Digital Combat Simulator Philippines, Pampang Videos

Videos by Digital Combat Simulator Philippines in Pampang. This page contains educational and tutorial videos for both Military and Commercial aircraft.

UH1-H "Huey" combat utlization.

Other Digital Combat Simulator Philippines videos

UH1-H "Huey" combat utlization.

Woody BAI Mission Tape Review
So, if you've watched my BAI mission earlier using the F-16 Viper, you know that I took a really good damage after the bombing run. I thought I got caught in my own blast. But, after reviewing my tapes, I found out I got peppered by small arms fire from the enemy. Their SAMs never got the chance to react to my bomb run. Although I took some damage, I managed to obliterate some of them and put their SAMs offline and was able to land in my alternate airfield. A successful mission. Hope to see you in our next stream! -Woody

TikTok Ground Attack Incident
If you have seen our stream a while ago, you may have seen how TikTok's viper exploded mid-air after pickling to drop the GBU-12s. Here's a review of whatt happened. If you can see on the video, the viper's nose was pushed down at the same time the GBU-12s were released. This caused the GBU-12s to lob back up while the viper was on a downward trajectory and might have hit the viper's wings or fuselage. -Woody P.S. error on the video title. It should be 1830L not 0630L.

PAF F-5 Formation flying training.