

Laro o laro?


Laro na ba tayo ulit guys?




Close your eyes feed me your hand darling. Can't you see I have no feeling, don't you understand. I don't feel the same, you are not just dreaming. I am hungry feeling eternal shame.

I believe I'll eat you later daddy, even take your guts out I am really sorry.

The year is 2021, it was suppose to be a year of peace. Russian soil with people on their knees. Because as the co**se rot they hunt the living and eat them like a feast. It starts as a skin condition and later on severe cataclysm. Bloody legs and skin falling off with blood sipping of the bloody veins. As the vaccine starts, co**ses begin walking through the rain.

Am I insane? Because in a dark and bloody premonition. Some will say it's all just an illusion or a result of a lasting delusion.




Before Junko Furata there was Coraline.

On the evening of June 2, 1966, Coraline Umfrey was kidnapped on her way home. The kidnappers then brought Coraline into an apartment, that apartment where they tortured her for 4 days.

One of the kidnappers wrote the things they did to Coraline in his diary. This is Coraline's torture, Enjoy!

(Translation: Japanese to English)

Day 1
Date: June 2, 1966
Location: Japan

Just kidnapped a girl walking along the streets. Lin (kidnapping partner) told me, we must bring the girl to my apartment. After bringing the girl into my apartment we forced her to drink drugs that made her unconscious, we r***d her afterward. We then chained the girl in my room.

Day 2
Date: June 3, 1966

When morning came, Lin woke up and told me to p*e on a water bottle. After filling the water bottle with urine, Lin gave the bottle to the girl (Coraline) which she drank in desperation. The girl then told her she was hungry, Lin got angry forcing the girl to eat a dog's p**p. When the girl vomited, Lin made her lick the vomit. Lin tortured the girl all day. When night came, Lin told me, he will make the girl a living doll the next morning.

Day 3
Date: June 4, 1966

When the girl woke up, she found herself completely tied in a bed. Minutes later, Lin came back to my apartment bringing in what appears to be two big buttons. Lin went directly into the girl's room removing both of her eyes. After the eye removal, Lin sewed the buttons on each of the girl's eyes. The girl was knocked unconscious by the pain of her eyes being removed. As the night came, the girl woke up complaining about her sight, Lin told her "Don't worry, that eyes you have now is pretty."

Day 4
Date: June 5, 1966

As hours passed by the girl's condition begins to deteriorate. She died the morning after her eye removal. After her death, Lin removed both of the buttons that he sewed in her eye, Lin then began putting his p***s on the girl's eye socket. After ra**ng her eye socket, Lin and I cut the girl's body piece by piece. We ate her body for a week.




You are my lucid dreams but I can't see a thing. As I closed my eyes, I enter the dream world but I am not aware that I am trapped in a glitch world. If you're half awake and half asleep then your nightmare will turn to reality. You'll find yourself in a dark place, it will be very creepy because you cannot move. It's like being stuck in a glitch where sound doesn't exist.

Will you still resist? If your nightmare turns into reality then it would be hard to escape. That's sleep paralysis, lucid dream is a different thing. In the lucid dream world, you can control everything you do. You defy the law of physics and even be a God in that world.

You might be prone to inception tho, inception is the technique of hijacking someone's dream and give the dreamer an idea that he will pursue if he wakes up. Dream machines already exist, scientists can monitor the things you're dreaming. They can even manipulate your dreams with hypnotism.

If you're in the dream world, what would you do? Date with your crush or kill your enemy?


Hanggat meron wag mawalan ng pagasa pero pagyan na wala wag mo na ituloy pare HAHAHAHAHAHA end live 💀


Medyo na late ng pagbili HAHAHA SALAMAT PO SA SPONSOR! 😘


Napakasarap sa mata idolo


Mamimigay na ako ng bahay at lupa wag na skin luma na yon


May magdonate sana ng pc pang stream HAHAHAHA
