Kim Knight Health and Art of Health

Kim Knight Health and Art of Health

The Art of Health assists people to improve all facets of their life in a holistic way.

Services include chronic illness recovery programs, Qigong and meditation classes, stress management and emotional healing work. Transformational solutions for optimal health and wellbeing:
Chronic illness recovery: go to
Emotional healing: go to
Qigong and meditation: go to


What are 'healing reactions'? How do you know if you are having one? Why do they create enormous physical or mental suffering? What is the difference between 'regular symptoms' and a 'healing reaction'? Why will knowing this reduce your suffering? All of this will be covered, and more, in this 2 hour online workshop, my first in a long time! Do join us. See links below for more info, and make sure you choose the correct country option.

Stiff Persons Syndrome 03/07/2024

This takes me waaayyy out of my comfort zone, but I'm posting anyway. It's good to move through fear.

Stiff Persons Syndrome What if the body was too intelligent to make mistakes? What if illness has meaning and purpose?

Dr. Phil's One On One Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Dr. Phil Primetime 29/06/2024

I used to really enjoy watching Dr Phil's shows. He's back, and this one is riveting and revealing.

Dr. Phil's One On One Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Dr. Phil Primetime In an up close and personal 90-minute interview, Dr. Phil speaks with third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., on his policies, controversies, his family...


I got my calculator out as I was listening and did some maths. 66,000 reported events, with apparently only 5% reported (x20 to get potential full numbers) = 1,320,000 in a population of 5,000,000. So we're saying potentially 1 in 5 people harmed in NZ? Did I do my maths correct?


It's quite amazing how when talking about such a critical issue, an interview will be cut short. But at least it is a start.


Did you hear the news?

This afternoon, the coalition government in NZ announced that a new, full-scale Covid-19 Inquiry will start in November 2024. It has been dubbed 'Phase Two'.

What Does This Mean?

The current Royal Commission of Inquiry will now be divided into two phases.

'Phase One' continues until its completion in November, with its existing narrow scope and current commissioners Blakely and Whitehead, who will resign upon completion of the first phase.

'Phase Two' will usher in a broader, independent, and public inquiry that, from a first pass, appears to align closely with many of the comprehensive guidelines outlined in The People's Terms, complete with new commissioners!

Key Areas of Investigation Will Include:

The use of vaccines during the pandemic
Vaccine mandates
Vaccine safety
Vaccine approval; and
The monitoring and reporting of adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Social impacts
The effect of social division and isolation; and
The extent of disruption to New Zealanders' health and education systems

Economic impacts and disruption to business
The effect on inflation, debt, and economic activity
The effect of extended lockdowns in Auckland and Northland; and
The Government's utilisation of partnerships with business and professional groups.

Government decision making
Whether the rules set by the Government appropriately balanced Covid-19 elimination with other goals; and
The Government's responsiveness to utilising new technology, methods, and effective international practices.

Tune into RCR in the morning to hear the interview and Paul speaking with VFF's Head of Legal, Katie Ashby Koppens, on Legal Hub about this development.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - UCP Live Event - An Injection of Truth - Live in Calgary on June 17, 2024 - Dr.William Makis speech 25/06/2024

Some Canadian truth telling.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - UCP Live Event - An Injection of Truth - Live in Calgary on June 17, 2024 - Dr.William Makis speech EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - UCP Live Event - An Injection of Truth - Live in Calgary on June 17, 2024 - Dr.William Makis speech A historic event held by the United Conservative Party in Calgary, Alberta, called “An Injection of Truth” on June 17, 2024. My speech.


Digital hospital wards, the next trend in NZ.

Join Hormonal Havoc: The COVID Fallout and How to Fix It, online and free from June 17 - June 23, 2024! 17/06/2024

If you've been battling long Covid, these resources could help. Online summit starts today, and each days talks available for 24 hrs only.

Join Hormonal Havoc: The COVID Fallout and How to Fix It, online and free from June 17 - June 23, 2024! Unlock hormonal health with Dr. Margaret Christensen. Explore impacts of spike protein toxicity & holistic recovery strategies. Free event June 17-23, 2024. Register now!


Can meditation heal the body? Free Premiere (online) of new Joe Dispenza film next week. Watch the trailer.

Conformatioin of fears 13/06/2024

More and more coming to light.

Conformatioin of fears Important statement from Dr. Joseph Fraiman, physician and clinical scientist. Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination...


How much do you trust... yourself?... others...? life?
Is it easy for you to trust?
Trust is the first of the 5 fundamental qualities of the heart which all humans need to cultivate and grow, just like growing a plant.
How do we know if we have a lack of trust?
We will experience the opposite:
and more...
In Ren Xue Yuan Gong Qigong we learn how to re-grow the plant of trust. As we do, we stop worrying and fearing, and have the ability to feel at peace no matter what is going on in our life.
I'll be leading a 'Heart Consciousness Trust Meditation' at the International day of Yoga, WANAKA, Sat 22 June, 2pm.
Might see you there : )
Book your space at

Hormonal Havoc - The Problem, The Solutions 10/06/2024

Have you been facing menstrual irregularities or disturbances such as late periods, fluid retention, heavier bleeding, early menopause, post-menopausal bleeding, or severe cramps?
Or are you struggling to stay focused, battling brain fog, or feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and depression?
New research is finding the connection between what has been going on these past 4 years.
Join this free online summit to find out more. Starts 17 June.

Hormonal Havoc - The Problem, The Solutions Hormonal Havoc: Understanding COVID’s effect on your mental well-being and menstrual health.

He Lied About Everything with Benita Alexander | One Year Later Ep. 50 09/06/2024

Gripping documentary. Did this doctor literally get away with murder... on his patients?

He Lied About Everything with Benita Alexander | One Year Later Ep. 50 Tom and Benita reconnect to see how she landed after dealing with the biggest scam of her life. They also discussed how she rebounded and now helps other wo...


Just released. The story of the MMR.

OFFICIAL TRAILER | PROTOCOL 7 Based on real-life events, comes the corporate thriller, Protocol 7. Alexis Koprowski, a devoted mother and small-town family lawyer, Adrian Jay, a renegade ...


Major Milestone:
Today former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs Kazuhiro Haraguchi became the first major political figure in the world to apologize directly to the citizenry for Covid-19 vaxxine campaigns, and openly acknowledged that the tidal wave of sudden deaths presently occurring among the Japanese population is almost entirely of the vaxxinated group.

Cognitive Function Test | Food for the Brain Foundation 31/05/2024

Free cognitive function test. Test your cognitive function.

Cognitive Function Test | Food for the Brain Foundation Take our free online Cognitive Function Test today and discover your dementia risk, and how you can halve that risk by following key nutritional strategies.

John's dementia risk 31/05/2024

Some great tips on how to avoid DEMENTIA.

John's dementia risk Take the free cognative function test yourself, foodforthebrain.orgDirect order for Patrick's book Upgrade Your brain,

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now - Global Research 28/05/2024

An important update.

27 May 2024
WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now
By Peter Koenig

Last night (24 May 2024), in a high-level pre-World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting (17 May-1 June 2024), in Geneva, WHO management and key member country delegates decided to drop the Pandemic Treaty – for now. It would not stand a chance to pass a WHA vote in the coming week. Instead, they decided to discuss at the WHA what to do next.

Be aware, however, that this press report does not give you the true reasons for the end of the talks on the Pandemic Treaty / revised IHR agreements.

It seeks to soft-talk- or not mention at all the big issue of a potential health tyranny that these accords might mean for the world. Instead, they are saying that talks must go on, because the world needs a “safety net” for future pandemics.

Right. As if the world was not able until today to deal with diseases and other catastrophes independently by sovereign nations. And by dealing with such calamities on an autonomous sovereign basis, saving their economies from collapsing.

It is clear, during the past months many governments around the world especially in the Global South, but not exclusively, felt more than uneasy to accept what many called a WHO Health Dictatorship – in the form of a “One World Health” (OWH) like in “one fits all” similar to the One World Government, or One World Order (OWG / OWO) that the Globalists want to impose on the globe’s 8.1 billion people.

And by the way, never forget that the Globalists’ number One Priority will remain a massive, but massive reduction of the current 8.1 billion world population. This was a key reason for the fraudulent vax agenda – and would be driven even further under the new Pandemic Treaty and revised IHR.

Those who push and have been pushing for an OWG / OWO in the past and with increasing intensity since the onset of the UN Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset, also want a One World Health.

This means that the Director General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, would have powers to decide on pandemic and preventive or curative measures to be taken above and beyond individual countries sovereignty.

More and more nations are realizing what that means for their health system and not last, for their economy, especially looking back at the unnecessary covid lockdowns and other economy and society destroying imposed measures – that caused bankruptcies left and right, but had no impact whatsoever on reducing covid – if ever there was a covid “pandemic”- or rather called “plandemic” – a highly disputed question.

What covid and its tyrannical “measures” did is shifting capital form the bottom and the center – small and medium-size businesses – to the top, to the multi-billionaires, primary financial institutions (Blackrock / Vanguard, Wall Street et al) and tech-companies, to the so-called Magnificent Seven (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, Tesla).

This trend has been going on especially with the rich and powerful having access to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for accelerating the capital shift. But business people and politicians also have noticed and become warry of the wanton destruction of their economies which made them more alert to anything coming from the WHO and the WEF.

What may have been the trigger for the big awakening is that the very WHO, whose Pandemic Treaty and sternly revised International Health Regulations (IHR), did not adhere to its own Constitutional rules, namely to send the final draft of these crucial papers 4 months ahead of the WHA to the 194 member countries, namely at the latest by 27 January 2024.

This did not happen and has not happened until today.

In the meantime, 49 US Republican Senators have written to President Biden, requesting not to sign the treaty / IHR; and 22 Attorney Generals from their respective US States have firmly stated, their States would not adhere to any of the rules imposed by these treaties.

That alone is a strong message, coming from the US and may have influenced other countries wavering between yes and no, to reject the WHO proposal.

What will happen next is mostly speculation. As pointed out before, the WHA will likely dedicate a good portion of next week to debate “what’s next”, so as not to lose the momentum. It is clear, they will not let go. It is engrained in the character of the Dark Cult that pretends reigning over the world.

The next step may be that they take the treaties / agreements to the UN General Assembly in September in New York, to elicit a broader discussion.

What will come remains to be seen.

What is important though – DO NOT SIT BACK, THINKING THAT IT IS ALL OVER. It is not over.

These people will not stop. We, the People, MUST get out from these organizations and start afresh, whatever form that may take. But no longer trusting our governments and their shiny institutions – WEF, WHO, UN, Finance, Pharma and especially the “Magnificent Seven”. Stay away from the latter altogether – we do not need an all-digitized, humanity-enslaving world – ever.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Video: The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know. James Corbett contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the copyright owner.

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WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now - Global Research All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this artic...



Blood is the elixir of life. Healthy blood is the foundation of good nutrient distribution, proper circulation, removal of toxins, healthy oxygenation and much more.

For years studies have shown that exposure to disruptive EMF (electro magnetic fields) causes blood cells to coagulate – medically this is called ‘rouleaux’.

Unhealthy EMF fields are predominantly man-made and INVISIBLE, which means most people have no idea they are occurring, unless they are educated in understanding the unseen electro-magnetic spectrum.

Examples of unseen unhealthy EMFs are cell phones, wifi, modems, microwaves, TVs, electric circuitry in houses, electric cars, cell phone towers, fridges, electric pumps and more.

I’ve been exploring the topic of man-made EMF for many years, because it’s a major contributory factor in many annoying and sometimes inexplicable symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, and even more serious illnesses such as cancer.

I’ve also been researching SOLUTIONS, because the sad fact is, we live in a ‘soup of wifi’ which we can no longer escape. Unless we eliminate the sources of EMF, (which is virtually impossible unless you are living in the middle of nowhere), in order to mitigate the effects of EMF, we need to implement other precautionary measures to avoid the effects.

This weekend at the WARBIRDS event, I’ll be sharing some cutting-edge solutions. Come visit me or Jash on the SHUZI stand and explore an incredible range of jewellery which has health benefits to prevent ROULEAUX of blood cells.

Mention my name to receive a special Easter discount (whether I’m at the stand or not, as I will not be there all weekend).



I don't know about you, but I still find it difficult sometimes to say 'no' to others, in case it displeases them, or they get angry and 'don't like me'.

Can you relate?

Recently this week I had the perfect life lesson opportunity on not giving in to 'people-pleasing'...

I'd like to share the story with you, as it's a great example of not giving in to demanding, manipulative quasi-bullies:

I am in the process of buying a house, and part of the process involves dealing with the building of a fence.

To cut a very long story short, the vendor tried to pull one over me this week, telling me a few porky pies in an attempt to get me to change the fence colour at the last minute, as it would be much easier for him and the fencer to have a different colour than the one we originally agreed to in the contract.

The leverage he used to try and change my mind was that 'the other neighbours would also prefer this colour'.

This put me in the position of potentially upsetting both the neighbours AND the vendor if I chose to stick to my guns of what had been agreed to in the contract.

Plus, after 8 weeks of the original fence colour having been agreed to without any issue, he left it until 4 days before settlement to bring this question to my attention. This of course added to the stress of the decision.

It was not easy to have to tell him that I need to keep to the original agreement, although it was made easier after having done my homework and discovering the neighbours did not necessarily want the colour he was suggesting! In fact, one of the two neighbours had expressly chosen the same colour as me in her contract!!

This revealed to me that the vendor had not been truthful about the neighbour's preferences, and had made the story up in an attempt to have me change my mind.

The point I'm trying to make here is, it can be so easy to do what others want, in an attempt to 'keep the peace' and avoid confrontation or upsetting someone. It takes strength to trust oneself enough to do what feels right for oneself.

If you'd like some tips on how to stop people-pleasing, for a limited time you can download the 'The Holistic Lifestyle Wellness Bundle' a specially curated ebook bundle containing the following ebooks:

1. "Ditch the Diet": Ignite lasting weight loss with 3 simple steps for a healthier you.
2. “Track your Journey to Recovery”: Free chronic pain journal to guide your path to healing.
3. "Fortitude Found": Build mental resilience for success in business and beyond.
4. "From Tension to Tranquility!": 14 unusual tips to banish stress and anxiety.
5. "No More People Pleasing": Embrace self-care and set healthy boundaries.
6. "Discover Your Authentic Self": Uncover your true essence faster than you imagined.
7. "Self Manifestation Guide": Harness the power of manifestation for personal growth.
8. Insomnia Self-Evaluation Guide: Manage sleep issues for remote workers and entrepreneurs.
9. "7 Laws for a Clear Mind and Healthy Body": Unveil the secrets to managing stress effectively (this is my contribution)

The bundle is free for a limited time only. Get it at:


An amazing array of courses and offerings, available for purchase for 1 week only.


An uplifting message for those who find themselves anxious or fearful with the world.

"I would like to encourage you to cultivate trust in the universe.

When you have a hard time watching the world.

When life gets too challenging and overwhelming.

Trust the infinite wisdom of the universe.

Trust its laws. Trust its work.

Trust that it will be fair to everyone.

Trust that aligning with its wisdom is the best protection you will get.

Trust that it will take the best care of you.

Trust that it is the best planner."

These words carry the purest wisdom that your heart would resonate with if you allow it to open.

You are not alone".

Yuan Tze

If you'd like to learn to cultivate indomitable trust, and slay those fear dragons, contact me, I can help.

I also have online self-help programs specifically for growing and cultivating the essential heart quality of TRUST.


An amazing offer, for one week only. The clock is ticking.

Feedback: WHO Treaties - Voices For Freedom 17/02/2024

The deadline for feedback on the 300+ amendments is midnight TONIGHT 18 Feb 2024.

Under the two Treaties, the WHO will be able to order measures, including significant financial contributions from individual Member States (New Zealand is a Member State), control the science, censor scientific debate, ORDER LOCKDOWNS, RESTRICT TRAVEL, and FORCE medical examinations and mandatory vaccinations, all in the name of health.

I would estimate that most New Zealanders are sadly asleep and oblivious of the ramifications of this issue.

The New Zealand Government has asked for public feedback on the WHO Pandemic Treaties, including:

- The 300+ amendments to the International Health Regulations– to be sent to the Ministry of Health (MoH)

- The new Negotiating Text for a new Pandemic Agreement – to be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)

These two Treaties are due to be voted on by New Zealand and the 193 other member states at the next World Health Assembly meeting scheduled for the end of May 2024.

Feedback: WHO Treaties - Voices For Freedom These two Treaties are due to be voted on by New Zealand and the 193 other member states at the next World Health Assembly meeting scheduled for the end of May 2024.

Open Letter To: The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, New Zealand Minister of Health - Hatchard Report 17/02/2024

Just saying. Questions need to asked, and 90% of the population are still fast asleep. Heads buried in sand.

Open Letter To: The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, New Zealand Minister of Health - Hatchard Report The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, New Zealand Minister of Health Cc: The Rt. Hon. Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister New


Advance notice of a great stack of content coming your way next week.


As someone who has had a love-hate relationship with their body their while life, I'm always interested to listen to women who know how to help other women with their body dysmorphia issues.

Alana Van Der Sluys is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, TEDx speaker, eating disorder survivor and founder of Freedom with Food and Fitness.

She’s dedicated to empowering women to heal their relationship with food and their bodies to step into their potential and take up space.

The epitome of non-judgement and support, you can listen to Alana’s expertise and advice on what can (let’s be honest) often be a touchy subject.

Here’s the gist of Alana’s interview 'Ditching Diet Culture':

How external messages create an internal narrative, and how to counter that
How to move from body hate towards body love
One practical thing you can do TODAY to start this journey
Watch at

Diabetes Revealed: Global health collapse and the future of metabolic healing 25/01/2024

Diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome.
it's not the calories.
It's the glyphosate.

Diabetes Revealed: Global health collapse and the future of metabolic healing Join Zach Bush MD and a panel of expert voices, Dr. Edwin Lee and Ayurvedic Educator, Bridget Atwell Baylin, as they discuss the future of how humanity will ...

Our Story

After 10 years unable to work with chronic fatigue and clinical depression, plus other debilitating symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, asthma, back pain, chronic UTI’s and more, I was about to give up. I thought I had tried everything, including conventional medicine and over 220 natural therapies.

Then I finally found the keys to health and the number one missed aspect of what causes illness. Now I love teaching people these keys to health through my ‘9 pillars of health mastery’, TKM root cause analysis and TKM lifestyle medicine.

The TKM methodology is a comprehensive system which addresses ALL aspects of what allows us to maintain health, including stress, emotions, mind, beliefs, socio-environmental factors, selfcare, spirit and more.

You can work with me 1-1 (this will always get the fastest results) or through self-help DIY online e-programs and workshops.

Videos (show all)

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Is the painting of your life a masterpiece or mediocre?What do you want to achieve by this time next year?Vision Quest 2...
Step into your most successful and fulfilling year ever.
Vision Quest 2024 - Step into the new year with power, clarity and optimism.
How do we get out of the mess we have made? The way out is in. Join the Bigger Picture series, starting soon. https://ag...
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I could sit and watch this stuff for hours. It's so uplifting and positive for consciousness. Just a snippet of Jonathan...
It's so easy in these challenging times to get caught up in fear. Here's an inspiring message from Daring Donna to help ...
Laughter is the best medicine. Some people are so creative. This is HILARIOUS.

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00