True Life in God Youth Philippines - Diocese of Antipolo

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from True Life in God Youth Philippines - Diocese of Antipolo, Catholic Church, Baranggay Pag-asa, Binangonan, Rizal.


Magandang Buhay mga Ka-Bikaryato!

Para sa mga nagnanais mag-avail ng ating Vicariate Shirt, magsabi po lamang sa inyong PYM Coordinator.

At nga pala, PAYMENT FIRST po tayo. 250 Pesos lang naman! Kayang kaya nyo yan! Isend or ibigay lamang po ang inyong payment sa inyong PYM Coordinator.

Para sa 1st Batch ng ating Vicariate Shirt, maari po kayong magpalista at magbayad hanggang November 26, 2023. At maaari nyo na po itong makuha sa darating na December 3.

*ang size chart po ay nasa comment section
*sa mga non PYM Member po na nais umorder, magsabi lang din po kayo sa PYM Coordinator ng inyong Parokya.


"Gawin ninyo ang anumang sabihin niya sa inyo." - Juan 2:5

Isang pagbati sa mga bagong halal na lingkod! Gabayan nawa kayo ni Maria at Hesus sa inyong paglilingkod. Kung hindi man pinalad, maari pa ding makapaglingkod sa kapwa sa iba't-ibang paraan.

Photos from Sacred Heart Parish Youth Ministry's post 24/10/2023

This is a must see! Times are changing, the climate is changing faster than we can cope.

We should learn more and do all the efforts to save our environment or else we risk the doom for all of us. ♻️🌳🌊

SKL: ang catchy ng title ng event. Go Agos! Champions! Congratulations to us DYSF delegates we are all winners! 💙💙💙

Photos from UST Psychology Society's post 31/05/2023

This is a must see! Times are changing, the climate is changing faster than we can cope.

We should learn more and do all the efforts to save our environment or else we risk the doom for all of us. ♻️🌳🌊

SKL: ang catchy ng title ng event. Go Agos! Champions! Congratulations to us DYSF delegates we are all winners! 💙💙💙


TLIG Phils is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting, dear seniors, PWDs and the sick who cannot physically do the Stations of the Cross anymore. We can still share with Jesus in His Passion.

Topic: Meditations on the Stations of the Cross
Time: Apr 5, 2023 03:00 PM Asia/Manila

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 458 702 2532
Passcode: Theotokos



Sharing with you all the Holy Week Schedule of our parish.

Tara na at magsimba mamayang 4pm at makiprusisyon mga hearties.

Have a meaningful Lent! 💜💜💜

📷 Sacred Heart Parish -Binangonan Rizal


Holy Week Schedule

📷 Sacred Heart Parish -Binangonan Rizal



The story of Jesus and the blind man helps us remember both the darkness we’ve been rescued from and the light to which we’ve been called. We have come to the 4th Sunday, Laetare Sunday. Laetare means “Rejoice!” — “to be light-hearted.” Half-way through the darkness of Lent, it reminds us of the light that has come into the world. On Sunday, the priests’ vestments will be rose—the color of dawn and promise. On Sunday, we will hear how Jesus brought light to the blind man. We will lift our hearts and remember that the Cross we are marching toward, with the Lord, leads to light and life and glory.


Maraming salamat sa biyaya ng pagkapari! 💜

Happy 7th Sacerdotal Anniversary Rev. Fr. Al Pestaño, DMD. Mahal ka namin. 🥰

📷 Sacred Heart Parish -Binangonan Rizal


“Wealth is to be converted; wealth is to admit you are a sinner and come to Me humbly, repenting, and lead a holy life following My Precepts;”
~TLIG February 26, 1991

18 Mar 2023 – 3rd Saturday of Lent
Optional Memorial: St Cyril of Jerusalem, 315-386, catechist and administrator, suffered exile for his fight against Arianism.
Hosea 6:1-6
God wants our love more than ritual sacrifice

Gospel: Luke 18:9-14

He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and regarded others with contempt: “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee, standing by himself, was praying thus, ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people: thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of all my income.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even look up to heaven, but was beating his breast and saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his home justified rather than the other; for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.”

-Pharisee and Tax-collector pray differently. A lesson in humility which Jesus Himself explains wonderfully: “Wealth Is To Be Converted”
February 26, 1991

(Today I was thinking, if I could
get a message from St Paul or
St Peter, I wanted to pe*****te
into mysteries and I asked the
Lord for His response.)
V: Lord?

J: I Am;
listen, flower, today
My concern is your redemption; why seek into My mysteries
which I am not willing
to give you? sanctity is
My concern for you;
repentance is what I seek
from you; daughter,
understand what
My Interests are,
understand what
My concern is;
even when Lazarus had
departed for four days
into My mysteries
and had seen and
understood these mysteries,
I had requested him
on his return to keep silent
and keep those secrets
for himself;
I did not want him to give
away My Riches to souls
who would not make sense
out of them;
wealth is to be converted;
wealth is to admit you are
a sinner and come to Me
humbly, repenting,
and lead a holy life
following My Precepts;
wealth is not to try
and decipher My mysteries,
and if you try, this will only
lead you through
winding ways leading
so come to Me as a child
and allow My Hand
to cultivate and enrich
you in THIS kind of Knowledge;
let your wealth be Me,
let your Knowledge come
through My Word;
let your interests be
My Interests:
I love you, come; do not
be impatient in prayer;
Love is near you;

V: We, us, Lord?

J: flower, yes!

📷 Clonard Monastery
Reflections: Fr. Richie Santos


”I, the Lord, love you
boundlessly and wish
to warn you once more
from these false prophets;”
~TLIG June 3, 1988

17 March: St Patrick, Patron of Ireland
1st Reading: Sirach 39:6-10
Filled with the spirit of understanding
2nd Reading: 2 Timothy 4:1-8
I have fought the good fight
Gospel: Matthew 13:24-32

Jesus put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone
who sowed good seed in his field; but while everybody was asleep,
an enemy came and sowed
weeds among the wheat, and
then went away. So when the
plants came up and bore grain,
then the weeds appeared as well. And the slaves of the householder came and said to him, ‘Master,
did you not sow good seed in
your field? Where, then, did these weeds come from?’ He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The slaves said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he replied, ‘No; for in
gathering the weeds you would uproot the wheat along with them. Let both of them grow together
until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Collect the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’”
He put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven
is like a mustard seed that
someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and
becomes a tree, so that the birds
of the air come and make nests
in its branches.

-Growing together until the harvest

How To Discern True Revelation From False Ones Or Discernment
June 3, 1988

V: My Lord?

J: I am; Vassula, never get discouraged; remember
My Love I have upon you,
dearest soul; I love you with
your weakness; you are frail;
allow My Spirit to guide you; annihilate in Me,
in My Strength; dissolve in Me
and let Me do everything so
that they see that all this work
is done by Me; you are nothing, stay nothing and leave space
for My Spirit to grow in you;
yes, let Me breathe in your
nothingness; let Me delight
in you; allow Me to use you
in this way to redeem you all
and to unite you;

V: Yes, Lord.

flower? in these days
I am teaching you to discern
the true revelations and
visions from the false
revelations, false doctrines
and false visions;
everything that is false comes from Satan; he sows seeds of confusion to blemish the Truth, like in Pescara;
[1 False apparitions with false predictions that have not come true.]
he sows darnel among
the wheat, confusing you all; furious with the apparitions of Medjugorje, he tries to confuse you all, trying to label these
Divine Works as not from Me;
daughter, when you read a revelation which openly
expresses a DISUNION to
My Church, denying Peter,
denying your Holy Mother,
know that they do not come
from Me, the Lord, your God,
they come from My adversary
who appears and takes
My Image to accomplish his designs which are to separate
you as much as possible;
know that I, the Lord, do not
want My lambs dispersed;
I want you united under Peter,
all in one flock;
I desire you all assembled together; I repeat again that
I, Jesus Christ, the Lord,
your Saviour, selected Peter
to feed and guard My lambs
and sheep until My return;
this Peter who today is
Vassula, Satan knows that
his days are numbered and because of this, the red
dragon tries to pull down
with him as many souls
as he can; he has introduced
into many minds, these minds
that should have been filled
with spirituality and holiness,
all sorts of diversions
diverging you from the Truth
and from all that is holy;
look around you, My beloved,
and you will understand;
all these diversions were introduced to you, children,
as in the times of S***m and Gomorrah, so that they fill
your spirit, leaving no space
for what is holy; leaving no
space for Me, your Creator
and God;
yes, My Vassula, I feel rejected;
[2 The Lord was very…sad.
I can’t find the right word
– ‘sad’ is not enough.]
I feel forgotten and unloved;
I, who died on the Cross out
of love for you; I, who am the
Spirit of Love, see how they
treat Me? do I deserve this?

V: My God, I feel torn within me. Lord, why is it like that? Lord,
oh Lord, make a miracle please.
I should not ask for miracles
but I love You and I do not want
You hurt any more Lord.

J: Vassula, pray, pray, pray
for this conversion; Satan is intensifying his works on
My creation to drag you
down to the Pit with him;
O creation! how weak you
are, how terribly weak you
are! any revelation denying
the Holy Eucharist, calling
It ‘ritual’,
[3 Many call it symbolic,
and do not believe in the Real
Presence of Jesus in the Holy
or denying the Immaculate
Heart of your Holy Mother,
does not come from Me;
I, the Lord, love you
boundlessly and wish
to warn you once more
from these false prophets;

V: Thank You, Lord.

J: love Me;

V: I adore You, Lord;

J: we, us?

V: Yes, Lord.

Reflections by: Fr. Richie Santos
📷 Slideserve

Photos from Sto. Niño de Praga Parish Youth Ministry's post 15/03/2023

15 Mar 2023 – 3rd
Wednesday of Lent
Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9
God’s people have clear
duties and a high destiny

Gospel: Matthew 5:17-19

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets;
I have come not to abolish but to fulfil. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.


By offering your will to My Son, Jesus Christ, and by offering yourself entirely you truly please Him and His Will is being done in you;”
~ TLIG December 6, 1993


-Deeper than the letter of the law is seeking the will of God.

To Love Is To Do
The Will Of God
December 6, 1993

I, ‘i Panayia’ [1 ‘Our Lady,
Most Holy’ in Greek.]
am with you now;
daughter, leave Jesus
to model you into the image
He desires you to be;
by offering your will
to My Son, Jesus Christ,
and by offering yourself
entirely you truly
please Him and His Will is
being done in you;
do not be afraid;
work with ardour and
revive His Church;
let His creation realise
that the Word is alive
and untiringly active;
I will, as your Mother,
always encourage you
to lift the Cross Jesus
trusted you with;

now write, My daughter:
in these days more than
any time I have been giving messages to revive your faith
and remind you of heavenly things; I have been
continuously calling for Peace
and spreading messages
for Unity and Reconciliation between brothers;
I came from heaven
in deep distress and in tears
to let you know how distant
you were from God;
I came to you all to ask you
to reconcile with God
and with each other
and to make no more
distinctions between you,
“for everyone who calls
on the Name of the Lord
will be saved;”
[2 Rm. 10:12-13.]
I have never failed anyone;
I came in peace terms,
even to the least of you,
to proclaim God’s Peace,
and begged this generation
to raise their eyes
and search for God
and offer sacrifices to God;
I came in your days where
so many of you were
estranged from the life of God;
I came to remind you all
that a true apostle of God
is the one who does
the Will of God:
Vassula, I have been sent
by God to cure many of you,
but My calls have not been
honoured nor highly placed;
I was sent by the Most High
to gather you in large crowds
and teach you that love is
the essence of all the Law;
My daughter, My Soul is
sad because the blessings
from heaven are disregarded
to this day; failing to recognise
the righteousness
and the essence of
the Message that comes
from God, to this day men
are trying to promote their
own ideas; thus the Word
was skilfully withdrawn
and My Footsteps
concealed by human hand
for fear of the lips of the world;
if only they had put their hope
in Me and trusted Me ….
how much more would
they have benefited from
the conversion of those
whom they keep rejecting!…
work, little one, for the Lord,
and allow Him to engrave
on you His entire Plan;
the days are coming
when these questions will
be raised by the Lord
to every one of you:
“have you loved your
neighbour as yourself?
is it possible that you
still have not understood
God’s Will? have you done
everything you can to
maintain peace?
when your enemy was
hungry have you offered him
to eat from your table?
when he was thirsty,
have you given him drink?
how is it that what you give,
you give it without love?”
I have asked you for prayers;
many of you pray, but
without love; many of you fast,
but without love;
so many of you speak of My messages, but very few
follow them because love
is missing in your hearts;
many of you talk about unity,
yet are first to condemn those
who practise it because you
have no love; if you practise
all that I have been asking you without love, you are still in the dark; you are still for war and
not for Peace; you believe you know everything, but in reality
you know nothing; when
I called out for reconciliation,
since you are all parts of
one another,
I have not been heard;
to this day I call out
to all of you:
renew yourselves in God,
in His Love and learn
to love one another;
be GOOD and HOLY!
do not lie to yourselves,
little children, following
illusory desires;
LOVE, is to live in the Truth;
have you not read
that “if you give away all
that you possess,
piece by piece, and if you
even let them take your body
to burn it, but are
without love, it will do you
no good whatever?”
have you not understood that
if a single one of you is hurt,
all parts of the Body of Christ
are hurt and suffer with it?
if you hurt your neighbour
you hurt Christ’s Body, not
your neighbour; can you
say: “I came to God with reverence, sincerity and love;”
“when?” will He ask you,
“when have you come to Me
with reverence, sincerity
and love?
My Body, you have mutilated,
I have been judged, treated
with insult, calumny, and
I have been betrayed
by falsehood;
I was despised and rejected, utterly disgraced by your lips,
so, when have you come
to Me with reverence, sincerity and love? I am asking you
to give some definitive
proof of your love for Me;”
My children, realise now why Satan has taken advantage
of your weakness and
tempted you to war;
Christ has come to you hungry and you gave Him no food;
He came to you thirsty
and you gave Him no drink;
He came to you as a stranger
and you did not welcome Him
but treated Him as you pleased; My children, your love is not
to be merely words on your lips, but something that comes
from your heart; your love
should be alive and active;
I am with you to help you;
I bless you all by saying:
let everything you do be done with your heart, in love;

Reflection by: Fr. Richie Santos
📷 Ctto


“If today you are divided it is because of your wickedness,
of your Unforgiving spirit;
where is love?”
~TLIG January 22, 1989

14 Mar 2023 – 3rd Tuesday of Lent
Daniel 3:25, 34-43
Nebuchadnezzar admires the miraculous escape of the young Jews

Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35

Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.
“For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his slaves. When he began the reckoning, one who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him; and, as he could not pay, is lord ordered him to be sold, together with his wife and children and all his possessions, and payment to be made. So the slave fell on his knees before him, saying, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ And out of pity for him, the lord of that slave released him and forgave him the debt. But that same slave, as he went out, came upon one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and seizing him by the throat, he said, ‘Pay what you owe.’ Then his fellow slave fell down and pleaded with him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ But he refused; then he went and threw him into prison until he would pay the debt. When his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their lord all that had taken place Then his lord summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked slave! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. Should you not have had mercy on your fellow slave, as had mercy on you?’ And in anger his lord handed him over to be tortured until he would pay his entire debt.
So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”

-The forgiving spirit Jesus wants in his church is wonderfully depicted by Him in this message: “Forgive”

January 22, 1989

V: Lord?

J: I am with you, child;
follow the pattern I lay for you; pray for the Spirit
of discernment and of truth
to come upon you always;
be steadfast even when
they persecute you, reach
for Me and your Holy Mother; Vassula, cling to all that
I have given you;
you are not the first prophet
My own condemn and
treat unjustly;
no, you are not;
My best friends inflict
upon Me My deepest Wounds, they have not understood,
they know not what
they are doing;
their hearts are troubled,
troubled by the fact that
I have chosen you,
My child;
troubled that I can come
upon Wretchedness
and love her too;
they have not understood
My Heart which is an
Abyss of Mercy;
many of them are vindictive;
when they say their
daily prayer to the Father,
do they come with a clear conscience to Him,
asking the Father
to forgive them
as they forgive others?
how could they ask
the Father to forgive them
when they have not
forgiven you to this day?
they would not hesitate
to judge you, they cry out
for peace but there is
no peace, not one of them
repents of their wickedness;
where is your ardour of Peace, where is your desire of unity?
if today you are divided
it is because of
your wickedness,
of your Unforgiving spirit;
where is love? is there
any love left in you,
creation, is there no wisdom
left in you? I, the Lord,
have said that even
to the least of you
I will give and that
through men speaking
strange languages
and through the lips
of foreigners, I shall talk
to the nations and still
they will not listen to Me;
My Vassula, do not worry, persecutions there will
always be; you,
beloved one, hold on
to what I have given you;
you are now My daughter
because you are moved
by My Holy Spirit; so cling
to Me, be steadfast;
I shall never forsake you;


V: Glory be to God for the
Mercy and Love he has
shown upon me!

J: be confident, you are
in your Abba’s arms;
we, us;

V: Yes, forever.

Original post by Fr. Richie Santos

Photos from True Life in God Youth Philippines - Diocese of Antipolo's post 14/03/2023

True Life in God Philippines - Physical and Online Lenten Recollection. ✝️

Part 1 of a 3 Part Series of Lenten Recollection. God bless we, us! 💜

Come and join us on March 11, 18 and 25, 2023. Our Venue would be in 93-B Scout Lazcano St., Tomas Morato, Quezon City. See you there at 1:30 pm. 🙏😇

Photos from Sacred Heart Parish -Binangonan Rizal's post 11/03/2023


Photos from PYM - Sto Niño Parish's post 07/03/2023

Our National Youth Day Cebu 2019 delegates were able to encounter ate Em as they call her in their journey.

All they can say is that she is a kind-hearted ate who never stops encouraging the youth, believing in the young ones of the church, doing community work for the parish and serving the Lord. These things that she has been doing as one of the pillars of their youth in their parish has continued amidst the pandemic. 💜

A very generous ate Em who would always give you that warm smile and presence everytime. We hope that you could also be generous in helping her in her needs this time.

Please pray for her and if you can please help her in her hospital needs. May God bless your generosity and have a meaningful Lent. 💜


📷 Sacred Heart Parish -Binangonan Rizal


2023 Alay Kapwa Lenten Campaign

📷 Sacred Heart Parish -Binangonan Rizal

Photos from Sacred Heart Parish -Binangonan Rizal's post 28/02/2023


• MARCH 20—St. Joseph (Solemnity)

MARCH 25—Annunciation of the Lord


MARCH 03—St. Katharine Drexel
MARCH 04—St. Casimir
MARCH 05—St. Oliva
MARCH 06—St. Colete
MARCH 07—Sts. Perpetua& Felicity
MARCH 08—St. John of God
MARCH 09—St. Frances of Rome
MARCH 10—St. John Ogilvie
MARCH 11—St. Aurea
MARCH 12—St. Serafina
MARCH 14—St. Matilda
MARCH 15—St. Louise de Marillac
MARCH 16—St. Hilary
MARCH 17—St. Patrick
MARCH 18—St. Cyril of Jerusalem
MARCH 21—St. Arcangelo Tadini
MARCH 22—St. Nicholas Owen
MARCH 23—St. Turibius
MARCH 24—St. Aldemar
MARCH 26—St. Margaret of Clitherow

MARCH 28—St. Gwendolyn
MARCH 29—St. Gladys
MARCH 30—St. John Climacus
MARCH 31—St. Benjamin


(1) 365 Days with the Lord 2022;
(2) 📷 Pinterest

(3) HugotSeminarista


Narito po ang ilang kaganapan sa ating parokya ngayong Panahon ng Kuwaresma.

📷 Sacred Heart Parish Binangonan

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