Videos by ATCI - Student Affairs Office in Tagum City. Student affairs, student support, or student services is the department or division of services and support for student success at institutions of higher education to enhance student growth and development.
Here is a gentle reminder from the OSA Office.
Are you ready for the incoming face-to-face classes, acesians?
1. Hand sanitizer and/or Alchohol.
2. Medication / first aid kit.
3. Powder
4. Wipes
5. Water / Electrolyte replacement drinks
Here is a gentle reminder from the OSA Office. Are you ready for the incoming face-to-face classes, acesians? DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR OWN PERSONAL HYGIENIC KIT WHICH INCLUDES: 1. Hand sanitizer and/or Alchohol. 2. Medication / first aid kit. 3. Powder 4. Wipes 5. Water / Electrolyte replacement drinks
Welcome Back Acesians!!! We welcome the New and Old Students of Aces Tagum College Inc. May we start this academic year full of motivation and yearning to learn new and memorable experiences. Announcement To those students who did not yet receive the class schedule please check your emails. Schedules are still being finalized once your schedule is done you will receive an email. Please do wait. To those students who did not yet submit their emails please PM your email address to the Registrar's FB page. Thank you and See all the Soonest!