Tawny Makes Stuff

Tawny Makes Stuff

Quirky and whimsical handmade products created with personality and flair


I'm thinking about what sort of products I want to make. So far I've got the dishcloths, scarves and a listing for tea towels on my website (will use different cotton yarn for those). I'm also thinking about making bags and simple products from my own weaving. What sort of hand made items would people like to see in my shop?

Tawny Makes Stuff 25/11/2022

I now have a working newsletter link: http://eepurl.com/ieDGlz Not sure when I will have enough news to put a newsletter out, but at least the framework exists. The website is pretty much complete. Just need to make some products now!

Tawny Makes Stuff Tawny Makes Stuff Email Forms


Current yarns available for weaving.


Current available colours for scrubbies. The 9 on the left are for face scrubbies and the 5 on the right are for kitchen scrubbies.


I'm making progress on the website. It's about 90% done. Looking good for a shop with no products. I've completed my first scrubbie, just need to soak it and add it's tag. I wonder how many more I can complete before trading on Saturday?


Lots of progress tonight. My logo got a makeover, I wrote a business blurb for an event and my first blog is up on my website. Unfortunately my new logo is nothing like my old one, which is what is on all the fabric tags I had printed. So will use them up first, before getting new ones printed. I guess that makes anything with the old tags on it limited editions? They really will be an indicator that the purchaser got in on the ground floor. So that's goal one for my new business - sell 1000 items so I can get new tags printed.

