Healthy Sprout

Healthy Sprout

Hi, I’m Cyndi. I help women understand and support hormone health, so they can reclaim vitality.


Balance in Pregnancy - Part 2 (of 2). Today Cyndi from Healthy Sprout answers questions on nutrition during pregnancy.

Disclaimer: Information in this video is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider (such as a GP or midwife) if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.


Balance in Pregnancy - Part 1 (of 2)
Today Brooke from BRSW Pre & Postnatal Fitness answers questions on movement during pregnancy.

Disclaimer: Information in this video is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider (such as a GP or midwife) if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.


Next week Brooke from and I are running a two part series on Balance for Pregnancy via Facebook Live.

Brooke will share important considerations for exercising during pregnancy on Monday 12th September at 12pm.

I will be discussing a balanced approach to nutrition during pregnancy on Friday 16th September at 10am.

Live will be hosted on Brookes page - give her page a follow if you want to join! I would love to see you there.

Both parts will be short and sweet - hitting key points to keep as relevant as possible for all stages of pregnancy.

Any burning questions, drop Brooke or I a message this week as we are currently finalising the content!

Photos from Healthy Sprout's post 06/09/2022

A sneak-peek πŸ‘€ into how I craft your unique Health Plan!

After reviewing your Health Questionnaire and chatting to you for over an hour, there are lots of individual bits of information to piece together.

Various symptoms, weekly menu, daily routine, medications, blood test results etc. It’s a privilege having insight into your world and this is what enables us to work together to achieve your unique health goals.

Next I consider the tools we have available and make (ruthless at times) decisions about what I believe will be the most effective place to start! These tools are then transformed into the practical recommendations that make up your Health Plan.

There are 3 important sections within every plan:
πŸ’« Lifestyle
🌢 Nutrition
🌿 Natural Medicines.

Swipe πŸ‘‰ for a brief overview of what you might find in each!


I love working 1:1 in clinic and helping each of you achieve your personal health goals. These words are from Charlotte, one of my lovely clients ❀.

If you would like to explore whether Healthy Sprout is the right fit for your own health journey πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ, send me a DM and we can organise a complimentary Discovery Call.

During a Discovery Call we take the first step towards better health πŸ‘Š. Spending 15minutes chatting about what you are experiencing, your unique goals and giving you a taste of what working together could look like.

Photos from Healthy Sprout's post 31/03/2022

Introducing you to a new PLANT HERO - this funky looking plant is a medicinal mushroom called REISHI.

I am loving using medicinal mushrooms in clinic at the moment - I find they provide an excellent balance of adaptogenic properties (helping the body adapt to stress) and immune support.

I have also been including Reishi (as a powder) in my own routine - I find it super easy to incorporate to my morning smoothie as the flavour is subtle.

Swipe right to find out more about how REISHI is used in the Healthy Sprout Clinic and whether it might be a match for you.

Each month I am sharing my favourite PLANT HEROES that my clients are seeing results using.

I find natural medicines to be beneficial short term as clients transition to longer term nutrition and lifestyle changes. I work with both high quality manufactured products as well as developing hand poured herbal blends which I formulate specifically for my individual clients needs.

Send me a DM if you have any questions or want to discuss if this product is right for you.

*Please seek the advice of a qualified Naturopath before taking herbs or supplements, we ensure these are both suitable and safe for you. via .app


Breaking up your feed with a chill soundtrack to help activate your Parasympathetic Nervous System (aka Rest-and-Digest).

The Vagus Nerve Wellness playlist (see below or my story for link) can be used to support a calm focus as you work or listen at meal times to promote digestion and optimise nutrient absorption. Curious how a playlist can help you get more out of your food?

Because eating when stressed is somewhat counterintuitive.. if you are feeling tense you are likely in Fight-or-Flight which means your body is prioritising 'emergency organs' such as your heart and limbs over your digestion (so you can run away from danger).

If you take the time to eat your meal slowly and calmly your body can focus on extracting all the beneficial goodies from your food, that your body needs to function at its best.

Share the playlist with friends, I am sure we can all benefit from a little more chill in our ears.


To show my appreciation for our amazing community and your ongoing support... I am gifting a box of Forage and Bloom tea for every new client you refer to Healthy Sprout*.

Tell your friends, family or even colleagues about Healthy Sprout and after their Initial Consultation I will send you a box of Forage and Bloom tea to say thank you.

As a new business, my focus is spreading the word to as many people as possible. This enables those looking for help with their health and wellbeing to find me.

I absolutely love herbal tea and can't think of a more perfect way to say thank you for your help! If you aren't a tea fan, you can always pay it forward and regift to a tea lover.

You can check out the range here:

*T&Cs: 15g tea of choice from our website (link in bio). Client must identify you on intake questionnaire. Only valid in NZ to Instagram/Facebook followers. Ends 31/05/22.

Photos from Healthy Sprout's post 27/03/2022

I recently came across the term SPFs (Stress Protection Factors) in a book I was reading - and I loved it! We use SPF to protect us from too much 🌞..why should we not also protect ourselves from too much stress?

Over the years I have collected a number of SPFs that resonate and help to keep me balanced. Check out the photos below for some SPFs I both love personally and recommend in clinic.

Give one of them a go next time you are feeling a little tense. And do let me know if they help.


A very exciting announcement today (especially if you are a tea lover like me!). I have found the perfect herbal tea partner for Healthy Sprout.

It took me a little while to find the right fit (I am quite fussy when it comes to herbs) but I am so happy to be serving a delicious range of Forage + Bloom teas in clinic.

These amazing teas tick all the important boxes:
🌱 Made in New Zealand
🌱 Formulations developed by a clever Naturopath
🌱 Organic botanical ingredients
🌱 Beautiful packaging (making it a perfect gift)

Forage + Bloom teas have also gone live on our website - head over and check them out, I can't wait for you to try them!


As women it is often our natural instinct to put others needs before our own.. and so at first we may think it's self-indulgent to spend time and money investing in your own health and wellbeing.

But what if we thought about it a little differently - considering how selfish it might be to not allow others to experience the best version of you?

Have you experienced the way your energy (and maybe mood) shifts when you make time to relax and unwind, prepare nutritious home-cooked meals and move your body regularly?

This is the reason Healthy Sprout was born, our why is to elevate health and wellbeing to the top of every ambitious woman's priority list. We genuinely believe that this will result in a happier, healthier life for not only you but also those around you.

Ask yourself what is one thing you are currently investing time or money in that you could be convinced to switch out in favour of your wellbeing.

Photos from Healthy Sprout's post 15/03/2022

This is the start of a brand new mini series where I will be sharing at least two PLANT HEROES with you each month!

These will be plants that are my absolute faves at the moment and that my clients are seeing results with.

This month we are focusing on Adaptogens, which basically means plants that help the body adapt to stress. This may be physical (like pain), mental (like work deadlines) or emotional (like hurt feelings).

Adaptogens have been used for a VERY long time by Naturopaths but are becoming increasingly popular as they are an ideal partner for navigating the pressures of modern life.

It only feels right to first introduce you to Ashwagandha (aka Withania) - a very popular herb at the moment, you will see this one popping up in all sorts of places. Check out the images to find out more about how Ashwagandha is used in the Healthy Sprout clinic and whether it might be a match for you.

*Please seek advice from a qualified Naturopath before taking herbs or supplements, we ensure these are both suitable and safe for you.


How many times do you ask someone how they are and 'busy' is their response?

Busy has become a common word we use to describe our days, weeks and lives. What interests me is what is happening inside our bodies when we are rushing around, ticking things off our never-ending to do list.

The majority of women I see in clinic (regardless of the reason for coming) are showing signs that they are in Sympathetic Nervous System Dominance. Meaning they are spending too much time feeling tense or stressed.

This can have far reaching consequences as our Nervous System is able to influence most organs in our body and is capable of de-prioritising essential bodily functions like digestion, immunity and reproduction.

So how do we address this? We focus on the antagonist... our Parasympathetic Nervous System (commonly referred to as Rest-and-Digest). Exploring ways to increase the time spent in a calm and relaxed state to give our bodies the time and space to fight off invaders, extract nutrients from our food and repair itself.

What I have described above is the number one reason I am passionate about incorporating rest and relaxation into our daily routines.

Over the next few weeks I am going share ideas on how you can power-up your Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Tag a 'busy' friend to join us on the journey.

Timeline photos 02/03/2022

Creating tasty, refreshing smoothies is my way of holding on to summer just a little bit longer! Anyone else?

NEW recipe is now live on the HS site. This tasty JellyChoc Smoothie has a nostalgic flavour which reminds me of hot summer days spent cooling off with an ice-cream by the water.


Many of us are looking towards nutrient dense foods, as one way to support our wellbeing.

A few of you have now asked which everyday foods help us to stay well. I think this is fantastic and a great time to share some of my favourites.

If you are looking for more specific advice on which vitamins, herbs or products are right for you - I currently offer a 20min Supplement Consult (link below) ❀️

Photos from Healthy Sprout's post 24/02/2022

Sometimes what may seem like simple changes can make a massive difference to our wellbeing.

Something I ask all new clients, is to add up the number of serves of vegetables eaten in an average day.

Most of us are aware that we should have five plus, but how long has it been since you actually counted?

My simple advice for clients not getting in five vegetables every day is to start with breakfast.

Why? Because I often find that this is the most neglected meal of the day. If we can get even one serve in early, it takes some pressure off the back-end of the day.

Check out the images below for 3 simple ideas for including veggies at breakfast. What other combos should we try?


Our website has gone live! I can't wait for you to check it out:

A big thanks to the ambitious women who helped inspire the vision ❀. And of course to the team who brought the ideas to life!

If you have been wanting more information about what working together could look like - this is a great place to start.

If you still have questions, book in for a complimentary Discovery Call.


You will find us nestled inside the Healthy and Well Collective a new and growing women's health clinic in Hamilton ❀.

This is the perfect home for Healthy Sprout as we love working with your GP or other health professionals, as a wellness team.

Our booking system is now live. We are accepting new clients both in person and online πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» from 1st of Feb. Send us a message if you have any questions.

Videos (show all)

Balance in Pregnancy - Part 2 (of 2). Today Cyndi from Healthy Sprout answers questions on nutrition during pregnancy.Di...
Q&A - Movement Considerations during Pregnancy
