Andean Leaves

Andean Leaves

Providing the greenest and freshest natural products, gathered directly from the Andean and Amazons🍃

Coca leaves have been chewed and brewed for tea traditionally for centuries among our indigenous communities in the Andean region – not causing any harm, rather being beneficial to human health. Peruvian Coca leaves and powder, directly from the Andean Mountains of Cuzco Peru. Gives the body stimulation and vitality needed in these times of great mental and physical exhaustion. When chewed, coca a


Feel all the inka power in you with our most exclusive and demanded products. This Coca–Maca Pack is made with natural and high quality products to ensure the best and most effective part of you.


How to use
Chaqchar, piqchar or acullicar (terms of Andean languages) is the act of introducing coca leaves in the mouth mixed with an alkaline element called llipta. By forming a bolus, which is held in the backside of your mouth, slowly extracting the active substances and stimulants.

Spread a group of leaves in your hand.
Also adjust them so that there is no free space in between the leaves.
Sprinkle some llipta powder in the middle.
Roll the leaves and the llipta tight into a ball form.
Locate the leafy ball in the back side of your mouth using your molars to chew it down slowly.
Suck in the juice and spit the dry leaves after 15 minutes.


Especially collected by the Matses tribe in eastern Peru between the Peruvian and Brazilian border. Sangre de Drago/Grado drops prepared from the sustainably wildcrafted sap of Croton lechleri trees 100% from the Peruvian Amazon


Within the framework of the National Holidays, the XXVII Agroindustrial, Craft and Folk Fair Expo Tejamolino 2024 will be held, a fair recognized at the regional and national level where agricultural, industrial, livestock, craft and gastronomic products are exhibited with the purpose of promoting the productive diversity of the region and reactivate the local economy. Likewise, it has cultural spaces such as the “Ojota de Oro” dance competition and the presentation of musical groups.


Artisan and organic product made with the energy of our Ashaninka brothers and families from the valley of the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro (VRAEM) rivers.


Answer yes or no and you will enter the program of gifts and special discounts for July 💪✅


The most typical use of the San Pedro cactus is medicinal. Traditional indigenous medicine, which was used by tribes living in Andean areas, used the San Pedro cactus for some of its therapies.

In this sense, they have found vestiges in archaeological studies, which have been going on for 2,000 years.


In Peruvian medicine is used for hepatitis B, urinary tract infections and as a diuretic because it helps the better functioning of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder. It is also used for colic, diabetes, dysentery, fever, flu, tumors, vaginitis and dyspepsia.



The importance of waste recycling grows day by day in a society that is increasingly responsible for caring for the environment. By recycling, we give a new use to objects destined to become waste and we help our planet, as well as protect future generations.


Every time you have a cup of coffee, you improve your day and that of our coffee growers as well.


Peru has around 2 million 300 thousand peasants grouped in 6,277 peasant communities (94% in the Andes) and 1,322 native communities (99% in the Amazon). Today there would be 7 farmers, out of every 100 Peruvians, involved in agricultural livestock production in a third of the national territory. But, only 18% of the land is used for agricultural purposes and 82% is non-agricultural land. Most lands depend on rainfall and only a small percentage is irrigated and this is done mostly by gravity.


Carob is a Peruvian superfood and is the fruit of its tree, the carob. In Peru this tree is known as huarango and is a highly appreciated species on the north coast. Its wood and nutritious fruit make it a multipurpose tree, compared to other species.


made with Andean style blankets, our mission is to spread the Peruvian culture through these small details inspired by our Andean beauty.


👉Dear customers, we still have the promotion in force for Father's Week, 💪take advantage of this opportunity that will not be repeated again. thank you✅🌿
Code: dadpower


Father's week, because you asked for it, we have a discount week. Code: dadpower "-15% off all items!"


Achiote has diuretic, anti-dysenteric and anti-venereal properties. It also has great anti-inflammatory properties for the prostate. Regular consumption helps treat liver diseases and acts against ulcers.


Did you know what? Cocoa is rich in theobromine, which is a compound with vasodilatory activity, which promotes blood circulation to the brain, helping to prevent neurological diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's, for example. Additionally, cocoa is rich in selenium, a mineral that helps improve cognition and memory.


We are Peruvian Andean Leaves Products, a multicultural Peruvian Lima based company. We offer fresh and organic natural products that you can rely on, small and bulk orders.
Our goal is to provide good quality healthy products with a very reasonable and affordable price for everyone!


This pack was created especially to help Woman 👸
Aguaje Powder (200gr)
Aguaje Capsules (100 x 500 mg)
Red Maca Powder (75gr)
Maca Capsules (100 x 500 mg)


The International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated on May 22 every year.

It was decreed by the United Nations (UN), with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity for human beings and the need to care for it and preserve it for future generations.


What is Kambo?
Name given to a frog that lives in the trees of the Amazon rainforest, specifically in the border between Brazil and Peru. Of scientific name Phyllomedusa Bicolor. The body secretion from the glands of this animal is used as a remedy and medicine by the natives since ancient times, specifically by the Matses people (Mayoruna) in the Matsés Indigenous Reserve that was established in 1998. Kambo is a secretion from the bright green monkey frog “one of the strongest natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to empower our immune system.”


The Coca leaf capsules are composed of 100% coca leaf powder (also called coca flour). A powerful stimulant. Powers you up physically and mentally. It can also be used as a vitamin and calcium supplement. Taken specially by people suffering from osteoporosis and malnutrition.

The coca plant (Erythroxylum coca) is native to the Peruvian Rain forest and has been fundamental to the culture and traditions of the Andean people for thousands of years.


In December 2017, the United Nations declared May 16 as the International Day of Coexistence in Peace.

This day aims to promote tolerance, solidarity, respect and peace worldwide.


We pay tribute to a fundamental member of the family nucleus. We celebrate Mother's Day. Mothers are the beginning of life, protection, joy and hope. Being a mother does not only mean raising and meeting the needs of your children. They represent unconditional love and support in their development as people.

That is why we honor all the mothers of the world in a very special way.



💪Increases sexual vigor and preventing erectile dysfunction, naturally. Improves the quality of the er****on.
💪It helps to reduce the size of the prostate and helping to keep the male sexual system in good condition.
💪It contributes to adequate relaxation during sexual in*******se and intervenes in the control of brain functions, reducing stress and anxiety.
💪Total energizer that provides vitality and health.
Take 2-3 capsules very day.


Helps in the formation of scabs and quickly regenerates the skin helping collagen formation and it has been shown that the to latex is more active than its isolated components.
ANTIVIRAL AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTION Numerous studies support the antiviral activity of dragon’s blood. In vitro experiments show that this proanthocyanidin inhibits various DNA and RNA viruses including herpes viruses, hepatitis (A and B) and there may be anti-tumor potential in dragon’s blood.


Coca leaves have been chewed and brewed for tea traditionally for centuries among its indigenous people in the Andean-Amazon region – not causing any harm, rather being beneficial to human health.

A traditional method of chewing coca leaf, called chacchar or acullico, consists of keeping a saliva-soaked ball of coca leaves in the mouth together with an alkaline substance that assists in extracting the co***ne substance from the leaves.


International Workers' Day or also known as Labor Day is celebrated on May 1, to commemorate the labor movement and the workforce worldwide, as a movement to protest different causes related to work.


Llipta is a mass formed by a mixture of lime and ash of amaranth or quinoa, which enhances the extraction of alkaloids in the coca leaf.

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In Peruvian medicine is used for hepatitis B, urinary tract infections and as a diuretic because it helps the better fun...
Father's week, because you asked for it, we have a discount week. Code: dadpower "-15% off all items!"
The andean team wishes you a prosperous new year 2024💪