Te Moana Nui A Kiwa Embassy

Te Moana Nui A Kiwa Embassy

The Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy was designed to assist people who reside on the Islands


How the Diplomatic Immunity Cards work

The Diplomatic Immunity Cards have multiple functions and work as a preventative - ideally you would obtain a Diplomatic Immunity Card from us and present it to the New Zealand Government Agents if they are over stepping your human rights - the cards main feature is the 1834 flag displayed on our Diplomatic Immunity cards that was gifted by KING WILLIAM IV to the Tinorangatira (Maori High Chiefs) in 1834 and is the actual correct flag of our nation. The 1834 flag has a very powerful standing which includes Diplomatic

Immunity & being a PASSPORT into any land and water of the world.

As an official identification card that is independent from the New Zealand Government Identification Cards - this allows the card bearer the ability to "avoid entering into CONTRACT "with the New Zealand Government agents.

​CONTRACT LAW is how the New Zealand Government Agents trick you into thinking you have broken the law - when in fact most of the time they are violating your HUMAN RIGHTS. That is why we tell all of our followers not to sign anything.

NO CONTRACT = NO CASE. In a civil matter if you have no contractual agreement with the POLICE or its Principle the CROWN agent capacity then the CASE does not apply to you - this can be brought up in court if you find yourself having to defend your innocence.

​Your Diplomatic Immunity Card displays your nation as being Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa.

Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa is an internationally recognised independent nation.

Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa is our PRIMARY jurisdiction that spans from Hawaii, Rapanui, Rarotonga, Samoa, Te-Waka-A-Maui, Te-Ika-A-Maui and Wharekauri. New Zealand lays within Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa and is a SECONDARY jurisdiction - this fact can be easily proven as NEW ZEALAND started in 1841 as the NEW ZEALAND LAND COMPANY. A Company is a corporation and not really a country.

​DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY CARDS are a necessity for people who live in a modern world - especially for Polynesians - because Polynesian people have unique cultural values that need to be protected.

Here at MAORI RANGER SECURITY DIVISION we understand that the NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT is an unlawful entity and want to assist people before they get into trouble with the NZ Police, Ministry of Fisheries or Oranga Tamariki.

Our SENIOR MAORI RANGER SECURITY DIVISION team members can issue DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY CARDS to anyone who is born within TE-MOANA-NUI-A-KIWA. - however we really need the card customers to support us also - we have grown to over 7000 members and are unable to give each individual personal support - please don't expect us to do your court cases - please learn the information available on this website and use your card and your initiative to become independent and free.

​Please explore this website and watch all of the videos in order to gain confidence and ward off the New Zealand Government agents for yourself - the goal is to learn your rights before ORANGA TAMARIKI uplift your tamariki or before the NZ POLICE try to get you into a contract. As once you are already in trouble it is a lot harder to get your self out of trouble.

​NEW ZEALAND POLICE - Please be polite to the NEW ZEALAND POLICE at all times as they may not be aware of that they are acting ULTA VIRES or outside of their JURISDICTION. If the situation allows - please refer them to this website. If you have harmed someone or stolen or broken someones property then you still will be held to account in the NEW ZEALAND COURTS. Our cards are designed to protect innocent people who become victims of the systemic abuses of NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT corporate interests and/or the modern legislation's that violate our HUMAN RIGHTS.

​MINISTRY OF FISHERIES - Maori Ranger Security Division asks that everyone respects the FISHING RESERVES RULES in accordance with TIKANGA.

​MINISTRY OF CHILDREN - What to do if Oranga Tamariki are attempting to uplift your child:

Step 1 - present your child's Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Diplomatic Immunity Card and tell the NEW ZEALAND ORANGA TAMARIKI agents that: they have no jurisdiction over you - literally - because you come under the Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa jurisdiction.

Step 2 - Politely but firmly instruct the Oranga Tamariki Agents to leave. If they are accompanied by New Zealand Police then ask the Police :"have you observed a breach of the peace officer? If not then you are trespassing and you must leave the property as there is NO CRIME."

​Step 3 - Do not sign anything (signing traps you into a contract that will be used against you in court)

TIP: NO CONTRACT = NO CASE. In a civil matter if you have no contractual agreement with the POLICE or its Principle the CROWN agent capacity then the CASE does not apply to you - this can be brought up in court if you find yourself having to defend your innocence.

​INTERNATIONAL RULES OF CONTRACTING : if there are NO BENEFITS to you then WHY would you CONTRACT? Being forced to CONTRACT is called COMPELLED PERFORMANCE and is unlawful.


​1 - There MUST be an offer

2 - There MUST be acceptance or a counter offer and then acceptance

3 - Quid Pro Quo - which means = something for something (known as consideration)

​Note: Acceptance can be saying nothing - this is called acquiescence ( in other words your silence is considered consent)

​Example: If ORANGA TAMARIKI try and enter your home or offer you a food parcel or try and organise a whanau hui - then you MUST SAY NO. ORANGA TAMARIKI agents are known to use the trick of OFFERING as a way to bind you into a CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT.

​IMPORTANT: If the other parent of your tamariki is the cause behind Oranga Tamariki interference - please arrange mediation with the other parent and explain to them the danger of going through the family court system is that you may both lose custody of your tamariki. A peaceful resolve is always the best path to take in order to achieve minimal involvement with third party interlopers such as Oranga Tamariki.

​When you purchase a $25 card for your tamariki - we put your tamariki into the Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa jurisdiction - so that they are safe from the New Zealand Oranga Tamariki Agents.

​Make sure you verbally tell the Oranga Tamariki Agents that they have no jurisdiction over you or your tamariki - tell them to leave. If they keep coming back to your home and harassing you - then continue telling them to leave until they give up. Never surrender to Oranga Tamariki Agents - have a neighborhood wananga or drill practice - so that the parents and tamariki in your area are prepared and confident against the creepy Oranga Tamariki Agents.

​Tamariki cards last 10 years which equates to $2.50c a year and are well worth the price.

​When you obtain a Diplomatic Immunity Card from us we are really just reinstating the HUMAN RIGHTS you already had. Please use your card at every opportunity so that the cards gain recognition - and the concept of human freedom becomes mainstream again.


Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy was created by Monica Eastick as a protectorate for the people of the Pacific and Monica designed Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy based upon her own Native & Indigenous Ancestral Lineage that spans from Te-Ika-A-Maui to Hawaiiki and all over the Pacific.

The Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy Mermaid Logo was hand drawn by Monica Eastick and features the famous mermaid called "Hine Korako" who lived in Te Riegna Waterfall above Wairoa River (East Coast of North Island N.Z) and was the famous mermaid who swam from Wairoa River to Hawaiiki to guide the Takitimu Waka to Te-Ika-A-Maui (North Island N.Z) in the 1300s.

​Hine Korako's mokopuna (grandchildren) belong to Hine Hika Hapu & Hika translates to Tail. Hine Hika people are a race of Taniwha whom are Indigenous to Te-Ika-A-Maui (North Islland) or (Sacred Fish of Maui the God)

Hine Hika people recall the tale of Takitimu Waka

​The Takitimu Waka was also known as "Te Tapu Waka TakiTimu" and translates to "The Sacred Waka of Gods".

The captain of the Takitimu Waka was called "Tamatea Arikinui" and was also an Ancestor of Monica Eastick .

Tamatea Arikinui was a High Royal Chief of Hawaiiki and High Priest of Ancient Wisdom.

"Hine Korako" the famous Mermaid is Monica Eastick's Matriarch Ancestor from her Hikawai family. Hikawai translates to the "Tail of the Mermaid" or "Tail of the Water" or "Tale of the Sea" & "Tail of the Sea" according to the ansectral stories that were handed down through the generations in Monica Eastick's family, Tamatea Arikinui sang a chant in Hawaiiki and the Mermaid Hine Korako heard Tamatea Arikinui's song and responded by swimming down the Wairoa river to Hawaiiki.

It was told that Tamatea Arikinui placed the spirit of the Mermaid Hine Korako into the front of the "Takitimu Waka" or "Sacred Waka of Gods" which was a double hulled waka (canoe).

In many Maritime Traditions the Boats and Ships often sported a Mermaid at the front of the Ship, as the Mermaids were the SEA PASS that aided safe passage across the oceans and seas. The Mermaid at the front of a ship is called a Moniker and across many cultures and civilations it was considered lucky to place a Mermaid at the front of the ship and also considered lucky to give a ship a female name.

The name of a ship is also called a Moniker. Monica was named after the TakiTimu waka "Timu" and feels proud that her ancestors Hine Korako and Tamatea Arikinui were the "Leader Ship of the Sacred Waka of Gods" TakiTimu Waka and also feels proud that she has carried on her family tradition of "Leadership" by creating the Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy and conducting the Largest Diplomatic Mission in Modern History.

United nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples

​Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy -Diplomatic Immunity SEA PASS Identity Cards© are protected by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples because the co-creators of the cards is an Indigenous woman named Monica Eastick

​Monica comes from Hine Hika Hapu in Te Reigna Waterfall and is the mokopuna (grandchild) of the Taniwha goddess Hine Korako

​Monicas family members of Hine Hika Hapu are the Tuakana Te Reigna Waterfall and they are from the Hikawai family - Hikawai translates to Tail of the Mermaid or Tail of the Sea or Tail of the Water

​To read the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples please go the United Nations Official Website


​Monica Eastick would like to thank Peter James Martin for assisting in the many projects that Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy conducted and Monica Eastick gives her personal blessing to the Common Law Embassy. Monica created the Common Law Embassy & website and promotional videos exclusively for Peter James Martin as an expression of manaakitanga (genuine care) and friendship.

Peter James Martin of PETER JAMES MARTIN INTERNATIONAL TM© is super helpful and can assist people with more complicated issues & you can visit Peter at www.facebook.com/myster.mysteron

Monica & Peter have donated many years of volunteer work to the people of the Pacific and have conducted many projects together.

Today Monica Eastick and Peter James Martin remain work collegues & even though Common Law Embassy is a separate entity to Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy, the Common Law Embassy© is a freind of Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy© and share a common product and duties the "Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa and Common Law Embassy © Immunity SEA PASS Identity Card"

​Monica Eastick

Ngai Te Hine Hika Hapu O Te Reinga Ki Wairoa - Mokopuna O Hine Korako

Ngai Te Rangi Koi Anake Hapu O Kahu Ra Anake Ki Te Hauke - Mokopuna O Te Hapuku

Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Ambassador

Te-Moana-Nui-A-Kiwa Embassy

Peter Martin©

