Joyful Maria

Once was lost but now was found and experiencing unmeasurable JOY Delightful Heart


I say to God:

“God, this isn’t making sense.

Why did you bring me here? I don’t see how you are using all of this.

This feels like a wasted season, it feels like I could be doing so much more.

Did you leave me?

Am I not listening to you well enough to know what to do next?

Is there really even a purpose for my life?

Do you care, God?

I feel alone, I feel empty, and I am doubting whether your promises are true.”
God says to me:

“Child, I know exactly what I’m doing.

This makes perfect sense to me.

I have a plan that is great and it involves you.

Even in the pain and heartache, I am at work, turning everything bad for good.

You’ll see.

For now, be patient, child.

There is no wasted season with me. I want to use you today and everyday.

It might not look how you thought it would, but my plan is never wrong.

What I’m doing is so much bigger than what you can see right now.

But have no doubt, I'm involved in every aspect of your life.

Whether you see me or not, I’m there.

I will never leave you or abandon you. I am your forever companion.

Open your eyes and heart to me, I’ll show you.

Don’t believe the lies.

I love you and I always will.”

Usually all it takes is for me to pause and listen to His truths to help bring peace into my heart and remind me what is true.

His love and His promises are always true.



After a long run of chasing goals and deadlines -- here we are at the end of the line, standing still and strong!

Brave and grateful, ready to wrap up the year filled with stories, discoveries and lessons to bring onto the next chapter. At the end of the day, may we all share one thing -- to be ready to learn, relearn, and unlearn things as we welcome another year and milestones waiting for us.

It has been a tough and challenging year for all of us. We have been stretched as we need to do extra miles to survive and thrive.

Indeed, tap to the back na pagod na pagod this year and to your heart the most! After all, you, too did well!

Cheers to 365 fruitful days. 🥂🥂
Ready to take on new beginnings 🥂🎉


Celebrating my 2nd year on Facebook. Thank you for your continuing support. I could never have made it without you. 🙏🤗🎉


We all go through seasons of Job.

Seasons of intense suffering.
Seasons of wondering where our Healer is.
Seasons of feeling angry at the entire world.
Seasons of questioning every ounce of our
Seasons of letting the jealousy of others'
happiness overcome us.
Seasons of crying out to God asking how on
Earth this could possibly be part of His plan
for us.

We all go through seasons of coming to a crossroads with our faith. Questioning whether we continue to put one foot forward and keep crawling toward the cross, and if the journey is truly worth all the pain and suffering.

But, sometimes?
Sometimes, God has to let us break
to piece us back together again.

Sometimes, God has to allow our layers
to peel back, exposing our hearts to His
miraculously healing hands.

Exhausted and broken.

We never choose to break, you know?

But, amidst each of our lives, more than once,
we all find ourselves at the point of cracking...

Sometimes, we feel as though God has tossed us into a pile of ashes, leaving for ruins. Sometimes, we feel as though God has knocked us right off our feet, face-first, onto the earth's dust below. Sometimes, we feel as though God has completely crushed us, into an infinite amount of pieces.

Sometimes, there is no way around the storm. Sometimes, He just has to let us cry and push through the pain and heartache.

Sometimes, He simply has to let us break.

And when suffering enters into our lives?
We have to trust that God has purposed it
to help us in some way.

It feels almost impossible to muster the words,
“Thank you, God, for my lost job.
My miscarriage. My broken relationship.
My lost loved-one. This unexpected and devastating mountain standing before me."

Everyone suffers in this life.
Some suffer far more than others.

Yet, in the pain and suffering, there are good moments. And we can let them slip by, or we can cling to them.

Because even this—even the pain and suffering that you are experiencing this very moment—is part of His plan.

For, God?
He won’t let us shatter; break; or fall to pieces, without a plan to pull the beauty back from our ashes.

Keep your feet on the ground.
Keep your heart in Heaven.

Give Him your weakness, and watch Him do amazing things. Slowly allow your weary heart to quietly whisper...

"Thank you God for my moments of suffering, because even though I feel completely lost and completely unaware of your plans, I trust You. I trust You."

Does certain pain ever go away?
Maybe it’s not supposed to.

All we can do is have faith that
God will give us the strength to carry on.

Because, when suffering enters into our lives, we have two choices:

Use it as fuel for anger, resentment and defeat. Or use our pain as fuel for gratitude, drawing closer to God and a stronger faith.

And, we can look to the cross for our reminder of that. For, Jesus Christ absorbed all the suffering and evil in the world so we could one day live without any of it. His death and then victory in His resurrection gives us the strength we need to conquer it too.

Job's story doesn't end in sorrow, pity and a withered life. Job gets it all back at the end.

And so much more. He is blessed abundantly and beyond measure. He subsequently learns to thank God for every little thing in life--good, bad, amazing, hard, painful and over-joyous.

If you are in a season of Job, never forget...

…it is okay to let yourself break into an infinite amount of pieces.

Take that deep breath and remember to give it all to Him—in prayer, through streams of endless tears, with a broken heart—and He will make you whole again. For, there aren't many things in this life, greater than hope. (Job 11:18)

"Behold, God is mighty, and does not despise any; He is mighty in strength of understanding." (Job 36:5)

"You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews. You have granted me life and steadfast love, and Your care has preserved my spirit" (Job 10:11-12)

"Agree with God, and be at peace, thereby good will come to you. Receive instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words in your heart." (Job 22: 21-22)

"Then Job answered the Lord and said: 'I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.' " (Job 42: 1-2)



I never take it personal when others turn their back on me. That's just how it works. Life's not quiet and we all have very little time, so we choose to spend it with the ones who matter most. And I'm just not that person to a lot of people—but I understand. I, myself, have burned a lot of bridges. I also had to say a lot of no's with a heavy heart.

In this life, we'll eventually learn to say a lot of goodbyes. Sometimes, we don't even get to say it at all. My only consolation is that I know in my heart that I always find a way to look back at the memories. The good times, and sometimes even the bad ones that I now find silly. The moments I shared with those beautiful souls who found it worth their while to pass by and give me a piece of themselves that I still have.

At night, I look at the stars and just silently hope that somehow, wherever they might be in this busy world, they remember me, too.

Writer's Blossom 🌼


𝘼𝙣 𝙊𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙇𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤 2023

It’s day 2 of 365. I am completely unaware of what lies ahead. I do have plans, I have dreams I want to fulfil, and goals I want to achieve.

2023, will I finally be able to get a hold of all the things I want and need this year? Will I finally be still, be at peace, and be happier than I have ever been?

2023, you saw how much I have persevered, endured, and fought these past years—both with external and silent battles. I was a good soldier, wasn’t I? I may have never signed up for it, but I learned a lot, didn’t I?

So, will it be too much if I tell you to please be good to me this year? I have grown tired of being strong, I just want to live happily and peacefully from here on out. I have become exhausted; perhaps I deserve a little rest and be given stability this time, right?

Whatever you have for me, bring it on, 2023. You saw me. I can take whatever you give me. I have my family, and my friends, but most of all, I have myself. You saw me grow through all these years; you now know I have become a force to be reckoned with.

Dear 2023, I will live by my rules this time. Is that alright? Like the previous years, I will go with the flow of life; not like a dead fish, but someone who makes her own current.

I have learned that there are things I cannot control, and that letting go is sometimes the best option. I have learned that people come and go, but family stays—no one gets left behind. I have learned that in order to give love to others, I should fill my love tank first—how can you love if you don’t love yourself enough, right? But most of all, I have learned that life is a rollercoaster of lows and highs—sometimes, I need to suck it up and go on living, instead of getting stuck in a void I created for myself. You see, I realized that some of the bad things that happened to me were my fault, too—I learned to be accountable and do better for myself, now.

See, 2023? I may not be at my best yet, but still, I can say I am doing well for my own good. Besides, we’re all a "work in progress", anyway. I still have a long way to go, but taking a step forward is already a big thing.

This year, I will live—abundantly, happily, peacefully—with the people who stayed with me through it all, and with His grace that propelled me to be exactly where I belong.

From the girl who will be living her best life—unapologetically,



Happy Holidays Dearest ❤️


December 25 (Christmas), December 30 (Rizal Day) and January 1 (New Year’s) are RED holidays na kailangan may double pay.


Staff must be PRESENT the day before holiday to get holiday pay on red holidays. Not before and after, but just before.

If you are present the day before holiday, and you were present during a red holiday, you get paid 200% for that day.

So for example, last working day is Dec 23 or 24, and you were absent that day na hindi bayad, then you DO NOT get paid any holiday pay on Dec 25, 30 or Jan 1.

If you were present the working day before that holiday and did not work on Dec 25, Dec 30 and Jan 1, then you get paid 100% for those days.

If you were present the working day before the holiday, and WORKED on Dec 25, Dec 30 and Jan 1, then you get paid 200% for those days.

If your company has a forced holiday because nag shut down operations, then you are unpaid those days kasi no work no pay. Pero sa mga araw ng Dec 25, Dec 30 and Jan 1 are bayad ng 100% kasi pumasok ka the working day before.


If you worked the holidays, may holiday premium na dagdag. If you did not work the holiday day, no bawas pero no dagdag kasi monthly paid nga.

Managers are not mandated to get holiday pay, so consult your policy if managerial employees come in a holiday.

Hope this helps!

Photos from Joyful Maria's post 17/11/2022

Here's my realization after watching "Ngayon Kaya."

You know what? It's another form of love when you find a deep connection with someone. When you find someone with the same passion and vibes, someone you can get along with when you're at your lowest point and having a winning season. Someone who can accept the smallest detail that you want hidden. But no matter how much you want that person to stay, soon they will be gone. They will eventually be gone for a reason. That's when you'll realize how much that person means to you. That's the time that you find yourself in pain because it's not just a deep connection but rather a deep feeling and commitment to stay.

After watching "Ngayon Kaya," I realized that.

1. When you have a chance to be honest with what you feel towards someone, just say it.
It doesn't matter if you're being rejected; what matters most is your honesty. Allow yourself to feel the pain of rejection rather than regret.
You'll never know what will happen next if you don't try.

2. Always check the status. Yes, you're aware that both of you are just friends, but feelings change. There will come a time when you're in denial about how you feel. To avoid hurting someone, have the courage to ask them how the relationship is going. I admire AM when she asked Harold, "6 years na tayong magkaibigan, pwede na ba?" It seems like a joke, but I felt her pain. It's another level of pain when you're waiting for someone to make a move, especially if you've already been together for a year.

3. Everyone is talking about AM and Harold, but no one talks about Diane (the fiance of Harold).
I can't imagine how Diane would feel if she only knew what was going on with AM and Harold. Imagine Harold is already engaged, but he still has what-ifs. This side of the story made me realize that before you commit yourself to someone else, make sure you have no unfinished business. Make sure that you made a closure with the person you loved dearly in the past so you won't hurt the person you love now.

The line "MAHAL KITA NOON. SOBRA." became the reason why this movie has a lot of "what ifs."

Right now, we may be like Harold and AM, but I hope that this time you'll gain the strength to conquer your what-ifs in life. If opportunity knocks, be the person who's willing to try because "even if" is better than "what if's."

Credits to: She is God's Poem 🤍


To the girl who needs to be strong everyday.

You are fighting hard. You always show everyone like nothing's wrong even after breaking down a thousand times. You no longer let other people dictate you. You no longer let them control you. You are really a strong one.

You are fighting battles everyday you can't even discuss with anyone thinking you'd be a burden. You always try to help the best way you can. You try to encourage even when you do also need encouragement. You are really a strong one.

I want you to know that God can see those tears you wipe before you step out of your room and smile like you weren't crying yourself to sleep last night. He can hear your prayers through the tears you shed that night. He can see your heavy breathing yet still chooses to fight anyway. He can feel your pain and bravery at the same time.

Dear, make time for yourself today. Rest and recharge. 🙂

Do not lose heart, brave heart. 🙂

💛 ChasedByGrace 💛



Photos from Joyful Maria's post 11/09/2022

I was trapped for awhile by the world’s opinion.
I was stuck by my own feelings.

But I came to understand a lot of things, and I also understood that putting up with people's demands will prevent me from falling into the cage I had previously constructed. So right now, I'm standing up for myself and pursuing happiness.



5 things to keep in mind for a relationship to last:

1. Try new things together. This keeps things exciting by exploring new ideas as a couple and introducing something new into the relationship.

2. Always make time for each other no matter what. Both of you will have added responsibilities and priorities as time passes, but never ever forget to put each other on top of the priority list.

3. Don't break your partner's trust. Lying is what kills relationships because once a person's trust is broken, it will never be the same again. Always tell the truth to your partner even if you think it will hurt. It's better to be honest than to make her believe in your lies.

4. Make them feel WANTED. You'll get used to each other especially after you've been together for a few years, but that doesn't mean you should stop treating your partner like they're not special anymore. Treat them like the first time you got together. Show them that they are still a huge part of your life. Don't be complacent and don't stop making efforts.

5. Have goals and ambitions to work together. This is what's gonna keep the relationship working. If you both have goals and dreams that you want to achieve together, it will push you to grow into a better person not only individually, but also as a partner. A relationship with direction is a relationship that lasts. As long as you remind yourself that a relationship requires TWO people who are willing to fight for each other, there's no doubt that in the end, you'll grow old together.


All of us are victims of these unnecessary insecurities in our bodies.

Minsan sa kagustuhan nating maging maganda o mabuti sa paningin ng ibang tao, napapagod lang tayo. Napapagod tayong i-please ang iba, because iba-iba rin tayo ng point of view o perspective.

But in this world full of competition and comparison, how can we be in guard of our hearts? How can we overcome the weight of our insecurities?

1. Celebrate your small wins and other people’s victories. We all deserve a genuine greetings like “congratulations” or “i’m proud of you” note.

2. Be the better version of yourself, not of someone else. Remain focused. Grow at your own pace and give God all the glory.

3. Appreciate what you already have. Always be grateful. Look around. You are blessed.

4. If your insecurities strike again, let it out. Talk to God about it, and surely He will help you.

Take one step at a time. Hindi madali ang proseso. I know there will be moments of comparison again, but we are in this together. We are already a work in progress.

Your insecurities won’t define you.
You are precious.
You are beautiful.
You are perfectly and wonderfully made 🥰

Loving you,

💛 JoyfulMaria 💛

💛 WritingMs.B



Kamusta ka na? Sana okay ka lang ngayon. Nga pala, di mo ba alam na nasasaktan kami tuwing sinisigawan niyo kami, or kapag di niyo kami pinakikinggan?

Kapag malungkot ka, or kung gusto mo lang ng kausap o kabiruan nandito lang kami palagi.
Nasasaktan kami tuwing may umaalis, nag reresign nag AAWOL o may tinatanggal. Akala mo ba madali sa amin na kausapin ka para tanggalin lang?

Minsan nga umiiyak kami sa banyo tapos pagbalik parang walang nangyari kasi kailangan namin maging malakas, matapang kung titignan pero mga pusong mamon kami lalo na kapag nakikita namin kayong nahihirapan.

Akala niyo sa amin, palagi kaming pabor sa Management pero balanse lang kami palagi, wala kaming dapat kampihan kasi kahit anung mangyari dapat palagi kaming nasa gitna.

Kami ang unang natutuwa kapag may increase kang matatanggap o may paparating na promotion, kasi proud na proud kami sayo.

Pag gusto mo lang ng makakausap nandito lang kami, pero lagi mong tatandaan na ang HR ay walang HR!
Ingat ka palagi ah. See you sa office ☺️🥲

Your Millennial HR ♥️


If I had to say one thing to myself today, it is about self-sabotaging:

- “I had to stop blaming myself for the things that happened I never planned.”

I wanted to stop telling myself these:

“You aren’t growing, you were just pretending.”
“You know what, you don’t make any progress.”
“You cannot make your family proud.”
“It’s all your fault.“
“You are a failure.”

These little lies aren’t helping us. It will turn us to be the person we should not be. And that is different from what God wanted for us, it is far different from GOD's plan to us 😊. We will make Him glad if we plant so much grace and compassion we needed.

These are the reality.
I hope you say these things with me. 🤗

“I am more than this battle.”
“I am enough and loved.”
“It’s just a bad day, not a bad life, okay?”
“I’m just a human like you.”
“I will help myself, and so I know that self-sabotaging isn’t the solution.”
“Yes, I may fail, but my God never will.”

Everything will be alright in time ♥️
Take courage and do not be afraid ♥️

Loving you,

💛 JoyfulMaria 💛

✍️JamaicaColorado 💛
:22 ❤️


Advice for women in the dating world. 🤍

You will never convince a man to love you.

Find a man who answers when you call and texts back within minutes rather than days.

Find a man that gives you clear cut answers and doesn’t leave you wondering where you stand.

Find a man that wants to make you a part of his life rather than a chapter in his book.

Find a man who doesn’t take years and years to figure out what he wants from you.

Find a man who respects, celebrates and encourages your individuality, your education, your spirituality, and your growth.

Remember It is never asking too much from a man to be considered a priority.

Find a man who is genuinely interested in you and pursues you on a daily basis.

Find a man who asks you to go to church with him.

Find a man that never let's you go to sleep at night wondering if you still matter.

Watch how a man treats his mother. You can learn a lot from how someone treats the person that brought them into this world.

Never chase a man because of his looks because one day those looks will eventually fade and what your left with is what's inside so don't be consumed by his physical traits.

Find a man who protects you and stands up for you even when you're not around.

Find a man who values you and who would never put themselves in a position to lose you.

Find a man who wakes up everyday looking for new ways to love you.

Find a man that understands it's not about giving you the world but making you feel like you're the only one in it.

Take my advice and remember your time is precious.
Don't waste it on someone who doesn't realize you are too.

💛 JoyfulMaria 💛


I am clingy — but I am also distant.
There are days when I shoot the first text, when I slingshot compliments, when I like a string of selfies, when I allow the love to flow freely from my heart to my lips. Then there are other days when I want to be left alone, when I ignore my texts, when I lock myself in my bedroom, when I cancel every plan on my calendar. I switch between being the clingiest person you’ll ever meet and the most distant.

I am a giver — but I am also selfish.
There are days when I hold open doors for strangers, when I offer to pay for meals, when I pick up phone calls at two in the morning in order to help a friend in need. Then there are other days when I only care about myself, when I act like a complete bitch, when I decide everyone else can screw themselves because the only person who looks out for me is me. I am the most generous person you will also meet but also the most selfish.

I am happy on my own — but I am also lonely.
There are days when I am genuinely happy to spend time on my own, when I read books, when I watch shows, when I sing solos in front of my mirror. Then there are days when I stare at my phone screen in the hopes of a notification, when I am longing for human connection, when I feel like a failure for falling asleep inside of such an empty bed. I am the most independent person you will ever meet but also the loneliest.

I am a hard worker — but I am also lazy.
There are days when I don’t want to move from the couch, when grabbing my charger is too much effort so I let my phone die, when I skip my exercise to sleep an extra hour or two. Then there are other days when I pull dark coffee all nighters, when I finish an entire list of chores within one weekend, when I accomplish more in an hour than most people will in a lifetime. I will switch between being the hardest worker you’ll ever meet and the laziest.

I am slowly learning our personality traits are forever shifting. Our partners might consider us stubborn but our bosses might consider us flexible. Our friends might consider us pushovers but our parents might admire our backbone. Different people see us in different ways at different points in time.

Our personalities are not black and white. We are not angels or devils. We are people. We exist in a grey area.
That is why you should never dwell on negatives about yourself. Never dwell on your mistakes.

Never beat yourself up over the times when you acted awkward at a party — because there are just as many times when you acted eloquent.
Don’t hate yourself for failing one time — because there are other times when you have succeeded.

You are not one set of personality traits. You are more complex than that.




Before asking me why did I cut ties with you, or why did I block you, or even when I unfriended you, asked yourself first. Ask yourself if you’ve done something wrong with me. It’s either you hurt me or I don’t like your behavior anymore. Because I didn’t block someone without any reasons, that’s childish if I do so. What matters a lot are my peace of mind, once I don’t want to socialize with your toxicity I’ll automatically cut ties with you without hesitation, and I wouldn’t have think twice in this kind of decision.



“Wait for someone kind.

Wait for someone respectful, not only in the beginning stages of the relationship when things are bright and beautiful, but also when things get hard. Wait for someone who respects your boundaries and does not force you to do things that you’re not willing or ready to do.

Wait for someone who is giving and does not keep count of the good things they do for you.

Wait for someone who challenges you mentally. Someone who inspires you to be a better person.

Wait for someone who takes their time to learn and understand you.

Wait for someone who is consistent with their efforts in showing you how much they care about you.

Wait for someone who wants to be part of your world, and wants you to be part of theirs.

Wait for someone who lets you know you’re on their mind, someone who checks in on you, someone who wants you to know that they care for you.

Wait for someone who is willing to commit to you, someone who is willing to choose you.

Wait for someone who makes love feel easy, calm. Like coming home.

Wait for someone sincere. Someone who doesn’t confuse you because their actions match their words. Wait for someone honest.

Wait for someone who does their absolute best to not hurt you, someone who strives to protect your heart.

Wait for someone who will choose you over and over and over again. Love is a choice you make every single day. You deserve to find the kind of person who shows up for what you share, someone who believes in it.

Wait for someone who’s not perfect, but rather, real. Perfect is an illusion. Real is where you find something rare and special.

Wait for someone who reminds you that love was always meant to be soft.”


Words: walkwithmaria ❤️


God is for me and Not against Me ❤️

In my anxiety and worries, He embraces me with a love that holds no fear. The purest form of love there is, and a love I have immediate access to.

In my doubts, when I’m feeling like I’m not good enough or will never amount to anything, He reminds me that He isn’t even close to being done with me. He has more in store for me than I can imagine.

In my shame He lifts my chin and tells me I’m not my past, that I’ve been made new.

In my exhaustion He is my fortress, my hiding place to go find rest. He energizes my soul.

In my sin He shows up to gently remind me He created me for more than this. He gives me a way out.

In my grief He sits with me and places the broken pieces of my heart back together.

In every aspect of my life, He stands for me.

He remains despite my mistakes.
He isn’t disappointment in my doubts and fears.
He doesn’t run away at the sight of my sin and shortcomings.

He remains. Always.

He is for me.
He is for you, too.

Keep Going
Keep Believing
Keep the faith ❤️
💛 JoyfulMaria 💛


Never fall inlove with a writer because their words will cut your heart into pieces especially if you hurt them unintentionally. You will always be the subject in their write-ups. It's either you will laugh or it will trigger your anger. So, I tell you now
"Never fall inlove with a writer if you aren't strong enough to stay and be their subject."


Open Letter

To the man who betrayed me. Thank you.
Thank you for all the times you listen to all my dramas in life.
Thank you for being patient and kind to me.
Thank you for doing your best to celebrate life with me.
Thank you for not forcing our relationship to work.
Thank you for causing me such pain that I learned how to deal with.
Thank you for calling me beautiful.
Thank you for being funny.
Thank you for being happier with someone else so I could be free.
Thank you for not being the right person so that I could be found by the right one.
Know that I wrote this not to bother you but to be an inspiration to many.
That our or should I say My pain is a gift.
That there’s a blessing in the breaking.
Now, the God who made the universe made me whole again and He calls me His own.
And that love is enough.
Christ is enough.
And I will soon be enough to someone who is really destined for me.
No regrets. No hatred. I am now free.

Officially Closing Doors.🤍♥️

Photos from Joyful Maria's post 31/05/2022

☁️ Lessons About Moira & Jason’s Break-up
( a thread ) 🥀

Change is the only “constant” thing in this world.
This is one of the hardest truth to swallow, but please remind yourself that nothing is permanent in this world.

So when choosing a man, choose a man who is “TRUE" to his words and actions.

Choose a man who’ll always give you assurance that he’ll never cheat on you and a man who’ll always keep you in his arms.

Never choose a man who’ll give you doubts and what ifs.


If your man is already showing you early signs of red flags, take note on that.

Choose a man who is not only good in front of the camera/ social media.

The things that he does behind the camera is “the most important and integral” matter that you should consider when observing his actions towards you when you’re together.

And lastly, always believe in your GUT FEELING.

Your instinct or gut feeling may not be as “accurate” as you think it is, but it’s more likely RIGHT! 🙂

📸 Instagram post👇🏻

“This is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to write. But since you guys have been with us from the start, it is only right that you hear this straight from me.

3 years ago, I married my bestfriend with the intent of spending the rest of my life with her. Though my love for her has always been genuine, a few months ago, I confessed to Moira that I have been unfaithful to her during our marriage. I believe she deserved to know the truth rather than continue down a "peaceful" but dishonest path. I take full responsibility and I'm doing my best to be better.” Jason wrote.

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I received my Faith-Based Necklace today by Journal to God's Heart ❤️❤️❤️ the item was so elegant, it really captured my...
When the time is right you'll be here but for now, Dear No One, this is your love song ❤️#DearNoOne
Open Letter to My Future The One❤️❤️❤️©Ms.FaithCorpuz❤️
You know it's true when there is PEACE ❤️
Your not a FAILURE ❤️
Psalm 55:22 Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you ❤️




Davao City

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Ernst Janson (Photographer) Ernst Janson (Photographer)
Davao City, 8000

Photography is a story I cannot write into words. Meet Ernst! He is an experienced wedding and portr

Focus.Lab Focus.Lab
G/F Chimes Specialty Store. Governor Sales St
Davao City, 8000

Focus Lab specializes in cameras, peripherals, and accessories.

Red Lens Studio & Multimedia Co. Red Lens Studio & Multimedia Co.
#14 Vinzon Street, Barrio Obrero
Davao City, 8000

Red Lens Studio & Multimedia Co. is a professional photography firm specializing graduation portrait

Cookie Tan Photography Cookie Tan Photography
Davao City

Simply Gray Studio Simply Gray Studio
Door 2 Fuente Juan Luna Complex, Juan Luna Street
Davao City, 8000

Wedding Photography and Videography

Maniniyot Community Maniniyot Community
Davao City, 8000

MCom or Maniniyot Community provides a venue for photography enthusiast, hobbyists, students, and pr

Frempage Studio Frempage Studio
Davao City, 8000

Specialized in Yearbook Photography in partnership with Imageworld Digital Printing Inc.

Brian Congson Studios Brian Congson Studios
Davao City, 8000

- Events (Concerts, Parties, Documentary) - Occasions (Birthdays, Baptismal, Anniversaries) -Corporate and Private Events

Shuabeng Byahe Shuabeng Byahe
Davao City

I am a local traveler, who search for good places, hunts for good food, also do landscape photograph

LakasTama LakasTama
Blk. 9 Lambajon Baganga Davao Oriental
Davao City

I'm grateful for living in a sunkissed world.

Bisaya  Patama ni Ejay Bisaya Patama ni Ejay
Purok 1-A Upper Ulip, Monkayo, Davao De Oro
Davao City, 8805

Davao City

We are making PHOTOGRAPHS / VIDEOGRAPH to understand what our lives mean to us.