Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge

Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge

This is an Odd Fellows lodge under the Independent Order of the Odd Fellows and the Grand Lodge of t

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 20/05/2022

Many similarities exist between the Freemasons and the Odd Fellows, though they are separate and distinct fraternal movements.

In the late 1800's, the Pettibone Manufacturing Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio sold thousands of two different prints that feel very similar, but display some of the uniqueness found in these groups.

The first, entitled "From Darkness to Light" illustrates the journey of the Masonic candidate as he passes through the degrees of Freemasonry. Included in the symbolism are references to the York Rite and the Scottish Rite.

The second, called "From Jerusalem to Jericho" provides a similar pathway for Odd Fellowship, guiding the viewer through the pathway that contains the Odd Fellows Lodge, the Encampment, and the Canton.

Both works are commonly found in old fraternal buildings and are beautiful works of art in their own right.


Happy Mother's Day


Happy 203rd Founding Anniversary
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
April 26, 1819 - Baltimore, Maryland, USA

IOOF - Grand Lodge of the Philippines
City of Manila, 1872


This window honors Three Fraternal Organization.. The Knights of Pythias, Masons and the Odd Fellows


"He who serves others, serves himself best"

As an Odd Fellow, we should be always ready to be of service to others.

Living the ancient commands of visiting the sick, relieving the distress, burying the dead, and educating the orphan.


As an Odd fellow, we place our left hand on the Holy Scripture as we vow to uphold the teachings of Odd Fellowship. Always remembering that the Supreme Being knows what we have done, what we are doing, and what we will do to promote Friendship, Love, and Truth to others. To take action of the ancient commands of Odd Fellowship:
-Visit the Sick
-Relieve the Distress
-Bury the Dead
-Educate the Orphan

"I believe in the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man; I believe in Friendship, Love and Truth as basic guides to the ultimate destiny of all mankind."


During our Regular Meeting last March 12, 2022 at Sikatuna Hall, Pilar Village, Las Piñas City, the Brethren of Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge U.D. held an election and appointment of officers and chose those who are truly worthy to lead the Lodge in spreading Friendship, Love, and Truth.

May we congratulate the Brethren who were Elected and Appointed Officers of Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge U.D.

Elected Officers:
Noble Grand - Bro. Androme Osprey Estrada Tagupa
Vice Grand - Bro. David Christian A. Dario
Secretary - Bro. Ian John Palma
Treasurer Bro. Michael M. Sanmocte

Appointed Officers:
Warden - Bro. David Dela Piedra
Conductor - Bro. Josemarie T. Felizardo
Chaplain - Bro. Miguel Cabarrubias IV
NG Right Supporter - Bro. Chrisler Dwight V. Cabarrubias II
Left Scene Supporter - Bro. Ernanie Erwin L. Gonzales IV
Past Grand - DDGM Marvin G. Arevalo / PG Arthur O. Sudoy Jr.
Inside Guardian - Bro. Glen Arcilla

In Friendship, Love, and Truth


We would like to congratulate Bro. Androme Osprey Tagupa for being elected as Charter Noble Grand of Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge U.D. during the Regular Stated Meeting & Election of Officers last March 12, 2022.

May you guide the brethren in spreading Friendship, Love, and Truth to others. The brethren of the Lodge will support you throughout your term.

"He who serves others, serves himself best"


Part of our OBLIGATION

"We promise that we will never defraud the order but will prevent unlawful use of its funds and property and at every occasion to promote its welfare.

- solemn and binding obligation -

©️ Bro. Pchang Cabarrubias


Odd Fellowship teaches the value of True Friendship.
As an Odd Fellow, we help a Brother or Sister up when down.
Protect him/her against others in public while reprimand him/his actions in private.


"Although Freemasonry and Odd Fellowship are two separate and different fraternities, more than two decades of history have shown the friendly relations and dealings with each other. In fact, there are many people who belong to both fraternities in the past and in the present. The first documented person to hold membership in both was King George IV who joined Odd Fellowship in 1780 and Freemasonry in 1787. The first hospital built in California was a joint-project between the Odd Fellows and the Freemasons. When the anti-masonic movement occured in the USA, many freemasons and masonic lodges also found safe-haven in Odd Fellows Lodges. There are also a number of masonic lodges and Odd Fellows lodges that meet in the same building. In some instances, the building is co-owned by both organizations. One of the main reasons is to split half the expenses and taxes in maintaining the lodge building."

- Louie Blake Saile Sarmiento - author page


Are you INTERESTED or are you COMMITTED? 🤝❤️👁️🔗


Happy Valentine's Day Brethren

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 11/02/2022


XS-3XL Php 400
4XL-5XL Php 500

*Proceeds of this project will be for the financial assistance of a brethren of the order who's scheduled for a surgery at the soonest possible time.

Order here:

*Orders will be processed for shipping upon full payment.

*For faster processing of orders, you may send your payment receipts via Facebook messenger to LAS PIÑAS ODD FELLOWS LODGE U.D.


"Fraternal orders, like the Odd Fellows, drew a common folk tradition of civic and guild dress and custom. The wearing of regalia is historic and symbolic. Like a uniform, the regalia indicates the rank of the wearer in the organization. The regalia also represents equality. It enforces that all brothers and sisters are one and the same. The markings of color represent the degree or duties which the wearer has received but this does not imply that those with more degrees are more valuable or more important than others. The differences in color simply means that the bearer has attained higher duties and moral vows as an Odd Fellow - each color is a reminder to translate into deeds and actions the teachings they have learned."

(Excerpt from Louie Blake Saile Sarmiento - author page, "Odd Fellows Manual: Modern Guide to the Origin, History, Rituals, Symbols and Organization of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows", 2020).

a. United States & Worldwide
Full color:
Black and white:

b. United Kingdom & Europe
Full color:
Black and White:

c. Germany & Europe
Full color:
Black and White:

d. Canada
Full color:
Black and White:

e. Australia
Full color:
Black and White:

Photo (c) by beboldbuyold


Evolving from the traditions of the medieval craft guilds, the first Odd Fellows emerged in England on or before the year 1700. The early lodges were first set up to protect and care for their members and communities at a time when there were still no social security services, national health insurance, service clubs and modern-day charity foundations. The aim was and still is to provide help to our members, our families and our communities in times of need, along with the goal of developing worldwide brotherhood and sisterhood, promoting universal peace and understanding, and improving personal character through the ethical and humanitarian principles taught in our ancient degrees of initiation. Our branch, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.), was organized on April 26, 1819, in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., by Thomas Wildey and four Odd Fellows from England. At a time when women were still not allowed to go to school, vote for public office or join fraternal organizations, the I.O.O.F. became the first fraternal order to officially accept women when the “Rebekahs” was founded on September 20, 1851.

Odd Fellowship first spread in the Philippine Islands in 1872 when it was still a colony of Spain. When the revolutionaries’ unilaterally declared Philippine independence from Spain in 1898, there were approximately 10,000 Odd Fellows stationed in the country who formed the "Odd Fellows Association of Manila". After the Filipino-American war ended, the Sovereign Grand Lodge issued a charter to formally institute "Manila Lodge No.1" in 1902, composed mostly of military men, businesspeople, lawyers and government officials. A "Rebekah Club" was also formed in 1905, followed by “Luzon Lodge No.2" and “Manila Encampment No.1” in 1915. Hon. Charles Burritt, who served as Chief of the Mining Bureau and Judge of the RTC of Leyte, was the first District Deputy Grand Sire of I.O.O.F. Philippines. During World War II, thousands of Odd Fellows fought the war and many died during the Battle of Manila beginning 1943. In 1985, “Watchdog Committee” was founded as a separate organization, but later merged with the I.O.O.F. and chartered as “Watchdog Lodge No.1” in 2009. Together with “Mindanaon Lodge No.2”, “Sillimanian Lodge No.3”, “Golden Luzon Lodge No.4”, “Marilag Lodge No.5”, “Banggiitan Lodge No.6”, “Cagayan de Misamis Lodge No.7” and “Manila Lodge No.8”, the “Grand Lodge of the Philippines, I.O.O.F.” was instituted on October 23, 2015.

At present, there are approximately 500,000 members in 10,000 Odd Fellow and Rebekah Lodges located in more than 30 countries worldwide.

- To improve and elevate the character of humankind by teaching and promoting the principles of Friendship, Love, and Truth; Faith, Hope, and Charity; and Universal Justice, as exemplified in the degrees of initiation and practiced in real life.

- To help make the world a better place to live by aiding each other in times of need and by volunteering in or organizing charitable activities and projects that would benefit the less fortunate, the children, the youth, the elderly, the community and the environment in every way possible guided by our ancient command: “to visit the sick, relieve the distress, bury the dead and educate the orphan”.

- To promote goodwill and understanding among people and nations through the principle of universal fraternity, holding the belief that all men and women regardless of race, nationality, religion, social status, gender, rank and station are brothers and sisters.

- To develop and expand a local, national and international social network for people from all walks of life - college students, professionals, retirees - dedicated to the purposes herein mentioned; ensuring genuine friendships, compassionate service for community and personal character development.

- To raise funds through membership fees, annual dues, donations, endowments, and purchase, acquire, own, rent, lease, sell, exchange, transfer and dispose properties, whether real or personal, in furtherance of the ethical, fraternal and charitable purposes; provided they show economic viability.

(c) Video created by Louie Blake Saile Sarmiento - author

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 05/02/2022

Happening now:

Relieve the distress~
LPOFL UD, LTCN13 in cooperation with PDMEC
At DSWD Social Development Center Pasay.

Masks were taken off for picture purposes only~


Do you know why LOVE is placed in the middle? There is a moral reason why Love is placed as the middle link, which is to firmly hold together Friendship and Truth. Indeed, Friendship is the first foundation of Odd Fellowship while Truth is the imperial virtue.

But FRIENDSHIP without Truth is called a fake friend. You can be friendly but full of lies. Friendship without love is a selfish friend. You can be friendly but without sincere compassion, respect and understanding towards your brothers and sisters.

TRUTH without friendship and love is an ugly truth. You can be truthful but tactless, insensitive and judgmental. You can claim to say the truth yet your words are full of hate, judgment and prejudice against those who may differ with you in terms of race, nationality, gender, religion, politics, personality, culture, views or beliefs.

A fake Friendship and a tactless Truth can quickly clash and can easily be broken. However, Brotherly and Sisterly Love counterbalances the weaknesses of the two, serves as their neutralizer and firmly holds them together.

LOVE is the epitome of kindness, toleration, mutual-respect, courtesy, due process, acceptance, understanding and forgiveness. If you love your brother and sister, you will accept him or her despite his or her imperfections and weaknesses. If you love your brother and sister, you will never wish him or her to fail. If you love your brother and sister, you will never talk badly about him or her. If you love your brother and sister, you will provide him or her with kind advice instead. If you love your brother and sister, you will forgive him or her for his or her mistakes because you value the Friendship.If you love your brother and sister, you will never take undue advantage of his or her weaknesses. If you love your brother and sister, you will respect and understand each other through the good and the bad times. If you love your brother and sister, you will be honest to him or her because you value the Truth.

With brotherly and sisterly love, your friendship and truth is guided by the willingness to understand, accept and help each other. This results into your readiness to be there for your brother and sister when the need arises. This results in knowing when to forgive and ask forgiveness. This results into a life without hatred. The greater end-result is a camaraderie without jealousy, competition, politics, back-biting and negativity. Just people helping and lifting each other up in hope of becoming better persons each day.

You are truly an Odd Fellow only when you can sincerely look into each other's eyes and can genuinely give each other a warm Odd Fellows' grip despite your differences in opinions, perspectives and likes. "

CTTA-Bro. Louie Blake Saile Sarmiento


"Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues."


Ask yourself:
Have you been searching for a way to help others and be a part of
something bigger than yourself?
Do you want to learn to be a better person and empower yourself to be more successful in all parts of your life?
Do you want to help make your community a better place and help those in need?
Do you feel lonely or crave quality social interactions and want to be part of something important?

By becoming an Odd Fellow you will learn to base your thoughts and actions on the philosophical principles of the Order.


Odd Fellowship in Las Pinas City, Metro Manila, Philippines.



Vintage Odd fellows Banner

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 22/05/2021

COMMUNITY PANTRY, Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge together with bario villamor Pantry, PDMEC and Triskelion Order In the Profession of Arms .(TROPA)

WHERE: brgy 183 Villamor ( barrio) 10-25 Street .

WHEN: May 22,2021

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 09/04/2021

Street releif operation and feeding program for the homeless and distress.

Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge and PDMEC.

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 09/04/2021

In time of hardship, we will never stop!

Relieve the distress.

What : Relief Operations of Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge and PDMEC.

FIRE VICTIMS of barangay 61, Pasay City
( affected families 92 )
Where : EDSES school Pasay city
(relocation of fire victims).

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 09/04/2021

We will never stop kahit sa panahon ngayon. Relief Operations for fire victims Las Pinas Odd Fellows Lodge and PDMEC.

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 28/03/2021

Happy birthday to our worthy brother! Bless him and all that contibuted to his birthday relief packs project!

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 24/03/2021

Delivery success! Be healthy brothers and sisters

From your Las Pinas Odd Fellows Lodge bretheren.

Prayers for negative result!

Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 24/03/2021

Our March project, Las Pinas Odd Fellows Lodge's humble donation to our men and women who works at Philippine Red Cross Rizal Chapter. They are currently quarrantined due to a close contact. We pray for your safety and health, our beloved front liners!

Care pack sent via Lalamove!


Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 18/03/2021

Our February project Las Pinas Odd Fellows Lodge's humble donation of Face Shield to our men and women in uniform stationed at NAIA (AVSEC Group)


Photos from Las Piñas Odd Fellows Lodge's post 10/02/2021

Public Installation of Triangulo Cavite Odd Fellows Lodge Numero 13. with honorable guest, Grand Sire Apollo Monroy
Jan. 9, 2021
