Karamea Community Arts Council

Karamea Community Arts Council

Karamea Community Arts Council is a group of Karamea community folk interested in local art and prom Established 1992

Phone (03) 7826808
The Aim of the Karamea Community Arts Council is to facilitate Artistic Events in the community.

West Coast Wearable Art Show WOWs All Comers 24/10/2023


West Coast Wearable Art Show WOWs All Comers Karamea’s Creative Couture Transcends All Expectations   Off the Top of My Head   By Paul Murray   WOW! The World of Wearable Art came to the small rural communi…

Regional Wrap: remote but creative Karamea 24/10/2023


Regional Wrap: remote but creative Karamea At the last census 714 people were living in Karamea, but resident Jessie Creedmore has counted 54 artists, and 21 different nationalities. People span from dairy farmers to artisan producers and alternative lifestylers.

Photos from Karamea Community Arts Council's post 02/07/2023

Thank you The pantry refill Karamea for this awesome Pudding Club prize! There were 3 categories and I won 'Fruity & Hearty' with a Granny Smith Apple sorbet. We had a great night thanks to the Karamea families who braved the elements to come along with an array of desserts for us all to taste and then vote on 😋 Pudding Club marks the end of a month of community led knowledge sharing 'winter school' workshops and events which is made possible by local support and participation. 🙏

Photos from Karamea Winter School's post 29/06/2023
Winter School Digital Brochure 2023 28/05/2023

Winter School Digital Brochure 2023 WORKSHOP LIST ⬜Thursday 1/6/23, 5pm. Zumba. Bowling Club. Slava Bobrovska ⬜Thursday 1/6/23, 6 - 7pm. PeaceLink Part 1 - My Peace Path. 35 Wharf Rd. Lanah Hake Tarango ⬜Thursday 1/6/23, 7 - 8pm. PeaceLink Part 2 - My Peace Path In Depth. 35 Wharf Rd. ⬜Friday 2/6/23, 10 - 10.30am. Chair Based....


Hi everyone, 5 rhythms dance will now be at 4.30pm on Friday 30th June at Little Wanganui Hall. If you register and are coming from Karamea I'll try to arrange car-pooling. I'm looking forward to it!


We still have the rest of the week for anyone who wants to register a workshop for Winter School. In the meantime we have one date that's a definite, and after 9 years, its definitely becoming Iconic...The one and only 'Pudding Club', the grand finale event of Winter School with a calorie count unmatched by any other community event. If you haven't participated before, we welcome you along to this delectable marathon where everyone gets to be the judge while experiencing some of the best desserts in the land!

West Coast Wearable Art Show WOWs All Comers 17/04/2023


What a SHOW!

West Coast Wearable Art Show WOWs All Comers Karamea’s Creative Couture Transcends All Expectations Off the Top of My Head   By Paul Murray   WOW! The World of Wearable Art came to the small rural community of Kara…


In a few weeks we'll be able to share the brochure of workshops and events coming in June. It's not too late to have a think about a skill you have that might benefit others, a hobby to share or a talk / slideshow. Do you know of any social events happening in June that want free promoting in the brochure? Comment below if you do. We want to include every event that makes Karamea a vibrant place to be in winter. Just let us know by the 30th April which is the final cutoff date.


Over 40 entries! 🤩🎭🎉
Please note: There are raffle prize sponsors too, watch this space for updates on that!

Our very generous cash sponsors to date are (making up a selection of different prizes, you'll find out what these are closer to the time and when we've finalised all sponsorships):

Huge thanks to cash sponsors so far:
Property Brokers Karamea
Karamea Village Hotel
Little Wanganui Hotel
SM Lowe Contracting ltd

If you would love to help support in any way this first of what we hope will be an annual event, please email us at [email protected]

Big thank you also to: We couldn't do this special event without Jason and Juliette of Karamea Four Square letting us use the venue, also Buller District Council / Creative Communities NZ.



ONE WEEK TO GO! Registrations please...
Still need some volunteers for shifts on the door on Saturday if you're keen to help?

Next weekend's Pop Up Gallery is all about free and easy, artistic expression, inspiration... and so far we've got a real eclectic mix of peoples' various collected artworks, plus artist's own work. But we're keen for more! This is your chance to run with the Anything Goes theme and add to the totally mixed bag of creations.

Even if you have a favourite piece of art you've had in your house and know others would like to view it, bring it along and list it as Not For Sale. Artistic inspiration is always helpful.

Got an instrument? A voice? A sound?
Bring it along on the Saturday anytime after 1pm.

Artists, craftists, you know the drill; email Sanae to register [email protected]

Tell your friends...


Truly an anything goes arty weekend!

That came around fast didn't it?? To acknowledge the unusually fast, lightening speed passage of time since the last Pop Up Gallery, we're making it super easy and fun for all artists, creators, musicians and otherwise; This Pop Up Gallery is going to be all about free and easy, artistic expression, inspiration... so even if you have a favourite piece of art you've had in your house and know others would like to view it, bring it along and list it as Not For Sale. Or exhibit something new or something you've exhibited before... there are people around who won't have seen it before.

Musicians; same goes! We're in between funding applications so we're hoping to inspire some musicians to come along and volunteer their talents and share in the eclectic mix that is the ANYTHING GOES February Pop Up. Got an instrument? Bring it along Saturday 18th from 4pm and let's have a jam / open mic.
Truly... anything goes!

Artists, craftists, you know the drill; email Sanae to register [email protected]

Tell your friends...


Have you ever wondered how you can have a positive impact on the community without a whole bunch of effort? Have you enjoyed seeing the Pop Up Gallery ‘popping up’ in Karamea with local art and craft works, music, and the community coming together (including our children) to connect and appreciate all of those things?
Here’s something you can do to help the Pop Up Gallery continue, and it only involves your fingers and eyes and a minute or two.
The more people who respond the better, and we’ll explain why.

You can read more about our application in the link below, but for context:
For the Karamea Community Art Space project (the Pop Up Gallery) to carry on, to eventually become self-sustainable, and to grow to include workshops, upskilling and other events, we’ve needed to apply for funding. The planning team have applied to the Manatū Taonga Cultural Sector Regeneration Fund in order to be able to build on the good work already begun, create a more sustainable project, offer a whole lot more in the way of networking, events, workshops and upskilling. Not only does this help our local artists but also provides a unique opportunity for entertainment and access to the Arts for ALL of our community.

Please click on the link and fill in the easy-peasy quick survey to show your support - the more support, the more likely we are to receive funding. The fund is rather oversubscribed so the competition is hot; we’ve really put our best foot forward and every bit helps!

Please fill in the little survey here:


This Saturday evening is shaping up to be quite the gathering not to be missed! We'd LOVE you to come along. We're making it all about having heaps of FUN ... A mini arts festival on steroids! Let your ears be awed by the talents of local musicians (5 acts!) and your eyeballs oiled with incredible local art and crafts on display... AND the palpable energy that is Willie's auctioneering, AND a chance to chat and catch up during shared nibbles.

"Can I help?" we hear you ask. Oh yes, now that you mention it... :)
1. Come along, bring your friends and family - you'll have fun we promise!
2. Bring a wee something to add to the shared 'pot luck' nibbles - just finger food
3. Clear out some clutter... have you got any items you'd care to donate to the auction? (Fundraising for the continuation of the Pop Up Gallery). Items gratefully accepted, drop off Friday between 3pm to 6pm or on Saturday by 4pm.

Saturday 'mini festival' starts at 4pm with music acts, then an auction and pot luck nibbles round 5.30pm followed by more excellent music.

Gallery itself open all weekend 10am - 4pm - please come check it out, as always there's NEW art to check out and be inspired by.... :) See you there!


Great idea!

Wondering what you will do with any unsold artworks from all of these pop-up gallery events?
Put them in the big annual Karamea Community Arts Council Art Exhibition of course 🤩👍🎨🧶🎭🖌️🖼️


Last week of Winter School.... There is Mindfulness on Monday 4.30pm, 4542 Karamea Highway; 5 Rhythms Dance on Wednesday 5:30pm at the Little Wanganui Hall and the culmination is Pudding Club on Sunday 3 July, 6pm, RSA
Bring something sweet for all to eat. Taste all the puddings and vote for your favourite. Prizes for the winners.


The winter solstice/matariki season is about pausing and reflecting, perhaps letting go of some things from the last year and setting intentions for the year ahead. Would you like that to include more presence and kindness towards yourself? Come and try mindfulness, 4.30pm today at 4542 Karamea Highway. Fire will be going, all you need is a body that's breathing.


Open from 10am Saturday! - This pop up gallery is shaping up to be one not to miss!! Come see our creative community's interpretation of Lunar / Matariki (and other stuff!)
10am to 4pm both Saturday and Sunday


This week in Winter School, we have Mindfulness at 4:30 pm at 4542 Karamea Highway with Sacha, Thursday 23rd, 11 am at the RSA where Slava will show us how to make Sauerkraut, Friday 24th 89m @ 35 Wharf Rd will be the 'Women's Circle'. On Saturday at the RSA there will be Vegan Cheese making at 2:30 pm, and on Sunday, Plant Based Cooking at 11 am and 'Making Your Own Balm and Moisturiser' at 2 pm. 🌞🌞🌞

Photos from Karamea Community Arts Council's post 19/06/2022

A wonderful afternoon of inspiration with Nova today, sharing how she makes her incredible bark and moss pictures. It's awesome seeing how you give a group of people the same materials and they all make something so different!
More Winter School additions to the upcoming Art Gallery next weekend perhaps? We're a lucky bunch having so much creativity shining through in the darkest month of the year!


This week in Winter School we have 'Fermented Drinks' at the RSA on Fri 17th @ 2 pm. Learn how to make Ginger Beer and more.. On Saturday you can learn how to to ID Ferns or you can learn about Spirit Massage,, The highly instructive and fun felting workshop is on on the Sat 18th and Sun 19th at the Little Wanganui Hall, and there are still a couple of places left . You need to register for this on [email protected] or phone 7826808


HELLLPPP... Artists, craftists...
Helping out the Karamea Village Hotel who are doing a pink ribbon fundraiser this Saturday to help raise vital funds for breast cancer education, research and patient support.
Do you or anyone you know perhaps have an item of art work that you'd consider donating to the fundraiser, to be auctioned? Or some other item? Please get in touch with Rochelle at the Karamea Village Hotel.
Also... Check out the image below for all the fun stuff... Note that there are $40 meal tickets, limited to 50 people so get in quick.


The Belly Dance class has been cancelled.

KCAC WINTER SCHOOL 2022 brochure 07/06/2022

Winter School activities this week 'Finding the Divine' at 5 pm Thursday, @ 35 Wharf Rd. On Sat 11th we have 'Drama Games' at Little Wanagnui Hall at 11 am, 'Human Design' at 1 pm at the RSA, 'Crafternoon' at 35 Wharf Rd from 1 pm to 4 pm , 'Belly Dance class' at the RSA 7pm, and 'Vino and Van Gogh' painting class at 35 Wharf Rd from 7 pm.
See the full brochure below....

KCAC WINTER SCHOOL 2022 brochure This is the Winter School brochure of Workshops for June 2022 If at any time you have any questions about Winter School, please don’t hesitate to phone Karamea Community Arts Council Chairperson Kathy Ramsay 7826 808 Or email [email protected] Dates and times of workshops are su...

Photos from Karamea Community Arts Council's post 03/06/2022

Awesome start to Winter School with Raramai sharing how to create flax flowers this afternoon!

KCAC WINTER SCHOOL 2022 brochure 29/05/2022

Winter School starts on Friday 3rd June with a class on 'How to Make your own Moisturiser and Balm." Also on Friday there will be the "Harakeke Harvest, Dye and Flower Making workshop". You will need to register for this as numbers are limited. The Felting workkshop is very popular do make sure you register if you are interested. 'Making pictures out of Bark and Moss is now full. Please see the brochure for details of all workshops. Pole Fitness has been cancelled.

KCAC WINTER SCHOOL 2022 brochure This is the Winter School brochure of Workshops for June 2022 If at any time you have any questions about Winter School, please don’t hesitate to phone Karamea Community Arts Council Chairperson Kathy Ramsay 7826 808 Or email [email protected] Dates and times of workshops are su...

KCAC WINTER SCHOOL 2022 brochure 19/05/2022

The Karamea Community Arts Council is proud to present Winter School 2022

KCAC WINTER SCHOOL 2022 brochure This is the Winter School brochure of Workshops for June 2022 If at any time you have any questions about Winter School, please don’t hesitate to phone Karamea Community Arts Council Chairperson Kathy Ramsay 7826 808 Or email [email protected] Dates and times of workshops are su...


Announcement from Karamea Pop Up Gallery:
With the current surge of Covid cases in Karamea, and the next pop-up gallery open weekend being only 11 days away, we feel it would be a real shame for people to miss out on some beautiful artworks - particularly given that the theme has inspired a lot of people and they've been working away diligently. So what we're going to do is cancel this month's pop-up, but have a nice doozy one for June, with a DUAL theme of * Matariki | Lunar *.
So all of you who have been working on your Lunar themed pieces can submit them in the JUNE pop-up gallery. Or work to the Matariki theme - or both! Watch this space for more announcements; there are some plans in the pipeline for a whole new type of entertainment.... Shhhhh don't tell too many people; we're only a small venue after all 😉


The theme for the next Pop Up Gallery open weekend on May 14 & 15 is "Lunar." (Thank you Sharon Chambers for your awesome take on it, in our promo imagery this month!!)
Several artists have told us this is getting the creative juices flowing! Remember the theme is to help, not hinder; it's not compulsory.
What IS compulsory is having fun at the event... It might be the new mandate. We had a huge amount of it at the last pop up, can we outdo ourselves this time?


Soooo, we've got some GREAT music lined up. We're starting earlier during these colder-darker-earky months, so from 4pm we kick off with rising lunar-level star RUBY Howley and indubitably talented and international rock-tour experienced Rick! (This is Ruby's gallery gig debut so please come along and support, she can't wait to sing for you - and she sure can sing!)
Then at 4.45pm Rick remains to play on, joined by local legend Seth. These two are attuned to each other like well-oiled pistons, the toons are smooth and the energy is éclat!

How do we sustain this monthly pop up gallery? you ask. Watch this space. There's things a-brewing. Let's just say that once a month things are getting awfully entertaining in the ARTS space (in the full sense of the word......)

Want to be involved, register art, come help out during the open weekend, share a talent with us?
Email or text our gallery curator project coordinator extraordinaire Sanae Murray
021 118 4691
[email protected]

Winter School 2022 | Karamea.nz 21/04/2022

What is Winter School? It is a month of knowledge and skill sharing workshops held in June.
Local tutors donate their time and all workshops are free to attend, except for the cost of any materials used. Winter School is for the residents of the Karamea area and is run by the residents of the Karamea area.
Our diverse community has many talented people and we wish to encourage local people to share their skills and creativity.
If you would like to be part of this and offer a workshop or host a presentation on something you are passionate about , please follow this link and fill out the form by Friday 13th May. For more info ring Kathy on 7826808 or email [email protected]

Winter School 2022 | Karamea.nz By cbeem on Fri, 04/15/2022 - 12:58 Attachment Size 2022WinterSchoolPoster.jpg 246.67 KB Below is the form to fill out if you want to RUN/Host a workshop Thank you for your interest in tutoring a 2022 Winter School Workshop! Please fill out the workshop details below (you must be logged in to access...


Winter is coming.......and so is Winter School! Eight years on from our humble beginnings, the arts council is excited for June 2022 and we'd love to hear from you if you'd like to run a workshop. There's a quick form to fill out on Karamea community website: https://karamea.nz/web/ws2022. You can also contact Chairperson Kathy Ramsay to give workshop details by phone or for any questions: 7826 808.
