Noble Life International Ph Santiago City
Noble Life markets a series of organic health food designed for daily consumption that have proven therapeutic effects.
Nlife@SG with Ma'am Lila & Auntie Jeanny
Fun run for a cause
Are you experiencing a healing crisis?
This is classically referred to as a healing crisis and occurs when the body is expelling toxins into the different systems of the body. The healing crisis is a normal process that toxic individuals will often encounter on their path to getting well.
The healing crisis is very natural and unique for each individual. The vast majority experience very mild symptoms while others experience severe issues. The individual should understand that these symptoms are temporary and will subside as the body gets healthier and able to eliminate toxins more effectively. Symptoms usually reduce/eliminate within 2-3 days but on rare occasions can last a few weeks.
The most common symptoms associated with a healing crisis include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, night sweats, hot/cold flashes, increased blood pressure, headaches, joint pain, & fatigue.
How to Handle a healing Crisis
For a cleanse or detox healing crisis, its important to stay hydrated with plain water to encourage your body to flush or expel the toxins.
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Feel free to visit our place here in Santiago City where we can present you the quality products of Noble Life International "caring for you naturally"
*Product presentation and Health Talk
*Free general check up via Body Analyzer
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Noble Life International Products FDA CERTIFICATES-PHILIPPINES
Try our CRYPTO COFFEE available @ Noble Life International-Santiago City
Health Corner
Noble Life International-Santiago City
Clean Cells Assist The Body Heal Itself.
The cell is the smallest unit of our body. In order to be healthy, the cell must be toxic-free as possible. With clean blood circulating, the body’s natural capacity to heal itself is enhanced.
Rest Is Necessary For Healing. The first symptom of all illnesses is tiredness. It is a barometer that tells us it is time to rest.
Crypto coffee
NlifeSantiagoCity Ladies
3 Simple Steps Solution to Health Issues
-Santiago City
It's a great privilege and an honour to have the experience and opportunities that I do to meet extraordinary people Ma'am Lila-President of Noble Life International.
I suffer from a thyroid gland disturbance. Should I take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Compared to salt water algae, fresh water cryptomonadales contains only very small quantities of iodine and therefore, it is unlikely to disturb the functioning of the thyroid gland.
At what dosage would Cryptomonadales become harmful?
Answer: An over dosage of cryptomonadales is unlikely. Crypto+ is a good supplement with rich nutrient and mineral contents. Consumption of 100gm or more a day has been tested to have no harmful effects. However, people who are in poor health may experience detoxification or healing symptoms such as running nose, rashes, diarrhea, bloating, cold sores, acne breakout, headache and fever. There is no cause for alarm, as these symptoms will subside within 7-10 days.
In what way does Cryptomonadales aid in the detoxification process?
Answer: Cryptomonadales binds the toxins irreversibly on its cellular membrane and is removed as waste through the large intestine.
Can Cryptomonadales be taken with tea and coffee?
Answer: You can drink tea and coffee when taking Cryptomonadales.
Can Cryptomonadales be taken with alcohol?
Answer: You can consume alcohol and take Cryptomonadales at the same time without any harmful side effect. In fact, Cryptomonadales can minimize the effect of an alcohol hangover.
Should I look out for any side effects when taking Cryptomonadales?
Answer: There are no side effects.
Can I take Cryptomonadales when I have a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer?
Answer: Stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers occur due to excessive acid acting on the stomach and intestine walls. Cryptomonadales neutralizes the acids present in the stomach and intestines into a more alkaline state, thereby restoring the natural pH balance of the body.
I have diabetes. Can I take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: There have been studies from the National Health Research Institute (NHRI), Taiwan that provides conclusive evidence that Cryptomonadales normalizes blood sugar and blood fat levels.
Can children take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Cryptomonadales can aid in the growth and development of children as young as two years of age. In fact, it is highly recommended for children to consume about 1g (5 tablets) to 2g (10 tablets) daily.
Can women who are pregnant or breast-feeding take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Cryptomonadales has tremendous nutrient, mineral and vitamin contents. It also enhances the mother’s immune system. This is especially important for women during pregnancy or when breast-feeding. The newborn baby through breast-feeding would also benefit indirectly. Cryptomonadales enhances the baby’s immune system and helps in its development.
Do I need other to consume other vitamins and minerals when I am taking Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Cryptomonadales is complete with all the essential vitamins and minerals. It is a complete food by itself.
Can I take Cryptomonadales when I have allergies?
Answer: Allergies is usually a symptom of compromised autoimmune system. Cryptomonadales will not make your allergies worse. In fact, it would help you strengthen your autoimmune system. Cryptomonadales will not cause you to have allergies; rather it will help you to overcome them with diligent consumption. I wish to take Cryptomonadales as a food supplement to increase my general well being.
After how long can I expect to see improved health?
Answer: If you take 6g (30 tablets) of Cryptomonadales every day, you will see improved health and well being after one to three months. Generally, for sustained improvement in health, six months continuous consumption is recommended for a start.
I am a heavy smoker. Can I take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: More so when you are a heavy smoker should you consume Cryptomonadales and at a higher dosage. In fact, Cryptomonadales can help you to get out of ni****ne dependence.
I suffer from low blood pressure. Can I take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Cryptomonadales can assist in improving your condition.
I suffer from acne. Can cryptomonadales help me?
Answer: Acne is a manifestation of your body’s toxins becoming visible. Cryptomonadales can definitely improve your complexion by restoring the pH balance through detoxification.
Should I be wary of putting on weight with Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Cryptomonadales will help you to lose weight, instead of putting on weight. When your body has all the nutrients it needs, you will not be craving for food and overeat.
As a vegetarian, how can Cryptomonadales supplement my diet?
Answer: Besides the rich phytonutrient contents, Cryptomonadales has 60% protein, as opposed to 7% in rice, 11% in wheat and 38% in soybean. Cryptomonadales is also the richest source of vitamin B12, that vegetarians lack.
I have cancer. How can Cryptomonadales help me?
Answer: Cryptomonadales contains glyconutrients that aid in the production of Natural Killer (NK) cells, which are responsible for the destruction of cancer cells.
I have cancer and I have to undergo radiotherapy sessions. Can I take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Cryptomonadales has high chlorophyll content, and can protect your tissues against harmful rays during radiotherapy sessions. Therefore, it is highly recommended for someone undergoing radiotherapy to get on Cryptomonadales immediately. You should start taking Crypto+ immediately without any more delay.
I am having an operation in the next few days. How can Cryptomonadales be of benefit to me?
Answer: Cryptomonadales contains all twenty amino acids needed by humans, including eight essential amino acids, which are necessary for protein synthesis and tissue regeneration. In this way, it accelerates healing of the body and should be taken even before the operation.
As a sports person, how can Cryptomonadales improve my physical performance?
Answer: Cryptomonadales is beneficial not only for endurance, but also for energy. Generally, for sustained physical performance, take 10g (50 tablets) daily for three months before your big event.
I suffer from an autoimmune illness. Can I take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Autoimmune illnesses are often a part of rheumatic ailments. Continuous consumption of Cryptomonadales will in fact, help to strengthen your autoimmune system and overcome these illnesses.
In what way is Cryptomonadales unique?
Answer: Cryptomonadales is unique for its high chlorophyll content, Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), nucleic acid as well as for its detoxification capability. Cryptomonadales contains 4.2 times as much chlorophyll as ordinary vegetables. Cryptomonadales is one of the most ideal alkaline foods. Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) not only stimulates children’s growth, but also helps with adult metabolism and synthesis of enzymes. DNA and RNA, representing the two types of nucleic acids, are essential for cell regeneration. I suffer from regular bleeding gums.
How can Cryptomonadales assist in remedying my problem?
Answer: Bleeding gums is caused by a lack of vitamin B. 100g of Cryptomonadales contains:
Vitamin B1 1.4—1.6mg Vitamin B2 4.0—4.8mg Niacin Nicotinic B3 21—24mg Pantothenic Acid B5 25—27mg Vitamin B6 1.9—2.1mg Vitamin B12 110—126mg Vitamin B-Complex 165—185mg
It is advisable for you to take 2g (10 tablets) of Crypto+ daily. Alternatively, gurgle with a solution by dissolving 1.6g (8 tablets) of Cryptomonadales in half a glass of water.
I am slowly recovering from pneumonia. How can Cryptomonadales help me?
Answer: Pneumonia is the result of compromised immunity. Cryptomonadalescan help you by strengthening your body’s immune system with high nutrient input through consumption. I have insomnia.
Can Cryptomonadales help me?
Answer: Magnesium can aid in the restoration of restful sleep if insomnia is caused by poor nutrition, especially the lack of minerals. Crypto+ contains 290-325mg of magnesium per 100g of Cryptomonadales. However, the extent to which the effect of Cryptomonadales is successful depends on the origin of your condition.
If I have shingles, is it recommended for me to take Cryptomonadales?
Answer: Shingles is caused by viral infection, and the body’s inability to fight against the viral attack due to poor immune system. By consuming Cryptomonadales diligently, your body’s immune system will be strengthened to overcome shingles. It is advisable to consume 4g (20 tablets) a day continuously for a period of six months to prevent recurrence.
Simply Nature Therapy
CRYPTOMONADALES contains high concentrations of Phycocyanin. Phycocyanin is a protein with well-established varieties of biomedical effects including anti-viral, anti-oxidatives, anti-aging, and prevention of Diabetes & CANCERS!
Cryptomonadales is not only the most ideal species of algae containing complete nutrition elements for humans since thousands of years before, far better than other species of chlorella and spirulina, but also, recent studies confirm that Cryptomonadales contains valuable components like phycocyanin and PPARs agonist, both of which represents the most promising essential nutrition for the 21st century.
Cryptomonadales and Simply Nature Therapy is about returning to the fundamentals of eating and living right. Nature has imbued our body with the incredible ability to repair itself and has provided us with the necessary resources (found in exotic foods hidden in the far corners and depths of our world) to fuel that recovery process. It is with this understanding that Simply Nature's team of outstanding researches source for foods that will unlock HEALING, HEALTH, and VITALITY back into our life!
A Holistic Solution
Our serious pursuit of age old wisdom on our body's own natural healing powers by building on supporting the natural recovery capabilities of our cells to maintain or restore health by themselves through the 3 Simple Steps:
> Elimination of Toxins
by optimizing our body's natural toxin elimination channels of'
bowel, lung, skin, kidney and liver.
> Re Balance
by re-establishing the natural balance of our
hormones, pH, metabolism and endocrine system.
> Nourish
by providing our body with optimum nutrition
to strengthen our internal systems for strength, vitality & beauty
Balanced Nutrients
As the balanced nutrients contained in Cryptomonadales, a natural food, are whole nutrients required for human cells mostly, there would not be any side effect even when extra doses are taken.
Improve Constitution
Cryptomonadales can change the acidic body into milder alkaline qualities and improve immunity. The S-Nucleotide contained in Cryptomonadales cells can enhance the vitality of macrophage, which will get rid of cancer cells and viruses, etc. in return.
A Required Supplement for Vegetarians
Cryptomonadales is nature's richest food source of vitamin B12 and complements the specific weakness of vegetarian nutrition as no other plant food can.
Natural Regeneration and Slimming
Obesity is caused by deficiency of vitamin B complex. When required vitamin B complex can be supplemented by taking Cryptomonadales, constitution will be improved and the effect of natural slimming will be achieved.
Eradicate Atopic Dermatitis
As Cryptomonadales contains Gamma-linolenic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid in breast milk, atopic dermatitis can be eliminated efficiently. In addition, growing babies who are deficient in nutrients from drinking processed milk instead of breast milk can be supplemented by taking Cryptomonadales.
Avoid Anemia and Osteoporosis
Profuse iron and calcium are the major mineral sources for females since iron lost during periods can be supplemented efficiently and osteoporosis at old age can be prevented.
Prevent Aging
As Cryptomonadales contains SOD enzyme (anti-oxidant), SOD deficiency resulted from increasing age and decreasing metabolism can be complemented, which will slow down aging and prevent wrinkles, chloasma, Melasma (black spots) and gray hair from occurring.
Relieve Diabetes Patients of Various Symptoms
As Cryptomonadales is an alkaline food with rich potassium and plant protein contents, long-term intake can ensure to change the acidic body of diabetes patients into alkaline qualities efficiently as well as to improve various diabetes symptoms significantly.
Cancer Prevention Function
A. Change the acidic body into milder alkaline qualities.
B. Boost Immunity.
C. Contain rich SOD enzyme (anti-oxidant).
Improve the Bowel System (hyperacidity, gastric ulcer, gastroenteritis)
Cryptomonadales can repair mucous membranes, reduce inflammation and irritation, restrain and neutralize hydrochloric acid, activate movement within intestinal walls and bowels and assist peristaltic action.
Reinforce Liver Functions and Regenerate Healthy Liver Cells
Cryptomonadales can regenerate the liver tissues and motivate metabolism because it contains factors of strengthening livers and building up the functions of the blood system.
Contact Honeylette-Alejo Calacal 09171525407- [email protected]
Free Check-up via Body Analyzer
Noble Life Int'l
Santiago City
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Stocks Overload po ang CLEANSE for Detox ang Noble life Int'l SANTIAGO CITY
Lets Get Ready for our Linis Colon Program with ZUMBA PARTY on August25.
"Bawas Timbang, Bawas Toxin sa katawan Para Healthy ka Santiaguenos"
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