Pro Pod Consulting

Pro Pod is an industry-specific consulting firm for real estate developers.


I was once deceived into settling in a fancy jungle, it was too late for me to realize that it isn't the great green forest as the promised land. I tried to adopt, mingle and played surrounded by cats .. got amused with their catfights and tries to play with them too. I am a tiger, naturally I made an impact tried to develop a strong influence to everyone... playung with cats made them think they might be a tiger too. In time, I got bored playing the game being manipulated by a poor thing and I realized my true worth and time is being put to waste for a showcase so I left that fancy zoo. My destiny is to reign in my own kingdom but not with kittens run by cats. I learned a valuable lesson: a tiger is a solitary animal known for its strength and power, while cats and kittens remains playful and curious displaying independent behaviour but easy to play and friendly to humans.


Pro Pod Consulting Pro Pod is an industry-specific consulting firm for real estate developers, specializing in Business Development, Training, Seminars, Sales, & Marketing.


You need to be more realistic when setting your future goals, know where you are and know where you want to be. The connecting line between the two is your journey made out of challenges, distractions, disappointments and many little step by step small victories. Your determination to succeed may not be enough... you need to add more. Discipline, change of habits and lifestyles and life priorities should align, embrace failures and resist mistakes and self centeredness. Tru to acquire as much skills and understanding of your path by surrounding people that could help you achieve your goals. Don't rush by resorting to short cuts, because are made to cut your future successes. Take the high roads to stay focus with your hurdles as you gain strength in an extremely difficult rough roads, no traffic but you will be as solid as a rock.


Real estate sales is more than just a thorough understanding of product specifications and knowing the trends and practices in the industry. Selling skills and strategies is fundamental, and are learned on a superficial level suffice to close sales, though closing a lot of sales does not make a salesman an outright real estate rockstar. True excellence in sales goes beyond the volume of sales you make remember making a lot money is a goal not excellence. If you can profoundly articulate a deeper comprehension of the psychology behind the interactions between seller and buyer, this depth of understanding matters to buyers. What truly separate an exceptional salesperson is when they succeed in building trust and connection based on respect of his expertice and truthfullness not sales techniques. Buyers can realize later on if they were bluffed, tricked or charmed by another good looking salesman.


Words most "used, overused and abused" even from way way back, you can say it as many times but only the few who believes in you will take it right. The rest will listen and translate it in many different ways.

"Walk the talk"
"Practice what you preach"
"Lead by example"
"Actions speak louder than words"
"Put your money where your mouth is"
"Follow through with action"
"Do as you say"
"Back up words with actions"

Only the true leaders will get it right.


I conduct my training sessions with clarity, always tailoring my content primarily based on experiences. It's like guiding them through a journey and make it relatable to my audience, comprehension becomes easier, absorption faster. Relevant topics with practical application plus the wisdom of experience makes a topic more interesting.

For PROPOD Sevices to build/rebuild your In-house Sales team, consultancy services for start-up developers, or training and development requirements please email for inquiries at [email protected] or message at 09178880050.


We Develop Strategies
We Develop Talents
We Develop Developers

Photos from Pro Pod Consulting's post 24/02/2024

PROPOD's BOT service is a unique product line for real estate developers, from start-up companies to those planning to rebuild, troubleshoot or create a new team for expansion with exceptional to specialize on a specific market with a new culture and expertuse. It is a distinctive product line that covers wide range from sourcing, hiring, training, on-the-job training, operations management, and sales strategies until the team is fully self-sufficient. It is a high investment but offers lesser risk, proven effective with long term benefits to real estate developers. The Founder has developed the program over the years, with proven track record, strong reputation in establishing, building, and revitalizing effective sales teams for more almost four decades to major companies up to present. His unique Sales Architecture approach is practical, proficient and proactive that are relevant to present time. For more information email [email protected] or message 09178880050 for advance meetings.


No one lives out of luck forever, it takes a lot of failures, disappointments and painful losses before the "Super Gain" happens. Not for perfection but mastery is the key to achieve your goals. You should be willing to invest time, to set your heart and mind to allow enough space for pain, drop all and stick to your goal to make it happen. Your loved ones are to be kept as inspiration embrace your potential opponent/competitor for they will push you to make things happen.


Years of compounded failures, disappointments and pains of trying and trying to make things just right is the real essence of aging.


If not clearly explained to buyers based on facts and figures, you just made another man spend in the dark. Be a responsible realtor, you should care before you sell.


The brochure is best used as a tool for a canned presentation when role playing, traditionally yes but the time has changed. Consider it an obsolete approach, there are platforms and more approaches that are quicker, smarter and visually appetizing that can make sudden impact to a buyer. Face to face sets the difference though, it is a situation where the salesman sets the difference when closing a sale. Role playing is basic but the most important part of training, let the tounge get familiarized with the terms and words that works, deliver with passion where buyers responds with a more relaxed faces and never intensed when signing the agreement.


NO ORDINARY MAN CAN STAND SOMEONE WHO IS SO INTENSE, UNMOVED and INDESTRUCTIBLE. A leader not easy to please, not easy to get along with and is consitently fierce and demanding is not the type of person you will like and love! If in the future you succeeded either out of hardwork or vengeance to prove that man is wrong, try to re-evaluate yourself again. Maybe if you aren't as consistent, as intense as you could be, moveble and destructible. If ended up doing the same as he is, then you would understand that man gave you a damn hard lesson to become the future good leader that he envisioned you to be. NOT LIKING NOR LOVING is not a part of the equation leave it to lows rather LEARNING & CLONING is what it is . A true leader know the way and he see your road a thousand miles way far from your eyesight.


All great ideas start with inspiration from events, visuals and images you read or watch that stimulates or from people's desires and people's natural reactions to certain things. When up to something you need an inspiration to stimulate and trigger creative minds to work for you....alls tarts from a small idea and make it bigger than what is presently available. Each one has the ability to enrich, grow, create and design anything in your head, if you need more brains collaborate with other better brains to check and address the loopholes then reinforce. Once the idea is fully developed, vision happens... marketing strategist comes in to translate the vision thru creative visuals and magical words call narrations. Once presented to the public expect different reactions, there will be questions, opinions, oppositions and bashings... nowadays you want it to be most talked about, positive or negative you won because you got everybody's attention. Thats marketing! Let no one stop you just go ahead, run it over again and continue to develop, let your brand stand strong until it finds a spot of its own.

Photos from's post 27/08/2023

Slater Young is most talked about! What I see this early is the RISE of the next guy to watch in real estate. He is not just a businessman, he is a TALENT that is genuinely brilliant, his fresh ideas and innovations are way better and beyond all others. The man is young and yet his conviction to express his passion is inspiring, he is catching everyone's attention either out of jealousy or admiration. He is moving forward, he did his assignment remember he is an engineer and an innovator. His market is very specific, high-end ultra for the younger generations and his approach is clear I dont even want to call it marketing strategy. He is transforming Monterraza as best brand for the millenials, a lifestyle and luxury with a difference, for people with discriminating taste and standards... it is a place to be for future billionaires. He is cutting all the traditional way of launching new projects, no grand launches and grand reveals... just a camera and a piece of white cloth, no fancy personalities and yet the whole country if not the world saw and heard it with mixed reactions. Good or bad the point is he came through... he is the next man to watch! Slater Young seemed genuine and not another pretender nor pretentious, his way of building his brand is pushing all others into their back seat.

Do I personally know Slater Young? Nope! I watch and see his moves, his works and I admire his passion... being in the business for 38 years I would know who is the NEXT ONE!


Never set yourself on fire to keep others warm, thats the rule. As a leader or a team player, it feels good to do good deeds for others just don't play hero for life. You should know when to stop to protect yourself from getting abused and be hurt. Work not like but as a solid team player, do your part the best you can with all your heart and mind. You would know if its time to stop before you do a self-damage. Protect yourself if it will cause you so much stress, pain you can't bear and endless anxiety for thinking so much about it. Know when to stop, step back to relax your mind then run it over again... self preservation is the first law of nature, don't try to learn it for it's been on you!


You have all the freedom to make choices, good or bad the outcome is for us to take. When on 20's-30's, we tend to dare and challenge circumstances that are beyond our maturity level and yet never ready to own the mistakes... we point fingers to others. Maturity will teach you understand that life is made out of choices, its a continous cycle that never go away breathe in breathe out. Try to imagine, how do you live a life of constantly making wrong choices out of previous mistakes, life can be neverending bitter and miserable. For sure you will not perfect it but at least learn to pick up yourself in quick seconds and move on to the next step and make this right the next time. Thats what THE PROCESS is all about, the process says make use of your freedom of choice, its not a right but an inner power that allows you to decide just be cautious.. think of trade offs and possible consequences it may take you to so be guided, step back or buy time before making a choice. Somehow this will lead you to a better direction but part of the process also is to challenge your choices until you make it wrong again. The PROCESS will help you to master the odds to win over and over but you will never be excused from making mistakes again... thats how life is, use and put to right your power and freedom of Choice.


The hardest audience in training are the top performers and more experienced ones, they rather work than sit whole day to listen to boring topics and new techniques. They sit to comply but not to listen and learn, unless the speaker is credible and strong enough to be in control of his audience. Otherwise they start pulling out their phones texting clients and following up appointments and closables than listen and learn again. Listen, learn and follow are good for neos and thats what great leaders teach to their beginners. Listen to learn is the basic foundation of anyone who wants to do good in real estate, but it can be made and developed as a form of your new good habit, learn and enhance ... then share if you want more progress to even go further.


Training is an adventure, its fun and exciting event to explore once limits on body strength, emotions and spirit ... a good medium to discover your strength and hidden weaknesses. During the process you will hate your trainor for making it too difficult for you but in the end you get to love yourself and appreciate other people after.


Four generations of trainees eagerly listening to learn more, to know more and more ... can't teach the same old tricks. I take time to study, adjust to stay relevant, upgrade and raise the bar to get ahead to keep your aces in your sleeves. Don't leave the principles and fundamentals behind, they still are a part of the new learnings of the present time their value is much higher because they are no longer easy to find.


The invincible reflective walls exists meant to distract and limit you from achieving your goals, these walls depends on your weak points which can be your family, friends or the circumstances you got into as a consquence of your wrong choices and actions. These reflective walls are narrow and limiting depending in how you see things, people with weak characters see only one thing and that distracts because they created a wide circle of social distractions that is dominated by matters that dont matter which creates fear, doubt and pain, dominant vision of distracting wall gets wider and the goal gets farther. Achievers know how to use shutters, small circle of right people making the reflective wall darker and goals vividly clearer. They are equipped to calculate the distance, time and energy they need to consume ... they achieve and they easily win!


Meeting of the minds between a buyer and a seller is the end result of a long process in making a sale. Generating leads to add to your long list of pipeline requires time, patience and a lot of head to figure out which is the one! You dont decide who is the one, simply chase until you can.


A sales leader should have the ability to percieve, comprehend, process and analyze circumstances to make quick decisions. Sales leaders with clouded minds produces wrong judgements, wrong assumptions, wrong choices leading to very subjective decisions and yet manage to pretend they are right. True leadership cannot be faked, their goals and actions are clear with the intention to achieve great results at the highest level of standards not to a perfection backed by a strong team of men and women of the same kind. As a practitioner I have seen many who managed to fake it and catch it up after long years and many mistakes as they understand the process.


Many successful people build their wealth through real estate investment not just stocks and many others, from days back they say "its the best hedge to inflation" which remains true at present time. Real estate investement is next best step to diversify funds to generate passive income, stable cashflow, tax advantages and leveraging. Many salespeople have used, over-used and abused the word "investment" that sometimes misleads first time buyers false hopes due to wrong expectations. Salescamming is off, real estate license is not a skill, being a sales leader for a developer does not provide full knowledge on real estate investments. The developers will teach you how to sell their projects and your job is find reasons why they should buy your property plus the other 65% extra information about real estate investments white lies not included. Remember, the difference between a PRO/ Seasoned realtor and a real estate salesman, clients listen and follow advises of a pro while a salesman pushes hard using the classroom skills and the tricky closing techniques in order to make a sale.


Selling is just the beginning, it is your gateway to success and for more successes. In real estate making money is easy, travel is cheap because you can get it for free to make you look good in IG and FB but dont misinterpret it as a basis of your future successes. If for years you still are doing the same or worst your concept of success remained unchanged then you must have reached your peak as successful salesman, period! Being exceptional is way too far from it, if you want to aim for a higher level leave the sales competition to neos, stop bragging your branded items and the travels and places youve been too because successful people would know you at a glance. Exceptional people has a different route, they take the higher roads on a different perspective, they see things differently, their goals and views are much bigger and immesureable. People that are exceptional are those who make small things magnified a thousand folds not by resources but all out of creative mind to create value that comes with a high tag price. Brilliant people are never for sale, they dont waste time, they choose their game and people they play with. Look around and see the difference between great men and amateur players... by just looking you would know who are pretending or just feeling succesful. If you still can't see just keep selling but start observing, remember you talk to successful people everyday .. the views of people buying and selling spells the difference. Keep trying until you get it, once you see it follow that route and hopefully you will make it too.


New year's resolution is old school, goals and target is cliche' so what else is new for 2023 onwards? Plan how you can make a mark this year, set a goal that is above you just be as accurate ... let the mind, action and timing work with precision so you get a result that marks. That's more certain than planning that sounds like dreaming rolled over year per year.

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We Develop Strategies, We Develop Talents, We Develop Developers
Years of compounded failures, disappointments and pains of trying and trying to make things just right is the real essen...



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