Exceptional Children's Educational Center

We have a trauma-free, experiential learning, small class size, LiNuS program private K to 6 system.

EC2 is the innovative and pioneering small class size experiential learning private school in Cebu City catering to kids aged 1-11 years old in both face-to-face and online learning platforms. Since we opened our very unique program in 2009, generations after generations of kids have attest to the fact that EC2’s solid foundation makes higher learning easier for all our graduates.


Join now!

In celebration of the National Teachers Month, YOUTeacH is conducting
Project Gabay 3.0. It is a coaching and mentoring program which aims to provide an open space for sharing of strategies and good practices in teaching. It also endeavours to build trust and camaraderie among young teachers in PH.

Pre-registration is open until October 9, 2024 (5:00 PM): https://bit.ly/3Dz2CiB


Let’s celebrate our teachers!

Today marks our kick-off for National Teachers' Month! 🎉 Let’s celebrate the incredible impact our teachers make every day! Happy National Teachers' Month!




For those serving special needs kids, this is a useful cheat sheet.

Occupational Therapy! 💕 Great tips and strategies!


EC2’s Early Starter Program

Since we opened the first center in 2009, we’ve observed a recurring trend: children who enroll in our preschool or kindergarten programs after spending their toddler years with nannies or in other daycare centers often bring with them certain habits and behaviors. Unfortunately, some of these learned behaviors are not conducive to their developmental well-being.

To address this, we aimed to welcome children into our care as early as possible, so we can establish a strong foundation for both academic growth and positive behavioral development—the EC2 way. By immersing them in our nurturing and structured environment from a young age, we ensure that they develop healthy habits and a love for learning that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Recognizing the importance of early education, we developed the Early Starter Program in 2010, specifically designed for children aged 1-3. This program allows us to work closely with young children, providing them with the optimal start to their educational journey, while shaping their behaviors and attitudes in a positive, developmentally appropriate way.

We are proud to say that the first ever student of EC2’s ESP graduated top of her class in UP last school year.

We know it works 😊👍🏼


Buwan ng Wika Culmination

During the “Buwan ng Wika” celebration, the school is alive with the vibrant colors of traditional Filipino clothing, music, and dance. Students and teachers come together to honor the rich heritage of the Philippines. The event begins with a flag ceremony, followed by performances of folk dances. Each student presents a short presentation in Filipino, showcasing the diversity of regional languages and dialects. Booths are set up around the school, featuring traditional Filipino games, crafts, and a variety of local delicacies. The celebration culminates in a pot luck celebration where parents, students and teachers partake Filipino delicacies with songs playing in the background, highlighting the beauty and unity of the Filipino language and culture.

It's a day of pride, learning, and fun, where everyone leaves with a deeper appreciation for their heritage.


A Time For Everything

A young couple once brought their toddler son to me, worried because he was only speaking gibberish. I reassured them to relax—he would learn to speak properly when the time was right. They enrolled him in EC2, and just a few years later, during our school’s moving up and recognition ceremonies, that same boy stood on stage, fluently discussing what goes on in the human nervous system. Not only did he learn to speak well, he also developed the confidence to address an auditorium full of people.

In my 22 years as an educator, I’ve learned that children develop skills like speaking, reading, writing, walking, and running at their own pace, and often differently between boys and girls. Some children learn early, while others take a bit more time. Forcing them to acquire a skill before they’re ready can actually hinder their development.

This approach is what I call Conscious Parenting—being present and actively participating in real-time during every stage of my child’s development. It means addressing the reality unfolding before me, not what I imagine or what the child is suppose to be compared to other children her age. It’s about making sure I do the next right thing and do the next thing right to the best of my ability each moment of her life.

Even if I make a mistake, I will have the ability to rectify it because I caused it. It’s a little bit more complex to correct an error caused by someone else.

The writer of Ecclesiastes had it right: “For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” These ancient words remind us that life has a natural rhythm, and this is especially true for our children. They grow and learn at their own pace, and there’s a time for every skill they need to develop.

As parents, it’s natural to want the best for our kids, but pushing them too early can be counterproductive, even harmful. Just as you wouldn’t plant a seed in winter and expect it to bloom, we shouldn’t rush our children into learning before they’re ready. Whether it's reading, riding a bike, or understanding complex emotions, these things will come in their own time.

Let’s trust the process and allow our children to grow into their fullest potential when the season is right for them. They’ll flourish when the time is ripe, and we’ll be there to cheer them on.

-Teacher Ray


Good read!

10 lessons from the book " The smartest kids in the world" by Amanda Ripley :

1. Focus on Teacher Quality: High-performing education systems prioritize recruiting, training, and retaining top-quality teachers who are well-respected and compensated.

2. Emphasize Rigorous Standards: Successful education systems set high academic standards and expectations for students, encouraging them to strive for excellence.

3. Encourage Critical Thinking: Education should go beyond rote memorization to emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.

4. Promote Accountability: Systems that hold schools, teachers, and students accountable for performance tend to see better outcomes.

5. Value Equity and Inclusion: Ensuring all students have access to quality education regardless of socioeconomic background promotes fairness and social mobility.

6. Support Parental Engagement: Engaged parents who are involved in their children's education positively impact academic achievement and school culture.

7. Invest in Early Childhood Education: Providing a strong foundation through early childhood education can have long-term benefits for academic success.

8. Encourage Autonomy and Creativity: Giving students some autonomy in their learning process and fostering creativity can enhance engagement and learning outcomes.

9. Learn from Global Best Practices: Studying and adopting successful practices from high-performing education systems worldwide can inform educational reforms.

10. Continuous Improvement: Education systems should continuously evaluate and improve based on evidence and outcomes, adapting to changing societal needs and challenges.


EC2 congratulates our Grade 6 student Freyja for participating and getting the silver medal in the ongoing ASJJF International Jiujitsu Open Tournament held this Aug 10-11, 2024 at G-Mall Cebu City

Freyja is a white belt who competed in the no-gi grey belt pr***en lightweight division. This is the first time she competed.

Good job, Freyja! Keep it up!


Dear parents of EC2 kids,

If your child was present during the tailor’s measuring of uniform sizes yesterday, he/she will have two sets of custom-made Type A EC2 uniform for this school year.

If your child was absent yesterday, he/she will have to settle for our prescribed size for the two sets of Type A uniform required by the school.

If that option is not acceptable, kindly coordinate with Teacher Ray.



Common math symbols and what they mean.


New diagnosis requires new approach.

Thinking and research evolves over decades, as clinical/systems & practices wait for more evidence to come in. I grew weary of witnessing children in schools & agencies treated with methods backed by old research/thinking, and that's why I wrote Beyond Behaviors. We can't shift a paradigm until we define what it is, many people don't know that there's a new way to view children, a way that's not taught in traditional university settings. The "old paradigm" rests on research conducted decades ago, with a certain focus. (Simple cause/effect). Newer models that consider the complexity of human development, attempt to hold that complexity. Sharing this often felt like swimming upstream, but the relational joy we discovered behind the labels was the proof I needed to talk about the need for a shift across systems of education, mental health, and medicine.


Today is the first day of classes.

Welcome back, EC2 kids!

We are happy to have you.


Happy 455th anniversary Cebu


Why Math matters


Dear parents of EC2 kids,

Gentle reminder that our first day of classes is on Wednesday 7 August 2024. Please let your children wear the Type B yellow and white EC2 uniform with white rubber shoes.

Please drop them off 5 minutes before their class schedule and be at the waiting area 15 minutes before their dismissal time.

Lastly, please be mindful of our limited parking space.

Let us work together to make the first day of classes smooth and trauma-free.


Filipino Excellence on display at the 2024 Paris Olympics gymnastics competition, both on the floor exercise and the vault.

Congratulations, Carlos!


Why is Math a difficult subject?

Teaching mathematics is fraught with challenges distinct from simply solving math problems. Proficiency in mathematics doesn't inherently translate to the ability to teach it effectively. While a math expert might solve complex equations effortlessly, conveying these concepts to students in an understandable manner requires a different skill set entirely. This disparity often stems from the need for clarity in communication, a crucial element in teaching that involves simplifying intricate ideas into digestible pieces for young minds.

Language and math skills originate from different brain hemispheres. The left hemisphere primarily governs logical reasoning and numerical skills, essential for problem-solving in mathematics. Conversely, the right hemisphere is more involved in language and communication, necessary for explaining concepts clearly. Thus, an effective math teacher must integrate both hemispheres' strengths, blending logical precision with communicative clarity.

The importance of this dual-brain approach cannot be overstated. Students often struggle with math due to a gap in understanding, which can be bridged by teachers who are adept at communicating complex ideas simply and engagingly. Therefore, a great math teacher is not just a math wizard but also a skilled communicator, capable of breaking down barriers to make mathematics accessible and enjoyable for all students.

That is why in EC2, we don’t hire mathematicians. We hire math teachers with excellent communication skills.

This Cebu artist's hand-painted abstracts are deeply touching 02/08/2024

Congratulations, Sir Sio!👏👏👏

This Cebu artist's hand-painted abstracts are deeply touching In "Haptic Perception," Cebu artist-pedagogue Dennis "Sio" Montera junks the abstractionist's brush and palette knife and uses his hands to paint his visions or emotions on canvas.

Photos from Exceptional Children's Educational Center's post 01/08/2024

A celebration of the Holy Mass and the Blessing of the new Early Starter Program (ESP) Center, affectionately called “The Green Room” marks the start of SY 2024-2025 in EC2🎉🎊🎉🎊

More space means more children we can serve👏👏👏

Senate passes bill to protect kids online and make tech companies accountable for harmful content 31/07/2024

Online Safety Bill gains ground. This is great news for kids and parents!

Senate passes bill to protect kids online and make tech companies accountable for harmful content The Senate has passed legislation designed to protect children from dangerous online content. It's pushing forward with what would be the first major effort by Congress in decades to hold tech companies more accountable for the harm they cause.


First day jitters?

Seeing your child experience anxiety on the first day of school can be tough. The temptation to not let them go through that experience will only prolong their agony. Remember that they only need to go through the first day jitters once.

Here are a few tips to help:

1. Stay Calm and Positive:
Your child will pick up on your emotions. Show them that you're confident they can handle this new experience.

2. Listen and Validate:
Acknowledge their feelings. Let them know it's okay to feel nervous and that many kids feel the same way on their first day.

3. Prepare Together:
Go over the school routine, meet the teacher, and explore the school beforehand if possible. Familiarity can ease anxiety.

4. Encourage Independence:
Empower them with coping strategies, like deep breathing or having a small, comforting item in their backpack.

5. Reassure Them:
Remind them that they can always talk to you about their day and that you'll be there to support them.

6. Let them go.

Your calm and supportive presence can make a world of difference! 🌟

Send a message to learn more

Photos from Exceptional Children's Educational Center's post 30/07/2024

We encourage all parents who were absent during the parents orientation to take the time to read the details of the Matatag Curriculum that are relevant to your child’s grade level. Kindly review also EC2’s Rules and Regulations.


As the school year 2024-2025 opens, let us familiarize ourselves with the people who serve our EC2 kids at the Talamban Center:

Kuya Aldrin is the one assisting your children from your car to their room, and hands them back to you from their rooms at the end of each class. He is also responsible for the upkeep of the classrooms.

Teachers Faith, Marielle and Therese are the ones responsible for the teaching-learning process inside the classrooms. Teachers Anna and Teacher Reby will also teach from time to time.

Teacher Yami is now the Registrar. She will be responsible for all academic record and other official documents of EC2 kids. She handles classes from time to time.

Teacher Ray is responsible for the mental health of everyone in the institution, including Teacher Training and Growth Mindset workshops. He is also the person handling academic quality controls, protocols for grievances and special concerns.

Teacher Reby Adoptante is the School Principal. All academic-related concerns must be addressed to her. IEPs and WEPs come from her office.

Ma’am Anna Rondrique is the School Administrator. All non-academic concerns like tuition fee payments, uniform, ID, journal, referral to therapy centers, Activity Fridays, certifications, and the likes are handled by her office. She is also the one to call if you cannot get your child on time, or he/she will be absent from class.

Please remember that they will only be able to respond to your DMs, emails, calls, or SMS during office hours from 8am to 4pm. Even then, the teachers may not be able to respond because they are still in class.

It is always safest to channel all concerns through Ma’am Anna and Teacher Reby. Their responses are prompt.

Let us collaborate for your children’s optimal learning experience and may we all have a blessed and enjoyable school year!🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉

Virtus in Omnibus!


Let us all aim for trauma-free learning experience this 2024, not just for EC2 kids but for all kids.

As we prepare to start back, this is a great reminder…


Filipinos participating in the Olympics and when to see them in action.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝! SAVE this calendar* and prepare to witness ! 💪 🇵🇭

*Athlete schedules are subject to change without prior notice.

is the official and worldwide insurance partner of the Olympics and Paralympics Movement.


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Videos (show all)

The EC2 Marching Song is “Virtus in Omnibus” (words and music by Teacher Ray Nobleza, arranged by Sheeny Viason). It mea...
“Grade 5 EC2 Student Freyja’s interpretation of “Ain’t I A Woman?” by Sojourner Truth (1851 Women’s Convention, Akron Oh...
Xanje’s contribution to the showcase of talents during EC2’s 15th Recognition Day, 27 May 2024 #WeAreEC2 #SmallerClassSi...
The heartfelt and sincere message of EC2 Founding President Ray Nobleza during the 15th Recognition Ceremony.
Selena reciting “Hope for the Flowers” by Trina Paulus
Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms!
15 years of excellent service.
The solar eclipse as documented by Teacher Myle and edited by Teacher Ray.
With the help of our beloved Teacher Myle (who is now in Ohio), EC2 shares with you this video of the solar eclipse.Don’...
Hi everyone! 🌟 You can support EC2 by sending Stars - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Whenever you see the Stars icon, you can send us Sta...
Happy Easter to all!
EC2 Staff Outing today. We miss Ma’am Anna, Teacher Farrah, Teacher Therese and Teacher Reby. #WeAreEC2 #StaffOuting2024



Borbajo Street
Cebu City

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 12am

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