Victory Altar

Victory Altar

Victory Altar is a religious organization established in South Korea in 1981 by Victor Christ. It is different from any other religious organizations

It is different from any other religious organizations worldwide due to IT's founder was not human being but something different Being who had overcome the nature of human being. Aim of Victory Altar is enlightening the darkness of the world and let them know our True Messiah has come. Then Victor Christ would lead you through your spiritual exodus from spiritual slavery of the Devil of self, so that you can throw the sins to take the Victor Christ who has been born again in the Holy Spirit.

Photos from Victory Altar's post 18/09/2021

Evidence of protecting Korea from Typhoon CHANTHU No. 14


*사람은 누구나 하나님 자식
*신명기 14:1
*요한1서 3:2
*시편 82:6


김일성이 김정일이 앞에 구세주의 분신이 나타나서 너 이넘아, 전쟁일으키면 죽어 이넘아! 소리치고 싹 사라져.


오늘밤에 죽는다는 환자를 살린 기적,
교통사고로 머리가 깨져서 골이 밖으로 나온 환자를 살린 기적


기쁘고 즐겁게 살기 위한 가장 가치있는 지식


Korea is protected from Typhoons by Victor Christ as he promised.

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Korea is protected from Typhoons by Victor Christ as he promised.
