Laura Braid Psychology

Laura Braid Psychology

I run a private psychology practice in Browns Bay, Auckland. I offer evidence-based psychological t Private Psychology Practice

Laura Braid - Psychologist on Instagram: "Waking up this morning and I still feel unstoppable even though I have such a long road ahead of me yet. I want to share how much aroha and respect that I have for myself. I did it. I didn’t think that I... 21/02/2023

✨click on link for a wee update x

Laura Braid - Psychologist on Instagram: "Waking up this morning and I still feel unstoppable even though I have such a long road ahead of me yet. I want to share how much aroha and respect that I have for myself. I did it. I didn’t think that I... 16 Likes, 3 Comments - Laura Braid - Psychologist () on Instagram: "Waking up this morning and I still feel unstoppable even though I have such a long road ahead of me yet. I want to share how much aroha and respect that I have for myself. I did it. I didn’t think that I could...

Photos from Laura Braid Psychology's post 30/12/2022

Chemo is really trying to kick my ass this week but one look at the sheer determination on one daughter’s face and the pure joy on the others hits me harder. This is my why 💕

Photos from Laura Braid Psychology's post 29/12/2022

Simple Summer nights💫

These little moments mean the world to me. Slow wanders, long chats, singing songs from musicals and ooohing and ahhhing over how handsome our golden boy looks in the golden hour sunshine ☀️

Photos from Laura Braid Psychology's post 25/12/2022

Merry Christmas 💛

A very special day with my family. Cherry on top was having my first Christmas with my mum since 2004 🍒

Hoping you all had or are still having a day where you find little sparkles of magic ✨


Marking a milestone. First cycle of three rounds of chemo done. Three more cycles and 9 more rounds to go.

There have been so many challenges along the way so far. Surgeries, chemo and infections are only a tiny part of the cancer journey. Cancer tries to take everything.

I am so grateful for the arsenal of inner resources I have from my own training as a psychologist and my own inner work over the years. I am so proud of my younger self for letting herself be open and vulnerable over the years and letting in the people who have become my mighty team in helping me fight this cruel and ugly disease.

Cancer really doesn’t have a face until it is your own or someone you deeply care about (or both). These last few years cancer has shown her face way too many times to my family. We are scared, tired and heartbroken at times but I am determined to keep moving forward with the help of my mighty team 💛

Sending my love to you all. I am so happy to receive your little messages of hope, laughter and prayers they really brighten my day. I do apologize if I haven’t replied to you all as yet. I promise I’ll get there. Hope you get out into the beautiful sun today at some point x


I have managed to have a conversation with all my clients now. One of the hardest things I have had to do. Anyone who knows me, knows that my work is a huge part of me, my world and my identity. I never set out for this chapter that I am living at the moment. In fact, I had no idea. Completely oblivious.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago.

These weeks have been extremely scary, sad and filled with deep grief. At the same time, I have also found something within myself and those around me that I didn’t know could exist so strongly. A deep sense of faith and hope to keep me moving in an active direction whilst allowing myself to be wrapped in love, kindness, compassion, practical help, hugs, messages, gifts, flowers and food - so much beautiful, gorgeous food 💛

In the last three weeks, I have had a mastectomy, a temp reconstruction and a portacath inserted. Today, I have no idea how but I managed to tick off my first chemo round of Cycle 1.

This part of my regimen is 4 cycles in total and 12 rounds. I will then have more major reconstruction and margins surgery hopefully after some more testing post-chemo. Then, I have 12 months of herceptin infusions.

A long and scary road ahead for me that may divert many times. I am 100% determined to give everything that I have got, in each moment that I can. But I know that cancer hurts those deeply on the sidelines too. So please hold space, love, encouragement and aroha for my kids, my family, friends and clients too. They are all sparkling diamonds in my eyes ✨

I am grateful to all the medical ‘human legends’ who are making it their mission to make me better. I am so thankful to everyone who is in, has been in or has just stepped up and into the worst f’ing members club in the world to make me feel less alone. So true, worst club, best members.

I have met some a-holes in my life, but cancer is by far the biggest. I pray that cancer has picked the wrong woman because she is determined to kick ass with a whole team behind her ✨

My love and heart goes out to everyone who has had their lives or their loved ones lives turned upside down by cancer. I am here for all of you # # #


Ohana and play 🌸

My biggest lesson these last few weeks has been that play is absolutely crucial to the very essence of our being. I obviously know this intellectually but I had pure, lived experience of it in Hawai’i and gosh did it feel good.

We were very lucky to have some out of this world experiences but what we will all treasure forever is that feeling and reminder of being an awesome team, a family, a whānau. Ohana 🌸

Our little private jokes, our sayings, the gestures that only we knew about it. The silly, the crazy and the just for the hell of it.

A gentle smack in my face reminder of what values are truly important to me.

Ohana and play 💛

We are all blurry and squished in this photo but boy is it a special one. This was a moment forever etched into my hippocampus 🌸

Watch this reel by laurabraidpsychology on Instagram 30/04/2022


Watch this reel by laurabraidpsychology on Instagram Ruby Amanfu • Breathe

Photos from Laura Braid Psychology's post 25/01/2022

Happy New Year ✨

I am back in Auckland after an absolutely incredible trip with my family and some very special friends.

We lived and breathed every single second of our experience. It was filled with adrenaline, love, laughs, making dreams come true, and creating some very special memories.

I am back practicing from the first week of Feb. I will be in touch with existing clients and waitlist clients individually to discuss dates, times and what Red alert level looks like for our sessions.

I hope that you are all coping with the continuing changes here in NZ. Sending lots of aroha and strength.

Lots of exciting changes planned for 2022. Looking forward to sharing them with you soon x

Photos from Laura Braid Psychology's post 03/01/2022

Holiday mode is on. Recharging myself. Summer aroha ☀️

What (another) year it has been. Sending you all love, wishes for a kinder year and lots and lots of good health.

To all my fellow psychologist/therapist/healthcare friends - I am sending so much love, a tonne of respect and heaps of aroha for the year ahead 💕


Cold Moon on a balmy night 🤍

Photos from Laura Braid Psychology's post 15/12/2021

The reality of our parenting experience to date is nothing short of wild. The take your breath away, scary wild and the take your breath away, beautiful wild.

We have had some devastating lows but the last few days are a few of the absolute highs.

Our eldest daughter has just graduated primary school. She has faced this last year with so much passion, resilience and heart that we are just so proud.

The kids have missed out on so many rites of passage in their final year of primary school. The biggie for her was not being able do her school production. The biggie for me was not being able to hear her in person give her Valedictorian speech and receive the school Values Award.

She makes my heart smile and reminds me to have courage and be generous with my kindness.

My youngest wee bairn today also had a super special day. She only went and got her ears pierced 💕 She is absolutely over the moon ✨

To everyone out there weathering the wild. I see you 🤍

Photos from Laura Braid Psychology's post 12/12/2021

Resilience is so much more than overcoming. It is also about becoming with grit and grace.

These photos capture our experience so well.

This is the moment she realized that she nailed her 200m ocean swim today in pretty tough ocean conditions.

I learn from my wee girl every day. She never fails to amaze me 🤍

Do you feel that you learn so much from the little people in your life too?


So this week has been a ride that I never knew was a thing, wanted to get on and couldn’t get off even if I wanted to.

Last Sunday morning I was taken into hospital by paramedics. Scary, scary, crazy symptoms. A beautiful doctor (whom I will never forget) mothered me as best she could with attunement, kindness, drugs and patience.

This began my week of specialist appointments and navigating a pretty weird health system at the moment. I really feel for everyone working in the system at the moment and everyone who is a part of the system of at the moment.

A week later, I am still pretty vulnerable. I am not quite myself with some horrible lingering symptoms and facing another week of specialist appointments. However, I am so grateful for feeling even just a wee bit better. You never really appreciate your health until it isn’t there right?

I have answered yes to every offer of help, empathy, listening ear, healing, play dates, dog dates, dinners and love. I am deeply thankful for my family and friends and the village they have created. I am incredibly proud and filled with love for my kids who have taken it all in their stride and navigated a bizarre return to school with their mama not being able to do her normal mama things.

If you knew that you were one curveball away from petrifying vulnerability and change - what would you do differently?

I have thought of a few for myself. Sleep more. Be kinder to self. Appreciate the mundane. Love harder. Slow down. Smile more. Listen deeper.

Anna Mathur ‘s post inspired me to share my week.

I am strong.
I am vulnerable.
I am a mother.
I need mothering too.

Have a lovely Sunday 🤍

P.S. I don’t look like this today 😅 this was taken a year ago almost to the day. I just wanted to share a photo that made me smile 📸 Sarah Clayton Photography


I am absolutely exhausted. This lockdown has been a long road for this mama. A busy practice, a busy home, home-schooling and a puppy.

Tired and grateful. Feeling both.

Another big weekend ahead with my iRest meditation training. Just wrapped up for the night - I am really loving it. Learning so much to share with my beautiful clients and integrating so much of my own stuff.

About to have some dinner and start my evening. Bailey happy to have me back up stairs and couldn’t wait to snuggle in 🤍

Whether you starting your Friday or saying goodnight - I hope you are well x


Our pup is now officially allowed to puppy the streets now. So cool to take him and the kids on a little neighborhood wander before work.

Not sure if I had his halti puppy harness on correctly and I am wearing a bum bag but look at my smile. Buzzing to have a doggy walking pal again 🤍


Little update for everyone asking how today went. I am exhausted but feeling so grateful and honoured to share the space and time with everyone (from all over the world)! I feel completely seen, heard, so connected and a deep sense of belonging. iRest Yoga Nidra is a beautiful practice and I can’t wait to share more over the next wee while ✨


Finding the anchor that keeps my boat from drifting ✨

Watch this reel by laurabraidpsychology on Instagram 05/11/2021

So grateful to be able to continue my iRest Yoga Nidra teacher training journey despite lockdowns over the last 18 months or so.

A little look into my sacred practice place for the next few days. Really looking forward to sharing more with you ✨

Watch this reel by laurabraidpsychology on Instagram 𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙚 Effect


They say high tides bring hope and opportunity 💛


Colour me in sunset. I believe in cotton candy ✨


Hope this reminds you this Monday morning (or Sunday night if you are Northern Hemisphere) - to try out a little somatic sensing check- in as often as you can in your day. Working with your vagus nerve is a pathway in guiding you and helping you feel back ‘home’ inside yourself 💛


He is our wee curly blondie.

He brings simple love.

He brings such simple joy.

He makes us laugh so hard.

He is magical and spirited.

He makes every one of us feel like we are his absolute best friend.

He took a dump in my laundry this morning.

Still love him 💛


Salt. The biting air. Deafening sound. White waves. The dysregulated peace of the wildness ✨

Try not to let that wild weather put you off breathing in the smell of ocean water today 💛


as wild as heather ✨

processing my day ✨

making space for my evening ✨

feel free to listen and allow your day to wash with the waves ✨


Don’t blame it on the sunset, don’t blame it on the moonlight.

Some sweetness in the sky tonight ✨


Beyond proud of this caring little human 💛


hello beautiful people of the world, love from me and my little loves ✨

from our lockdown bubble to yours x



The Sweet Life Psychology

My practice offers evidence-based psychological therapy for individuals, groups and organisations. I predominantly work with adults experiencing anxiety, depression, issues in their personal relationships and/or at work, stress as well as enhancing wellbeing. I have trained in numerous treatment modalities throughout my career: acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT); cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and schema therapy (ST). I now, mainly practice acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). I am huge believer in mindfulness-based therapy and the practice of mindfulness in general to help client’s enhance their mental health and sense of wellness. I am also very passionate about the role of nutrition in our mental health and wellbeing.

I have trained in numerous treatment modalities throughout my career: acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT); cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and schema therapy (ST). I now, mainly practice acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). I am huge believer in mindfulness-based therapy and the practice of mindfulness in general to help client’s enhance their mental health and sense of wellness. I am also very passionate about the role of nutrition in our mental health and wellbeing.

I am an experienced New Zealand Registered Psychologist. I am huge believer in mindfulness-based therapy and the practice of mindfulness in general to help client’s enhance their mental health and sense of wellness.

I have worked as a Psychologist in both the private and public sectors in Scotland and New Zealand. I am based on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand.

Videos (show all)

Little update for everyone asking how today went. I am exhausted but feeling so grateful and honoured to share the space...
Somatic sensing check in ✨
as wild as heather ✨
hello beautiful people of the world, love from me and my little loves ✨from our lockdown bubble to yours x
For anyone who would love a little Vitamin Sea today 🌊☀️✨
The Keyhole (Taitomo) at Piha Beach providing us with a beautiful natural sound bath today ✨
Back in Level 3 here in Auckland.Hearing lots of ‘we’ve got this’.  That’s all awesome if we all know what it is exactly...
Try pausing often for a second or two and tapping into your senses when you are outside. Slowing down and triggering our...
A quick look around what it looks like in psychology therapy space. Warm, open, inviting, safe and comforting. Hope you ...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00