the oil homeroom.

the oil homeroom.

I'm Celia Kennedy and I offer a practical and specialised support to those who who would like to lea


Oh this is my All time favourite. I have been using Yarrow Pom as a night oil for 2 months now and my skin is glowing.
An essential now for me 🙏✨


Virgo new moon oils 🙏🙏🌝
On Guard ✨
Balance ✨
Easy Air ✨
(Then check out my darling meditation 'homeroom'
For more on this Virgo Full Moon 🌝

The Virgo Full Moon energies are rolling in, making it the perfect time to focus on self-care.

Virgo energy tends to shine a spotlight on our health and wellbeing. As this is the last Full Moon before the Equinox, it’s also a power time to release the old.

Your Virgo Full Moon Ritual is also up now and a perfect way to use these energies. 💕


Kaaio 💜
A perfect time to return to your meditation cushion if you have gotten off track or to find ways to connect with your spiritual gifts.
Celia x
Your favourite Essential oil will enhance your experience 💜


Litsea ❤️🙏❤️
assisting and guiding ✨

"Litsea instills courage to face the fear that comes immediately after inspiration". "It also teaches us that one must learn to trust the inner voice and rise above fear it rejection, being misunderstood, or the need for external confirmation".

Sounds perfectly aligned with the splenic centre and especially important for splenic authorities. (It's a Human Design thing).

The spleen is the centre for intuition and fear. It's located towards the bottom of your Body Graph on the left hand side of the sacral.

I honestly love the spleen (haha never thought those words would come out of my mouth), this is how that centre works:

The Spleen (aka your intuition) only speaks once - this is very different to a sacral response for those generators which has more of an ongoing ability to nag us lol.

I call it "downloads".

It'll drop in (almost like out of no where) with an idea or action, and then like clockwork, your brain will kick in, over analyse it and probably make you question "but"... I can't do that, that doesn't make sense (aka a wave of fear).

One side of this energy is to help us grow, the other is to keep us safe.

Then depending on your level of awareness you will either trust the download anyway and take action (or at least write down the message) or delay long enough that to stops or you forget what it even said (probably with a sigh of relief because you escaped the feeling of being uncomfortable).

Time to refrain this fear.

Time to realise these ideas are being given to you and you alone. Do you trust yourself to follow them?

The lesson here (particularly if this centre is defined for you) is to find when you are most inspired. For some it's exercise, for others it could be walking in nature, having a shower or even on the toilet.

When ever it is make sure you take notes. This is no random voice, this is your highest self trying to guide you. This is your most primal center and it's here to help you. Trust it. Trust you.

So get curious. Even if you doubt, write it down anyway. If it's your authority, act and see what magic unfolds. If it's not, run it through your authority, but at least right it down because otherwise you'll forget lol.

Either way, it's time to listen.

Hxx 💗


Have a home essential kit?
Here are some winner recipes 🌼🙏

Brain Talk: Unmasking Emotions with Aromatherapy 23/07/2021

Always good info from Danielle 👍❤️

Brain Talk: Unmasking Emotions with Aromatherapy Unmasking Emotions with Copaiba, Adaptiv and Balance essential oils, a scientific look at aromatherapy and the brain.Mental Health and Aromatherapy book: htt...


Great information here 💟👍

LLV with Doctor Riggs 01/06/2021

10 years ago, these supplements helped restore my energy and vitality. I have continued to use them.
In those 10 years I have had 2 colds (lasting no more than a couple of days - no lingering symptoms) no flu, no other illness.

LLV with Doctor Riggs


Oh wow! Excellent information from Healthy & Wise with Melody Watts ☺️


Great info here ✨ from
Healthy & Wise with Melody Watts


Take your pick! 😉
Hand on heart these 'shots' are wee gems! (and energy pick-me-ups too!)


For September 🌹



Sourcing Essential Oil Plants Where They Thrive Most | SourceToYou 26/07/2020

Many of doTERRA's essential oils are certified organic, others are ECOCERT, and some do not have any certification. The reason for this is because we source from 46+ different countries where requirements vary and in some locations, the availability to certify as organic simply doesn't exist.

doTERRA's measures to ensure purity and quality must go beyond just an organic certification.

DoTERRA has chosen not to print "certified organic" or "ECOCERT" on our labels because each lot has different certifications. Some of our Ylang Ylang may come in with organic certification and another lot may not have the certification. These two lots meet the very same quality standards. They go through the same battery of tests and are both certified not to contain pesticides, herbicides, fillers, synthetics, or added natural compounds. There is no difference in the quality or purity. One producer simply paid a fee to be certified organic and another did not.

When we say that our oils are better than organic, it is because we have the ability to see even the smallest component in each lot of oil. If there is anything contained in the essential oil that was not naturally produced by nature in the plant with nothing added, it is rejected. That's what I love about our CPTG process and testing transparency at

We work with the best analytical scientists in the world at , so nothing gets past them. Doterra runs 54 different tests before the oils are bottled so only the purest essential oils get to your homes. Doterra is so much more than organic.

Sourcing Essential Oil Plants Where They Thrive Most | SourceToYou doTERRA responsibly partners with essential oil artisans from over 40 countries who champion the best seeds, soil, and growing environments. Learn more.


Good ol' peppermint ❣️


Children may be little in stature, but their feelings can be big and of course are always valid. These touch oils are 'on hand' tools to help support them and their feelings....beautiful


What are the benefits of meditating?
This gentle loving practice will bring you so many gifts..if you are feeling a nudge in this direction, join Celia tomorrow morning at 7.30am
(recommended oils: Siberian Fir; Frankincense; Holiday Peace; Peace, Balance)

Celia is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meditation.
Time: This is a recurring morning practice @ 7.30am (approx 15 - 20 mins)
Meeting ID: 332 780 5878
Password: 714890


This is interesting....
I have used Immortelle for years now and significant age spots are no longer! 😊
A potent blend!


I'm so looking forward to this oil! (June only)
Here is some more info


Start your day the best way


Melody Watts delivering her tips and beauty tricks 👍🙏


Here she comes
The sun


Free Mini Meditation with Celia Kennedy @ The Oil Homeroom
Monday 27th April @ 3.15pm
Hello to you all


To help get through this very unsettling Covid-19 period of our lives I have been holding free daily mini meditations via Zoom. (Think you’d like them!)

Incase you are interested here is the link for Monday 20 April..they start @ 3.15pm

My hope is to offer support, inspiration and an opportunity to truly relax.

Love to you
Celia x

Time: Monday April 20, 2020 03:15 PM Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 919 2654 7796


Celia Kennedy is inviting you to a Mini Meditation

Time: Monday April 20, 2020 03:15 PM Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 919 2654 7796


To help get through this very unsettling Covid-19 period of our lives I have been holding free daily mini meditations via Zoom. (I think you’d like them!)

Interested? PM me.
Here is the link for Sunday 19 April..they start @ 3.15pm
My intention is to offer love and support, inspiration and an opportunity to truly relax.
Love to you
Celia x

Topic today: Letting go of anxiety and worry

Time: Apr 19, 2020 03:15 PM Auckland, Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 925 3543 8917


My Goodness Essentials 💕 great information

Ok, so there's yet another post about diffusing Tea Tree making a beloved pet unwell doing the rounds on the web, so it's time we break this down to stop the perpetuation of this issue.

The first thing I want to point out is that I am a massive dog lover. The last thing I want to hear of happening is someones dog (or cat) becoming unwell through the use of essential oils.

I have been using my oils (doTerra only) on and around my English Pointer X Bull Arab Sumo for a good five years now and not once have we had a negative experience. That includes the use of Tea Tree on him when needed. Usually on a broken nail that he's ripped off whilst galloping around the back yard chasing birds.

Personally I don't enjoy the medicinal, First Aid Kit smell that Tea Tree reminds me of. I've never chosen to diffuse Tea Tree around the home and I honestly question why anyone would decide to diffuse Tea Tree on it's own for enjoyment .....🧐 you are strange people!

Ok let's get stuck into it........this is long. I'm sorry.

There are numerous essential oil companies with several million customers each (doTerra alone has 8 million customers).

All of those members are using essential oils (of varying quality) on a regular basis in their home. 63% of all homes contain animals… don't you think we would have reports of pets dropping dead all over the world if essential oils were truly as toxic as those emotionally driven articles imply.

The way I look at it is there is actually an amazing level of safety when it comes to essential oil use being witnessed as a whole.

The evidence shows that in the absence of gross misuse (and I do mean gross!), lack of common sense and overdose of essential oils, they really are very safe for our pets.

Of course it matters what quality of essential oil is used. Synthetics or adulterated essential oils should never be lumped in the same category with true essential oils.

Ok, back to tea tree. It all stems from these couple of studies.......

In January 2014 The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association published a study titled “Concentrated tea tree oil toxicosis in dogs and cats".

This paper took all of the toxic exposures to Tea Tree that were reported to the Animal Poison Control Center of dogs and cats over a 10 year period throughout the US and Canada.

They analysed 443 cases – recorded over 10 years.
To put that into a little bit of perspective, it's estimated that 24 million pets are owned in Australia alone. Granted, not everyone uses essential oils.

The brands of the essential oils that caused toxicity were not disclosed in this study which would have been helpful.

"The amount of oil that caused toxicity was “dose dependent” as stated in the conclusion. In other words, the larger the dose the more severe the toxicosis symptoms were. Not surprised in the least.

The toxic dosage for pets ranged from 0.1 mL to 85 mL – in terms of standard sized essential oil bottles, that is 5 drops to over 5 BOTTLES worth of essential oil.

Two dogs were reported with applications that resulted in death – one was accidentally given 0.4 mL of this essential oil via IV which is about 20 drops. The other was given 28.5 mL (that’s a little less than 2 FULL bottles) topically for 3 days straight." WTF and who are these people??

Then there was a case involving 3 cats that had a total of 60 mL of undiluted tea tree oil applied to their skin as a treatment for severe flea bites and to prevent further infestation. That's 20ml per cat of oil used folks. Two recovered within 48 hours, one of those cats died.
Those cats were the subject of gross misuse and overdose.

Can cats metabolise essential oils?
Yes, they can though they do lack a particular liver enzyme which is important in the metabolism process.

Metabolising phenolic compounds (think essential oils of Clove, cinnamon, oregano all of which are rich in Phenols) is very difficult for cats because of this.

The bigger problem according to holistic vets though is that cats have a super slow processing time for certain compounds vs other animals and this is where overdose can be an issue.

"Ponies have a 1 hour half-life, a dog has a 9 hour half life and a cat, well it takes a cat 38 hours to eliminate a drug".

In a 1984 edition of Veterinary Clinics of North America Journal: Small Animal Practice, there is this profound statement by Jeff R. Wilcke DVM, MS who said “Even drugs known for toxicity in cats can be used safely if we are aware of and compensate for certain peculiarities.” Bingo.

When it comes to diffusing oils around your pets, it is safe to do so as long as you employ common sense.

Running your diffuser all day in a space that is not well ventilated and that your pet cannot escape is misuse.

Otherwise, the small amount of essential oil vapour that is diffused into the air from a diffuser is so small that the risk to cats and dogs is tiny.

Tisserand reminds us that a few parts per million of aromatic vapour from those 3-5 drops of essential oil is not likely to be harmful.

Common sense prevails and the dose makes the poison.

1. You just don't go giving pets ridiculous amounts of oils in any capacity. If you accidentally tip a whole bottle of tea tree in a bath for your dog or cat. Do not use it.

2. Always leave a window/ door open for airflow when diffusing and allow an escape for your pet.

3. Only ever use a trusted and pure brand of essential oil such as doTerra.

4. If in doubt with Tea Tree, try using Arborvitea or Geranium instead.

5. Don't ever use essential oils undiluted on your pet.

6. Let your pets behavior and body language guide you!

And if that doesn't make you feel any better, Tisserand himself (considered by many as the Godfather of essential oils) has had very long lived cats on whom he has used Tea Tree topically when required.

We also have Veterinarians in our Oil Community who are trained in Pet Aromatherapy and are very content using Tea Tree on and around animals without ill effect.

The Aromatherapy Trade Council is satisfied essential oils are safe to use around pets however it does state that 'if used inappropriately or over long periods they could have fatal consequences'. Makes perfect sense!

The list of oils to avoid for pets is actually very small -

Cinnamon, clove, thyme, oregano, savory, and cassia are your high phenol content oils. Birch, camphor, pennyroyal, tansy, tarragon, thuja and wintergreen should also be avoided.

Here are some great, safe recommendations for your dogs and cats to try -

Oils for Skin Irritations: Copaiba, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Helichrysum, Cedarwood, Myrhh, Geranium.

Digestive Complaints: Ginger, Lemongrass, Lavender, Fennel, Turmeric.

Fleas/Ticks: Terrashield Blend, Arborvitea, Cedarwood.

Joint Discomfort: Copaiba, Turmeric, Ginger, Lemongrass.

Anxiousness: Copaiba, Balance, Lavender, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Vetiver.

I hope that this helps all the pet lovers out there feel safe and confident to use your oils including Tea Tree around your pets!!

Also take this away with you - personal experience always trumps media paranoia.


Back to basics for better health 06/12/2019

this from the Sydney Morning Herald 🌺

Back to basics for better health Rising consumer interest in natural health remedies is fueling a willingness to explore the wider health and wellbeing benefits essential oils can offer.

Gift of Kings | dōTERRA Essential Oils 02/12/2019

Ordering from the US Warehouse for the month of December...

When you place a 200 PV order this month, you will automatically get a free 15 mL bottle of Frankincense. Happy Days! 🥰
*Limit four per account*

*Pro Tip: If you are spending close to 400pv (or 600 or 800). Break up your orders. If you place them in 200pv increments you will earn a free frankincense with each order throughout the month of December. This can be a new customer order or a one time order or a Loyalty rewards order. If it is a Loyalty Rewards order you will also earn $20-$60 in product credit per every 200pv spent.

What makes doTERRA Frankincense different? First we care about the trees. By hiring environmentalists and arborists we are able to tell which trees are becoming over harvested and which trees we can use. We ensure that the land is not affected by our frankincense harvesting. doTERRA also works with the growers to ensure that they are paid a fair wage. I didn’t know this before, but harvesting Frankincense is not an easy or safe practice, so the laborers are paid quality wages for their hard work. doTERRa Frankincense is also a blend of 4 different species (Boswellia carterii, sacra, papyrifera, and frereana) to ensure the most medicinal properties are making it into each bottle that we use.

is most commonly used for:
*Cellular repair
*reducing inflammation
*neurological support
*skin care
*reducing fine lines and wrinkles
*use on scars and stretch marks.
*emotional support for situations of anxiousness and depression
*immune support
*supports breast health
*respiratory conditions
*used to reduce pain
*also used in meditation and prayer *energetically it is the oil of truth and supports those who are looking to release feelings of abandon, disconnect, unprotected, misaligned, and spiritually dark. Encourages levels of higher clarity to life’s experiences and can help you quickly center yourself and quiet your thoughts.

Clove is also FREE this month along with 2 adorable wooden ornaments. If you place a 125pv order through your Loyalty Rewards program by Dec. 15th it is yours free. This offer can be combined with the Frankincense above.

is most commonly used for:
*repelling lice
*supporting the immune system
*adding to holiday baking and drinks
*diffusing to cleanse and purify the air *applying topically (DILUTED) to reduce head tension
*support the liver and neurological systems *apply topically (DILUTED) to cold hands and feet to increase circulation
*use to support oral health and pain *supports thyroid health
*can be used to treat infections and issues where parasites are present
*supports those giving up smoking *emotionally supports those who would like to release the victim mentality, being dominated, intimidated, evasion, and fear of rejection. Helps to enforce clear boundaries, protection energetically, independence, courage, and strengthening self confidence. .

Instead of a 10% off this month there is a 20% off item and it’s a pretty big deal. This month you can get 20% off of Melissa. Melissa is a spendy oil, there is no sugar coating that. It comes from the lemon balm plant and has a very low flower/oil yield. Melissa also must be distilled within 3 hours of harvesting or the flowers/oil loses much of the medicinal properties.

is excellent for:
*reducing the length of viruses
*supports the body through fevers and colds
*reduced the length of cold sores, herpes, shingles, and fever blisters
*improves sleep
*use on bee stings/wasp stings/warts *supports a reduction in seasonal allergies *excellent at supporting coughs
*supports those with hypertension, palpitations, and high blood pressure *provides a calming effect in cases of anxiousness
*calms raging emotions
*supports menstrual issues
*energetically is supports those who wish to release hopelessness, darkness, burden, loss, those who have lost the will to live and helps to lift overwhelm. Increases feelings of joy, energized, integrity, contagious enthusiasm, and optimism.

The last two holiday products were also released today. They gift set and the . Get those before they sell out!

Don't forget to add ® Detoxification Complex - it's back & the Handwash.

Need help with placing your order? message Celia Kennedy 🤗♥️
Wishing you the happiest of holiday seasons! 😘

Gift of Kings | dōTERRA Essential Oils Give the Gift of Kings! Get a free bottle of Frankincense oil with any 200 PV order during the month of December!


Janet Roark is a veterinarian ♥️

Self care and self support

The Oil Homeroom.

A place to gather information on essential oils and learn how this plant based medicine can open a door to self care and self support for all levels of your being.

Common enough words - ‘self care and self support’ - what a great idea! often banded about in magazines, Ted talks, books...but how do we actually accomplish this? Is this something you engage with once or twice a year? or is it when your emotional health and wellbeing has hit rock bottom (or about to)?

Sometimes it’s not until we are stopped in our tracks that we begin to listen to what we have been needing all along. Many of us, don’t prioritise this at all…this very vital energy of your listening gently to your Self.
