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Jenny Nutrition House
Jenny Nutrition House

Welcome to a collection of Natural healing tools. Focusing on HEALING from the root 🌼✨️

I am a Practitioner of Homeobotanical and Homeopathic Acute Medicine,
Whole Food Nutritionist with Herbalism intertwined.


🌼 The role alcohol plays in My Homeobotanical remedies 🌼

🌼 My remedies are Homeobotanical remedies which are made slightly differently to your standard Tintures.

Hoemobotanical remedies are diluted down with Herb water. This allows them to become alot more gentle, the POWER part comes in with the suction process, just like in Homeopathy.

Anyone standard 25ml remedie has 5ml of herbs then topped up with Herb water which is made from a mix of 1/3 (the 1 part being alcohol and other 2 being distilled water).

The dosage size is also easily adjusted to the age of the paitent.
So for a baby you would be looking at 1 drop per dose, so the alcohol content you are looking at is very minimal.

Where as Herbal Tintures a dose is generally 20-40 drops, that is significantly more.
Homeobotanical remedies never excess 10 drops per dose (adults or over 10 years of age are only ever prescribed 10 drops)

🌼 When we take a dose we do so in our mouth under our tounge allowing them to soak straight into our bloodstream. Our mouths contain lots of tiny capillaries which helps absorb the remedie pretty much immediately, becoming very fast acting.

🌼 The alcohol is used as a preservative and also helps extract compounds and active ingredients that aren’t water-soluble, out of the herbs.

🌼 The positives out way the negatives in this instance.

🌼 However always do what you feel comfortable with.


🌼I= Immune/Infection- General Immune support, Acute & Chronic infections, Inflammation of the mouth, throat, tonsils, Skin conditions, Bacterial/Viral infections, Arthritic conditions.
Herbs 🌿 Astragalus, Baptismal, Echinacea, Golden Seal, Licorice, Olive Leaf, Poke Root, Sage, Thyme.


🌼J= Joints- Chronic & Acute Rheumatism/ Arthritis, Joint stiffness/ Pain, Darting/ Shooting pains throughout the body, Cramp, Acts as a drainage for Acute & Chronic inflammatory conditions, Dysfunctional structural tissues, Gout.
Herbs 🌿 Black Cohosh, Bogbean, Celery Seed, Devils Claw, Poke Root, Prickly Ash, Rehmannia, Sarsaparilla, Turmeric.


🌼K= Kidneys- Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Urinary tract infections, Dysuria, Bed wetting, Glomerulonephritis, Fluid retention, Incontinence, Kidney Stones, Malodorous urine, Nephritis, Over active bladder, Prostatitis, Kidney infection.
Herbs 🌿 Bearberry, Buchu, Corn Silk, Couch Grass, Crataeve, Dandelion, Parsley, Shepherds Purse, Stone Root.


🌼L= Liver- Chemical liver damage, Gallstones, Jaundice, Hepatitis, Cholestsis, Gallbladder conditions, Liver detoxification, General Liver complaints, Liver Cirrhosis, Hepatic detoxification.
Herbs 🌿 Barberry, Bupleurum, Dandelion, Fringe Tree, Globe Artichoke, Greater Celandine, Schisandra, St.Marys Thistle.


🌼E= Emotion- Emotional stress, Anxiety, Depression, Emotional exhaustion, Mood disorders, Nervousness, Panic attacks, Tension Headaches, Dyspepsia.
Herbs 🌿 Chamomile, Gentian, Hops, Lavender, Lime Flowers, Oats, Passion Flower, Rosemary, Skullcap, Valerian.


🌼F+= Female Formula- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS Anxiety, Cravings, Depression, Hyper- hydration, Pain) Perimenopausal, Menopausal hot flushes/imbalances, Menstrual patterns irregular/suppressed, Threatened Miscarriage, false labour/ restores contractions/ promotes expulsion of the placenta, restores balance after stopping contraception.
Herbs 🌿 Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Chaste Tree, Cramp bark, Donghae Quai, Mother worth, Paeonia, Parque Flower, Shepherds Purse, Squaw Vine, Wild Yam.


🌼G= Gastrointestinal- support normal function of the lower bowel, Chronic constipation, Fissures, Haemorrhoids, regulate bowel activitie, laxative.
Herbs 🌿 Buckthorn, Butternut, Cascara, Dandelion, Licorice, Rhubarb, Senna.


🌼H= Heart & Circulation- Angina, Arteriosclerosis, Coronary Heart disease, Hypertension & Hypotension, Peripheral artery disease, Raynauds disease, Metabolic syndrome, Ventricular & Valvular insufficiencies, Varicose Veins, Odema,
Herbs 🌿 Arnica, Dan Shen, Hawthorn, Lime Flower, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Olive Leaf, Tienchi Ginseng.


A-Z of Homeobotanical remedies coming up!
This is to hopefully give you a better understanding of just how powerful one of my little remedie bottles are 🔥
Each remedy contains multiple herbs and then they are potentised using Homeopathic principles to bring in the energy aspect.

🌼 A= Allergy blend- Airborne and dietary allergies, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, it can also be very beneficial for those with Asthma, Eczema, Hayfever.
Herbs 🌿 Albizia, Baical Skullcap, Cayenne, Elder Flower, Eyebright, Golden Rod, Golden Seal.


🌼 B= Blood & Lymph- The traditional "Blood Purifier" acts as a drainage formula for the entire body, Lymphatic system regulator, Gastrointestinal, Hepatic, Chronic skin conditions.
Herbs 🌿 Burdock, Cleaver, Echinacea, Figwort, New Jersey Tea, Pau d'Arco, Poke Root, Red Clover, Reishi Mushroom, Yellow Dock.


🌼 C= Colds & Catarrh- Upper Respiratory support, Colds Influenza, Catarrh, Chronic yellow mucous, Asthma, Bronchitis.
Herbs 🌿 Astragalus, Bones etc, Elder Flower, Golden Rod, Hyssop, Nasturtium, Ribwort, Thyme, Yarrow.


🌼 D= Digestion- Relieves acute and chronic disturbance of the stomach, Heratburn, Dyspepsia, Hyperacidity, Colic, Bloating, Nausea, Vomiting, Bulimia, Diarrhea, Constipation, Ulcers.
Herbs 🌿 Calendula, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Condurango, Fenugreek, Gentian, Marshmallow, Meadowsweet, Peppermint.


Fresh Garden Salads and always with the Edible flowers.
Adding in herbs and flowers provide lots of extra medicinal benefits and vitamins and minerals, plus they look pretty.

Food that looks pretty tastes better 😆


Another way I've enjoyed getting extra minerals and vitamins into us including the kids, this summer is by making herbal ice cubs.
Most of these are seeped Nettle tea. Nettle is highly nourishing. We also added Borrage flowers to this batch. They look super cute too 😍

Just use them like you would ice cubes.
In drinks, smoothies, smoothie bowls etc.
The flavour is very subtle.
You can get very creative 🌱🏵

Photos from Wholebeing's post 05/03/2024

True Herbal Marshmallows.
Made the good old fashioned way, with all the healing goodies.
Marshmallow Root powder, Raw Honey, Organic Gelatine, Vanilla extract.

Gut health
Bone and joint health
Skin health

Fluffy, light, squishy and they melt perfectly in hot drinks and of course the kids love them.

Thanks growforagecookferment for the beautiful photo 📸


All our bodies know is how to heal itself ✨️

Our bodies are constantly working with and for us, always trying correct things that are wrong within them.

Sometimes our vital force can become weakened due to Stress, Trauma, Viruses, Toxins, Deficiencies, which is generally when acute and chronic illnesses can slip in.

We can awaken/ strengthen our vital force again through Homeopathy. Encouraging our body to gently, but POWERFULLY re correct itself.


Our finger nails speak to us.
Yep they really do.
They can tell us important things that are going on in our bodies.

But alot of people are missing out on this information when they constantly get their nails done.

Nails look really lovely all dolled up and all, but it doesn't allow you to see the signs your body may be giving you.

White spots

Are some of the symptoms you might not see and they can be indications to mineral deficiencies within your body.


I made this cute Woodland themed cake for one of my oldest friends baby boys 1st birthday last weekend 💙

Organic Plantbased Chocolate Cake.

Kids cakes can be fun, super cute and tasty without all the nasty ingredients and tones of colouring.

Low sugar and colouring = hype free kiddos 😉


Quality bread is something thats important to me. And provides the most easiest diy Gluten/ Dairy free and Vegan friendly pre mixes.

Most of there Bread mix bases are Buckwheat flour, Tapioca flour, Linseeds & chia seeds, Sea salt, Kelp powder. All ingredients are organic!!
Packed with GOODNESS!

You just at yeast.

10mins for yeast to activate, then 3 hrs to rise and 50mins to bake- so hands off- idea for busy homes.

Plus it's an NZ company located in Hastings ✨️

Have you read the ingredient list of the bread you buy?


It still blows my mind as to how uncommon Homebirths are.
I've had all 4 of my babies at home with no complications and I wouldn't change it for anything.
There seems to be alot of fear around the idea of Homebirths which saddens me.
As they are truly amazing.

Some of the things I love about Homebirths are...

You get to be in your safe space.
You can shower in your own shower after birth.
Snuggle and sleep in your own bed.
There is no uncomfortable drive to the hospital.
No forgetting to pack anything.
All your favorite drinks and foods are right there.
Surrounded by only people you choose to have in your safe space.
Familiar smells.
Cosy soft furnishings.
You are able to go at the pace baby and your body want to without any time pressures.
You can set up a beautiful birth space with all your fav supportive tools, like dim lighting, affirmations, essential oils, homeopathic remedies, hot water bottles etc.

It's known that when your surrounded by things that comfort you and where you feel safe, it leads to less complications and faster birth times.

I highly rate Homebirths and encourage you to look into having one, if it hasn't crossed your mind.

Empower yourself with any uncertainties and TRUST
trust in your baby and body that they know what to do.
Woman having been birthing for forever and birth is not a condition it is a natural life process.



Gosh this warm weather has been amazing! Loving eating more lighter and hydrating foods.
Rice paper rolls for lunch today 😋

We did rice noodles, cucumber, carrot, cabbage and avo.
With a delicious satay peanut dipping sauce.


7 weeks until Christmas, the perfect amount of time to gift yourself the true quality of life you deserve!

Not just being in your body alive, but actually being here living your life, enjoying each day and moments to it's fullest 🌈

Your quality of health doesn't just affect you, it also affects the ones who love you ❤️

Your health issues maybe alot easier to fix then you realize....you won't know until you reach out and enquire about fixing the root cause.

Click that message button and gift yourself and family the best gift!

Quality of life ✨️🤍


Homemade Muesli Slice

2 C Rolled oats or gluten free wheatbix.
1 C Puffed grain- buckwheat, rice bubbles, quinoa etc
1/4 C ground linseed
1 C Shredded organic coconut
1/2 C Dried fruit of choice- apricot, cranberries, blueberries etc
1/2 C Nuts of choice diced- almond, cashew, brazil, pecan, walnut etc or a mix.
1/2 C Honey
1/2 C Peanut butter or nut butter of choice.
125g Coconut oil solid

In a pot melt together over a low heat, honey Peanut butter, coconut oil, stirring regularly.
Once melted turn heat off and mix in all other ingredients.
Press into a tin 20x20 and pop in fridge to set.
Cut up once set.
Keep in fridge.

Oh and you can also drizzle dark chocolate over it of chop up chunks and mix it through.

Photos from Wholebeing's post 31/10/2023

The over consumption of flour is very real today. You could be easily eating it for every meal of the day and not really realizing it.

If you have no issue with gluten you don't want to completely remove it from your diet, but you do definitely want to keep it minimal all the same.

If you suffer from digestive issues- gas, bloat, constipation even sluggish liver this could be a big contribution to the cause.


Thinking of what to eat, can get a bit tiresome at times. I try to keep it simple and easy.
Here are some snack ideas that we like having and have pretty minimal prep involved 😆

Photos from Wholebeing's post 29/10/2023

Who else is excited for salad season???

I sure am!! 🙋‍♀️

I just love salads, the kids not so much. Deconstructed salads tend to work better for them, but then I always add a little bit of the finished mixed salad to their plates to, so they can try it mixed all together as well and just encourage at least 1 bite of it.

Consistency is key and exposure to consistent healthy food choices, will all pay off subconsciously in the long run ✨️


If we stop and observe our body, we can use symptoms it may show you as clues or indications that something is out of balance and needs addressing.
These are some clues that can indicate your Gut Microbiome, needs to be looked at.

Jot down any symptoms that you maybe experiencing currently, then reach out to book an appointment.

A healthy body shouldn't have any 😇


Plantbased Mylks are a great alternative to Dairy Milk, as Dairy Milk itself comes with alot of negative health effects....
But alot of Plantbased Mylks contain vegetable oils 😬
Vegetable oils are highly processed and cause alot of inflammation within the body.

There are a few brands that dont contain seed oils, just make sure you have a read of the ingredients list first.

Making your own Mylks at home is another great option, then you'll definitely be safe and miss out on added gums etc too.

The Mylk Made brand of raw nut concentrates are another great option too and sustainably packaged.


You don't just one day wake up with some awful bodily ailment.

It's been hiding away, brewing quitely, until 💥 bang your body says I have had ENOUGH!

It's time for change!

You are then faced with to options....

1- To find out the route cause of your symptoms and heal thy self from the root cause.

2- To mask the symptoms with medication (which I do not advice)


No matter how hard you try to help some you care for, nothing you do will truly help them until that person comes to that place within themself, of TRULY wanting to change and get better.

Sometimes it can be beyond frustrating and hard to watch.

But just keep being that positive supportive influence for them until their time comes ✨️

Then point them in the right direction of someone that can help them 🤍


What is a Complex Health Consult?

This is a wholebody wellness overhaul ✨️
If you are suffering from multiple health concerns and not sure where to start, then this is perfect for you!

This is a thorough 3 part treatment.

1. We will go through your health background/ concerns, Food analysis. A Colour test and a customized treatment plan will be put together for you.

2. Well discuss your treatment plan in-person to make sure everything is fully understood. You'll be prescribed a Homeobotanical remedie and Kathology treatment, (should it be required).

3. A follow up consult will be scheduled in for either 1-2 weeks time depending on your needs. Here we can fine tune anything and provide you with another Kathology treatment and answer any concerns, plus provide you with support.

🌈 Included 🌈
- 2 x In person Consultations
- Food analysis
- Colour test
- 1 x Homeobotanical remedie
- 1 x Kathology treatment (if required)
- 2 week customized meal plan
- Customized treatment/ lifestyle plan to which addresses the wholebeing
- Supplement recommendations
- My support

Your investment to a wholebody wellness overhaul is $250



Raw Chocolate Berry Brownie

I whipped up a batch of these this week and gave some to a friend, that had just had a wee baby.

Nourish your body with wholefoods, it'll thank you for it.

Walnuts, Dates, Flaxmeal, Cacao Powder, Dark Chocolate, frozen organic Raspberries 😋


Been a busy bee 🐝 making up lots of custom remedies lately.

Mainly Cold and Flu remedies and a few more specific ones like Shingles, Eye health and Teething.

Homeobotanical remedies cover soo many ailments. Pretty much you name it and there's herbs to help support your body through that.

These remedies are packed full of herbs, one remedie can contain 25 different herbs 🙀, they work on a cellular level and vibrational energy healing too- very powerful ✨️


Homemade Granola 😍

This was a yummy blend.

Oats, Cashews, Sunflower seeds, Shredded Coconut, Walnuts, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Vanilla extract, Salt, Honey, Coconut oil, Cashew butter, Freezer dried Raspberries and Cranberries.

Brown Rice flakes would be a good GF option.

You can change it up however you like, to what you have on hand or on special- that's what I love about homemade Granolas the most!

Plus there easy to make and better for you than brought ones.


Plantbased Lentil Bolognese

A beautiful deep rich flavour and hearty, with a great diversity of plants plus nice and easy to whip together.

2 tablespoons  olive oil
1\2 large onion, diced
4–6 cloves garlic, diced
Sautee together in pan on medium heat.

1 1/2 cup carrots, small finely diced
1 1/2 cups celery diced finely
I chucked mine in the food processor and blended until finely diced. (Help hide all the veggies from the kids)
Add to pan and cook on medium heat.

Next atdd all other ingredients
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon chili flakes- optional
2 teaspoons dried Italian herbs
1/3 cup tomato paste
Generous splash red wine (optional, but yum) 1/4 cup-ish

1 Tin Black lentils
1 Tin Crushed Tom's
(Organic ideal)
2 cups veggie stock
3/4 cup hempseeds or crushed toasted walnuts
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

Cook for approx 10mins on medium heat until sauce thickens down.

Serve with your fav pasta and top with fresh Basil or Plant-based Cheese if you wish 😋

This recipe I found on Feasting on Plants website.


What would you use a Consultation for?

A Consultation appointment is perfect for discussing a pacific health concern.

You are also able to gain access to prescribed custom Homeobotanical remedy.

And Kathology treatment.

I allow 45- 60mins per consultations and they are $40.
Should you require a Homeobotanical remedy they would be an additional $18 each and a Kathology treatment is an additional $30.

Here we are able to discuss what treatment is best to fix the root cause of your health concern and where to go from here 🌈


Luckily there are amazing companies out there, that are aware of the harmful effects chemicals have on our bodies and also the planet.

Where there is a negative, there is always positive ✨️

This allows us to take control of how many toxins our bodies are exsposed to, with some simple lifestyle changes and mindfulness we can dramatically lower our exposure.

Things we can do....

Rembered before going out and swapping everything over to Eco friendly products, the products you do have still have to go somewhere (landfull) so maybe as you need to replenish things make the switch (just an idea 😊)

💚 Cotton Knitted reusable dish cloths
💚 Eco dish tablets
💚 Hot water for dishes
💚 Vinegar for cleaning with essential oils
💚 Shampoo and Conditioner Bars
💚 Bamboo tooth brushes
💚 Ceramic reusable coffee caps
💚 Glass food storage containers
💚 Wooden cooking utensils
💚 Cotton or bamboo underwear
💚 Natural clothing materials
💚 Wool carpet
💚 Diy garden products
💚 Ocean friendly car was products
💚 Natural makeup products- Organic even better
💚 Natural bedding materials
💚 Natural tooth pastes
💚 Metal, Glass, Ceramic water bottles

And plenty more you can do to lower for exposure 🤗🌱 your body and the environment will thank you for it 💚


Our Bodies are exsposed to over thousand and thousands of different toxic chemicals daily 😱

They are in our Clothing/ Underwear, Deodorant, Perfumes, Shampoo/ Conditioner, Body wash, House/ Car/ Garden cleaning products, the Air, Rain, Water, Cooking Utnesiles, Bake ware, Food storage containers, Food packaging, Our homes, Carpet/ Couches/ Curtains/ Cushions/ Throws/ Mats, Bedding Mattress/ Sheets/ Duvets/ Pillows/ Towels and so on, you get the picture I'm sure.

It's mind blowing and heart breaking 💔 😢 really.

Low toxic living and conscious living is Essential for living a full HEALTHY life.

If we aren't mindful of all these chemicals and dont choose better options that are Organic and Eco Friendly then we are setting our bodies up for disaster....

They can accumulate in our bodies and our bodies can become toxic OVERLOADED. Which leads to health issues like....

Skin disorders
Hormonal issues
Fertility conditions
Liver diseases
Mental conditions
To name a few

Please be mindful in your choices guys ✌️

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Videos (show all)

Can't wait to learn Homeopathy more in depth and start sharing- eeep! ✨️🤗
I should have said communicating thoughts or explaining things- not communicating with people 🙄🤦‍♀️😅🤣
Homeobotanical Worm Remedie.This one is using the HB, W blend (it contains 7 beautiful herbs) 🌿 some worms are good for ...





Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 2pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 12pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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