ENews NZ

ENews NZ

Keep up with the future - Your reliable news source for Energy + Environment

Turitea Wind Farm Nearing Completion - eNews New Zealand 30/10/2021


Turitea Wind Farm Nearing Completion - eNews New Zealand Mercury Energy’s Turitea wind farm, which will be New Zealand’s biggest when finished, is getting closer to completion. Construction started two years ago, and has faced significant hurdles, including problems getting the turbine blades onto the site. Nonetheless, the first turbine started produ...

Lake Onslow battery gets boost - eNews New Zealand 21/10/2021


Lake Onslow battery gets boost - eNews New Zealand The government has announced that it has awarded a significant contract to further investigate the viability of the Lake Onslow pumped hydro project. The recipient of the 11.5 million NZD contract is Te Rōpū Matatau, and is made up of engineering consultancies Mott MacDonald New Zealand and GHD, a...

The attractions of the Norwegian model: the future of EV sales in NZ - eNews New Zealand 15/10/2021


The attractions of the Norwegian model: the future of EV sales in NZ - eNews New Zealand Norway has long been touted as the poster child for electric vehicle adoption. The country has led the world in the electric proportion of new vehicles every year for at least the last eight years. Norway now has over half a million EVs on its roads, while September 2021 saw all-electric cars hit 77...

Sales of EVs go crazy in New Zealand - eNews New Zealand 05/10/2021


Sales of EVs go crazy in New Zealand - eNews New Zealand Figures released today show that sales of electric vehicles (EVs) have gone crazy since the government’s feebate scheme kicked in at the start of July. Looking across the category at both battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), July saw 1,188 EVs sold, a whopping 200% increas...

Understanding Lake Onslow - eNews New Zealand 14/08/2021


Understanding Lake Onslow - eNews New Zealand The idea of turning Central Otago’s Lake Onslow into a ‘battery’ started getting serious traction in 2019, when it was suggested by the Interim Climate Change Committee. First proposed in 2005 by the University of Waikato’s Earl Bardsley, the current Labour government has been keen to invest...

EVs - Total Cost of Ownership - eNews New Zealand 21/07/2021


EVs - Total Cost of Ownership - eNews New Zealand In June the government announced a feebate scheme to encourage New Zealanders to buy electric vehicles (EVs) over high-emitting internal combustion engine (ICE) ones. One of the big obstacles to buying EVs has been their relatively higher cost compared to similar ICE vehicles. The incentives offered...

April to June quarter EV sales in NZ - eNews New Zealand 08/07/2021


April to June quarter EV sales in NZ - eNews New Zealand EV sales in New Zealand were fairly weak in the April to June quarter. A big surge of sales of new light EVs in March might have made it look like EVs were finally taking off, however, the most recent quarter suggests that was just an anomaly. Registrations of both new and used EVs were… Read Mor...

Government announces 'feebate' for EVs - eNews New Zealand 25/06/2021


Government announces 'feebate' for EVs - eNews New Zealand The government announced yesterday that it will implement an incentive scheme for electric vehicle (EV) buyers, funded by a charge on purchases of new high emissions vehicles. The so-called ‘feebate’ will give EV buyers up to 8,625 NZD off the purchase price of a new EV, while purchases of secon...

The NZ electricity market - past, present, future - eNews New Zealand 04/05/2021

Introduction to the NZ electricity market.


The NZ electricity market - past, present, future - eNews New Zealand A short history From a low base, generation capacity in New Zealand rose dramatically from the 1950s onwards. By the mid-1970s, total capacity was over 5,000 MW, and the subsequent years saw massive investment, especially under the auspices of Robert Muldoon’s ‘Think Big’ programme. Thus, by 1...

EV sales numbers hit new highs - eNews New Zealand 04/05/2021


EV sales numbers hit new highs - eNews New Zealand Quarter 1 EV sales figures are out The first quarter of calendar 2021 shows some interesting developments in the electric vehicle (EV) market in New Zealand. For the first time since 2015, registrations of new EVs have outstripped those of used ones. Meanwhile, March 2021 saw EVs hit their highest p...


Welcome to our website https://www.eNews.nz/ – the new source for all your future energy news. We’re going to look at anything relevant to the changing situation in the energy industry, with a particular focus on New Zealand, but including events from around the world.