The Move Beyond

The Move Beyond

CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Your life is a reflection of your beliefs. Through ThetaHealing® we can release limiting beliefs from the subconscious.

ZMEN SVOJE MYSLENKOVE PROGRAMY, ZMEN SVUJ ZIVOT! Vas zivot je zrcadlem vasich myslenek.


Rytmus k perfektní tělesně váze
Je čas najít správný Rytmus vašeho života a pro vaše tělo?

Změňte svá přesvědčení a naučte se nový způsob, jak uvolnit váhu a dotknout se svého klidu. Není to jen seminář o hubnutí! Je to nalezení skutečného rytmu pro vaši mysl, tělo a ducha. Dotkněte se své vnitřní krásy a lásky k sobě, svých vlastních snů a tužeb! Tento seminář je klíčem k naší harmoni a naší ideální tělesné rovnováze. Je to o tom, abyste jste zjistili jak se cititi pohodlně ve svém vlastním těle a našli vnitřní klid a šťestí tím, že přijmete to, kdo jste!

Staňte se svým vnitřním světem a buďte stále lepší Objevte novou verzi vás, kterou jen můžete být. Objevte je positivní myšlenky jsou nejlepší potravou pro vaše tělo, za které se vám vaše tělo odmění. Naučíte se také pravidlo 8 minut a tajné Viannino cvičení!

Trvání kurzu: 4 hodiny (1/2 dne)

Cena kurzu: 105euro nebo 2450kc

Přihlásit se můžete na tamto odkaze:


I came accross this and it is someting good to think about


I am coming home! 5.12.... time to Theta in New Zealand.


Hi, we still have space for 30min free session from 10:30 to 11pm.

16.3. - Heart
19.3. - Muscles
24.3 - Eyes
25.3. - Brain...
.. if you are interested, message me privately.



So we have again the amazing workshop Intuitive Anatomy. I would like, for my students, to have experiences of working with people outside the workshop.

Each day of the Intuitive Anatomy is focused on different body system. My students will conect intuitively to your body, whey will do distance ewading and then with your permision may offer some healings. It is very safe and very gentel work.

We still have some space left on the
16.3.2022 - The Heart
17.3.2022 - The Lymphatic System
19.3.2022 - Muscles


23.3.2022 - The Skin
24.3.2022 - Eyes
25.3.2022 - Brain.

The session will be only 30min from 10:30 to 11pm.

In a case of interest messige me privatly. Thank you



we are constantly going through changes, integrations, initiations and from time to time our Higher Self needs an extra little love and support.
Did the Creator encourage me today in meditation to offer you these programs:

I know what it feels like to feel part of something Bigger and Greater then I am aware of?

I know what it feels like to let the All-embracing love flow through me so that the people around me can feel it?

I know what it feels like and how to feel my MOST ESSENTIAL ESSENCE, my Divine Energy?

I know what it feels like to to feel my Divine energy and at the same time to be a human?

I know what it feels like to feel my Divine energy and love in my Everyday Life?

I know what it feels like to feel my Divine energy, even when I am em experiencing my own limiting programs, beliefs, fears and angers?

I know what it feels like to, not to doubt my Divine energy even when I see everything going on in the world?

I know what it feels like to approach life's challenges and insecurities and let Embracing Love accompany me with ease and compassion?

If so, write YES. ... and you have my permission to share it with anyone who might need it.


we are going to have first INTUITIVE ANATOMY online. So super exciting to have something new. We will be starting on the 9 till 13.3., then 15.3. till 20.3. and the last week will be 23.3. till 27.3.

If you feel like ready to take a part in it send me a message or email me on [email protected]

Schedule and Registration - the Move beyond 15/01/2022

If there is no workshop you are looking for, it does not mean that it cannot be. Contact me in person and we will see what we can create ... I look forward to seeing you this year and everything we will create together.

Enter this link to register for the workshop
and then enter the code next to that workshop.
There is a lot of interest in some workshops, so sign up as soon as possible to secure a place. I have it limited to 12 people so that it is still very personal.

When repeating the course, the price is 60% of the original amount and in each workshop I have a maximum of 4 places for people to repeat ... 🙏😘

Schedule and Registration - the Move beyond There are four steps to save you a space on the seminars: Find the date of your preferred workshop in the schedule below and copy the code of the class Then click on Registration . which would take you to Thetahealing Institute website. Wait a few seconds before they ask you to enter the code … Co...



I would like to let you know that from the 24.12 till 9.1.2022 I am taking few days off to be with my family and to be little bit in nature too. I will have little bit of time on the 29th, 30est of December and 3rd and 4rth of January to take clients who need it. There are only few places, and they will be limited. (If you need to book contact me directly).

Thank you for understanding, and I am looking forward to seeing you all in the next amazing 2022 year. M



I wish you a Merry Holidays and a Happy New Year!

We have a time ahead of us when we remember the importance of our ties with others and that life is magical and full of special moments.
Of course, we should perceive this at every moment of our lives, but at a time when the days are shorter and the nighted are longer, this awakens in us.

In order to see the magic of life, we must look at things and people with our heart. With true Love and Compassion, to see the Light! … You will see threads, bonds and energies where you usually do not see them…

I would like to challenge you to open your heart so that you can see the magic of life from within. Because it is only possible to SEE the light from within. These holidays are blessed with that.

Once you find it yourself, you become the light bearer and will naturaly share it with everyone around you.

Become a Light Bearer!

Light in the Heart,

Before Paris 04/11/2021

Listen to this... and then do it. make it your mantra and win in the life...sending love you all no matter what is happening.

Before Paris Tom Misch · Song · 2018

The MOST POWERFUL FORCE in the UNIVERSE - Albert Einstein 02/11/2021

Let your Heart to Fill with Love.... Love is Power, love is Sthrength, Love is You, Love is Everythink! I do not need to know you, but I do not need it to LOVE YOU! I ...... LOVE.... YOU! Thank you for being Amazing 🙏

The MOST POWERFUL FORCE in the UNIVERSE - Albert Einstein This is Albert Einstein's letter to his daughter about the the MOST POWERFUL FORCE in the UNIVERSE! Enjoy :)"You can either operate from LOVE or from fear, f...


“GAMBLE EVERYTHING FOR LOVE....., if you are a true human being. Half Heartedness does not reach into Majesty. On the path of love, friend and stranger are one and the same. Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart." RUMI

Would you like to know what it feels like to truelly love All there Is?
Would you like to know what it feels like to know that Love can do anything?
Would you like to know what it feels like to know, that Love has the power to heal and Create anything Instantly?
Would you like to know that this Love is within you?

Would you like to know that you have all it's needed to use this Love in your every day life and to make Magic?
Would you like to know what it feels like to Play with Love?
Would you like to know what if feels like to spread the Love around you?
Would you like to know You are this Love?

Photos from The Move Beyond's post 06/09/2021

I would like to share with you a magical moment that has been documented. Together with the wonderful Martina Smíšková from ThetaDivine, we worked on healing the collective consciousnes of our beautiful Czech Land. You can see how the energy field around us intensified ... we used Markaba and Power Animals for this work. At the end of the session, Markaba was clearly visible in the cell ... Divine Blessing!
Thank you to the Czech Earth and to All Those Amazing Beings who create this wonderful illusion for us ... We are truly in the Magic World!

Photos from The Move Beyond's post 06/09/2021

Knowing that we are part of everything that is, we feel it and we live it! Wohoooooo!!!!
Congratulations to all the amazing creatures.
We had a time full of magical moments, mystical sessions and memorable conversations. 🐞🐝🌺🌼💐

Photos from The Move Beyond's post 12/08/2021

THANK YOU CREATOR FOR THE BLESSING HELP AND LOVE OF THE BEING AROUND US ON OUR JOURNEY! This one is helping me so much during the workshop focused on Diseases and Disorders. So easy to move beyond any resentment with him next to us... He is true Master


It was a journey...but I feel proud for keeping on...and proud for all those who kept on too... with every action we take to release fears, worries, doubt, anger and resentment we are expanding into the energy of love... the greatest way to change our selves, others and the World... I am sending love to all of you!

I am so excited to present our 2021 ThetaHealing Certificate of Science. Some were able to attend in person and others completed their final seminar online. They have shown love, dedication, support, compassion and are truly an inspiration. It has been such a blessing to meet them and watch them grow from the Basic Instructors all the way through the DNA 3 Instructors. Join me in Congratulating them in the comments.


Hi, we are excited to annouce that we have New FB Page dedicated to co-creation in Czech...We are looking forward, to see those who are interested in working in Czech, on that new page.


On Monday 5.7.2021 we will be sending groupe healing and love to anybody who needs. If you need a healing or know about somebody please put your name underneath...

V pondeli 5.7.2021 budeme posialt skupinove leceni vsem co to potrebuji. Jesli by jste chteli byt soucasti, nebo ite o nekom kdo by to potreboval, napiste mi osobne a nebo sem.
S laskou!!!!

What We Believe Creates Us - ThetaHealing 22/06/2021

What We Believe Creates Us - ThetaHealing Humans are walking miracles. We learn how to manipulate our bodies, use our brain, walk, control our limbs, communicate, and have the ability to act upon thoughts, ideas, dreams, and make decisions. The Third Plane of Existence is the Plane of imagination, problem solving, instinctual actions, and t...

Videos (show all)

Ready!!! Online classes are here!
Thetahealing meditation to 7th Plane of Existance
