Helen Laidlaw - BSP Advisory Group

Helen Laidlaw - BSP Advisory Group

Business Advisor - Providing practical advice and support to NZ Business Owners


Have you booked your holidays for 2025?

As a small business owner it is important that you take the time to recharge.

But let’s be honest, the idea of stepping away can feel daunting. I’ve been there, staring at my calendar, wondering how the business will survive without me for a few weeks. The truth is, we often tie our self-worth to being indispensable. But in doing so, we run the risk of burning out and not giving our best to our business or ourselves.

Taking a break isn’t just about scheduling your leave; it’s about ensuring your business can thrive in your absence. Here’s how you can start the delegation process to make your well-deserved R&R a reality:

1. Identify Critical Tasks: What are the must-do tasks that keep your business running smoothly? These are your priority for delegation.
2. Assign the Right People: Who in your team has the skills and time to handle these tasks while you’re away? Trust in their abilities is key.
3. Prepare Thoroughly: Ensure the tasks are done competently by providing clear documentation, training, and access to necessary tools like logins and authorisations.
4. Start Delegating Now: Begin the delegation process well in advance to iron out any issues before you go.

I remember the first time I went overseas for four weeks. It was nerve-wracking, but the fun and memories I made while traveling were worth every bit of preparation. The joy of exploring new places and the priceless moments I experienced with my family cemented the importance of taking time off.

Where are you off to in 2025?


One of the WORST things about being a Business Advisor is that people won't ask for help because they think that I'm going to push them into working with me.

But I'm not like that!

I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

In fact, when someone asks to meet me, I usually schedule TWO hours for our FREE, no obligation meeting.

I call this a "check the fit' meeting.

I use this time to get to know you and the challenges that you face in your business.

You should use this time to decide if I have the skills you need AND if you like me as a person.

I will NOT ask you to work with me........

Because I know, if you are ready, you will ask ME


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.

Together let’s make 2024 a successful and fun journey.


Do you feel like a worker, owner or director in your business?

If you FEEL like a worker, we call this stage RESCUE:
• Not earning enough money, sometimes having to put money in
• Spending most of your time working IN the business putting out fires

If you FEEL like an owner, we call this stage IMPROVE:
• Are making money but your business is not reaching its potential
• Have a well established business that is 100% reliant on you
• Would like to have more time to work ON the business

If you FEEL like a director, we call this stage GROW:
• Make good money
• Have excellent cash flow
• Have a team running the business
• Have time to work ON the business

This is a question I will ask you if you work 1:1 with me.


Because understanding where your business currently sits is the first step to making sure that the strategy and actions we put in place are appropriate for where you are at.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

DM me the word "Ready" and I'll be in touch to set up a free, no obligation meeting.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.

Together let’s make 2024 a successful and fun journey.


Do you have the right personality to work with me?

Over the years, after working with many small business owners in NZ, there are four personality traits that you must have to ensure that your time spent working with me is well used.

These are:

1. You MUST be willing to put in the time and effort required to implement the strategies we agree on.
2. You MUST be coachable and open minded. If you aren't willing to change or try new ways of doing things, then you will be wasting your money.
3. You MUST be willing to invest in learning and development to overcome challenges.
4. You MUST be goal oriented. Setting goals is crucial to getting s**t done.

It also helps if you like a "spade is a spade" approach as I tell it how it is! Nicely of course, always with a smile. 😀

Think working 1:1 with me might be what you've been searching for? Send me a message. We’ll make a time and check if I’m the fit you need.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.

Together let’s make 2024 a successful and fun journey.


"I don't even look at my business financials as I don't understand them!"

My clients, a couple who together ran a $2m+ trades business, were flying blind when it came to their business.

Their business was booming but they had no money and had started to rack up debt.

They didn't know how to solve their problems so they came to me for help.

Here's how we tackled their financial challenges together.

We developed a detailed budget that outlined all income and expenses. This clear financial roadmap helped my client understand where their money was going and what they needed to do to make a profit.

To avoid cash flow surprises, we implemented a 90-day cash flow forecast. This tool allowed my client to anticipate financial needs and make informed decisions to maintain a healthy cash flow.

We identified and set up KPIs to monitor each month. These metrics provided insights into the business's performance, enabling my client to track progress and make adjustments where necessary.

To avoid last-minute tax payment stress, we established a savings plan specifically for tax obligations. Regularly setting aside funds for taxes ensured my client was always prepared and compliant.

It's been incredibly rewarding to see my client's business thrive with these newfound financial practices.

And what's better is that they didn't have to do it themselves. They just had to ask for help from the right expert.

If you're facing similar financial challenges in your business, DM me the word ‘Money’ and I will be in touch to give you a helping hand.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.


Do you own your business with someone else?

I have a number of clients that are a husband and wife team, or have 2+ shareholders, and it constantly amazes me how well they work together.

The ones that get it right, know each other well.

They recognize and respect each others strengths.

They know when to raise issues and when to let things go.

They are crystal clear on what their role is in the business and which line(s) not to cross.

They make time in their work day to communicate openly and without judgement.

They lift each other up, always supporting and encouraging one another through every challenge and success.

So what do I do for them?

I provide an outside perspective. I listen to understand, challenge ideas and provide independent advice.

I help create high level strategies which are then filled with actionable steps, so that everyone knows what needs to be done, by whom.

I help them to learn new skills that are critical to overcoming challenges and growing their business.

I strengthen their partnership.

Does your partnership need strengthening?

DM me the word 'Ready'. We’ll make a time and check if I’m the fit you need.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.

Not ready to work with me yet?

Sign up to my weekly email to receive practical, bite sized business advice for Business Owners, that will help you run your business better. Here's the link - https://i.mtr.cool/qcnmtuhxku


Do you get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of the bigger picture?

As a Business Advisor, I have had the privilege of working with some amazing New Zealand business owners, particularly those who own their business on their own or with their spouse.

When asked, these owners say that having an independent person in their corner is priceless!

My job is twofold.

I am someone you can bounce ideas off, who listens without judgment, and who provides constructive feedback.

It's like having a mirror that reflects not just your strengths but also the areas where you can grow.

This external perspective can be a game-changer, sparking new insights and helping you see your business in a new light.

I am also your accountability partner helping to keep you on track.

I am invested in your success so will remind you of your goals, challenge you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, and celebrate your wins with you.

In my experience, the combination of a sounding board and an accountability partner can transform the way you do business. It brings clarity, focus, and a sense of partnership that makes the journey a lot more rewarding.

So, if you haven't already, I encourage you to find someone who can fill these roles.

I know someone who would be perfect for you! 😊

Here's to making smarter decisions, staying accountable, and achieving great things together!


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.

Together let’s make 2024 a successful and fun journey.


Is your business 100% reliant on YOU?

If so, you probably have a job, not a business!

Being indispensable might seem like a badge of honour, but if your business can’t operate without you, it's time to reassess your structure.

A business overly dependent on its owner is less appealing to potential buyers and more stressful to run.

When we work together there are TWO goals
1. For your business to be WORTH MORE today than it was yesterday. We call this being saleable. There are no guarantees in this world, and it is best to be prepared, because you never know what may impact your ability to own your business.

2. For you to LOVE being in business. You can say goodbye to the sleepless nights and the constant knot in your stomach, because you are better prepared to adapt to the changing circumstances of business.

Think working 1:1 with me might be what you've been searching for?

DM me the word 'Ready'. We’ll make a time and check if I’m the fit you need.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.

Together let’s make 2024 a successful and fun journey.


What do I actually do?

This is a question I was asked recently, and my standard reply is "I help you grow your business, profitably".

But how do I do that? Because that could mean any number of things!

When I help you, I focus on three things.

1. A plan

• What do you want to achieve? Why?
• Who do you sell to? Why?
• What do you need to do to achieve your goals?

This is ideal for clients who need clarity. Who want to make decisions with certainty and feel like they are in control of their business.

No fear, this plan will not be pages and pages long. It will be 1-2 pages outlining exactly what needs to be done.

2. Financial management

• How profitable are your services/products?
• Should I invest (ie: new asset; new income stream)?
• Can I afford to buy new assets?

This is ideal for clients who want more money (think profit). Who want to make sure that their hard work is financially rewarding.

3. Operations

• What workflows take the most time or are causing bottlenecks?
• Have you got the right bums in the right seats?
• Is the business too reliant on you, the business owner?

This is ideal for clients who want a resilient business. One that is flexible, innovative and capable of operating smoothly without the owners constant intervention.

And no, you don't have to do all of these with me, you can just pick one.

Pick the ONE thing in your business, that if done differently would make your life less stressful.

The ONE thing that you need help with.

Then, DM me the word ‘Help’ and I will be in touch to give you a helping hand.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.


What is the difference between a Business Advisor and a Business Consultant?

As a Business Advisor, I work long term with business owners to provide strategic advice. The intent is to ensure that the business exists in 50+ years time, and is better today than it was yesterday.

As a Business Consultant, I help Business Owners solve specific problems or improve particular areas in their business.

I do BOTH!

The common element is that I work alongside the business owner to improve their business.

This can be short or long term.

It can be to provide recommendations, solve problems or act as a sounding board.

If you know that your business could be better today than it was yesterday, but you keep going round and round in circles wondering where to start, let me help you.

DM me the word 'Ready'. We’ll make a time and check if I’m the fit you need.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.


"You burst my little bubble of over-zealous ambition."

I recently received this feedback from a client, and rather than be offended, I laughed....a lot!

Because, as a business advisor, I take pride in providing honest and objective feedback.

And sometimes that WILL burst your bubble 😂

And I'm not sorry about that!

I LOVE that my clients have big hairy audacious goals!

These goals are what drive them to be motivated, determined and open minded.

But MY goal is to ensure that they achieve their goals.

And this sometimes means that the pace needs to be slowed.

Because we all know that.....

Slow and Steady wins the race!

Photos from BSP Advisory Group's post 25/06/2024

Great to see my colleagues in person at our mini conference yesterday. We have an awesome team of talented advisors 😊


Have you ever found yourself at the end of a busy day, wondering where the time went and what you actually accomplished?

It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of trivial tasks and distractions that, while they might seem urgent at the moment, don't necessarily move the needle forward in achieving our bigger goals.

If you're finding it hard to take action, let's figure out why.

Is it because you're feeling overwhelmed, lacking motivation, or afraid of making a mistake?

I totally get it—I often procrastinate, especially when I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and the task seems tough.

The overwhelm hits, and suddenly, nothing seems to get done.

But surprise, surprise when I finally tackle it, the benefits outweigh the discomfort.

As Nike says “Just Do It”.

It's the small, consistent actions that pave the way to success.

Let's focus on making those small steps count!


One of my goals is to help more NZ Business Owners grow their business, profitably.

For me, that starts with education.

And then putting the tips and tricks into action.

DM me the word "Tips" and I will send you the link to sign up to receive my practical tips and tricks every Wednesday - I promise there is no spam.

Or follow the link on my website.


I'm Helen, helping NZ business owners to transform their business, by achieving greater clarity and profitability. Are you ready to take on new challenges and opportunities and make the most of them?

Together lets make 2024 a successful and fun journey.


My sister gave me a coaster which said “Breathe… This is a chapter; It is not your whole story”

Well if that wasn’t a slap around the head saying “Helen, look after yourself!” then I don’t know what is.

For a while I have been feeling stressed and overwhelmed, but my personality is one that helps others first.

And often that leaves little room to help myself, or so I tell myself.

But I’m wrong! Because I need to help myself first.

I need to be my best self in order to be my best when helping others.

So last weekend I did nothing but watch movies, read books and go for walks.

I wasn’t a Mum or a Wife; I was just ME. 😊

And I feel so much better for it.

What do you do to take care of YOU?


Have you ever wanted to work with a Business Advisor, but thought you were tied in for six months or more?

When you choose to work with me, I do NOT tie you in to a minimum period of time.

This is because I believe that you should not be bound by a contract if it isn’t working for you.

Yes, you will achieve more the longer you work with me, but....

If you are not enjoying the process, you won't do the work.

If you are not willing to listen to my feedback and ideas, overcoming challenges will feel just as hard.

If you are not prioritising taking action, you will not improve.

If you no longer wish to work with me, all I ask is that you are honest about the reasons, tell me in person (no text or email breakups please) and give me a months notice.

So, if you have always wondered what it would be like to work with a Business Advisor, what have you got to lose?

Sign up, work with me to achieve your goals, and if it doesn't work, let me go 😪


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.

Not ready to work with me yet?

Sign up to my weekly email to receive practical, bite sized business advice for Business Owners, that will help you run your business better. Here's the link - https://i.mtr.cool/svfawsjghf


The struggle is real!

Not understanding finances is one of the reasons your cashflow sux and you "can't afford things".

But that can change!

If you have ever worked with me you will know that I go on and on about keeping your personal money separate from your business money.

They are NOT the same!


They are NOT the same!

If your personal money is 'hidden' in the business bank account then you have absolutely NO idea how much your business expenses are and how much you spend personally.

This mindset is a sure fire why to ensure that you have cash flow problems ☹

Recently I have been exploring apps that clients can use to analyse their spending.

Because ......

If you know where your money is being spent, you can take action to either reduce your spending or to increase your income.

Ideally the app needs to be free, can link to NZ bank accounts and has the ability to categorise expenditure. Great visuals are a bonus.

So far I have tested Pocketsmith and SortMe.

What other apps are out there?


A profitable business that doesn’t financially reward you is a failing business!

If you don't know where your money goes, it's time to overhaul your approach to profitability.

Profit is an outcome.

It is the result of the many things we do in our business.

Is there ONE thing that can have a greater impact on profit?

Undoubtedly YES.

If a business is DRIVEN by passion and GUIDED by purpose, then profit will follow.

If you have lost sight of why you went into business, do the following:

1. Reflect on why you started your business. What excited you in the beginning? What were you trying to achieve? What was the reason(s) you chose self-employment over employment?

2. Clearly articulate your business's purpose. This should be more than making money—it’s about the impact you want to have on your customers and your staff. Put it in writing and refer to it often. Use this purpose to guide every decision and strategy.

3. Share your passion and purpose not just with your team, but with your customers. When people understand your 'Why,' they are more likely to connect with your brand on a deeper level, leading to increased loyalty and engagement.

4. Align Goals with Purpose: Ensure that every business goal or objective is a stepping stone towards fulfilling your purpose. This alignment keeps your business cohesive and focused on the bigger picture.

5. Encourage your team to find their own passion within the scope of your business's purpose. When your employees are as passionate about the goals as you are, productivity and morale will naturally increase. Reflect on Your Origins: Revisit the reasons why you started your business. What excited you in the beginning? Reignite that initial spark.

Without passion and purpose, there is no profit!

Withour profit, there is no business!


Working late nights might make you feel productive, but it doesn’t make you a better business owner—just a tired one!

When I first started working with my client, he worked 70+ hours per week and wore every 'hat' in the business.

Sales were booming but bottlenecks and equipment failure meant he was not able to cope with the increased workload.


Work was turned down, deadlines were missed and he generally struggled to deliver great customer service.

Fast forward to today, and it is a completely different story.

There are three staff in the business, the investment in technology has enabled them to increase their production capacity, they have diversified into another market, and their customers are very happy.

And he regularly schedules time off and doesn't work evenings or weekends.

Working with me gave him the confidence and knowledge to implement a number of positive changes in his business.

What are you doing to move your business forward?


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.


I Love Fridays!

Nearly as much as I love an ice cold beer!

What is your brew of choice?


Am I qualified to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities in your business?

You decide....

I have a Bachelor of Management Studies from the University of Waikato which has provided me with a strong foundation in business principles and practices.

In 1996, I was admitted to the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) as a CA member.

In 2021, I became a Certified Professional Business Advisor (CPBA) of the Institute of Advisors (IOA), a body representing professional Business Advisors around the world.

With over 30 years of hands-on experience within SMEs and public sector environments across multiple countries including New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom, I bring a wealth of practical knowledge to the table.

I have empathy in spades and am an excellent listener. I truly want to help.

Honesty is my #1 core value - it is non-negotiable.

I'm in it for the long haul, committed to helping my clients achieve sustainable growth and success.

Have I passed your test? Give me a call on 021 548082 to truly find out.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.

Together let’s make 2024 a successful and fun journey.


Feeling stuck in the day-to-day grind of your business?

It's time to shift your mindset from "trying" to "doing."

Successful businesses don't just try to implement changes; they take decisive action.

If you’re constantly saying, "I'll try to delegate more," or "I'll try to implement new systems," it’s time to flip the script.

Start by delegating one task today.


Implement one new system this week.

Small, consistent actions lead to big changes.

Your business can’t afford to be in a constant state of “trying.”

It's time to DO and see the transformation.


Who’s ready for Matariki weekend and the upcoming school holidays?

I’ve got my plans set, but I’ve noticed many business owners don’t prioritise their time off.

The result?

Missing out on that crucial recharge time.

Stressed, stale, and tired is no way to be at your best – and the same goes for your employees.

Ever notice those employees who are always taking time off (groan…) while the quiet achievers silently rack up mountains of annual leave?

It got me thinking…do you have a culture that encourages taking time off?

Sure, Christmas is the go-to for using up a few days of leave, but what about the rest of the year?

Those 20 days of annual leave accumulate quickly.

Before you know it, you’re either asking staff to take extended leave or paying out large leave balances – both not great for business.

Plus, without regular breaks, your employees’ (and your) health, happiness, and job performance can suffer.

I write a weekly email that gives you simple tips for tackling every day business challenges like this one.

If you would like my email delivered to your inbox, sign up using the link in the comments.


I’m Helen, your go-to person for making businesses not just survive, but really thrive!

As a business advisor I work closely with business owners. We chat, we brainstorm, and I help you get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. Then, together, we create a plan for making things even better.


Have you ever felt like an annoying three year old?

Why? is my go to question when trying to get to the root of an issue.

I start by identifying the problem and then asking 'Why?' until we get to the root cause.

Yes I know, this reminds you of a three year old child.... Why?....... But why?...... Why?.....

Hopefully, when I do it I am less annoying that a three year old 😂

This week a client and I were trying to figure out why there was frequent, unplanned employee overtime.

It went a bit like this.

Me: Why is there frequent unplanned employee overtime?
Client: Because jobs often run over their allocated hours.

Me: Why do jobs often run over their allocated hours?
Client: Because the time estimated to complete the jobs is often wrong.

Me: Why is the time estimated to complete the jobs often wrong?
Client: Because our dispatch person has no idea what is involved in doing the job, so often makes a best guess.

Me: Why does your dispatch person have no idea?
Client: Because they are not a qualified tradesperson, and we have not given them any training nor any data on how long each type of job takes. .

Without asking 'Why?', we could have assumed any number of things.

For example, we could have assumed that staff were being pulled off jobs to attend more urgent jobs, so were setting up and packing up their tools more than once.

Or we could have assumed that we had a productivity issue with our staff.

But these assumptions would have been WRONG!

Now we know the root cause, we can take ACTION to fix it.

What problem(s) do you have that could be solved by asking 'Why?'

About Us

We are experts in our chosen field. We have a 'can do' attitude, love to help others and take immense pride in our work. And it's all great, until we realise that we are working really hard, but earning less than we could if we were an employee. We are being reactive, not proactive. We are wearing so many 'hats' that we're losing touch with everything, and suddenly it starts getting overwhelming, lonely and at times quite daunting. There must be a better way.

Well, you have come to the right place. I firmly believe that with the right support and strategies in place, doing business can get radically easier and more profitable. That’s my passion, helping real people and good businesses gain back control and achieve success. No matter what that looks like, I’m here to help you do it!

Videos (show all)

What makes you happy?Freeing up time as a business owner, means having the weekend to enjoy time with friends and family...
Have you booked your holidays for 2025?As a small business owner it is important that you take the time to recharge.But ...
Business Owners - You are my HERO!You put everything on the line, take great risks and back yourselves 100%.You have the...
Why hunker down when you can thrive?Every single day you should be focusing on the long term and having a business that ...
Running a business is challenging enough, but when you're doing it with someone else, things can get even more complicat...
I Love Fridays!Nearly as much as I love an ice cold beer!What is your brew of choice?
Feeling stuck in the day-to-day grind of your business?It's time to shift your mindset from "trying" to "doing."Successf...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00