So Physio

So Physio

So Physio is your new to-go physiotherapy clinic. We believe in a whole-body approach, deviating fro

Are anti-inflammatory drugs making back pain worse? 08/06/2022

Are anti-inflammatory drugs making back pain worse? A new series of studies are questioning the conventional wisdom of using steroids and commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs to treat chronic back pain, suggesting they could instead prolong the pain. Dr David Rice offers his analysis.

Butt Wink Is Not About The Hamstrings | Physio Network 17/05/2022


Butt Wink Is Not About The Hamstrings | Physio Network When your spine bends at the bottom of a squat, are the hamstrings to blame?

Photos from So Physio's post 20/04/2022

There is NOTHING wrong with pushing pause and resting. Some times it's the best thing you can do for your mind, body & soul ✨️ ♥️

So Physio - Physiotherapy in Albany and Auckland Central 29/03/2022

Please note that both Albany & City locations will be closed from the 30th of March to 9th of May as we are taking a well deserved holiday

If you have any urgent issues, please send us an email at and our reception team will attend to it as soon as possible.

Nicole’s first day back in Clinic will be the 9th of May in City clinic and 10th of May in Albany clinic. If you would like to pre-book your appointment in advanced, please visit our website .

So Physio - Physiotherapy in Albany and Auckland Central Whatever pain or injury you’re facing, our NKT-trained physiotherapists will help your body feel and move better than it did before. Our experienced team in Albany, North Shore and Auckland City Central are ACC registered and treat acute injuries as well as chronic pain and conditions.


It's the chicken & egg story of which came first. When you're moving poorly, it becomes a precursor/risk factor to injuries.

When you're already in pain, your body starts to compensate to help you to continue to move & adapt to your surroundings. The movement is not ideal and if not corrected, may cause the brain to interpret this as a new normal, which in the future can continue to switch off important muscle patterns creating more risk factors to injuries!

How do you know if you are moving well and preventing yourself from any future injuries or pain? Our Body WOF ™️ Service is perfect for assessing and treating these issues.

Timeline photos 16/02/2022

And then common consensus is to stretch or foam roll those ITBs 🤷‍♀️

👀 Did you know this?⁠


👉🏻 🗣 All ITBs are tight. You can’t lengthen them. How horrible would it be if you could lengthen fascia and connective tissue that we want to be stiff and strong in order to transmit forces and store and release elastic energy.⁠

- Greg Lehman

Photos from So Physio's post 21/11/2021

and hey, we only get one body. They aren't replaceable like tools are.

When we're younger, we heal and bounce back faster, but don't take that as a sign that we're bullet proof.

Although this doesn't mean that you should stop doing everything, but instead make sure your body is capable to move well enough to do what you want.

Not sure where to start? Our Body WOF is the best way to get started. We assess your movements, posture, past injury, history and give you a good summarized report of how your body is, what you need, and what you don't need.

Book now for an appointment in Albany or Auckland CBD.

Photos from So Physio's post 09/11/2021

I hear this a lot from my patients that they don't have time to exercise, life is too busy with kids, families and jobs.

Hey, I get it 100%, but do you know a 5 mins workout spread across 3 times a day is still beneficial. When you're brushing your teeth, when you're waiting for the kettle to boil, when you're waiting for the microwave or air fryer to finish cooking your food. Those few minutes gives you at least 1 set of any exercise you choose.

Do some squats, jumping jack, ab crutches or run on the spot. You have no idea how much they can make a difference.null

Ganglions: How To Fix them For Good with Physiotherapy — So Physio 08/11/2021

Lets revisit an oldie but goodie - Ganglions. Don't pop it by whacking a book over it. Instead, find out how we can help you with it by treating the root cause.

Ganglions: How To Fix them For Good with Physiotherapy — So Physio So Physio is your holistic physiotherapy clinic in Albany, North Shore and Auckland City Central. Our approach are unconventional and utilises the whole body approach. We are ACC Providers and do not require referrals for an appointment.



All face to face appointments are still subjected to clinical assessment. The clinic reserves the right to decline any face to face consultation if any concerns are shown during the screening process.


• Fully Vaccinated Patients are able to book in for an appointment during any available times.
• Complete the COVID screening form attached to the appointment confirmation or reminder email.
• Reception team will perform a temperature check when you arrive in the clinic.
• Please wait in your car if you are early and enter the clinic when it’s your appointment time.
• Masks are mandatory and to be worn properly throughout the whole appointment.
• Please contact the team to cancel your appointment if you are unwell prior to your appointment.

UNVACCINATED or Single Dose:
• Face to face appointments is limited and subjected to clinical assessment.
• Patients are required to complete a covid test and produce negative test results 72 hours prior to your appointment to confirm your appointment.
• Please send a screenshot of your negative test result to [email protected] prior to your appointment. Upon receiving your email, we will confirm your appointment.
• Appointments for unvaccinated or single dose patients are only available from 3-5pm Monday-Friday.
• Complete the COVID screening form attached to the appointment confirmation or reminder email.
• Reception team will perform a temperature check when you arrive in the clinic.
• Please wait in your car if you are early and enter the clinic when its your appointment time.
• Masks are mandatory and to be worn properly throughout the whole appointment.
• Please contact the team to cancel your appointment if you are unwell prior to your appointment.

Please understand that our protocol is in place to protect the health and safety of the clinical team as well as other patients as well.

Thank you for your understanding.

Photos from So Physio's post 01/11/2021

A little late here but as you probably heard, Physio clinics are back in action for face to face appointment under a case by case basis. If you need an appointment, Albany and Auckland Central locations are both open on an appointment only basis. No walk ins during Alert 3. Book in an appointment now on

Photos from So Physio's post 13/10/2021

squats are such a functional movement so let's get squatting, as well as, perfecting that squat technique 👌


Photos from So Physio's post 09/10/2021

something to think about. As much as we hope to be, our bodies are not bulletproof which is why we came up with our Body WOF service to keep you in check and prevent any long unnecessary pain and rehab journey.

Want to hear more? Leave us a comment or visit for more information.

Photos from So Physio's post 05/10/2021

If you've seen 's opening intro deal, you might be familiar with our new Body WOF service.

I decided to create a new service called Body WOF to break the boundaries of only needing a physio when you are in pain or injured. In fact, we now know that it is not ideal. As we put our body through the works, we want to prevent injuries instead of waiting for it to happen and then live to regret it.

I also created it because as we grow further into this work from home culture, a lot of people are doing more home workouts and experiencing postural issues from their home workspace set up.

In our hour long BODY WOF session, we provide you with a

• Movement Analysis
• Postural Analysis
• Full Body Assessment
• Injury Assessment
• Advice
• Exercise Recommendation
• Treatment

You service your car every 6 months or 1 year, get a medical and dental check up in that same time frame too.

So we recommend one every 6 months or 1 year depend on your situation.

It's $150 for an hour session, but if you check out it comes a 30 minute session free with our intro deal 😉 Grab it before it's gone forever!

Available in both Albany & CBD locations starting at Phase 3 of Level 3. Book Your appointment at



Hope you have been keeping well and safe during this lockdown. Unlike previous level 3 lockdowns, the Ministry of Health has altered their guidelines for private practice Physiotherapist to operate in a limited setting for the current and any Level 3s in the future.

We are now allowed to provide face to face care for urgent cases only during Level 3. Urgent cases where failure to access services will lead to an acute deterioration of a known condition; or where delay in access to services will impact the consumer’s ability to maintain functional independence and significantly negatively impact quality of life. Telehealth consultations are still the preferred way during level 3.

If you require urgent care, or think your situation falls under the urgent criteria, send us an email on [email protected] or call at 02041343190 to discuss and make a booking. Please be advised that we reserve the right to decide the urgency of every case and we will do our very best to accommodate every request.

Photos from So Physio's post 16/09/2021

Aucklabd CBD, we're coming for you!
We're located inside and are offering great opening specials ⭐
Check out our website for more details.

Photos from So Physio's post 09/09/2021

Jaw pun aside...isn't that so interesting?

Try this. Stay standing and feel the weight of your body on your feet. Then move your jaw forward, backwards and then sideways. Feel the weight of your body change as your jaw shifts position.

So why is this relevant? 🤔
Your center of gravity and body positioning affects movement as well as the ability of your body to absorb shock against gravity. If your weight is always shifted forward, most of your weight will be going through the front of your knees and into the balls of your feet, which is more inefficient than going through your heels and the middle of your knees where it's supposed to.

Long term problems like degeneration, bony spur growth, 'bone on bone' type stuff will pop up. So if you have a clicking jaw or jaw pain that is not dental related..perhaps it's time to pay us a visit. Book for an appointment at


Isn't it sad that growing old is automatically associated with increased aches and pains..Many people just accept it and allow that to dictate their life. Yes it is true that we heal slower, muscles are less stretchy and our joints are less bouncy, but it doesn't mean it's a given.

If you don't use your muscles, you will lose them. If you don't move into deeper ranges, your joints get stiffer. Even as you ages, you can still get strong. In fact, you should! Give yourself the best chance to maintain healthy, well and strong.


We are expanding to Auckland City Central! We now have two locations in Auckland - Albany, North Shore & Auckland CBD. Auckland City clinic opens on the 24th September 2021.


Dear clients,

Clinic will be closed during Alert level 4. If you have an upcoming appointment in the next 7 days, your appointment have been cancelled and I will be in touch to reschedule.

Thank you and stay safe 🙏


Instagram Photos 11/07/2021

USE IT OR LOSE IT - This picture (from a BBC programme on health & ageing) shows the muscle wastage of the thigh from 35-55-85 years old. The white in the middle is the femur, the red is the quads & hamstrings & then the white is subcutaneous fat.
Muscle strength is closely related to the absolute quantity of muscle mass, which is also reduced with aging. Between the ages of 40 and 50 years, we can lose 8% of our muscle mass; this loss accelerates to 15% per decade after age 75 years.

This decrease in muscle mass (sarcopenia) is thought to contribute to the development of functional limitations and disability in old age and potentially might explain part of the association between strength & mortality.

“Sarcopenia is the age-associated decline in muscle mass, strength, and quality that begins as early as the fourth decade of life and is a major contributor to poor health and disability in older adults.
The progressive loss of muscle mass and the concomitant decline in muscle strength (dynapenia) are associated with a large and diverse group of pathologies including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), cardiovascular disease (CVD), frailty and disability, increased risk of falls and fractures, loss of physical independence, cognitive decline and depression, lower quality of life, and all-cause mortality.

The etiology of this muscle loss is known to be multifactorial with reductions in activity levels and inappropriate nutrition playing central roles”
PMID: 33001410
Exercise training and proper nutrition can have dramatic effects on muscle mass and strength. An optimal intervention program may include an exercise-training schedule that incorporates both resistance and aerobic exercise with adequate intake of total calories and protein.
PMID: 15192443
Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose fat, improve your fitness or sports performance make sure you are doing some form of weights training, consistently, so you can age gracefully
There is no such thing as “too old to start” (Exercise at any age stimulates protein synthesis and increased muscle mass and strength) and there is no reason to every stop

Timeline photos 21/06/2021

Muscles don't have a mind of their own. They do what they're told. Simply releasing muscles, stretching them, etc. rarely has any effect on what they're being told to do by the brain. Neurologic corrections are usually key for lasting change.

Photos from So Physio's post 10/06/2021

a little reminder that a full and proper rehab and recovery will never be quick.


Most people's perception of the shoulder is just the ball of the shoulder. Remember that part of the shoulder is just the MOVER, your stability, power and strength comes from the scapular or more commonly termed as your shoulder blade.


Pain is only a symptom. Like how stiffness and clicking is a symptom. From a patient's point of view, pain is one of the biggest measures of progress, but do not make the rookie mistake of thinking you're 100% when pain is gone. It is one of the reasons why the same problem keeps coming back.

So Physio - Physiotherapist with a Whole Body Approach, Albany | North Shore 02/05/2021

You can change cars when they break down, but we only get one body.

Check out my latest blog post about listening to the warning signs coming from your body.

So Physio - Physiotherapist with a Whole Body Approach, Albany | North Shore Hello again here! I cannot believe that the last blog post was such a long time ago. Most of our content is up on our Instagram so check that out HERE for more information.   Let’s talk about self-care. In recent years we see the whole self-love and self-care theme getting bigger. Th


You might not believe me, but one of my clients who hurt her back and couldn't walk, tried to get in for an appointment but had to wait a week due to full books, called me a day after telling me she's fine now because she's been doing the breathing exercises I told her to do 🤷‍♀️

Don't forget that your breathing cues all your core muscles to fire, plus your breathing muscles are pretty much part of your core. It's the reason you're still alive, pumping oxygen and blood through your body. So stop taking something that's so crucial for granted.

For something that we are doing 20,000 times a day on average, we better be doing it well. It's that simple.

Research suggests early osteoarthritis intervention could save $1b per year 29/04/2021

Research suggests early osteoarthritis intervention could save $1b per year A lack of funding is forcing doctors to tell osteoarthritis sufferers to wait on surgery rather than speak with exercise therapists or dieticians.


Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 19:00
Thursday 07:00 - 19:00
Friday 07:00 - 19:00