Melanie Drewery Equine Therapy

Melanie Drewery Equine Therapy

Working with a focus on areas of tension and imbalance, I use gentle stimulation to encourage your h

Photos from Ruby six's post 24/08/2022

Aw, thank you Jenni.


I thought this was a really interesting post:

Equine brains are built to experience emotion (the amygdalas) without evaluation (the prefrontal cortex).

This architecture creates an emotional but non-judgemental animal.
By nature (and intentional creation) equine brains have the capacity to heal human wounds.

Horses have one of the most expressive faces of all species using a combination of 17 distinct movements (that yields over 355 trillion possible combinations) to communicate and read each other.

Horses also read human facial expressions - not only in real life but also in photographs.

In a study done by Amy Smith et al in 2016, horses avoided photographs of angry human faces and displayed a rapid spike in heart rate upon seeing them.

Photographs of relaxed, smiling humans did not elicit any avoidance and did not alter heart rate.

Horse’s emotional intelligence is why there’s about 900 certified equine therapy centers in the US helping to treat PTSD, anxiety, disorders, substance abuse, trauma, grief, or just a bad day.

Everyone needs a horse in their life. 🖤

Horse Brain, Human Brain: The Neuroscience of Horsemanship
Janet L Jones

Research article:
Functionally relevant responses to human facial expressions of emotion in the domestic horse (Equus caballus)
Amy Victoria Smith , Leanne Proops , Kate Grounds , Jennifer Wathan and Karen McComb

Fascia in Horses - Danish veterinary exploring uncharted territory - The Fascia Guide 18/05/2020

This link is really interesting, if you have been wondering how Bowen works and why such small moves have such big effects all over the body.
Have a look at:

Fascia in Horses - Danish veterinary exploring uncharted territory - The Fascia Guide In 2015 veterinary Vibeke S Elbrønd published the first report on Fascia and horses. Through autopsy she found that the horse has the same kind of chains and networks of connective tissue through the body, as found in humans.

Photos from Melanie Drewery Equine Therapy's post 09/05/2020

You know you’ve got the right spot when Barney is on the job. Best face pulling ever!

