CD Asia, Pasig Videos

Videos by CD Asia in Pasig. All your digital legal research in one place. CD Technologies Asia, Inc.

Citation finder

Have you ever experienced searching for Supreme Court decisions online and you only have the Philippine Reports or the SCRA references? Not even your favorite online search engine can help you!

Check out how solves the problem for you.

Contact us to learn more about CD Asia's best-selling legal research computer programs!

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Citation finder
Have you ever experienced searching for Supreme Court decisions online and you only have the Philippine Reports or the SCRA references? Not even your favorite online search engine can help you! Check out how solves the problem for you. Contact us to learn more about CD Asia's best-selling legal research computer programs!

WATCH: When you search for legal resources on, you may sort the results according to date or relevance. Watch how it helps you find the exact material you need. Contact us to learn more about CD Asia Online!

Automatic Citation (online)
WATCH: CD Asia Online automatically cites the source of the content copied from its database. Absolutelydd convenient for the researcher! Try it now at

PLES Amendments and Modifications
An absolute MUST-HAVE for every practicing lawyer! The Philippine Legal Encyclopedia Series (PLES) contains a comprehensive annotation of all laws by Accesslaw, Inc.'s legal experts. It is CD Asia's top-of-the-line product and unarguably the Philippines' most advanced legal research tool to date. Its cutting-edge features, among others include: 1. Statutory history 2. Related laws and issuances 3. Harmonization of conflicting or unclear provisions Message CD Asia on Facebook for more information about its legal research tools!

PLES Legal History
Must watch: The Philippine Legal Encyclopedia Series (PLES) has both the text of the law as passed and the law in force, with all the amendments clearly indicated. We make legal research very convenient for you!