

Welcome to our health blog and shop! These health information and protocols has helped many people

Photos from Healthyqo.Ph's post 20/02/2021

Be healthy while having a slimmer body
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Timeline photos 12/06/2020

You do not have to do it all. You just have to give your all.


4 Years Ago the FDA Ordered a Ban On Anti-Bacterial Soaps. Within a year, they said, all anti-bacterial soap products will be off store shelves, but they're still being sold.

FDA Ordered Ban On Anti-Bacterial Soaps Saying They Might Do More Harm Than Good, Sep 2, 2016

Triclosan, an antibacterial chemical used in antibacterial soaps & a wide variety of consumer products, has many potentially harmful effects, especially for children. Triclosan can alter hormone regulation and may interfere with fetal development. An increased cancer risk has also been suggested/ Triclosan was found in 100 percent of urine samples taken from pregnant women in Brooklyn, NY

As noted in a featured article in The Atlantic, the reasons for avoiding triclosan are far from few... This antibacterial ingredient has been linked to:

Thyroid dysfunction
Endocrine disruption
Weight gain
Inflammatory responses

Triclosan was found to aggravate the growth of liver and kidney tumors, which came as a surprise to the researchers. According to one of the authors:

"We aren't saying that triclosan causes cancer. We're just saying that with constant exposure, this environmental agent, which is extremely ubiquitous, can promote development of tumors. If one can avoid it, I would avoid it."

In another interview he clarified by saying: "If you have a damaged cell that's been attacked by a mutagen, triclosan promotes the development of the tumor. The compound also causes inflammation, which means that all the ingredients necessary for developing cancer are present."


There is no magic cure that will work for all of us. That is why it is important to address the root causes of cancer or any illness while simultaneously doing as many natural things for yourself as possible. Once those root causes are eliminated you will be surprised how fast your body starts healing. Nothing happens over night but when we start making the right choices everything falls into place.



By. Dr. Gary Gautier

The choices that a cancer patient makes are the single biggest choices of their life. Nothing compares because the further they get down this road called life, the more reality sets in and they realize what they had been doing is just not working as they had expected it to.

I think it's pretty obvious to most of us that they have been hammering us with conventional medicines barbaric choices of chop, burn, or poison for way too long. If these had any real success what so ever, we would not even be having this discussion on what to do when you have cancer.

For the past 65 years, we have been observing a losing battle against cancer when they have been promising us a “cure” all along. The best thing I can tell you is that you don’t need a cure. All you need is to learn the correct protocols, processes, and procedures for “reversing” your cancer, because God gave us everything necessary to heal ourselves naturally, without barbaric procedures that speed up the rate of death and just create more complications.

With this being said, I must caution you that it is highly suggested to work with a doctor who specializes in cancer healing who has great knowledge and experience with such cancer cases and who will do a great job at keeping you out of the hospital unless of course, you are in an emergency.

Too many times I see the later-stage patients trying to pull off something that is way out of their hands and to think that this is an easy road to plow. You are mistaken. It can be hard work to make lifestyle changes in their diet as well as every aspect of their lives.

So please take guidance as a blessing because especially in late stages, you have no time to make any more guesses or mistakes! Because that clock is ticking faster than you can believe! Do not take this lightly and be sure to make a good plan of attack and stay with it.

Can we all just step back and discuss why we are afflicted with cancer, to begin with?

I find it surprising when told by another patient or person that they were floored when the doctor told them, “I’m sorry but you have cancer.” It is likely most people have growing cancer in their body right now.

So the first thing I suggest whether they know if they have cancer or not is to acquire an HCG self-cancer test. I do these on every patient I see and use it as a marker or starting point to guide them down through the myriad of obstacles into the negative or non-growing stage of cancer reversal. These are performed by Dr. Effrain Navarro in the Philippines for $55.

After learning about and being around cancer since the 1970s, I see that there are so many choices one has to choose from if they really want to learn and receive help. This is why the choices they make are crucial for having the best shot of reversing their cancer, naturally. I feel strongly that the more choices they have and use, the more beneficial it is to their success.

I want you to know that cancer is a process and not a tumor. The tumor is just where it has grown the biggest but actually you may have cancer cells all over the body and as time goes on, the chances of spreading or metastasis is much more likely.

Contributing factors of cancer are something that all of us are exposed to on a daily basis. This is the process of cancer. The more contributing factors you are exposed to, the higher risk of cancer. In general, this exposure is very high in reality and most people have no idea how pervasive it actually is.

So what can you do now that you know that you have cancer? I suggest that you correctly learn how to use as many solid procedures as possible to get healthy and strong to reverse cancer. The biggest problems that I see on a daily basis with those searching for help are that they make mistakes in their assumption of cancer and the reversal of cancer.

As cancer grows and multiplies according to your health, which for most is excessively acidic, add the exposure to pathogens such as bacteria, virus, fungus/mold, and parasites and you have real big problems for the human body. It is a must to eradicate these pathogens from the body — and fast! This can be done in many ways:

1) Dr. Hulda Clark perfected a good “Zapper” which is programmed with lower frequencies to kill pathogens. However, I strongly suggest using the Dr. Clark self-made herbs of wormwood, black walnut hull tincture, cloves, and L-cysteine along with ozonated oil, to be used together as prescribed. Many of the typical supplements needed for a sick cancer patient are also found at the Dr. Clark stores as they guarantee the freshness and potency which is completely essential to killing all stages of parasites.

2) Obviously, when it comes to all the wonderful herbs and minerals available to help create “apoptosis” (cell death) to the cancer cell, this can be quite a job to contact the many different companies to find the best products for this as well as detox and cleansing methods necessary to strengthen the failing organs, necessary to boost the immune system. Proper dosage is also necessary which knowledgeable and experienced doctors can assist you with because every patient has different issues which must be addressed individually.

3) Coffee enemas, very high on my list is mandatory for helping the body rid some of its worst of the toxins within and when the patient hits “detox reaction” this will be a lifesaver!

4) Enzyme supplementation is urgent and served Dr. William Kelly and Dr. Nick Gonzales appropriately. I would never go without them!

5) Hyperbaric oxygen chamber is also high on the list for many cancers and cancer in general because this allows the increase of much more oxygen into the blood stream under pressure within the chamber. Stem cells have been shown to double with only one treatment and with 20 treatments it increases 8 fold! Certainly, the safest way to accomplish this amazing feat of stem cell regeneration!

6) Magnet therapy is one of my favorites and well noted in my book Heal Thyself, Optimum Health Forever. This is mandatory in my opinion for many reasons but atop this list would be the ability to produce more melatonin under the correct environment to induce deep sleep. This is mandatory for healing because if you don’t get deep sleep, you will have a horrible time with complete healing.

7) Food and drinks should be at the top of this list for many reasons and should be taken seriously. Raw diets are essential to correct healing of the human body. High amounts of juices work best.

8) Aromatherapy is wonderful however be sure to use “pure certified oils” and the only one I am aware of is Dottera. Frankincense and lemon grass are my favorites. Along with tea tree oil/melaleuca and thyme for pathogens as well as well as many others.

9) Massage therapy and lymph drainage are mandatory as you never know when the lymphatic system will fail at any location and bring a slew of issues, mainly painful radiation down the extremities.

10) Emotional work with energy and chakras are completely mandatory in most all cancer patients. Since everything is connected and the emotional energy can block your immune system from giving the support it needs to heal. EFT (emotional freedom technique) is also effective.

11) Chiropractic care is wonderful to the spine of the sick and gets great relief from manipulations of the spine and rib heads, which allow the patient to relax, rejuvenate nerve supply to the organs and tissue again. Thus allowing the bodies’ nervous system to function and sleep better. Remember the better your nerve supply, the more powerful your body can function. A caution to bone and multiple myeloma cancers: Be extremely careful with any adjustments unless you can use low force!

12) Holistic dentistry is the best option for most cancer patients because it has been shown that most all metals used in the mouth are carcinogenic and are found in the tumors themselves. The metals such as amalgam, crowns, etc. must be extracted. Root canals and cavitations also must be re-addressed as well. Our retreats use a world class holistic dentist for all our patients who use the Hal Huggins method, which is the gold standard in holistic dentistry. The immune system can never rise appropriately unless these metal issues and potential systemic issues are resolved.

Remember, there is no “cure” for cancer but you don’t need a cure, just hard work making the necessary changes, properly. God has put everything here on earth for us to utilize for complete health and wellness and now it is important for you to get acquainted with these natural resources which help assist us in reversing sickness and disease.

Again I will stress not to procrastinate as cancer has likely been growing for 8-10 and even 20 years now. No wonder we see so much metastatic cancer out there. So the longer you wait, the more it will likely spread, making it more difficult to reverse.

Remember that when you hit the “pain stage” this is no laughing matter and most patients are scrambling for pain killers which normally end up being opiates or opioids (morphine and oxycontin). A good alternative doctor can get you through this with minimal or even no pain killers with well-administered herbs.


When choosing a plan for natural cancer reversal please understand some therapies address cancer and some address tumors

"TUMORS" are the symptom, do not waste your time and money addressing "tumors"
They will just come back

Focus on the Root Causes of what is contributing to the "Cancer Process"
Once the body is functioning properly it will address the tumors


Knowledge is POWER


“You must be your own doctor. If you do not learn what is right and wrong for your own body, then you will be totally dependent on someone else who knows very little about real health, and only knows how to administer drugs for temporary relief or do surgical procedures that you may not need. Particularly if you know how to take care of yourself. Learn to Heal Thy self.”

“What I want you to realize at this time is these ailments you are suffering from are the result of an accumulation of all the toxicity contained in all sources of food, water, air, drugs, and the products used daily on your body which are absorbed through the skin. You need to realize this way of life sets you up for failure because your options are limited and extremely flawed. They are the problem! We have grown to believe that if something is in a store is available for purchase from a doctor, drugstore, food market or online that it is safe. It is that very belief which is killing us slowly and silently, yet we remain unaware of it.”

-Dr. Gary Gautier

Excerpt From “Heal Thyself Optimum Health Forever”


A Better Cancer Detox

Antioxidants are one of the best known advances for health. The important antioxidants which you get with the consumption of organic raw fruits and vegetables are the benefits of antioxidant health. These antioxidants are what fight the war against the “free radical damage” that plagues the body’s cells on a continuous basis, contributing to almost all disease, degeneration, and the aging process.

Just about every disease, degeneration and aging process known to man is directly due to the deficiency of ANTIOXIDANTS from “free radical build up!”

-Dr. Gary Gautier

Excerpt from “Heal Thyself Optimum Health Forever”


A Better Cancer Detox


All the personal care items noted below are things that you must highly consider changing to all natural because they are usually (99%) toxic to apply to your body thus allowing toxins to absorb into your skin and blood stream. Remember that everything you apply to your skin, face, head/hair or even the bath/shower water is contaminated with chlorine, fluorine, chemicals, bacteria, and viruses to name a few.

Seriously, you have no idea how many horrible ingredients there are in most all the products you use on a daily basis. Many of them are extremely toxic even though you are only exposed to minute amounts per day so you do not notice it. Nevertheless, they are damaging your health on a daily basis. Do not be complacent about this because it is a contributing factor for most all disease!

If you want to be healthy, do not use any typical products but seek out the most natural ones instead. Only shop for products without chemicals to help prevent toxicity. Never apply anything to your face, skin/body unless you can eat it, meaning it must be all natural with no chemicals! All these products and many more are available in non toxic, natural forms:



-Dr. Gary Gautier

Excerpt from “Heal Thyself Optimum Health Forever”


Learn the 13 root causes and 16 key deficiencies of cancer at

When naturally reversing cancer there are many things that need to be considered. Don't get caught up on focusing all your attention on individual things because there is much that needs to be considered, don't bet your life on single method protocols. Assume all or most of the things on this list are negatively impacting you and start changing your life today.

A good place to start is getting amalgams and root canals safely pulled by a holistic dentist. Ensure you have a quality water supply avoiding fluoride and chlorine. Any chemical filled personal hygiene products and cleaning products should be tossed. If you can't pronounce it or safely eat it, don't put it on or near your body. Do not sleep near smart meters and keep electronics out of your bedroom when you are sleeping. Keep a diet full of organic, natural and raw foods. Although there is much more that needs to be considered beyond this, these are good stepping stones to begin with.

There is a lot of info through out this group based off of Dr Gary Gautiers 36 plus years experience naturally teaching people how to reverse cancer with success. The other admins and I encourage you to take a look around the group, read all the info provided and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

If you put forth the work and stay consistent and persistent within your path you will see changes and you can heal.

The Truth about Cancer | Holistic Approach to Cancer | Cancer Causes and Control - The Keys To Cancer 23/05/2020

Instead of relying on expensive, dangerous and unreliable conventional cancer tests. Look into HCG urine tests from Navarro Medical Clinic. This is a self prepared, safe, effective, non invasive, and cheap cancer test. The test was created by an oncologist in the 50's, his son does the current testing. This is not the same as an HCG blood test or pregnancy test. If the HCG level is above 50 that means you are positive for cancer. Take the test every 3 months until the HCG score is below 50. If by that third month you are not seeing results or a drop in the HCG levels odds are you need to make some additional changes. Whether that means adding to your program or changing some things around. This test allows you to track your own progress and not rely on doctors as this is something you can order and use without the assistance of a doctor.

I know many of you are working with natural doctors. There are a lot of good natural doctors and a lot of not so good natural doctors. One common theme I see is that people state their natural doctor has recommended all kinds of testing of vitamin levels amongst other things. These tests for the most part are not necessary and they are expensive. Take that money you were going to spend on that test and use it for quality supplements and food, because you will need it. Natural cancer reversal can get expensive and that money can be spent in better places. You may be asking yourself well how will I know what I am deficient in or know what supplements to take? The best advice I can give you is to go on under roots-deficiencies and see the 16 vitamins and minerals listed and assume you need all of them. Most people with a cancer diagnoses will be lacking just about all of them listed. So instead of spending money on tests that may or may not detect these deficiencies, take that money and go get the quality food and supplements your body desperately needs.

The Truth about Cancer | Holistic Approach to Cancer | Cancer Causes and Control - The Keys To Cancer Everyday that goes by people are waking up more and more to the truth about Cancer. With so many misconceptions and incomplete protocols circulating about cancer and the Holistic approach to Cancer Dr.Gary Gautier decided to share this information which is based on his 36 years of clinical experienc...


A Better Cancer Detox

By Dr. Gary Gautier

VITAMIN D is manufactured by our own body through the absorption of the sun’s rays. As humans we manufacture about 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily from a moderate amount of sunlight. If you are not getting daily sun exposure without sun blockers or sunglasses, be sure to select Vitamin D3 and not the others that are used in vitamins and fortified foods, which have been found to be worthless.

These benefits of the Sun or D3 are amazing:

-Reduces the risk of Cancers including colon, breast, ovarian, and prostate. (Vitamin D deficiencies have been documented in all cases of cancer and heart disease, and have been linked to heart disease and fibromyalgia)

-Helps strengthen the immune system

-Reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis

-Lowers osteoporosis

-Decreases muscle aches, chronic pains, and fatigue

The best way to acquire vitamin D is via sunlight. The next best source is cod liver and then D3 supplements.

Do not use sunblocks, lotions or any kind or sunglasses while taking in the sunlight. You need to get 15-60 minutes a day! If you are not used to the sun, start at 5 to 10 minutes per day and build up weekly to another 5 minutes. The darker your skin, the more you should need, eventually. If you are lighter skinned, you will do fine with just 15-20 minutes a day. The darker-skinned do best with 30-60 minutes daily. Be sure to build up to more sun slowly.

Regarding the risk of cancer due to the sun, please understand that many experts have now shown that the sun blocks, sunscreen, and lack of sun are partially the cause of many sickness and skin cancer! Now, having said this, please understand that there is a limit as noted above, so try to limit your exposure to the sun. However, if you are to be in the sun for an extended amount of time, please try to keep much of your skin covered or use a natural, non chemical sun block, which will help reduce carcinogens to your body.

So once again please note that your body needs sun for a short period of time, daily! This allows your body to use its ability to make natural vitamin D. The lack of this vitamin creates many problems for the body, a few of which have already been noted above, so please get your minimum daily allowance but do not overexpose yourself, especially without conditioning yourself first.


The link between cancer and vitamin D deficiency points toward indoor workers getting sufficient sunlight to make enough vitamin D to protect them from cancer.

For many years now there has been documentation proving that the benefits from the sun that provides the body with the manufacturing of vitamin D has been substantial in helping the body to cope with fighting cancer as well as lowering the death rates of cancer.

What one has to consider is that if you are getting regular sun and also supplementing with extra vitamin D3 then you could be getting too much but chances are very unlikely of this because of the overexposure rate is so high to begin with.

Toxicity symptoms from over consumption of vitamin D are headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, loss of appetite and dry mouth-though these are not usually observed.

So to help keep the bones from thinning, keeping your cholesterol in check to decreasing the rate of cancer deaths to many other natural and important health issues, it is imperative that you seek out the sun on a daily basis. Understandably you work and are very busy yet you must get a break for at least 10 or 20 minutes to expose yourself to the sun’s wonderful and extremely essential rays consistently. This is a crucial part of being and staying healthy! People living in areas of winter cloud cover, or those not getting enough sun should consider naturally compounded vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplements.

Excerpt from “Heal Thyself Optimum Health Forever”


A Better Cancer Detox

Turmeric is another spice! Circumin, the yellow substance that gives turmeric its color, is known for its health benefits based on lab research. Its cancer fighting powers are apparently very effective in lowering risk, particularly with melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer. Circumin also seems to block the progression of multiple sclerosis, helps to inhibit leukemia and protect against damage caused by cigarette smoke and certain processed foods. It helps reduce damage of heart tissue from lack of oxygen and blood flow. Rhemuatoid arthritis seems to be helped greatly with circumin from turmeric. It is also effective in radioprotection, irritable bowel syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease. Usually this spice is used in Indian dishes, such as curry rice and curry chicken, but can also be taken in supplements. I strongly suggest using both the spice form as well as buying turmeric in your organic product department and using it in all your salads and foods.

-Dr. Gary Gautier

Excerpt from “Heal Thyself Optimum Health Forever”



Needle biopsies, for example.
People need to understand that a tumour is there to save your life. When your body is full with poison, toxaemic and acidosis and you are basically going to die of that poison – your body builds a bag and collects all the poison from your body into this bag, which they call a tumour. So the body did all the work. And now they come and they say "We need to do a needle biopsy." and pinch into this highly toxic tumour; which of course now explodes and pours all the poison into the body. And then they say "You have a very fast growing, very aggressive form of cancer.". They GAVE it to you. They created it.

And most cancers disappear on their own anyway, because about 7-10 times, everybody has cancer in their lifetime. If you don’t become unlucky enough to fall into the hands of a medical professional and get a test done and they tell you that you have something bad going on; and the very next day, can start murdering you with chemotherapy, which is based on mustard gas. Mustard gas is forbidden after the Geneva Convention as a war chemical; they put it into your bloodstream and radiate you to death. Or cut you surgically – which always spreads the cancer."

"Cancer is not an illness – cancer is a symptom. These cancerous growths, the cell growths, whatever it might be, that we don’t want in our body, is a symptom; it is not the cancer. So cutting the symptom out does not resolve your problem, at all. And that's why it reappears. Or why they kill the entire body with chemotherapy for two years. Now, anything shrinks. Your organs shrink, the brain shrinks – and the tumour shrinks. Because they dehydrate the body. So now, at the same rate at your organs are shrinking, your tumour is shrinking. Now they say "It's working. The tumour is shrinking.". It's one of the biggest frauds ever."

Dr Leonard Caldwell

Pancreatic Enzymes: An Effective Way to Combat Cancer? 23/05/2020

Pancreatic enzymes has a lot to do with cancer, diabetes and other diseases. Please take time to read. This protocol helped a lot to improve my health condition.

Pancreatic Enzymes: An Effective Way to Combat Cancer? This year, over 56,000 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.1 Doctors will recommend a course of chemotherapy and radiation, which will further ravage their immune systems and leave them with a poor quality of life. Approximately 4 out of 5 of them will die from either the cancer or th...

How unprocessed trauma is stored in the body 23/05/2020

How unprocessed trauma is stored in the body When all is well, our brain is the greatest supercomputer on earth. A complex network of about 100 billion neurons, it’s not only great at…


A Better Cancer Detox


Your liver is a vital organ of your body that is responsible for metabolism and body detoxification. Your liver plays a huge role in cancer development, especially if it is not functioning correctly. Many of the essential minerals obtained from the food you eat are stored in the liver. A dysfunctional liver, known as toxic hepatitis, only means that many of these nutrients are lost, which in turn leads to deficiency.

The liver also produces glutathione, one of the master antioxidants of your body. Glutathione’s role is crucial in attacking the free radicals that could be causing damage all over your body. This antioxidant also helps in slowing down the aging process so you can have more energy and live longer. Along with other antioxidants, glutathione can help prevent cancer; its deficiency is a major contributing factor to its development.

While cancer that was partially caused by the failure of the liver may not necessarily start in the liver itself, this organ is the one which most contributes to this disease. When the liver fails, the rest of the body succumbs.
(learn more at


Everyone can heal , dont lose hope, stay focused and address root causes , you can unlock the healing power within yourself.

Photos from Healthyqo.Ph's post 23/05/2020



Vitamin D is known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because sun is needed to synthesize or absorb the vitamin. While you might link vitamin D absorption with the sun, it can also be found in foods. Vitamin D affects over 100 genes in your body. It boosts your body’s immune functions and encourages T-cells to mobilize, attack and eliminate cancer cells. Your body converts Vitamin D in the bloodstream into calcitriol. Our organs use calcitriol to repair cellular damage, including that from cancer cells. It also triggers cancer cell death or apoptosis.

So when our bodies are deficient in Vitamin D, they are unable to produce T-cells and repair damaged cells.


Vitamin K is often called the ‘krucial vitamin’. This is because it is essential for Vitamin D and calcium absorption in your body. Vitamin D and Vitamin K work together to keep the body healthy and cancer-free. Many proteins are dependent on the presence of Vitamin K in the body, which is essential in boosting your immune system, strengthening your bones, balancing your body’s hormones, and improving heart health and performance.

Without adequate vitamin K levels in the body, you may bleed excessively, bruise easily, and even have blood in your stool because of an inability to form blood clots.


Iodine is needed by every cell in the body to function properly. Iodine is also the key element involved in the development of the thyroid hormone. The thyroid is integral to growth, brain development, metabolism, and your body’s healing processes. Iodine deficiency leads to the enlargement of the thyroid and hyperthyroidism. When the thyroid swells and gets too large, it can prevent people from swallowing and breathing correctly. Hyperthyroidism limits the body’s ability to promote thyroid function and regulate hormones.

Most of the world’s iodine comes from the ocean so the most iodine rich foods are seafood and sea vegetables like nori, kombu, and kelp. However, most people in the Western World do not regularly consume high volumes of these foods.

Low iodine and low oxygenation of tissues are directly related. In the same way, higher rates of iodine deficiency correlate with higher rates of cancer mortality. Iodine is an anti-carcinogenic agent with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cysts, which are precursors to cancer, can also start to form when iodine is deficient.


Magnesium is a co factor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.

Magnesium is required for energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis. Magnesium deficiency leads to a breakdown in many of these basic functions which is responsible for the development of different types of diseases, including cancer. This mineral is essential in RNA and DNA synthesis, as well as DNA replication and repair. It also facilitates nerve and muscle functions, balances hormones, improves sleep cycles, regulates inflammation, and synthesizes iodine and Vitamins C.


Selenium is an extremely vital mineral for the human body. As it boosts your immune system it takes part in antioxidant defense against free radical damage and inflammation, and plays a key role in maintaining a healthy metabolism. Selenium neutralizes the NGK2D ligand, which cancer cells use to disarm immune cells. It also affects the mechanisms that allow tumors to grow.

Selenium is currently recognized by the FDA as an anti-cancer nutrient. It works closely with beta-carotene, Vitamins C, and Vitamin E in blocking free radicals that damage the DNA and cause degenerative diseases like cancer. Being deficient in this mineral can contribute directly to the development of cancer.

B Vitamins

There are eight different types of B Vitamins and each of them plays an important role in cancer prevention. Vitamin B1 helps with energy conversion while Vitamin B2 is a very powerful antioxidant. Vitamins B3 and B5 maintain the health of the hormones of the reproductive system. Vitamin B9 helps in the creation of genetic materials while Vitamin B6 can directly reduce the risk of cancer. All of them playing a role in your bodies ability to maintain healthy function.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is essential in maintaining the health of the immune system and cardiovascular system. Oxidation triggers the death of cancer cells. Vitamin C also converts into DHA when it encounters a cancer cell. Cancer cells recognize DHA as something it can consume. Once inside the cell, DHA transforms back into Vitamin C and cause rapid cell death. This is why Vitamin C deficiency puts one at a higher risk of cancer.


Iron is a vital component of hemoglobin, which is the substance in the blood that is responsible for transporting oxygen. Iron deficiency also called “anemia” increases the risk of cancer because, without the proper levels of iron, red blood cells won’t form or function. Low oxygen in the blood is a precursor to the development of cancer. Low iron in the cells accelerates the aging process and causes the mitochondria to malfunction. On the other hand, high levels of iron in the blood may also contribute to cancer because it raises the rate of free radicals. It is essential to keep just the right amount of iron in the body.


Glutathione produced by the liver, is the body’s master antioxidant. It assists in many functions of the body. Toxic lifestyle choices coupled with aging, the natural production of this antioxidant decreases. Deficiency leads to increased oxidative stress, reduced ability to detoxify, accumulation of heavy metals/toxins, inability to repair DNA, cellular mutations, weakened cell membranes, and reduced supply of nutrients/oxygen in the cells. All of these issues play a significant role in the cancer process.

Pancreatic enzymes

With the healthy balance of pancreatic enzymes, cancer cells have lower chances of finding a place to nest and multiply. Digestive enzymes help the body break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates so that the body can use the nutrients in the food that we eat. They also have a second function of assisting the immune system in identifying cancer cells and eliminating them before they begin to multiply. Enzyme deficiency is directly related to cancer and autoimmune conditions.

Hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric Acid or HCL is necessary in the digestive function and absorption of nutrients. Its deficiency can lead to bacterial growth and cancer proliferation. HCL creates an environment in which digestion begins. Without this nutrient, digestion fails and you lose essential nutrients like iron, iodine, Vitamin B12, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and other minerals. The deficiency of all these nutrients compromises the functions of the immune system.


In humans, Melatonin plays an important role in the regulation of sleep cycles (i.e., circadian rhythm). Its production is influenced by the detection of light and dark by the retina of the eye and has strong anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant effects. It also prevents the initiation, promotion, and progression of tumors. Melatonin serves as a protector of the cells. Its mechanisms are associated with increased antioxidant activities and cancer immunity.

Omega 3

Omega 3 can be found in 3 different forms, DHA and EPA which can be found in fish oil, and APA which is found in plants like Flax seed. Omega 3 has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It also lowers the risk of developing cancer while reducing its severity. Deficiency in Omega 3 puts one at a greater risk of diseases. On the other hand, the intake of Omega-3 supplements may possibly prevent chronic diseases and reduce the risk of cancer.


Zinc is found in cells throughout the body. It is needed for the body’s defensive (immune) system to properly work. Zinc is also needed for the senses of smell and taste. Zinc is an essential trace element, deficiency makes a person susceptible to diseases and can also impair the immune system. Zinc controls and regulates the responses of the immune system. The body needs zinc to activate the T-cells, which are responsible in controlling and regulating the body’s immune responses. T-cells also attack infected and cancerous cells. It also plays a role in cell division, cell growth, wound healing, and the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Trace minerals

Trace minerals keep the immune system healthy in many ways. There are at least 18 trace minerals that are needed by the body to maintain our health and well being. Some of them are manganese, copper, molybdenum, phosphorus, chromium, sodium, sulfate, boron, and chloride. Each of these minerals have certain functions in the body, but generally they regulate the growth of cellular tissues, provide functional and structural support for the body’s vital organs and systems, improve cellular communication, and facilitate countless other metabolic processes.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E prevents free radical damage. Free radicals fight and break down healthy cells in the body, which can lead to heart diseases and cancer. Vitamin E is required to aid in the proper functions of many organs, as well as certain neurological processes and enzymatic activities. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce free radical damage.

The role of nutrients is essential in maintaining healthy function in the body. In the same way, the deficiency of essential nutrients may affect the body’s overall health leading to disease. When the digestive system is compromised, or you have an inadequate diet, filled with processed foods, over time a broad range of deficiencies will occur ultimately playing a major role in failing health. These specific deficiencies listed here have been identified as playing a major role in the cancer process.

