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What are the benefits of wearing pearl bracelets?

✔️Pearl helps in curing depression, mental disorders, improving memory, and enhancing the intelligence of the individuals as well. It is good for curing blood pressure and bladder disease and is also helpful in balancing and maintaining our bodily fluids.
✔️Just like all precious gemstones and crystals out there, pearls come cloaked in their own healing energy too. They are known as an introspective gem, which means they guide us back into ourselves and show us our own sense of sublime wisdom. Yet, the luminous pearl doesn’t stop there. This pretty orb is brimming with benefits for the body, mind, and soul.
✔️The pearl is all about balance and it reflects this in the harmony it brings to the body. For those who feel physically off kilter, this wonderful gem will bring you back into strong stature. Pearls are excellent for lung issues, they help reduce the effects of asthma and bronchitis, and they heal all your essential organs like the heart, liver, and kidney. They have a sedative effect on the body too, meaning that you get a good night shuteye, calm overactive adrenal glands, and let go of hypertension and headaches. They are also said to be beneficial for pregnant women and new mothers thanks to all their fabulous feminine energy.
✔️Along with bringing your hormones into balance and ensuring your body is finding that sweet spot between ride and rest, pearls love to lend a hand when it comes to soothing our emotions. Known as a stone of inner wisdom, pearls help us to find the confidence we need to be our own advocates in the world. They also lighten the mind and your mood meaning that you feel a bright spell of optimism and ease wash right over you. Pearls help us to let go of anxiety, nervousness, and that negative inner voice. They inspire sincerity, loyalty, and truth - not just to others but most importantly, to ourselves.

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Green Jade Bracelet Meaning
✔️The green jade is most commonly associated with good luck, making it a popular choice for those seeking to improve their fortune.
✔️It’s also said to attract good health, wealth, and love.
✔️In addition to these more general benefits, green jade is also known to aid digestion, fertility, and heart health.
✔️So if you’re looking for a piece of jewelry that does more than just look pretty, consider a green jade bracelet!
✔️A Green Jade bracelet is also believed to relieve joint pain, help resolve stomach issues such as gas or diarrhea, soothe coughs, alleviate menstrual cramps and regulate the menstrual cycle.
✔️It is considered by many cultures to be the stone of eternal youth because it can reduce wrinkles.
✔️It’s an excellent stone for first-time mothers because it can ease the pain during childbirth and offer protection during pregnancy.

Why Wear A Jade Bangle On The Left Hand?
Wearing a Jade bracelet
✔️Wearing a jade bangle on the left hand brings good luck. It is also said to protect the wearer from negative energy.
✔️Additionally, it is believed that jade has healing properties and can help to improve one’s health.
✔️Some people also believe that jade can help to attract wealth and prosperity.
✔️Overall, there are many benefits to wearing a jade bracelet. The color of this stone is considered calming, so it can help relieve stress.
✔️Jade is also thought to have healing powers, so if you’re feeling sick or need extra energy, wear your jade bangle!
Furthermore, you’ll be well-protected with this stone because of its ability to block out bad vibes

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The Power Of Garnet
✔️Garnet is a Stone of Commitment because of its healing properties that can make you achieve your goals to improve yourself and your life.
✔️It can help you change old behaviors, habits, thoughts, and ideas.
✔️It can help you release your inhibitions and bolster your self-confidence.
✔️When you go through life with certainty and fearlessness, you can also open your life to many new possibilities.
✔️This gemstone can help you better control the flow of energies that will affect you on an intellectual, emotional, and physical level.
✔️Protection or spiritual healing, this is also a gemstone that can help you achieve that in your life.

The Best Crystals And Stones To Combine With Garnet
The best crystals to combine with Garnet for romantic love are Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Peridot, Red Aventurine, Emerald, and Lapis Lazuli.
-The best crystals to combine with Garnet for protection and security are Iolite, Red Aventurine, Turquoise, Red Jasper, Onyx, Tiger’s Eye, Malachite, Fluorite, Carnelian, and Agate.
-If you want to have more success with money, you can combine Garnet with Goldstone, Red Jasper, Hematite, Citrine, Agate, and Aventurine.
-If you’re struggling with creativity, wear Garnet with Red Jasper, Sodalite, Onyx, Moonstone, Malachite, Serpentine, and Citrine.

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Cherry Quartz Meaning
✔️Cherry Quartz is a recharging gemstone that will help you reclaim your reality's vitality and flow. It will refresh your wholeness and reestablish the disrupted equilibrium. This gemstone will also encourage you to take the initiative and be more motivated in your existence. It will also stimulate movement and vitality to maintain the energies in your daily existence elevated.
✔️The broad and detailed hue of Cherry Quartz denotes a profusion of life, vigor, and enthusiasm. You'll sense a spike in your strength, which you'll be magnifying to the world at large. This crystal will excite you and make you feel energized. You'll be itching to get out there and gain more experience.
✔️Healing Properties of Cherry Quartz
This Quartz type is especially beneficial in the treatment of psychological traumas. It activates the emotional energy center and provides you the sensation of being in a genuine, caring environment. Rigid sentiments like worry, anxiety, rage, and envy can be diffused using Cherry Quartz. The stone will replace it with a sense of relief, tranquility, and harmony.
✔️Cherry Quartz can help with illnesses and the common cold. You can also use it to help cure wounds and fever. This gemstone may aid in the development of the heart as well as the improvement of blood flow.
✔️Cherry Quartz brings more excellent vibrations that offer richness and happiness to professional success, riches, and affluence. It makes no difference what kind of company you operate or what job you hold, and neither do your financial areas.
✔️Wearing Cherry Quartz
Wearing Cherry Quartz will infuse your home or surroundings with protecting and warming vibrations that will help to clear any negative vibes. It's also great to have before touring because it offers security and ensures smooth trips.
✔️Cherry Quartz at Home and Work
Cherry Quartz's powers will attract impulses of wealth and fame in your job and company. Your economic status will become more apparent and confident with the help of this gemstone. You'll have a firm sense of what you want to achieve financially, and you'll know exactly how to get there. Cherry Quartz will magnify your intents to the cosmos, allowing you to accomplish your goals more quickly.
✔️Whenever you place a Cherry Quartz in your house, it attracts the family's spirits of unity and tranquility. It will breathe in exciting, energizing energy to an area where the impulses are stale and drab. To have the elements circulating in an area with sluggish air, put a small of Cherry Quartz in a hidden corner of your house or an area with dead vitality.
✔️Meditation with Cherry Quartz
Quartz is identical to certain other crystal kinds. Cherry Quartz is an excellent meditative stone. It will block out all disturbances and assist you in clearing your thoughts. It will promote a sense of belonging and enable a more intense meditation experience.
✔️During guided meditation, imagine a picture of your goal or intended results inside Cherry Quartz, and it will provide powerful spiritual resonance. This crystal will recall and enhance energy frequencies simultaneously. Using the exact gemstone in recurring mediation will give the concentrated aspirations' strength and the possibility

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✔️Nephrite is derived from lapis nephriticus (Latin for "stone of the kidneys"), for the traditional belief in its power to heal the kidneys and loins.
•Benefits And Healing Properties Of Nephrite Jade
✔️Nephrite jade keeps the body safe from the damaging effects of external sources and soothes the nervous system. It can also bring strength and healing to the immune system whilst bringing your body into a more alkaline state of being.4 Apr 2023
✔️ Chakra : Solar plexus , Heart. 5 elements of nature: Wood. Nephrite Jade represents good luck, wealth, and safety. It will encourage emotional balance
✔️Known as the stone of good luck green jade has for centuries been thought to bring abundance, prosperity and good fortune. Its energy stimulates the flow of new ideas, helping to attract success.

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Agates are grounding healing stones, bringing about emotional healing, physical and intellectual balance. This healing gemstone aids in centering and stabilizing physical energy. Agate has the power to balance yin yang energy, the positive and negative forces that hold the universe in place.

✔️A gemstone of inward journeys, the Dream Agate Energy Bracelet is here to help open the doors of perception, bring stability to your body, mind, and soul, and to bring gentle nourishing healing to every heavenly cell.

“With this bracelet, I sharpen my perception, seek my truth, and let meaningful change happen”

✔️Dream Agate is ethereal and earthy. Like all forms of agate, this gemstone works softly to bring you into sweetness and ease and gives you the key to access your inner power. Agates are earth stones and can be considerably less intense than some of the other crystals you may come across. They are no less potent in their healing powers but instead, they send their energy rippling through like a stone skimmed across the water rather than waves crashing against the shore.
XL✔️Dream Agate is glorious at sharpening perception, bringing clarity and concentration, and improving analytical abilities as it clears the fog from your mind. It can be used for deep and meaningful change that lasts a lifetime rather than being a quick flash in the pan. It can help to manifest your desires, helps to focus your thoughts and dreams, and is ever soothing and calming. Agate is all about getting a good grasp on reality, being present in the here and now, and letting go of what is holding you back so that you can gain all that you never had.
✔️Agates tend to be glorious guides for those who want to find the path back to their own intuitive wisdom. This is especially true with the Dream Agate. Dreams can often be a source of soul guidance and a place where meaning and messages can be found. The Dream Agate shares this synchronicity and keeps you tethered to your own truth.

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What is the meaning of the ocean Jasper?

Holding the energy of water and the ocean, the energy of the Ocean Jasper meaning is a heart-opening stone that invites you to call love, kindness, and happiness into your life. Through its gentle energy, the Ocean Jasper crystal meaning offers a sense of comfort and empowerment that nurtures your soul.

One of the most powerful intentions you can set for working with the Ocean Jasper uses is the intention of caring for yourself. The soft, loving energy of this stone encourages you to treat yourself with a similar level of kindness and love. By opening your heart to showing yourself appreciation, the Ocean Jasper crystal meaning teaches you to make yourself a priority each and everyday

•The Ocean Jasper crystal meaning supports you on your journey to live a joyful and happy life. Although we all experience ups and downs, the Ocean Jasper meaning teaches you to ride the wave and go with the flow. By releasing stress and tension, the water-like quality of this crystal helps you to live a happier life.
•Ocean Jasper is an uplifting stone that balances a peaceful energy with an equally happiness-inducing one. Similar to standing by the ocean and feeling that calm, serene energy, an Ocean Jasper stone meaning gives off both an energy of tranquility and bliss. It helps you to find contentment with where you are right now, rather than worrying about the future or despairing about the past.

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✔️Pink aura quartz is a powerful healer on a physical, emotional, cellular, multi-dimensional cellular memory, psychological and spiritual level. Pink aura quartz is an excellent crystal for working with energy fields, enhancing energy healing and bringing our body into balance.

✔️Use Pink Aura Quartz to work with energy fields, enhancing your healing work or for anyone working with energy;
✔️Use it when you need to work on a physical, emotional, cellular, multi-dimensional cellular memory, psychological and spiritual level.
✔️Use to bring your body and chakras back into balance
✔️To cleansethe aura with angel aura quartz, meditate holding the quartz in your non-dominant hand, which is your receiving hand. As you meditate, visualize the energy from the crystal flowing into your hand, into your body, and expanding out beyond you into your auric field.

How does Aura Crystal work:
✔️This crystal operates on a vibrational level, attuning itself to the specific energy requirements of the person in need of healing or spiritual work. This is due to the fact that aura quartz begins as clear quartz, the master healing, programming, and manifesting stone. When you combine this with the fact that platinum is a very high vibrating metal, you have a quartz with a very high vibration.
✔️Emotionally, this heart chakra pink beauty fills our entire body with love and bestows unconditional love on us. It enables us to become aware of and receive the higher realms' love energies. Pink aura quartz lifts our spirits, dispels anger, and brings us to a calm and peaceful state.
✔️On a psychological and spiritual level, the energy of aura quartz strengthens our heart chakra and pineal gland, dispelling any self-doubt we may have. Because of its connection to the pineal gland, this mineral boosts our psychic abilities and intuition.
✔️Pink aura quartz contains divine energies that facilitate contact with the angelic realms and our spirit guides, aligning us with our spiritual purpose. It contains platinum, which improves our connection with our angels and spirit guides and carries the energy patterns of human existence.
✔️Pink aura quartz can also be used to clear the aura and chakras. It aligns and purifies all of our chakras, allowing the Rainbow Light Body to be activated and integrated. Pink aura quartz helps to heal any holes in our aura, keeping it safe and protected from any of the nasty stuff.
✔️On a spiritual level, it accomplishes more. This pink beauty cuts through cords, limiting belief systems, mental attitudes, unspoken psychic attacks, and astral parasites.
✔️Pink aura quartz has physical benefits as well.
✔️It balances our bodies, boosts our immune systems, and helps to soothe burns.

📍Phase 4 Heritage Homes LDG Marilao Bulacan

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✔️Here are 5 healing benefits of White Aura Quartz,
•Master Healing
•Clears limiting beliefs
•Brings the body into balance and calm
•Increases daily energy
•Emotionally and mentally heals when overwhelmed by intense negative emotions

📍Phase 4 Heritage Homes LDG Marilao Bulacan

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✔️Moss agate is a stone of abundance, prosperity, wealth, and good luck. The moss agate has become popular in recent years because it is known to be able to attract money. Moss agate could also be used as a protection stone. It protects your home from negative energy and protects you from bad dreams that might come true if you don’t have these gemstones with you. The moss agate will help you achieve all your goals in life. Moss Agate is an excellent crystal for any kind of healing work because it helps in the growth of plants and makes them more fertile than before.

What pairs with Moss Agate?
•Fuchsite, Seraphinite, and Clear Quartz all look great with Moss Agate. Prasiolite, Green Jasper, Green Aventurine, and Red Garnet are the minerals that work best with Moss Agate.

📍Phase 4 Heritage Homes LDG Marilao Bulacan

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Can you wear unakite everyday?
✔️Because it emits soothing vibrations, Unakite is one of the best stones for everyday wear. You can wear it in jewelry or simply carry it with you in your pocket wherever you go. Whenever you feel stressed or anxious, rub the stone for a few minutes. It’ll help you feel more relaxed

Physical healing properties
Unakite is a gentle, supportive stone with exceptional physical healing properties. One of this crystal’s main benefits is that it is perfect for women and it’s definitely a must-have for aspiring moms.

This stone is fantastic for improving the health of body organs, especially of the ovaries. Unakite is useful for boosting ovulation and relieving pain related to menstrual cramps. It is also said to help remove complications during childbirth and pregnancy.

If you are battling addictions, you can also greatly benefit from this stone. By promoting strength, Unakite helps you overcome the mental urge to use drugs or other substances.

Another great benefit of Unakite is that it can help you lose weight and encourage you to get healthy. If you are struggling with this, then using this stone can be the extra help you need in your journey.

Finally, Unakite has detoxifying properties that can help you cleanse your body of toxins. It also encourages cell replication and enhances the body’s immunity.

Emotional healing properties
With its strong connection to the Heart chakra, Unakite is definitely one of the best stones for emotional healing.

It’s a crystal that emits soothing vibrations, promoting tranquility and harmony. If you want to enjoy a more peaceful life, you can wear Unakite every day.

Stress is a normal human reaction and happens to everyone. But with Unakite you’ll learn to face your life’s challenges with determination and courage.

This stone teaches you to appreciate the simple things in life, encouraging you to be more grateful and thankful for what you have.

Because Unakite helps you become the best version of yourself, it can be useful for those who fear failure. With this stone by your side, you’ll learn to accept your past mistakes and remember that failure is simply a part of success.

Unakite is perfect for balancing and controlling your emotions. It helps you feel more grounded and encourages you to appreciate the present moment. This stone is perfect if you want to eliminate all kinds of negativity from your life.

Unakite is one of the most comforting crystals you’ll find, making it the perfect stone for promoting calmness. If you struggle with any mental disorder such as depression, anxiety, or insomnia, you should definitely have this crystal in your collection.

Metaphysical healing properties
Are you looking for a stone that will help you connect to your higher self? Then, Unakite is the perfect crystal for you.

This stone has strong grounding properties and carries within it the energy and power from a higher realm. With Unakite, you’ll be able to connect with your guardian angels and spirit messengers.

This stone also allows your soul to travel through different phases of life. It also strengthens the intuition when you use it during meditation. You can use Unakite for spiritual awakening or simply for getting a better understanding of the spiritual world.

Unakite is also very useful for developing wisdom and helping you discover your psychic abilities.

With Unakite by your side, you can reach a state of spiritual, mental, and emotional stability.

Unakite will bring you to spiritual happiness and encourage inner peace. If you use this stone on a regular basis, you will slowly and gradually see positive changes in your life.

Unakite and the chakras
Unakite’s energy stimulates the Heart chakra, which governs your love for yourself and others. The Heart chakra is the center for emotional balance and self-acceptance but also for all of your relationships.

When the Heart chakra is unbalanced, we may experience codependency, jealousy, and loneliness. You can use Unakite to promote compassion, empathy, and forgiveness.

Once your Heart chakra is open and balanced, you’ll be able to improve your relationships with your partner, friends, and family but most importantly with yourself.

📍Phase 4 Heritage Homes LDG Marilao Bulacan

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Snowflake Phantom
It is believed that this crystal helps promote creativity. The Phantom crystal is said to be an operative aura cleanser. It is thought that this crystal can dispel the negative energies, which linger in the personal auric fields you have. Not only that, but it is also believed that it can get rid of any negative thoughts or emotions, which is averting the positive flow of the energies in life.

Manifest: Creativity, Dispel Negative Energy, and Positivity.

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Healing Properties and Benefits
Labra has two characteristics: Magic and Protection. These two labradorite stone meanings have powerful elements that are protectors of the mineral kingdom, creating inner chakra and shielding you against misfortunes and negativity.
Protection from inside and out
Treats eye disorder
Regulates blood and lowers pressure
It removes debris from previous disappointments or insecurities
It increases faith and trust
Heals every wound from within
Strengthens physical, emotional, and spiritual life
Boosts self-determination
Sharpens psychic abilities
Expanding your sixth sense while keeping you safe and prepared
Aids self- doubts, fears, discouragements, depressions, and even brokenness
It allows your body to produce good energy vibrations for better wisdom
Balances energy bringing your reality out in the world.
The protective feature even asleep
A magnet of good luck for misfortunes.
Has great impacts on wealth, business, career growth, and life expectations.
Empowers and develop spiritual growth
Supports meditations to raise consciousness and inter-dimensional traverse. It believes it carries a tool for Shamans to have access to other dimensions of reality and knowledge.
Labradorite healing crystal has the ability to collect negative vibrations and releases positive ones to create a good mood. It strengthens our inner worth and at the same time gives power to our physical body. Its benefits are tried and tested by most women who use this not just for their fashion but for treating their emptiness. It produces a powerful chakra that promotes healing and growth. There's a huge need for this stone in the market because of its flexibility and magic that leads you to the deepest levels of consciousness. This stone is usually used to meditate and balance your aura. Labradorite crystal meaning has a magical ability to promote growth to our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing.

Those women who are experiencing some trauma and undergoing emotional treatment are the best people to wear this Labradorite. It boosts courage, strength, and confidence whenever they wear this. Labradorite powers come with a super magical source of healing and energy.

Here are the major benefits of Labra from Emotional, Physical to Spiritual healing:

✔️Emotional: Labra emotional healing promotes self-confidence, determination, and Self-worth. Labradorite aids those experiencing traumas, emotional breakdowns, and consists of energy-boosting powers to give more strength, courage, focus, and be goal-oriented. Labra benefits of wearing happen to be a huge help to those who feel down and aiming for success. It was told to be a good shield to bad vibrations around you. It regains your energy from within the surface directly to your inner consciousness.

✔️Physical: Helps reduce physical pain, colds, coughs, gout, respiratory problems, helps in digestion, metabolism, eye disorders, and reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and tension.

✔️Mind: It balances logical and innovative minds. It helps you connect to your two minds (left and right brain) smoothly.

✔️Body: It can lower down blood pressure and relaxation of the body. It has been used for treatment like brain disorders, restoring mental acuity. It also helps in menstrual tension like body cramps, and dysmenorrhea. It soothes the blood flow to ease the pain.

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Champagne Aura Quartz Crystal Healing Stone to radiate incredible positive energy into your life.

Displaying a soft golden glow, this beautiful champagne aura quartz crystal sparkles in the light and brings a luxurious touch. This healing crystal features a cluster of small crystals, crowned with a straight crystal of the highest calibre.

Champagne aura quartz is considered a very powerful gemstone as it believed to help make unformed dreams a reality. Quartz is said to cleanse the mind and aura, helping us focus on specific ideas. The beauty and positive energy of this champagne aura quartz crystal makes a wonderful gift and incredible addition to your space.

Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality, awareness, and wisdom. It increases inspiration and creativity. It can also help with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Quartz is a stone of harmony and is helpful in romantic relationships.

📍Phase 4 Heritage Homes LDG Marilao Bulacan

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