Elder Kolokota Sao-Mafiti

Elder Kolokota Sao-Mafiti

2 Timothy 2:15


1COR 3:11,12



Ave lo'u Ola 21/01/2024

Angels sound, calm the soul, lift the spirit in heavenly realm. The soprano really sing with a heart of worship. OH

Ave lo'u Ola Pese Lotu.



Yes you need to be born again



Praise the Lord for this person she/ he knows she/ he first step to Savation


Believe in Christ





Praise the Lord for this person she/ he knows she/ he first step to Savation


Yes you need to be born again



⭕Never listen to anyone who is a SELF PROCLAIMED APOSTLE today in this time of DISPENSATION OF GRACE.

There are no apostles of Christ on earth today because the ORIGINAL APOSTLES were sufficient.

√ Once a foundation is laid, you don't lay it again.

√ No Person living today can meet the qualfications given in Scripture for being an Apostle.
•No One today has been an EYEWITNESS of CHRIST's Resurrection.
•CHRIST has selected no one today for the Apostolic Role.
•No One today is living today has the MIRACULOUS abilities of an Apostle.
√ We should "NOT BE SURPRISED" that people will falsely claim to be Apostles.😵😫
(2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ; Revelations 2:2)

📜✝ 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV
[11] For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the "APOSTLES" of Christ.
[14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
[15] Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

📜✝ Revelation 2:2 KJV
[2] I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are
"APOSTLES", and are not, and hast found them liars:

Losela Tauteoli



This event happened when the apostle was choosing who will replace Judas.

Notice that only Jesus has the right to choose whom to appoint to become his apostles, thus the casting of lots is apostle's way acknowledging that they don't have the right to do so.

Today determining God's will for us as members of the (BoC) Body of Christ or individually will never be determined by casting lots.

We can know God's will for us today by reading and applying God's instructions written in the books of Romans to Philemon.
Grace and peace.

Joemarie Bardoquillo

📜✝ Acts 1:23-26 KJV
[23] And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
[24] And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen,
[25] That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.
[26] And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

📜✝ 1 Cor. 4:9 For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.

Romans to Philemon

what's left is 100% Judaism.
^ 🩸 🎯BoC = Body of Christ
are those people who BELIEVED Today the
DBR = Death, Burial, Resurrection
1st Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
& are Saved by GRACE + ZERO WORKS,

💠^ ★✓✝️"BELIEVE & be SAVED!!! in the 1 & only Gospel that can save us today.
📜1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
1st★JESUS DIED to pay for our sins.
3rd★JESUS ROSE AGAIN the 3rd Day.


Yes we never respect your beliefs if you preach 1 Corinthian 15;1-4 you not accursed




Replacement theology




is my thinking Rational?
Is my thinking Realistic?
Is my thinking Revelant?
Is my thinking Revelational?


To exist without thinking is to miss the rea*on for existing. SK


If there is no God, what is the question.
Where am I going?-Nowhere!
Who am I?-Nobody special
Why am I here?-For no rea*on
What is right and wrong?-No right or wrong


The question of our time is not communism vs idividualism, nor Europe vs America, nor East vs the West; it is whether men can bear to live without God


Bible Study. Sunday 30/4/2017

E le fou ile fa’alogo, se gagana, poo iuleo, e peiseai e mai ile Tusi Paia, ae le o talisapaia ma lagolagoina e Afioga a le Atua lea gagana. Sa vala’au mai se tasi o a’u uo, I se tasi a*o, pe mafai ona maua so’u avanoa, i le latou Bible Study. Ona ou ioe lea iai. E le fou la i la’u faalogo, ae ua ta’aiina ai pea le gagana ile amataga ole Sauniga; “Welcome the Holy Spirit” Agaga Paia Afio mai” Aumai la le Tusi Paia, e a’oa’o pe Ioeina le “Welcome Holy Spirit” pe leai. {Tusi Faitau; faitau malamalama iai.
Roma 8;12-17.
{12}O lenei le au uso e, ua ia tei tatou e taui atu, ae le ole tino, tatou te amio ai i la le tino.}13} aua afai tatou te amio i la le tino, e oti ai outou; ae afai e fasiotia e outou amioga ale tino ele Agaga, tout e ola. {14} Aua oi latou ua ta’ita’iina ele Agaga ole Atua, o atalii i latou ole Atua {15} Aua ua outou le maua le Agaga ole pologa, e toe fefe ai; a ua outou maua le Agaga o tamafai, tou te valaau atu ai, Ava, le Tama e, {16} O loo molimau mai lea lava Agaga io tatou agaga, o fanau i tatou a le Atua. {17} Afai foi o fanau i tatou, o suli foi, o suli lava ole Atua, o suli faatasi ma Keriso; pe afai tatou te tiga faatasi ma ia, ina ia faamanuiaina foi i tatou faatasi ma ia.
Roma 8;14; Aua oi latou ua ta’ita’iina ele Agaga ole Atua, o atalii i latou ole Atua. {For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
{Follow the “Leader in Obedient”}
E iai se pese e fiafia tele iai o tatou tagata e sa’asa’a pe sisiva ai foi. E peiseai ole malie o lona fati, ma saosaoa le taimi ole pese, e molitai ai se fe’au ma lagona fiafia i loto, ma fiafia ai le tagata e faamalie, ma faafifilemu mai le mafaufau i omiga e faasaga i lagona fita, ae faafiafia lagona loloto ole tagata i fatuga malie ole pese; Ole pese la; Da roof Da roof is on fire- follow the leader, follow the leader, follow the leader. Atonu ua maua mai le pese lea. {Oute le o manatu o se pese faalea-agaga, ae o vaega o le pese “follow the leader”
Ua mafua ona ou aumaia le pese lea, e fai ma comparison-poo se faatusatusaga, ise manatu o natia i totonu ole fuaiupu lea e ta’ua ele { Roma 8;14 }. Na aapa atu le aposetolo o Paulo ile “aufulu” loiloi ile vaitusi, tusi loa i lalo ile taita’iga ale Agaga Paia fai mai” Aua oi latou uma ua taita’iina ele Agaga ole Atua, o atalii i latou ole Atua; “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”Lea e maua ai se manatu autu or “Theme” faapea. “Mulimulitai ile Ta’ita’i ile usiusita: Follow the Leader in Obedient.
O ai lou taitai ?” Ole tali ole Agaga. “Aua oi latou uma ua ta’ita’iina ele Agaga ole Atua-“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God..
Ole “upu palagi “led” o lona upu Samoa “ta’ita’iina” E sau ile upu Eleni ole ‘AGO’ oni uiga ia ole upu Eleni lea ole ‘AGO’- bring, carry, go, keep, lead. {aumai, tauave,alu, tausi, taitai} A e manatu i uiga ole upu AGO, o lona uiga, e iai le tagata nate aumaia se mea, e iai foi le tagata na avea se mea, e iai foi le tagata e alu ma ave se mea; e iai foi se tagata e tausia se mea; e faapena foi ona iai se tagata e nate ta’ita’ia se mea. O lona uiga ole tagata e toatasi, o loo na faia ia mea[ He is the leader of all the things he does and do} Ise faataitaiga; A e ave se taifau o la e nonoa ai se fusipa’u i lona ua, na o oe lea e faia le galuega, ole aumai ole taifau, ave le taifau, tausi le taifau, taitaiina le taifau, pau le mea o loo fai e le taifau, ole usiusitai ma mulimuli.
Sei aumai ni Tusi e faamalamalama atili ai le upu ‘AGO’ or taitaiina” Fai mai le Tusi Paia ile 2 Korinito 12; 2 Ua outou iloa sa fai ma nuuese outou, sa tosina{ lead, bring, carry} foi outou i tupua le gagana pei ona soona tosina outou.-You know that when you were still pagan, you led astray by speechless idols.Ole upu o loo aumai ele Korinito “sa tosina” ole upu palagi “you led astray” I se isi faaupu; kerisiano, sa outou faapaupau, sa tosina foi I tupua le gagana; e tiga ona e vaai a’e ole tupua e le tautala, ae saga valavala’au lava iai. E lei mafai I na tapuaiga faapaupau, ona aumaia se malamalama’aga sa’o ia te outou, e tout e malamalama ai I mea-alofa-faaleagaga, ona sa taitaiseseina outou. Ile{ 2 Timoteo 3;6} O iai foi nisi o outou o e ulu atu i fale, ma ave faatagata o taua fafine valelea, ua mafatia i agasala o e ua taitaiseseina e tuinanau’ese’ese. O Tusi i lea, ua la ta’u maia,mea e lua sa taitaiina ai i latou ao faapaupau e lei kerisiano {1} tupua ta{idols} {2} tuinanau’ese’ese {control by many desires}
Ole fe’au o loo aumai; Ia mulumuli ile taitaiga a le Agaga ole Atua ma le usiusitai. Tuulafoai o tatou tagata ile Atua. Poo fea lava le mea e taitai iai tatou te faia mulimuli usitai ma fai. Poo fea foi le mea e ta’u mai tatou o iai, pe tele le afolafoga, pe ititi, alu iai. Atonu ua e manino ile upu lea “led” or taitaiina, ile upu Greek ma ona uiga.
Ole upu Eleni lea o “AGO” or Led” e a’a mai ai le upu Eleni ole ‘AGON” Ole upu ‘AGON” e sau ai le upu faa-palagi ole ‘AGONY’ ole uiga ole upu AGON;
• Tauiviga ma puapuaga {Keriso ma ona puapuaga na tauivi ma ia}
• Tauiviga ini piiga {struggle with wresting}
• Tauiviga male loto{ struggle of the human will}
• Tauiviga i taaloga {fight, combat}
A tuufaatasi upu ia Eleni e lua ole AGO male AGON ona e malamalama lelei lea ile taitaiga ale Agaga ole Atua, ma lau foi taitaiga. Faalogo foi.
E ui ise finagalo ole Atua ia ona taitaiina o tatou tagata kerisiano i lona Agaga, peitai, e iai o tatou lagona ma manatu vaivai, e tatou te le manana’o iai. E le o manatu o tatou tagata kerisiano faapea, e taitaiina se tasi o tatou tagata, aua ana le o lea, e le tauaimisa ekalesia ma faalia uiga le kerisiano.O le natura lea ole tino{flesh } E mana’o le tino i ana auala. E manao le tino i ona manatu. E mana’o le tino i ana polokalame. E mana’o le tino i ana auala. Ole finagalo ole Atua, ia ona taitaiina ona atalii ma afafine uma i lona Agaga peitai, e a le Atua e taitai o Aua oie, ae tauivi ma lou loto faigata ete musu ai; A taitai ta’ua i le isi itu, ele Atua, ae faasaga ane taupii ma le Agaga. O la foi e taitai atu ta’ua i le isi itu, o la ua faalogo le Atua ua e le tauivi ma lana taitaiga, ao o tatou la e tauivi male musua ole loto. O lona uiga, ua le mafai ona usiusitai o tatou tagata ile taitaiga a le Atua, leaga o lea e tatou te tauvii ma le taitaiga a le Atua. Ole mafuaga lena e faapea le Roma 8;14 Aua oi latou uma ua taitaiina ele Agaga ole Atua, o atalii I latou ole Atua. Ae faalogo ile tone poo le intonation poo le sound po le leo ole fuaiupu e peiseai e faapea pea pharaphrase; “Na o kerisiano e usiusitai la e taitaiina ele Agaga ole Atua; ao kerisiano e ola ile tino{carnal Christians} e le o taitaiina ele Agaga ole Atua, ona la e nofo a ia ma taitai ia.
O lea e manino lelei mai ile Roma 8;14 le galuega o loo faia ele Agaga ole Atua- o lana galuega “ole led poo le taitaiina”. Ae iai se mea e le o manino mai ile fuaiupu; Ole itu e le o manino
• Pe faapefea ona taitai o tatou tagata ele Agaga ole Atua
• Ae poo tatou vaai atu foi ile Agaga ole Atua o taitaiina o tatou tagata.
• O tatou vaai atu ile Agaga ole Atua?
Ile Feagaiga Tuai, inau a tu’ua e Isaraelu Aikupito; Fai mai le Tusi Paia ESOTO 20-22 “Ona latou o lea I la latou malaga, nai Sukota, ua to lauapi I Etama ile pito vao {21} Ua afio ifo Ieova I o latou luma ilea o faaniutu ilea o, e taitaiina ai I latou ile ala, ao le afi faaniutu ile po e faamalamalama ai I latou, ina ia savavali ilea o atoa ma le po {22} E lei aveesea e ia le ao faaniutu ilea o, ma le afi faaniutu ile po I luma ole nuu.
Sa vaavaai atu le nuu ole Atua ile “AO” MA MULIMULITAI ATU IAI. Na vaai tino atu iai Isaraelu ile “ao”. Ile A*o Penetekoso fai mai le Tusi Paia GALUEGA 2;4 Ua faatutumuina foi I latou uma ile Agaga Paia…..Na faatutumuina le ausoo ile Agaga Paia,ile faataunuu ma le faaatoatoaina ole Folafolaga. Sa faatutumuina ile taimi a le Atua. Na vaai Mose Mose ilea fi. Na vaaiai ile nuu o Isaraelu le “ao” ile Falefetafai. Na vaaia ele nuu le ao ma afi o taitai I latou. Na vaai le ausoo ile A*o Penekoso o afio ifo le Agaga Paia, e le ina ia taitai i latou e pei ona taitaiina Isaraelu ele “ao”ae sa afio ifo le Agaga Paia ina ia faatumuina i latou . {GALUEGA 2;4}
O FEA O IAI LE AGAGA PAIA? O I fafo ? leai. Faalogo foi ile Tusi Paia
Fai mai le Tusi Paia; EFESO 1;13 “e iai foi outou ia te ia, ina ua outou faalogologo ile upu ole mea moni, ole tala lelei lea o lo outou olataga, ua outou faatuatua ia te ia, ona faamaufaailogaina ai lea o outou e le Agaga Paia, o le na folafolaina mai. In whom also having heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation, and believed, you were sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. Fai mai le Tusi Paia; “ona faamaufaailogaina ai lea o outou ele Agaga Paia” “you were sealed by the Holy Spirit” Fai mai le Tusi Paia, na e talitonu loa ma faatuatua ia Keriso i lona maliu: faamaufaailogaina loa oe ele Agaga Paia. Soo se oloa e ave i atunuu mamao, e ta iai le faamaufaailoa, e iloa ai le tagata na aumai ai le oloa. E faamaufaailogaina oe ele Atua i lana faamaufaailoga ole “Agaga Paia” e iloa ai o oe o lona afafine ma lona atalii. Poo fea a ete feauliai iai, e silafia lava ele Atua lana faamaufaailoga na e i totonu ia te oe. E le o taitai oe ele Atua mai fafo, o loo na ia taitai mai oe I totonu e tau ile Lagi. Aisea la e te vaalau soo ai Welcome Agaga Paia. Aisea e te vaalau soo ai; Afio mai Agaga Paia; E faapefea ona e taualaga ise mea ua tuu ele Atua i totonu ia te oe? How. You can not called God please, I want to get married, but you wear the ring. Ua uma ona faamaufaailoga oe. Pe ete talitonu iai pe leai; ua uma ona fetalai le Atua.
Le Atua alofa mai lo’u laulauvavale soo, ao lena e iai le Agaga Paia I totonu ia te oe. E ala ona tatou faia mea mataga, leaga tatou te le o talitonuina, ole Agaga Paia lea e soifua I totonu ia tei tatou. A e gaoi se fagu vailima, e tiga ona e silafia, le faamaufaailoga a le Atua, aae gaoi lava Aisea leaga ete le o talitonuina, e iai le o loo sisila ia te oe pe ete le vaai iai ile tino, ao la lava e iai. Le Agaga Paia I totonu ia te oe. Le faapogai lena e faapea mai le Tusi Paia EFESO 4;30 ‘Aua tatou faatiga ile Agaga Paia ole Atua, ua faamaufaailogaina outou. Pe ete faatiga ile Agaga ole Atua ua I totonu ia te oe, e le aluese ai le Agaga Paia pe afai o oe ua e fanaufouina moni ele Agaga ole Atua.{ ROMA 8;9} Ao outou, tou te le la ile tino, ae la ile Agaga, pe afai e nofo le Agaga ole Atua i totonu ia te outou. Ai se tasi ua le ia te ia le Agaga o Keriso, e le fai lea mona. Vs 11} Ae afai e nofo i totonu ia te outou le Agaga o le na toe faatu mai ia Iesu nai e ua oti, e faaola mai foi, o outou tino augavale, e le na toe faatu mai ia Keriso nai e ua oti, e lona Agaga, o loo nofo i totonu ia te outou..
‘Aua ete tauvala’au ise mea ua fetalai mai le Atua, o lena ua I totonu ia te oe. E ala ona tatou le ola ma soifua mama, ona tatou te le o malamalama ile Agaga Paia ole Atua, ile mea la e iai. Soifua la ‘ia ma lou iloa, ua faamaufaailogaina oe ele Agaga Paia. Faamanuia le Atua ia te oe pa’aga ile TusioFoliga.
Pastor Elder Kolokotas Sao-Mafiti
Ekalesia “Au Uso Kerisiano {Open Brethren Christian Assembly}
Study Emmaus Bible Course 1984-1993
Studay at the New Zealand Assembly Bible School 1994-1995
Host Christians Radio Programme 1995-1999
Study at the Pathway College and Bible Mission 2000-2016
Pastor Care for 30 years {
Dip. Dip Th

HORROR! Many Christians Support the Antichrist! | Dr. Gene Kim #shorts 29/04/2023


HORROR! Many Christians Support the Antichrist! | Dr. Gene Kim #shorts Hi, I'm Dr. Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI). I am the pastor of Bible Baptist Church in both the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area. My channel publishes...



Dr.Steve Kumar Plato who greatly influenced the West once said “Faith without understanding is like a blind man who happened to take the right road".

A blind faith may amuse you but an intelligent faith will sustain you. Apologetic is the art which gives you the rea*on to think logically about what you believe.
The science that enables you to think objectively about your faith. Without apologetic you have no logical ground for your beliefs, without it you cannot answer the questions of the skeptics or meet the challenge of the critics

It is the window that opens the reality of truth. The discipline that shapes your thinking. The tool that opens our minds to the wonder of revelation the beauty of grace and glory of the infinite God. Apologetic takes you from the simple to the sublime, from the superficialcial to the supernatural.

It has the power to take the believer and make him a thinker, and the thinker a believer. It is the science that opens the door to the beauty of truth.
With the tools of apologetic we can help transform our skeptical environment into an intellectually meaningful, morally upli'ing and spiritually fulled society. Without objective truth life would be like one blind man telling another blind man how to get lost.


Thus says the LORD, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me . . . Jeremiah 9:23-24



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