John Vincent Reid

John Vincent Reid

Spiritual Growth and Healing with Love. Well-Being Facilitator. In Touch Coach.


Just Maybe...
The Shift is on whether we are aware of it or not...
Some significant real world events are occurring which you may or may not be aware of...
These are exciting times...
Trends whose time has come will have their way...
Crimes against Humanity will be addressed...
The truth will only be held up for so long...
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


"I am ready for the Light.
Make it Shine."
For those who have wobbly dark moments.
Step into awareness of it but do not become attached to it.
"I was reading some news reports and watching more unveiling of the dark agendas and to be honest, feeling a little down and overwhelmed by the sheer depravity of what is being done today.
Then something in side me, the warrior spirit, said wait a minute, I am being shown this information so I can know how much light to bring in to counter it.
so, I'm ready for the light and to make it shine as brightly as possible.
I know what is going on is really awful but we know what is going on, we know the truth of these agendas.
What are we going to do about it?
What do I always say - light makes the darkness irrelevant.
Let's make these dark agendas as irrelevant as possible.
Shine on."
Jennifer Hoffman
Increase and maintain your vibration and frequency.
Stay in the vortex of possibility and thriving.
Shine the Light you BE.
What would it take to be a beacon of Light??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


Least we forget the Globalist Totalitarian Uniparty LIES and Agendas..
"Always time for a Yeah Right...
Do not be resigned..
Hold on..
Keep the faith..
There are many with you...
They have crossed the criminal line which is evidential for common law court systems to see.
This is full on tyranny.
The hypocrisy is clear for all to see.
And your occupation or profession may be next which is what we saw in Germany.
Do the crime,; do the time.
This is Global.
Stay strong with each other.
They want you divided and in resignation.
Don't give them your power or integrity.
The Union is likely to have already been bought and paid for.
Cuddly Communists stick together.
Support each other.
Your strength and courage shows up in adversity.
Freedom lovers are being called to come together.
The Gummint is using many levers to restrict, divide, disempower, demean, dehumanize, disturb, distort and destroy.
At the precipice point, we will get a bottom up revolution in Devolution to take back PEOPLE POWER.
We are in the final stages of the spiritual and information WW3.
Some people are still unaware we are at war because it is asymmetric warfare.
The soulful up against the soulless.
Keep the faith.
"In the end it will be alright, and if it is not alright, it is not the end"
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


“The capacity to be Alone is the capacity to Love.
It may look paradoxical to you, but it is not.
It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of the other person - without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other.
They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now.
Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.”
Osho, Being in Love
Highlighting the importance of the relationship to yourself and to your Source.
It could be called Oneing, with or without others.
When you feel whole and complete with yourself (not disconnected), you no longer need another to complete you, to whole you.
The dependency of another leading to co-dependent relationships is released.
The insecurities and flaws (the not enoughnesses) cease to have a charge.
The traumas and repressed emotions are worked through in the body to clear the unconscious patterns.
The disempowering beliefs are replaced by empowering ones.
The concepts and coping mechanisms of obligation, manipulation, domination, coercion, controlling, self righteousness are obliterated.
From this place of courage and strength, you can surrender to the new experiences totally wherever they may lead.
You can embrace the unknown, the unfamiliar, the uncertain in love knowing that you will be safe and sovereign and authentic.
Trust is restored.
Connection returns.
The nervous system is grounded.
Consciousness leads.
Take inspired action.
In fact from your unattached independence, you can connect with your interdependence with all and All That Is.
The illusion of separation is dissolved and dissipated to step into your gifting and receiving freely in unconditional ways from an empowered state.
Balance is the key.
Body, Mind and Spirit in harmony.
Nourishing and nurturing each aspects so they allow your soul Self to lead the world of form and matter in ease, peace and joy.
Feeling connected to All That Is.
Relationships are the ultimate test of mental, emotional and spiritual maturity.
The playground for all mastery especially self mastery.
All approaches come from a win/win paradigm rather than the more familiar win/lose outcome.
Polarity (drama and trauma) decreases and higher ideals take precedence.
Relationships are entered consciously for growth, joy, fun, contribution, evolution rather than mere survival, coping, distracting mechanisms.
They are entered by choice rather than need.
They expand rather than contract.
They express love rather than fear.
They focus on gains rather than losses.
What would it take to engage in the necessary soulwork to raise my consciousness and body resilience??
What energy, words, thoughts, deeds are you creating??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


A reality check for budding Socialists (cuddly Communists) and the Socialist theology...
Same goes for those hiding behind the Progressive label such as Laboar and the Greens which they freely admit.
Not far behind are those Globalists who have a communist bent, being influenced by the CCP, even while pretending they are not.
Trying to defy universal principles always ends badly..
Ask the people under Stalin, Mao, Hi**er, Mussolini, Pol Pot and so on when totalitarian rulers enact their theocratic ideology over reality.
See if you can read all the statements without being triggered...
What emotions are engendered??
What would it take to create genuine prosperity??
What energy, words, thoughts, deeds are you creating??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends."
Martin Luther King Jr
Consider the enemies are the establishment players in the artificial Matrix who are operating a pyramid scheme albeit it is projected onto us as being "normal".
These main puppet masters at the moment are the Billionaires, the Fascists and the Bolsheviks.
And they manage their "useful idiot" puppets such as politicians, corporate heads, the Media establishment, the Social Media Tech giants, leading bureaucrats, banking heads, international institutions, justice jurisdictions, entertainment distractionists, academics, Big Pharma and so on to play out roles within a power and control system and Systems all over the planet.
Everyday people know this System is not working and is not fair and not equitable and let down by the Maritime (Corporate) Legal system.
As part of the "Shift" or "Great Awakening" this system is disintegrating and collapsing which looks like chaos, crisis, disruption, distortion, censorship, propaganda, totalitarian rules, mandating and so on as the Establishment clings onto and hostage takes the old Matrix game or program.
1). Some can see this very clearly and are gaining their voice to speak up and call out the rigged game as well as step up in inspired action to lead by example.
2). Some are awakening:
to the restrictions and contractions of rules and regulations,
to the brainwashing and cultural conditioning,
to the debt death spiral and economic malfeasance,
to the manipulations and corruptions of the elites and leaders,
to the collapsing and dissolving systems and institutions,
and considering their contributions and actions to arrest this old game.
3). Some are feeling the disconnections and inequity and know that something is very off and not right but not sure what exactly are the causes or interconnections of everything that is not working.
4). Some are still on the treadmill of routinues, habits and limiting beLIEfs that were taught in compliance and obedience to be safe, to fit in and not stand out.
5). Some are in deep fear in the trance of the trauma and drama programs of humanity instilled by the overlords and the discomfort and pain arising from cognitive dissonance.
We are in a transition phase with some at the very start and others having progressed somewhat over the bridge of vibration and frequency expansion and transformation.
We are in the process of resetting, readjusting, restarting, refocusing, recalibrating, reformatting the old programs and blueprints.
It is time to listen up, show up, step up, speak up and act up.
It is time to tap into the energy of the good, silent majority with evidence, documentation and proof of the crimes of humanity, of corrupt practices, of lies and deceit, of greed and manipulation by the system elites and leaders that has held humanity hostage and in servitude..
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke
"I AM stepping into my Magnificence, as I am now"
What would it take to become aware and awake to the old programs operating which do not serve us or humanity and to step into our highest contributions and growth as a force for good, kindness and equanimity??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


"Living only in the physical, mental and emotional realm makes energy limited.
Tap into the spiritual dimension and energy is limitless."
The very fabric of our reality is we are all energy.
That energy is constructed and configured into different forms and presentations.
When we have greater density or slowness of wavelength, we get physicality in all its configurations.
Greater light and speed of wavelength we get realms beyond our human perception.
We could call this energy field Consciousness.
It is not static.
Every thought, every emotion, every action, creates ripples through this infinite field of Consciousness.
It is therefore evolving.
One could surmise the design of Life, as we understand it, is to experience the impulse of consciousness itself
The current power structures in our society are built around the perceived scarcity of energy.
At one level this occurs with physical items like oil and the distortions this has caused.
At another level it is all about the money flows.
At another level this occurs with groups acting as energy vampires sucking the lifeforce from others.
This is mine, my precious.
Me at the expense of you.
Alternative energy sources are being developed and showing up.
Solar, electric in the physical and humans taking back their power and own lifeforce creations.
Technology is progressing so quickly that "free energy" will revolutionize our systems, lifestyles and environment. In that environment of perceived abundance, we will own our abundance and magnificence.
When we get to realize there is way more beyond our perceptions, we can move from limited finite constructs to the great infinite unlimited dimensions.
We can see them as out there and explore externally or connect within explore internally.
We can interact with time and space out there or we can pull time and space to flow through us.
We can move beyond us responding to the world and allowing the world to respond to us.
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Dr Wayne Dyer
Change our focus and new paradigms are created.
Connect with the 'field' to receive whatever we need in this now moment.
Be prepared to forget everything that creates limitation or fixed points of view.
Trust our inherent connection to All That Is for the perfect experiences.
You are far more powerful than you realize.
What magic would you like to create??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


"When in ourselves, we are not divided.
When we have stopped disowning all the different aspects we carry inside ourselves.
When we can be still with our own pain, we can then stop projecting it on others.
When we come home to loving all the different expressions of who we are, then we will be able to make room for others diversity.
Then the world will know peace".
Terri Morehu
Then the world will know peace.
Division is the currency of power and control (revolution) - race, gender, class, religion, politics, culture, socioeconomics, diversity, ideology. planet wellbeing.
Led by cultural Globalism ideology into education, institutions, legal structures, environmentalism, government and globalist media as well as corporatism and financialization.
Divide and conquer to gain power and feel powerful.
The ultimate duality game even if self destructive.
Law and order = the presumption of innocence and due process.
MOB rule = guilty if "we" say so.
People are so polarized.
We are playing a lose/lose game instead of win/win.
A great contrast to MOB rule is Nelson Mandela as an example of how it could be.
When we step into the pain, the hurt, the tragedy,
own it,
feel it so we may learn the lessons,
then it will unravel and dissolve.
Bringing all the fragmented aspects, the wounded parts back into wholeness or healed.
Exactly the opposite of how much of mainstream medicine wants to medicate to deny, distract, avoid from reality and the wisdom of the Body,
or cut out or burn out the dis-ease or the pain as a quick fix.
Energy can neither be destroyed nor created but merely changes form.
The sooner we learn to work with it, or mold it the better.
One way of explaining it is allowing the unconscious to be made conscious.
In consciousness new possibilities exist.
The old can be released for the new.
Stepping into self awareness and awareness in general.
And the more we open to 'not open', the more open we become.
An evolution of revealing the wholeness that is already present.
Another way is to connect with and regulate the brain and nervous system to be less reactive, less in fight, flight, freeze, building capacity in the body system and creating a foundation of self-awareness so we can start to listen to and work with our stress physiology - trauma induced by being human.
Practicing mindfulness and heartfulness.
"When we return to our breathing, we return to the present moment, our true home.
There is no need for us to struggle to arrive somewhere else."
Thich Nhat Hanh
As we release the divisions within ourself, so the barriers, conflict and defensiveness falls away.
As we become more coherent, balanced and peaceful, so our projections in the world will match our vibration, coherence and peace.
Time to come back to yourSelf.
To embrace both your physical (temporal) self and your spiritual (eternal) Self,
recognizing one works in one dimension while the other is multidimensional,
one feels separate while the other is in unity,
one is in illusion (albeit very persistent) and the other in Truth - just different perspectives.
Coming back to our essence of Love and Joy and Peace.
All is well.
And so it is.
So be it.
Where in yourself do you currently feel divided, conflicted, fragmented??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


"Pain is inevitable.
Suffering is optional.
Suffering exists in the gap between 'what is' and 'what you think it should be.'
You can close this gap."
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


Just a reminder so we do not forget the psychological mass formation psychopathic operations...
""The most basic form of mind control is repetition."
Stay home; save lives.
3 weeks to flatten the curve.
Get the jibby jab.
No jab; no job.
No evidence; just repetition.
Comply and obey.
Bribe or use peer pressure.
But sir, the Emporeress has no clothes on!
How dare you question authority!"
Just like the "wasted vote" mantra used by powers that be...
Be aware of the infiltration of the Freedom movement to lead astray,..
Trust your gut, intuition, heart rather than a projected mind control conditioning...
Be aware of FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) projections as the Mind is programmed for certainty and familiarity...
Consider the Globalist Totalitarian devil, although known, is still a devil...
Better to go with integrity, heart, innovation, awareness, truth telling, compassion, economic prosperity...
Question everything...
Research, review, question, discern and learn for yourself ...
Beware of rituals, vows, spells, declarations, poopaganda...


"It is not your Fault"
This maybe very appropriate for World Mental Health Day October 10th.
A precursor to acknowledge Holistic Health for all, with rights and responsibilities being addressed.
A chance for a hand up rather than a handout.
Holding non judgmental space for another.
Getting to the heart of:
respect and
understanding for the pain, the stories, the fears, the humanity.
Connecting in with vulnerability and love and wisdom for new possibilities, new ways of BEing.
Cheers to those who:
teach us,
believe in us,
encourage us,
inspire us and
help us transform the way we look at the world.
When we surrender and can be vulnerable, we can be in forgiveness and be compassionate for what was so the energy dissipates and dissolves to release the charge, the secrets, the fears and the story.
What would it take to release the need to blame or find fault with our self and/or another when (unrealistic) expectations are not met??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


"Today we live in a world undergoing a rapid-fire transformation and the impact of the changes in motion are touching all of our lives.
If there was ever a time to confront personal fears, it is now."
Caroline Myss
"You are an intuitive, spiritual being and that inner voice is your most valuable resource, far beyond that of any logical, external advice you may hope to guide you in the months and years to come.
You are your best guide, as frightening a thought as that might seem most of the time.
It remains the truth.
So I’ve put together a few questions for personal reflection and I hope you’ll take some time with them.
1. Name your fears.
2. How many of your fears in life have actually materialized?
And if any have, what was your response?
Did you find that you broke through those fears?
3. Do you feel that fear holds you back from making choices
you would like to make in life?
What are they?
4. Are you presently receiving guidance to take action in any
Name that action and write down what your response is –
particularly if you are deliberately creating a path of
5. Do you consider yourself a courageous person?
All the time?
Depends on the circumstance?
6 Has anyone ever come to your rescue in such a way that
you thought, “That took courage?”
7. What do you fear about being healthy?
8. What does it take courage for you to look at in this
changing world of ours?
Climate change?
The changing situation of the country?
The vulnerability of the future?
Remember that we are on a journey together.
We are a community of wisdom souls, sharing our learning and our lives, moving through an extraordinary period of history unlike any other time before.
It is a privilege to be alive now and you are on this earth now because you matter in ways you will never know.
As the brilliant Thomas Merton wrote,
“This day will never come again.”
We must not waste a day of our lives, not a day, not a moment.
Every day is precious.
Keep that truth in your heart."
Caroline Myss
We are not the same as we were yesterday even if it appears so.
There are unseen forces, solar Light rays, increasing frequencies and/or cellular memory recalibrations.
Everything we do, say, think, and imagine – even privately – matters, regardless of whether we can comprehend the cosmic mathematics of it all.
Within the undercurrent of chaos which is becoming more refined and expansive and cycling upwards and onwards, we are either responding to this vibration with embrace, acceptance and grace or we are reacting in resistance or opposition in avoidance, denial and fear.
We can react to the external crisis and chaos or respond to the internal calm and silence.
Everyone is psychic and everyone is feeling what is happening all around us to greater or lesser extents.
We are an emitting and receiving field.
Those of us on a growth and evolving path are:
more sensitive to the world around us,
more inclined to need quiet time,
more aware of vibration,
more attuned to the emotions of others,
more perceptive about the difference between what we see and what we sense. (the energy never lies)
The challenge is to remember and have the courage to step into the activity and emerging consciousness of our soul.
To step into the unfamiliar, uncomfortable and unseen.
To learn and use more tools to acknowledge and deal with whatever situation or emotion arises.
To trust our intuition to the most perfect way of being or action for us.
To learn to ride the roller coaster of life.
To embrace the chaos, the suffering, the pain and fears which are presented before us.
To integrate mind, body and soul.
The way out of life is to go in.
We are our own best guide in awareness.
This gives us choice, hope and grace.
We can then take inspired action if needed.
Remember we are eternal, multidimensional, multifaceted, infinite, loving, intuitive, creator BEings.
Our instinct is to survive.
Our evolution is to thrive.
What would it take to enhance and respond to the transformational forces which are active in our life and world??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


All good things come to those that are patient.
It's not all about instant gratification.
"Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting".
Joyce Meyer
We are currently working in Divine timing to expose the inverted Matrix controlled by the Billionaires and Bolsheviks and their Puppet politicians, bureaucrats and Deep State operatives.
It is so close I can taste it.
Yet we must wait until all the pieces come together in this 5 D chess game to finally topple this Matrix illusion of control and psychological operations.
The SWAMP is deep and wide worldwide and can only be exposed and taken out by a bottom up PEOPLE POWER revolution and transformation in Devolution.
When the truth is revealed, it will make peoples hair stand on end.
So much manipulation, deceit, deception, greed, corruption and malevolence within the Systems and Institutions.
Economic debt system, Big Pharma, Big Tech, poopaganda Media, dishonest Academia, legalized Injustice, controlled Politicians and all the "useful idiot" bureaucrats.
Also the cultural divides, censoring, public safety abuse and confusing word salad games obscuring Fascism.
So we patiently wait as the evidence and documentation is processed to legally rid this planet of bad actors and structures.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Don't give up.
Don't give in.
Stand firm.
Speak out.
Work with inspired action to progress the big picture outcomes.
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


"Tyrants ( take your pick) are not the problem.
People (the rest of us) obeying tyrants is the only problem.
The PEOPLE have the POWER and always have".
The creation of the Matrix has inverted our perceptions and perspectives.
This has disempowered us as we have focused on our "not enoughness" thoughts.
And reinforced by the psychological marketing machine which keeps us distorted, disconnected and disturbed.
When we step back into our unique, resilient, creative magnificence, we regain our power, our wisdom, our courage and strength to act as the sovereign Beings we BE.
This is a "freewill" experimental playground and we have the ability to make better choices for our highest and best good and that of our community.
Are you really prepared to give your FREEWILL choice away to someone else by following orders??
This is the test of our lifetime.
Release the fear to allow our God given critical thinking, common sense discerning and intuitive knowing.
Blindly accepting an experimental medical procedure with no off ramp indicates the FEAR has you or you can be bought for a few trinkets.
YOU already have the POWER.
Just depends on how you want to use it.
Choose well!
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


"We are all in the same boat.
To be a human is to be imperfect: to make mistakes, to screw things up.
That is not all that it is but it is part of the journey.
To be a human being is not to be a perfect human being.
When you really understand that, you stop being so judgmental towards yourself and others."
We are but works in progress to the realization of enlightenment.
Treading the path from surviving to thriving.
Playing the game of the personality (or personalities) on the way to opening up our soul Self.
Moving from duality and separation to unity and oneness.
In true reality we are We Are One World, We Are One Planet, We Are One Humanity and We Are All One, albeit with an infinite number of expressions.
That which you do to me. you do to you.
That which you do to you, you do to me.
"Break down the jail bars, lay aside your justifications and go in the direction that your heart is calling you.
Any bumps and bruises you could possibly accrue along the way, will all be worth it.
So many people live their life sensibly only to arrive at death carefully."
Teal Swan
Go past the personality shoulda, coulda and wouldas.
This is just part of the fitting in, survival perfection story.
As we connect more with our soul Self we find we step into our knowing of the right thing at the right time at the right place in the right circumstance.
Being present in each moment to that unfolding.
As we release our judgementalism (which we thought we needed to be safe) we can be in a space of more openness.
"The more open you are, the more you will be able to experience the joy of life, and live beyond your current limits, and see more clearly and have more choices available to you.
Openness, is a quality of grace, is a truly liberating quality to come to know directly.
Once you are present to the field of you (Sovereignty) you can invoke and invite yourself into the experience of Openness.
The more you own (become one with) openness, the more you can notice ‘not open’.
It is a matter of differentiating 'open', from 'not open'.
They are a different energetic vibration.
And the more you open to 'not open' the more open you become.
You thus will find all the closed pieces and just by noticing them, without adding effort, they are seen and so an alchemy naturally arises, integrating what is seen, and including it within openness. your natural state... grace."
Eleanor Bauarschi
"We awaken to the dark before we see the light."
Every dark purpose has a light potential.
As we learn to trust ourselves, so we can trust others.
We can come together in cooperation, collaboration and community.
We can embrace polarity and diversity in oneness and unity.
It is not about fixing but revealing that which is already present.
Collecting all the fragments, the wounded parts and healing them into wholeness on the human journey
"All of life comes to me with ease, joy and grace."
What would it take to learn to row the boat in the same direction for a common purpose and calling??
John Vincent Reid - Well-BEing facilitator. InTouch coaching.
To discover and experience a complete sense of Well-Being, Wholeness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

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