

Personal Training, Nutrition & Health Coaching Here to help you find and forge your own path! Trai


Showcase: Postural work results after three months of training with a 37-year-old male, shoulder injury. 60 minutes training weekly with myself and 15 minutes homework split over the remaining 6 days of the week (lifestyle adaptions, awareness, stretching, exercises).

This is an amazing result and it shows how much one can change even in a relatively short amount of time if they really want to.


A fresh REP´s certificate for 2022 has just arrived!
[Registered Exercise Professionals]

REP´s is a non-profit organisation recognized by the Ministry of Health. REP´s help to maintain an up to date standard in the exercise industry. Ongoing education is required in order to maintain a licence, so that your trainer has the knowledge, up to date skills, and professionalism to help you reach your goals safely & effectively. ✌️


Have you cuddled a puppy today?
It´s been scientifically proven: cuddling dogs reduces stress and anxiety enhancing wellbeing. Oxytocin is released whilst cortisol levels drop. ... and even if you felt totally fine - would you be able to resist? ;) Miss Rosie-Pie


What a beautiful Saturday morning in level 2. Don´t forget to treat yourself today to something good, you totally deserve it! Went ahead myself this morning with some fabulous breakfast. 🤤

For myself I classify the h**p seed wraps as 'fast food', but the fresh spinach, tofu, kidney beans, tomatoes, capsicums, beetroot hummus, avocado, roasted seeds, sprouts and fresh turmeric are totally making up for that. 🥑🥗


+++++LEVEL 4+++++

Christchurch is going into lockdown for the next 72 hours starting at 23:59 pm tonight.

Face-to-face sessions have been cancelled for the time being and will resume as usual in level 2.

Calls for coaching purposes are still done throughout all lockdown levels upon request.

Big thank you to all of my clients for the fast response - you are fabulous. Stay home and stay safe!

Embark On Your Own Journey

I believe that our bodies strive to be healthy. They have amazing healing capabilities. Sometimes, we just do not let them do their jobs. Then we need to find a way to adjust our lifestyle to make a positive and long lasting change.

I also believe in education, not in step-by-step meal plans. Meal plans only work as long as you follow them, they make you dependant. Education enables you to write your own meal plan! Do you want to follow or do you want to become your own boss?

My programs - no matter if personal training or health coaching - are not one-stop shops. There is no magic pill to fix all problems in one go. There is learning and adapting. It’s a journey we go on to learn about our own bodies and to make long-lasting lifestyle changes. My program is only for those who are serious about working actively towards attaining better health.

Ready to embark on a journey? Reach out to discuss.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00