

Hello my beautiful souls! Welcome to my page. Love and light to you ��
Below are the prices for readings and spells.

My feedbacks are listed below on my featured/highlights.


Readings (Pesos)
75.00- one question w/advice
80.00- two questions w/advice
100.00- four questions w/advice
150.00-five questions w/ advice
Love spells (Pesos)
*To find your ideal person- 410.00
*To make your person obsessed with you- 400.00
*To make your person fall in love with you- 400.00
*To make your person marry you- 500.00
*For a stronger relationship- 500.00
*For the person to never leave you- 500.00
*Sweeten the person-500.00
*For your crush to notice you-350.00
*Break up spells- 400.00
*Protection spells-400.00


Hello my beautiful souls!
Welcome to my page.
Love and light to you ✨❤️
Below are the prices for readings and spells.
My feedbacks are listed below on my featured/highlights.
I specialise in love/break up spells and general tarot readings including love, advice, and etc.
Feel free to DM me here or on Whatsapp +639530487332.
