Choice 2019

Choice 2019

If you live in Invercargill you live in a licensing monopoly that's 75 years old. Decided in the days before sliced bread and pop up toasters.

We think you've got a right to know a little bit more about that and what it means to you, right now, today.

Auckland alcohol licensing trusts guilty of misleading public 14/11/2019

Sounds like ...

Auckland alcohol licensing trusts guilty of misleading public West Auckland's alcohol licensing trusts have been found guilty of misleading the public in claiming that 47 percent of profits were given back to the community.


Thanks Invercargill. With your help we have established 26% of ILT Voters want choice.

Licensing trusts still hold great power but who is holding them accountable? 11/10/2019

If you want the ILT held to account you have until midday tomorrow to vote - and you'll need to pop down to the ICC Office in Esk Street if you want it to count.

Licensing trusts still hold great power but who is holding them accountable? The election contests at the very bottom of ballot papers in which millions of dollars are at stake.


Change happens when we vote for it - so get ticking and drop your voting papers into the Invercargill City Council. Today.

Approved by:
ILT Candidate Steven Christopher Nally of 79 Crawford Street Invercargill
ICC Candidate Alton Neil McDonald of 1 Purdue Street Invercargill

No voting papers? Don't panic. You can still exercise your democratic right 02/10/2019

If a little white envelope hasn't landed in your mail box, ( on the street beside your mail box, or the hedge behind it) you should read the story and follow the steps.

Why? Because old people always get their mail - and we've seen what happens when old people make all the decisions.

Half an hour out of your life right now will give you:
a) A chance to tick little white boxes (not quite as much fun as popping the blisters on plastic wrap, but close)
b) Its a universal rule that while cool people never stand for election and utter dicks stand every time. That utter dicks get elected EVERY TIME is because cool people don't vote. Gather all your friends and vote for the least di****sh people on the page - if you can only think of one, just vote for that one. This isn't a test, You don't have to answer every question.
c) The health board, this is single transferable voting in action so you can actually reverse vote. It's very satisfying - you start at the most di***sh person, award them an 11, that's like the ultimate unvote, and so on, until you get to 1, which is the best on offer (in your opinion).
d) The chance to mail a letter (honestly, this is hopefully the last antiquated postal vote we'll ever have - so have a go, it'll be something to tell your grandchildren when they visit you in the rest home. Chalk up all the "I remember when" moments to just like they're Kiwisaver.)
e) (and this is perhaps the best bit) you can spend the next three years saying "I didn't vote for that dick" - yep - if nothing changes you have the unassailable right to say, it's not because I didn't try.

No voting papers? Don't panic. You can still exercise your democratic right Voting in local elections is under way, and you should have received your ballot papers by now in the mail. But if you haven’t, don’t panic. Jolisa Gracewood, Hayden Donnell, and Alice Webb-Liddall have put together this guide to how to vote anyway. The Spinoff local election coverage is enti


Q: In 2016 what did the Office Auditor General describe as one the least scrutinised parts of the public sector?


Monopoly Rules Fun Fact: The ILT is the only holder of bar, tavern or hotel liquor licenses in Invercargill since 1944.


Today The Southland Times posted profiles of the Licensing Trust Candidates - our experience, what we stand for, etc, etc - it's all very worthy and very serious.

Unlike this.

This is a content rip-off site that, to avoid copyright issues, uses paste and replace. Use of synonyms shouldn't change the meaning of the sentence - but this is the English language - and the results are hilarious.

Read all about the Invercargill Licensing Belief - and the needs of Metropolis.

Meet your Invercargill Licensing Trust candidates – Moose Gazette - The Nation Roar Invercargill and Mataura Licensing Belief candidates got the prospect to reply the query “why are you standing and what would you want to alter?” Invercargill Licensing Belief (6 vacancies) Equipped Sean Bellew Sean Bellew Three phrases of ILT board expertise and ILT data supplies the dear asset...


It's good to start a new conversation by establishing a common language. We'll be using Oxford English definitions - now with handy online access.

