The Yoga Nidra Project

The Yoga Nidra Project

Online Yoga Nidra meditation library.


This made me laugh today, but it also made me think about when I stop to rest….a great reminder to raise my rest line a little higher.


Such an impactful teacher on my journey. Her books have been a treasured resource and have featured in my teaching over and over, and over again. A true goddess in the physical realm.

Dear Fellow Friends and Students of Sally Kempton,

This is to share with you the sad news that Sally left her body this morning (Monday, July 10, 2023).

Now, a time of mourning begins for those of us who treasured Sally’s company and teachings, and also a time of celebration for us of her life—for who she was and what she gave and meant to us.

Please feel free to offer your prayers for Sally as she makes her last journey in whatever way feels most meaningful, fitting, and sweetest for you. Those who are familiar with it can chant the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, which is traditionally chanted at such times.

Some are familiar with a tradition in which prayers are said for departed loved ones for 13 days after their passing, at the end of which the community gathers to offer prayers, mourn their loss, celebrate the life of their loved one, and offer each other support and comfort. It was Sally’s wish that a special service be held in her memory for her community of students. Honoring this request, we will be holding a 13-day ceremony for Sally via Zoom, on Sunday, July 23rd. (Details will follow sometime in the next few days.)

Wishing you all many blessings and immersion in the healing balm of love in the days ahead. 🙏

Photos from The Yoga Nidra Project's post 25/06/2023

It’s important to redefine what we think is possible every once in a while. Mind blown. Cirque de Soleil thank you for coming to Christchurch. These performers/athletes are INCREDIBLE. A touch of magic and imagination in the middle of winter is just the best. ✨❄️👏🏽


Thanks this also applies to teaching yoga. Enjoying the space of my sabbatical 🫶🏽. Space has always been hard for me, as a head first fomo sufferer it’s a real practice not to do for the sake of doing. But it’s fertile soil sitting in emptiness. It feels so fresh to not have yoga tied in with earning my living, like I can finally breathe into it again.

Check out these amazing studios & teachers in Christchurch with lots of nurturing winter events and classes

.well.christchurch .yogachch


At the start of every season I turn to this book. According to TCM, water is the prominent energy of winter 💦Deep, contemplative, stillness, latent energy and the dance between power and fear. 🌊
This book offers prompts and guidance for contemplating and living with the elements. If you have ever attended a seasonal workshop with me you will have been invited to explore the themes and wisdom it holds. Thanks for this gorgeous gift many moons ago. It’s a firm favourite. 🙏🏽


🌈🌈🌈🌈appreciating magical ordinary moments. ✨


It’s a privilege to turn another year older. 🧁✨concealment & remembrance the great cosmic game of this human experience.

Written on the wall “I believe in myself again”, I believe that art is one of great vessels where spirit speaks to us.

Thanks for the reminder!


Happy Autumn Equinox here in the south. 🍁🍂🍁so ready to settle into quieter, cooler quiet days and longer nights. It’s been a magnificent high vibe high energy summer, but there is a longing within to slow down and create magic from a calm and nurturing space.

As I walked into the ocean this morning, and the sun was golden and warm, the water invigorating not freezing, I asked to be transformed.

To the waves going out I gave my doubt and diving head first into the waves coming in, I drank in courage. Remembering I am the ocean, I am the sun, I am the sand, I am the sky, and they are all me.


Photos from The Yoga Nidra Project's post 18/03/2023

Hot podcast alert, unlike anything else I’ve listened to before. Check out The Emerald on Spotify. Perfect for enjoying whilst in vipritta kirani on my shakti mat 🌊✨

“The answer to everything is salt water, sweat, tears and the sea.”

That is so spot on!!!

Photos from The Yoga Nidra Project's post 12/03/2023

When you are in the midst of requesting miracles it’s important to stay fluid and relaxed, to feel but then decide how to proceed, and then to surrender with faith.

In the eye of the storm I am reminded of beauty that every day holds, and really every day is THE miracle ✨🌈🌊



A moment of awe in my backyard to start the day, steeped in magic, beauty and gratitude.

It’s been a restless week of strong headaches and fatigue with round 2 of covid. Yesterday I finally turned off my brain and my devices and simply rested. I did a delicious restful Yoga Nidra with then joined for her monthly free meditation. And in between I napped and did nothing.

It was so therapeutic.
Thank you to these 2 wonderful beings for their free offerings and service to the world, and to my husband who said “that’s it v you have to rest. I’m staying at home to make sure you don’t DO anything”. Even teachers need reminders of the teachings from time to time.


“My subconscious is vibrant and alive.
I easily connect to the magic within.”

Yoga Nidra connects you to the realm of imagination. It can be a place of floating beneath the mind, submerging to a deep well of quiet where insight, clarity and joy can arise.

Imagination, daydreaming, night dreaming and visualisation are the places where we can conjure up possibilities that are otherwise not possible in the confines of the logical mind. A place where faith and miracles coincide and come to life.

Thank you to the for the reflection/ quote above in your newsletter, aligned to the beginning of Pisces season
where dreams, transcendence and intuition rule the realm.

MoveWell - Christchurch Studio | Yoga Classes | Massage Therapy 16/02/2023

This looks fabulous. 🤩In these turbulent times an afternoon yoga Nidra might be just what the dr ordered. Noticing in myself and others how images of the trauma up north and the devastation of Turkey & Syria is stirring memories.

MoveWell - Christchurch Studio | Yoga Classes | Massage Therapy Christchurch massage, yoga & functional movement studio. We’re here to help you move, breathe and be well enough to do the activities you want to. Learn more!


Some flowers just for you. 💓Know that you are loved.


We don’t have to be who we have always been. You are free to change. 🙏🏽

Yoga Nidra is a tool for freedom, to support creating alignment of you thoughts, body, emotions, and soul.

I’m on a personal quest right now asking “Who do I want to be? How do I want to be in the world? What does my ideal day look like? Where do I want to put my energy and focus? What matters most?“ I’m enjoying testing out the answers!

📸Craig Harpers they go straight to the point no bs check it out if you don’t already follow him.


Every day we start over. I’ve been caught in the tension of holding on and letting go of late. It seems to be the theme of the last few years in big and small ways.

So I look for reminders that’s it’s perfectly normal to shift and change. It’s part of life to try things and not have them work out how you thought.
It’s part of life for things to flow with ease when you allow it.

Last night I said goodbye to the Yoga Nidra Project online library, I chose the practice on asking for clarity, always a firm favourite. And I have woken up with the feeling that no matter what it’s going to be ok. That’s the clarity I needed.

Thank you everyone for supporting the library, your messages and feedback of how it’s been part of your journey always made it worth while. Many of you shared that you used the practices as a bridge to navigate transitions, that it nurtured and supported you. That always bought me joy, and inspired me to keep going. It was built in a time of transition for me, so it connected us.

My plan for now is to return to being the practitioner, student and writer. I plan to study te reo Maori, write more blogs and slowly brew the format in which I will return to sharing yoga Nidra.

In the coming weeks I will be sharing some wonderful events that peers and friends are running in a celebration of the wonderful yoga community that I have been a part of.

So not goodbye, just a gentle retreat into rest, silence and following the flow of life.

👁️This stunning sunrise sent by my dear friend Emma G last week. Shared with permission.


Just a spec in the cosmos. This tree is so magical, thank you for the humbling reminder.


I once asked my beloved meditation and philosophy teacher Carlos Pomeda what was the ONE thing, the one practice if he could only choose one what would he choose? He smiled at me across the table and said one word: awareness.

How was awareness THE answer??! I have sat with this question and answer ever since.

Every now and then I have powerful experiences of what I describe as “giving myself to complete awareness” a presence, surrender and stillness so expansive as soon as I try to name it, label it, congratulate myself for it, it dissipates.

There is no one magic technique or tool or teaching or practice. However I will say that in Yoga Nidra, ✨when ✨I can fully let go I can land in a place of expanded awareness, where profound peace and insight are given space to arise.

So here is the invitation to notice moments of awareness, first in whatever style of meditation our practice, but then in your waking day? Can you bring your whole self in how you move, sit, engage and interact with the world?

A lifetime of practice right there.

And if you ever get the chance to study with Carlos Pomeda, dive in wholeheartedly, he is a treasure trove of wisdom that is profound and life changing, delivered with humility and the most beautiful uplifting laugh. In a world full of false prophets and Insta gurus he is the real deal.



Your vibe attracts your tribe. Raising my vibe with 21 days of Yoga Nidra on day 3 for back to work mojo todays intention is:

“I am powerful, productive and joyful”.

Create it then spread it ✨✨✨

Found this pic in my many random images that spark joy of the 15000 saved on my phone 😜✨(sorry for the lack of source crediting)


Absolutely loving this addition of a cup of Clipper “Snore and Peace” to my evening ritual 💓 this tea is incredibly potent. Thanks 😘


Hands up if you are back to work tomorrow? 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽

Hands up if your are juggling a whole lotta life right now? 🙋🏿‍♂️🙋🏽‍♀️

To mark the end of a glorious era of the Yoga Nidra Library, as a last hoorah, I have a final release available valid from today with unlimited access until 11.59 pm 30th January, for just $11 NZD.

I encourage you to start it today and take it with you into 2023. Let’s do 21 days of Yoga Nidra together 🙏🏽

My deepest questions for now revolve around what I want to carry on with and what I need to move on from. What is feeding an old story and what can I consciously cultivate? Yoga Nidra allows me to sit with this in a loving and accepting way.

I hope you can join me in celebrating the library and give it a good send off. I made it to be shared, and I am so incredibly grateful to everyone that has been a part of it, especially the incredibly generous supporters and subscribers.

This offer is an invitation to explore 21 days of practice and simply see what happens.

3 ways you can add Yoga Nidra to your day:
✨Swap scrolling or 1 episode a day, for a practice
✨Go to bed 30 min earlier and play the sleep practice
✨On busy days do the shorter Energetic Diffussion Technique on your lunch break

💥Happy New Year! 💥


My wish for us all. ✨
Thank you for the ride that was 2022.
Enjoy however you choose to mark this day, whether it’s wild and social, or quiet and mindful.

With a grateful heart,
Happy New Year xx

Photos from The Yoga Nidra Project's post 21/12/2022

Solstice greetings Yoga Nidra community.

Here we celebrate the light and the longest day. A time of satisfaction, joy and gratitude. ✨🙏🏽

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to reside in and share yoga Nidra.

This year I’m exceptionally grateful to for the opportunity to present at their virtual roadshow, for the opportunity to share with their wonderful yoga and exercise teaching team, and for inviting me to share a wellbeing session. Thank you .well.christchurch for a space to share in, and for your support.

Thank you to everyone who attended the online fundraiser classes and festival of rest.

My heart is full 💓 this 2022.
And now it’s time to swim in the sea with my Solstice ocean sister .emma

And to our winter solstice friends enjoy the nurturing of the indoors and retreating within.

Yours in light✨

Deck: wisdom of the oracle by


Just in case you need a little yoga Nidra to get you through the holidays…. Special end of year offer available now 🎄💓

$15 to access the library between 18 Dec - 4th Jan. I will then be migrating websites and making some changes for 2023. The library in this format will be evolving, as all of life does. A huge heartfelt thank you to everyone who has come along for the ride.

Look forward to sharing more with you in January. But for now let’s rest!

Veronica xx

Insta: link in bio


Standing at the edge looking in. Contemplating resistance and my relationship to it. What is the voice of my intuition guiding me? What is my self sabotage? What is my fear?

We do the practice so feel stronger at recognising which is the voice speaking at the time.
This mural spoke to me as I briefly passed it. (And when I next pass it I’ll add the artist name which I couldn’t see from where I was at the time).


Great watch on Disney. I always love it when yoga teachings are part of popular culture and can reach more people. Plus Chris Hemsworth, whats not to love?? 👀🙏🏽 Keen to hear your thoughts on this one.


Tis the season of liquid sensitivity. I always feel like I’m gliding through emotions at this time of year.

A push-pull of really wanting to slow down, retreat, and the rest of the world amping up “to get everything done in time” this sense of urgency that belongs to the rest of the world out of alignment with my inner world 🤷🏽‍♀️

I take comfort in this powerful image. In it I see one of my favourite yoga affirmations “in the eye of the storm I stand serene”. Or in yoga Nidra terms “I am the witness, unaffected by all that is in perpetual change”.

Reminding myself, and anyone else who might need to hear this today 🙏🏽🎄


When your tshirt says it all.


Just a little rest 😉


Radiant abundance resides in you. The final festival of rest session. A beautiful finish to the series ✨💫✨

I never feel more abundant than when I get to share these teachings. 🙏🏽

So grateful to all the participants who supported my return to the teaching mat.

Thank you .jane for the chat in the coffee shop when I mentioned I might have been ready to return, your venue .well.christchurch was a beautiful cocoon for my Nidra Den that I saw in my mind.

And now to sow the seeds for the coming year…. Drop an emoji below if you are interest in further explorations 🤞🏽💓🦋

Photos from The Yoga Nidra Project's post 19/11/2022

Abundance is all around us.
Nature is one of my favourite gateways.
Yoga Nidra is another.
Soak it up, drink it in.
Abundance is all around us,
Look outside, and look within.

Last chance to come along and experience a Festival of Rest session for 2022. Bespoke very small group Yoga Nidra & Restorative yoga, 2 hours just for you.


Abundance is truly a state of mind. ✨

Last week abundance looked like a dreamy romantic holiday with my lover, on Tuesday it looked like getting up extra early and expanding time to fit in a workout with my trainer before work, today it feels abundant to have no plans for the evening so I can rest unapologetically, without having to show up for anyone else.

Abundance is yours to claim. ✨

Some helpful expansive affirmations for you to play with from 🙌

And for a full body and soul immersion through yoga Nidra and rest, join me on Sunday afternoon for the final Festival of Rest for 2022. Link in bio.


This explains why sometimes Yoga Nidra can feel like a decadent visit to a soul spa 💫✨


Radiant Abundance is the theme for the last 2022 Festival of Rest session.
Next Sunday 20th Nov 🦋
4.30pm for 2 hours hours of soaking in the beauty of your soul.

Whilst we often focus on abundance around money and wealth, the times I feel most abundant are about peace, beauty, health, joy and love. This workshop will invite you to embrace your radiant abundance.

Last couple of spaces remaining 🦋

Photos from The Yoga Nidra Project's post 12/11/2022

Remembrance day yesterday was incredibly poignant with a visit to Waitangi and the Price of Citizenship exhibition tearing open my soul. 11-11-11:11


Ta**us full moon in total lunar eclipse today. BIG energy around.

An invitation to practice self care. Yoga Nidra is there for you. Lunar eclipse is a play on shadow and light, but remember you are always whole, it just a trick of light.


Thanks for inviting me to share Yoga Nidra with your wonderful team of instructors today. Such a joy to nurture the ones that nurture others! Great way to look after your team. 🙌




Never forget the whole universe resides within you, you are infinite creative potential. ✨💫

Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday for part 2 of Festival of rest.
