Awa Films, Wellington Videos

Videos by Awa Films in Wellington. Project Development Script Writing Full Production Post Production

Te Reo Rangatira Series Trailer

Presented by Nepia Takuira-Mita, Te Reo Rangatira is a series that focuses on the revitalisation of the Māori language by following the journey of those who have risen to the challenge of learning Te Reo Māori as a second language.

Each person shares their personal challenges with identity, whānau, iwi, mahi, and mental health and how learning reo has enriched their lives.

Funded by Te Māngai Pāho

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Te Reo Rangatira Series Trailer
Presented by Nepia Takuira-Mita, Te Reo Rangatira is a series that focuses on the revitalisation of the Māori language by following the journey of those who have risen to the challenge of learning Te Reo Māori as a second language. Each person shares their personal challenges with identity, whānau, iwi, mahi, and mental health and how learning reo has enriched their lives. Funded by Te Māngai Pāho

Te Reo Rangatira - Dion Ponga
Recollecting the corporal punishment from school, Dion recalls his reo journey and connection with Whanganui awa. He lives with muscular dystrophy and has dedicated many years to learning te reo. -------------- Presented by Nepia Takuira-Mita, Te Reo Rangatira is a series that focuses on the revitalisation of the Māori language by following the journey of those who have risen to the challenge of learning Te Reo Māori as a second language. Each person shares their personal challenges with identity, whānau, iwi, mahi, and mental health and how learning reo has enriched their lives. -------------- E mahara ake ana a Dion ki te whiunga ā-ringa i te kura, ā, ka maumaharatia e ia tana haerenga reo me tōna hononga ki te awa o Whanganui. E pāngia ana ia e te muscular dystrophy, ā, he maha ngā tau kua manawanui mai ia ki te reo. -------------- E whakatakina ana e Nepia Takuira-Mita, ko Te Reo Rangatira tētahi hōtaka e aro ake ana ki te whakarauora i te reo Māori mā te whai i ngā haerenga o te hunga kua kawe i te mānuka o te ako i Te Reo Māori hei reo tuarua. Ka kōrerotia e ia tangata ōna ake wero ā-whaiaro mō te tuakiri, mō te whānau, mō te iwi, mō te mahi, mō te hauora ā-hinengaro anō hoki, ā, me ngā hua haumako ki ngā ao o tēnā, o tēnā kua ahu mai i te ako i te reo.

Te Reo Rangatira - Maizy Metekingi
From a young age, Maizy struggled with her mental health and her identity as Māori. Learning te reo Māori reconnected her with her māoritanga, leading her to find her passion in the arts. --------------------------- Mai i te wā e tamariki ana ia, i oke a Maizy i tana hauora ā-hinengaro, i tana tuakiri hei Māori anō hoki. Nā te ako i te reo Māori ia i tūhono anō ki tōna Māoritanga, nā reira tana ngākau whiwhita mō ngā toi. #tewikiotereomāori #tereorangatira

Te Reo Rangatira - Glenis Hiria Philip-Barbara
Glenis' te reo journey is whanau-based and has led to professional success in government roles. Glenis is writing a theatre play in te reo about her early experiences at school. ------------ Presented by Nepia Takuira-Mita, Te Reo Rangatira is a series that focuses on the revitalisation of the Māori language by following the journey of those who have risen to the challenge of learning Te Reo Māori as a second language. Each person shares their personal challenges with identity, whanau, iwi, mahi, and mental health and how learning reo has enriched their lives. ------------ Nā te aroha, nā te whānau hoki i ako a Glenis i te reo hei rongoā mō te whakamā kua rangona e ia i tana kore mōhio ki te reo, ā, kei te whakapau kaha ia kia ora tonu te reo. ------------ E whakatakina ana e Nepia Takuira-Mita, ko Te Reo Rangatira tētahi hōtaka e aro ake ana ki te whakarauora i te reo Māori mā te whai i ngā haerenga o te hunga kua kawe i te mānuka o te ako i Te Reo Māori hei reo tuarua. Ka kōrerotia e ia tangata ōna ake wero ā-whaiaro mō te tuakiri, mō te whānau, mō te iwi, mō te mahi, mō te hauora ā-hinengaro anō hoki, ā, me ngā hua haumako ki ngā ao o tēnā, o tēnā kua ahu mai i te ako i te reo.

Te Reo Rangatira - Matiu te Hiku
Matiu's te reo journey got its start at school through Kapa haka and waiata. He shares his inspirational story of finding strength in the land, meditation and his passion for music. --------------------------- Presented by Nepia Takuira-Mita, Te Reo Rangatira is a series that focuses on the revitalisation of the Māori language by following the journey of those who have risen to the challenge of learning Te Reo Māori as a second language. Each person shares their personal challenges with identity, whānau, iwi, mahi, and mental health and how learning reo has enriched their lives. --------------------------- I tīmata te haerenga reo o Matiu i te kura nā te kapa haka, nā te waiata anō hoki. Ka kōrerotia e ia tana kōrero whakaohooho mō tana whai kaha mai i te whenua, i te whakaāio wairua, i tana ngākau whiwhita ki te puoro anō hoki. --------------------------- E whakatakina ana e Nepia Takuira-Mita, ko Te Reo Rangatira tētahi hōtaka e aro ake ana ki te whakarauora i te reo Māori mā te whai i ngā haerenga o te hunga kua kawe i te mānuka o te ako i Te Reo Māori hei reo tuarua. Ka kōrerotia e ia tangata ōna ake wero ā-whaiaro mō te tuakiri, mō te whānau, mō te iwi, mō te mahi, mō te hauora ā-hinengaro anō hoki, ā, me ngā hua haumako ki ngā ao o tēnā, o tēnā kua ahu mai i te ako i te reo.

Te Reo Rangatira - Melanie Nelson
As a pākehā learner, Melanie Nelson, expresses the anxieties she has felt in her te reo journey. Her perseverance led her to a career in cross-cultural strategy, writing and translation. --------------------------- Presented by Nepia Takuira-Mita, Te Reo Rangatira is a series that focuses on the revitalisation of the Māori language by following the journey of those who have risen to the challenge of learning Te Reo Māori as a second language. Each person shares their personal challenges with identity, whānau, iwi, mahi, and mental health and how learning reo has enriched their lives. --------------------------- Hei ākonga Pākehā, ka whakapuakina e Melanie Nelson ngā āwangawanga kua rangona e ia i tana haerenga reo Māori. Kua ara ake tana ū ki te reo ki āna mahi hei tūhono mai i ngā ao e rua, mā te mahi rautaki, mā te tuhituhi, mā te whakamāori anō hoki. --------------------------- E whakatakina ana e Nepia Takuira-Mita, ko Te Reo Rangatira tētahi hōtaka e aro ake ana ki te whakarauora i te reo Māori mā te whai i ngā haerenga o te hunga kua kawe i te mānuka o te ako i Te Reo Māori hei reo tuarua. Ka kōrerotia e ia tangata ōna ake wero ā-whaiaro mō te tuakiri, mō te whānau, mō te iwi, mō te mahi, mō te hauora ā-hinengaro anō hoki, ā, me ngā hua haumako ki ngā ao o tēnā, o tēnā kua ahu mai i te ako i te reo.

Te Reo Rangatira- Rere-No-A-Rangi Pope
Wellington-based Rere-No-A-Rangi’s mahi is working with Māori land claims. He is passionate about the revitalisation of te reo. ------------ Presented by Nepia Takuira-Mita, Te Reo Rangatira is a series that focuses on the revitalisation of the Māori language by following the journey of those who have risen to the challenge of learning Te Reo Māori as a second language. Each person shares their personal challenges with identity, whānau, iwi, mahi, and mental health and how learning reo has enriched their lives. ------------ Ko te haerenga reo o Rere-No-A-Rangi tētahi ara mō te whakapuakitanga hei whakapakari i tana hinengaro, i tana tinana, i tana wairua anō hoki. E whai ana āna mahi mō ngā mauhanga whenua Māori ki te whakamana i ētahi atu tāngata Māori me ō rātou hapori. ------------ E whakatakina ana e Nepia Takuira-Mita, ko Te Reo Rangatira tētahi hōtaka e aro ake ana ki te whakarauora i te reo Māori mā te whai i ngā haerenga o te hunga kua kawe i te mānuka o te ako i Te Reo Māori hei reo tuarua. Ka kōrerotia e ia tangata ōna ake wero ā-whaiaro mō te tuakiri, mō te whānau, mō te iwi, mō te mahi, mō te hauora ā-hinengaro anō hoki, ā, me ngā hua haumako ki ngā ao o tēnā, o tēnā kua ahu mai i te ako i te reo.

Colonial Combat - Rangatira Kingi
Lawrence Wharerau gives some insight into his character Rangatira Kingi. Colonial Combat is an action-packed series that takes a laugh at our unofficial colonial history. Episodes 5-10 out tomorrow.

Fueling Colonial Combat 2
To make this ambitious web series called Colonial Combat 2. We had a lot of support including a generous coffee sponsorship from L'affare. A huge shout out to L'affare for keeping the haka fires burning!

Shifty and Gussy lay down the challenge
In the sleepy coastal village of Whara Bay the Uncles Shifty and Gussy are the go to men for everything.

Thanks for the coffee buzz L'affare #takesavillage #coffee #sponsorship #goodtimes #ihi #kaha #wharabay #uncles #TV Maori Television #titahibay

Colonial Combat - Coming Soon
Here is a little taster of our next project - Colonial Combat. A wrestling web series set in 1835, Aotearoa. We are shooting Avalon Studios in early November. Like our page AWA films to keep up to date with the project.

TRAILER: Beyond the Battalion
The trailer made by Maori Television for 'Beyond the Battalion' - A feature documentary on Anzac Day 6.45am and 7pm