friday!Connect with community and the rhythms of life with our family fr...
Absolutely loved facilitating ecstatic dance on Kamau Taurua Quarantine Island a few weeks back.  Quality women, epic tu...
Very special time exploring Breath, Meditation & Mantra with you all, and sharing time with you Simon @simonleeyoga ! Ea...
🧠 🧠🧠 just finished my Story Yoga series, using parables and practices to help these 9-11 year olds to understand and nav...
Siau-Jiun Lim @ayu.dunedin this week and next.#artistsofinsta #dunedinnewzealand
Went to the marine biology laboratory with my son’s class this week.  So. Much. Fun!@marinescienceotago
With @jakobtheband in Hawke’s Bay ❤️



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